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基于场景构件式实时软件设计的一致性检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在复杂的实时软件系统中使用构件式设计方法,已成为目前软件工程中的研究热点.如何有效地验证实时软件的设计是否满足给定的时间规约,是实时计算领域中的主要挑战之一.通过在接口自动机模型中添加时间区间标记,来扩展其对实时系统接口行为的表达能力;使用实时接口自动机网络来描述实时软件系统的构件式设计模型;使用带布尔不等式时间约束的UML顺序图表示基于场景的需求规约,对系统设计阶段实时软件构件的动态行为进行形式化分析与检验.通过对实时接口自动机网络状态空间的分析,构造了其可兼容的整型状态等价类空间的可达图,并在此基础上给出了验证算法,以检验构件式实时软件系统的设计与带时间约束的场景式规约之间的一致性.  相似文献   

UML顺序图是一种常用的在软件开发早期阶段用来描述系统基于场景的需求规约的一种可视化建模语言。通过在UML顺序图中加入带时间区间标志的时间约束,得到时间顺序图模板TSDT(Timed Sequence Diagram Template),用来建立嵌入式软件基于场景的需求规约模型。对消息传递自动机进行实时扩展,得到时间消息传递自动机TMPA(Timed Message Passing Automata),TMPA以自动机的形式刻画了所建立的需求规约模型,为在需求阶段验证所建立的模型是否满足用户需求奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在复杂的实时系统开发中使用构件式设计方法已成为目前软件开发领域中的研究热点,如何有效地验证实时软件的设计是否满足给定的时间需求并降低验证过程的复杂度,是实时计算领域中的主要挑战之一.文中对构件接口模型进行时间扩展,提出了时间接口模型,并将其用于构件接口交互行为的形式化建模.在接口自动机理论的的基础上进一步提出了时间接口自动机模型用于描述时间接口交互下构件的行为及组合方法,通过消除错误状态产生组合模型来约减构件时间接口自动机模型的积,并在约减的模型上进行性质检验,降低了分析复杂度,有效地应对状态空间爆炸问题.为了说明论文建议的方法,详细讨论了一个简单的、贯穿整篇论文的示例系统.  相似文献   

佘东  李心科 《现代计算机》2007,(11):107-108
随着Web应用开发复杂程度的加大,需要相应的建模方法来指导其开发过程.ASP.NET技术正在逐步取代ASP技术,而成为开发Internet(Web)应用程序的首选工具.通过实例,阐述UML在开发Web站点的应用.  相似文献   

通常基于构件的系统和CORBA ,ActiveX/COM/DCOM ,JavaBeans等具体的技术相紧密结合。提出一种用对象建模语言描述构件及其接口的表示方法 ,这种构件的表示方法能用现有技术实现 ,而又不依赖于某种特定技术的方法和开发工具。先给出构件、接口和基于构件开发的概念 ,然后介绍统一建模语言对构件及其接口的建模和构造原则 ,以及用统一建模语言描述基于构件的系统的方法。  相似文献   

论述了基于UML的构件抽取方法:通过使用情形框图描述用户所关心的系统功能,用交互图来描述各种功能的具体实现流程以及涉及的相关类.通过分析使用情形及其交互图来确定系统的类,最后在完整的系统类图基础上抽象出系统的构件,得到系统的构件模型。  相似文献   

UML在嵌入式系统设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了UML及将UML应用于嵌入式系统设计中的作用和意义;分析了在嵌入式系统设计中应用UML的基本步骤和难点;结合车载GPS终端系统的设计,描述了一个UML的具体应用过程。  相似文献   

以农村社会养老保险精算的模型建立和方案设计为背景,利用面向对象建模技术UML分析了农村社会养老保险精算系统的组织和行为特性,并以Java语言实现了系统的原型;讨论了UML在编制开放性、复杂性系统过程中的优势;阐述了系统的创新点,并展望了其在“金保工程”中的应用前景。  相似文献   

构件的组合与安全性是构件式系统开发的一个挑战性问题。提出了一种新的描述构件交互行为的模型-构件消息自动机,其特点是保留了构件的所有交互特性以便进一步进行构件的验证。给出了使用同步积操作将多个构件组合成单个复杂的组合构件的方法。基于监控理论的可控性概念,设计了一个验证构件系统安全性质的算法。为了说明论文建议的方法,详细讨论了一个简单的、贯穿整个论文的示例系统。  相似文献   

多个构件的组合可以解决单个构件的行为不能完全满足用户需求的问题。构件组合的关键是检查组合后复合构件的行为是否完全满足用户的需求。针对上述问题,提出一个基于行为的构件组合方法。该方法采用具有终止状态的接口自动机描述构件行为和用户需求。为了检查组合后复合构件的行为是否满足用户需求,提出基于行为映射图的组合存在性检查方法,给出从复合构件中提取用户所需行为的方法。  相似文献   

T-CBESD:一个构件化嵌入式软件设计模型验证工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代复杂嵌入式软件系统的高可靠性需要有效的基于模型的设计与分析技术.传统的嵌入式软件可靠性保障技术主要关注于系统开发后期.本文在Eclipse平台上设计并实现了一个基于接口自动机模型的构件化嵌入式软件设计的形式化验证原型工具T-CBESD(Tool for Component-Based Embedded Software Designs).工具直接使用UML顺序图模型作为系统规约,可以检验系统设计模型与场景式规约之间多种行为一致性问题;并使用消息事件的时间约束不等式,检验实时接口自动机网络与带时间约束的顺序图模型之间的实时行为一致性问题.工具设计与实现内容包括:输入输出接口、顺序图模型的预处理转换、状态空间数据结构设计、抽象验证算法的实现以及通信构件组合系统的实例应用分析.  相似文献   

