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Moodle是一个功能强大,源代码开放的在线学习管理系统,并且还在不断持续开发中。教师可以添加、修改各种活动或资源,来定制其课程形式,实现交互式的教学过程。Moodle是模块化的,提供很多不同模块接口,开发者可以贡献开发好的模块来增强Moodle的功能。本文以HTML板块的创建及安装过程,展示Moodle的模块开发。  相似文献   

Moodle以其开源免费、易学易用和模块化的设计特点,给我国构建信息化校园开辟了新的途径。文章主要介绍了一个基于建构主义学习理论的网络课程管理系统——Moodle的课程模块与功能,以计算机导论课程的开发为例介绍了基于Moodle的网络课程开发过程。  相似文献   

王美琼 《福建电脑》2011,27(8):24-25
Moodle是免费开放源代码的学习管理系统,具有易安装、易使用及易管理等特点。本文通过高职课程《计算机应用基础》实例来介绍Moodle平台的各种活动,重点介绍了Moodle界面几个活动模块的应用和Moodle平台应用于教学上的优点。  相似文献   

互联网的建设是教育信息化的核心.要充分发挥网络课程的教学优势就必须构建开放和动态交互的课程资源的支持.Moodle为优化教师的教和学生的学提供了动力.网络教学平台是基于"社会建构主义教育理论"而开发的开放的课程管理系统,能够用来描述一个循序渐进的过程,使用者可以根据需要随时增减模块内容,根据建构主义学习理论为学生创设更加真实的情境,从而通过加强新旧知识之间的关联来激发学生的学习兴趣.本文分析了Moodle的高中信息技术课程资源建设,阐述了其在高中信息技术课程中的具体应用.  相似文献   

巧用Word模板制作Moodle XML格式的测验题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着Moodle在中小学的推广普及,目前,很多教师已经能够熟练地利用Moodle来设计网络课程并尝试运用到教学当中.笔者前段时间收到了一线教师在使用Moodle中遇到的一些问题反馈,其中关于测验的反馈较多.在这些反馈中,老师们都认为Moodle的测验活动模块功能强大,非常实用,但是操作步骤繁琐,难度较大,需要花费大量的时间,他们期望用一种更为简便的方法来制作测验题.  相似文献   

通过对Moodle的功能、特点及CMS系统要素的全面分析,探讨了Moodle环境下设计开发CMS的系统结构及实现过程,为教师使用Moodle快速搭建个性化的CMS提供理论和实践参考。  相似文献   

Moodle平台的一个重要特色就是以社会建构教学法为其设计基础,可以帮助教师建立有效的在线学习社区。它的在线教学模块采用可自由组合的动态模块化设计,使教师组织在线教学就像搭积木一样简单。Moodle支持多种教学模式,可应用在不同的教学阶段。下面简述Moodle平台在历史教学中的运用以及在“基础教学质量提升”方面的作用。  相似文献   

纸质考试耗费资源,反馈迟缓,题库管理困难,无法随机抽题,教师阅卷工作量大,为此采用Moodle 2的在线考试模块进行了大规模在线考试实验。实验表明,Moodle 2的在线考试模块稳定安全、功能强大,在各级各类教育考试中值得推广应用。文章从高性能Moodle 2平台构建、题库建设、考试实施和成绩管理四方面详细阐述了Moodle 2大规模在线考试的实现方法及应用要点。  相似文献   

实践出真知·齐元沂·运用Moodle平台提升教师能力素养的建议:Moodle平台不仅仅是一个技术平台,更重要的是体现了新的教育理念教师不仅可以根据需要自我设计课程自我组合模块、自我选择界面,也可以与教师、学生共同创建课程、完善课程、实施课程。它是教师交流、共享、创新教学的平台,它是教师提升自我能力的有效工具。  相似文献   

Moodle是基于建构主义学习理论而开发的课程管理系统(简称CMS),其活动模块中的作业、专题讨论、论坛、聊天室、组等活动对协作学习都有极大的支持作用,结合这些功能以及网络协作学习的特点构建了基于Moodle平台的协作学习模型,并结合具体实例,以《信息技术与课程整合》课程进行协作学习,对师生进行网络协作学习研究具有很大的指导意义。  相似文献   

Educational data mining is an emerging discipline, concerned with developing methods for exploring the unique types of data that come from the educational context. This work is a survey of the specific application of data mining in learning management systems and a case study tutorial with the Moodle system. Our objective is to introduce it both theoretically and practically to all users interested in this new research area, and in particular to online instructors and e-learning administrators. We describe the full process for mining e-learning data step by step as well as how to apply the main data mining techniques used, such as statistics, visualization, classification, clustering and association rule mining of Moodle data. We have used free data mining tools so that any user can immediately begin to apply data mining without having to purchase a commercial tool or program a specific personalized tool.  相似文献   

The use of new technology encouraged exploration of the effectiveness and difference of collaborative learning in blended learning environments. This study investigated the social interactive network of students, level of knowledge building and perception level on usefulness in online and mobile collaborative learning environments in higher education. WeChat, which is a mobile synchronous communication tool, and modular object‐oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) were used as mobile and online collaborative learning settings. Seventy‐eight college students majoring in information engineering participated in the experiment. The following findings were revealed by combining methods of social network analysis, content analysis and questionnaire survey: (1) the collaborative social networks generated in this study showed that students had tighter interaction relationships in Moodle than in WeChat; (2) deeper level of knowledge building in collaboration and interaction through Moodle than WeChat was observed; and (3) Moodle got higher perception level than WeChat because of its usefulness for collaboration.  相似文献   

The advent of information technologies to Universities has improved the teaching-learning process. Students can increase their learning skills using information technology. Those using the Moodle platform regularly seem to get better grades than those who rarely or never use it.This paper analyzes students’ intention to use Moodle platforms to improve the teaching-learning process. Its main focus is to analyze the use of the Moodle platform by University