The paper reports on the foundations and experimental results with a model checker for component connectors modelled by networks of channels in the calculus Reo. The specification formalisms is a branching time logic that allows to reason about the coordination principles of and the data flow in the network. The underlying model checking algorithm relies on variants of standard automata-based approaches and model checking for CTL-like logics. The implementation uses a symbolic representation of the network and the enabled I/O-operations by means of binary decision diagrams. It has been applied to a couple examples that illustrate the efficiency of our model checker.  相似文献   

阚双龙  黄志球  陈哲  徐丙凤 《软件学报》2014,25(11):2452-2472
提出使用事件自动机对 C 程序的安全属性进行规约,并给出了基于有界模型检测的形式化验证方法。事件自动机可以规约程序中基于事件的安全属性,且可以描述无限状态的安全属性。事件自动机将属性规约与C程序本身隔离,不会改变程序的结构。在事件自动机的基础上,提出了自动机可达树的概念。结合自动机可达树和有界模型检测技术,给出将事件自动机和C程序转化为可满足性模理论SMT(satisfiability modulo theory)模型的算法。最后,使用SMT求解器对生成的SMT模型求解,并根据求解结果给出反例路径分析算法。实例分析和实验结果表明,该方法可以有效验证软件系统中针对事件的属性规约。  相似文献   

Of special interest in formal verification are safety properties, which assert that the system always stays within some allowed region. Proof rules for the verification of safety properties have been developed in the proof-based approach to verification, making verification of safety properties simpler than verification of general properties. In this paper we consider model checking of safety properties. A computation that violates a general linear property reaches a bad cycle, which witnesses the violation of the property. Accordingly, current methods and tools for model checking of linear properties are based on a search for bad cycles. A symbolic implementation of such a search involves the calculation of a nested fixed-point expression over the system's state space, and is often infeasible. Every computation that violates a safety property has a finite prefix along which the property is violated. We use this fact in order to base model checking of safety properties on a search for finite bad prefixes. Such a search can be performed using a simple forward or backward symbolic reachability check. A naive methodology that is based on such a search involves a construction of an automaton (or a tableau) that is doubly exponential in the property. We present an analysis of safety properties that enables us to prevent the doubly-exponential blow up and to use the same automaton used for model checking of general properties, replacing the search for bad cycles by a search for bad prefixes.  相似文献   

Model checking is a well known technique for the verification of finite state models using temporal logic specification. While model checking is suitable for transformational systems (also called closed systems), it is unsuitable for open systems (also known as reactive systems) where the nondeterminism in the environment must be considered during verification. Module checking is an approach for the verification of open systems which have both closed (internal) and open (environment or external) states. It has been demonstrated in [Orna Kupferman, Moshe Y. Vardi, and Pierre Wolper. Module checking. Information and Computation, 164:322–344, 2001] that the complexity of module checking branching time logic CTL is EXPTIME-complete. The approach to module checking is global and the method tries to establish that the property in question holds over all possible environments.This papers develops a local approach to CTL module checking using tableau rules. The proposed approach tries to determine a single environment under which the negation of the property is satisfied over the given module. Such a strategy, thus, leads to a local approach to module checking where we only explore states that are relevant to proving that the negation of the property can be satisfied over the given module using an appropriate witness (environment) that the algorithm also generates. While the worst case complexity of our algorithm is identical to the earlier complexity, we demonstrate that practical implementation of the proposed approach is feasible and yields much better results than the global approach.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present an approach to accomplish verification in the early design phases of a system, which allows us to make the system verification easier, specifically for those systems with timing restrictions. For this purpose we use RT‐UML sequence diagrams in the design phase and we translate these diagrams into timed automata for performing the verification by using model checking techniques. Specifically, we use the Object Management Group's UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, and Time and from the specifications written using this profile we obtain the corresponding timed automata. The ‘RT‐UML Profile’ is used in conjunction with a very well‐known tool to perform validation and verification of the timing needs, namely, the UPPAAL tool, which is used to simulate and analyze the behaviour of real‐time dynamic systems described by timed automata. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of today's challenges is producing reliable software in the face of an increasing number of interacting components. Our system CHET lets developers define specifications describing how a component should be used and checks these specifications in real Java systems. CHET is able to check a wide range of complex conditions in large software systems without programmer intervention. It does this by doing a complete and detailed flow analysis of the software and using this analysis to build a simpler, model program. This paper explores the motivations for CHET, the specification techniques that are used, and the methodology used in statically checking that the specifications are obeyed in a system.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an algorithm for distributed, BDD-based bounded property checking and its implementation in the verification tool SymC. The distributed algorithm verifies larger models and returns results faster than the sequential version.The core algorithm distributes partitions of the state set to computation nodes after reaching a threshold size. The nodes proceed with image computation on the nodes asynchronously. The main scalability problem of this scheme is the overlap of state set partitions. We present static and dynamic overlap reduction techniques.  相似文献   

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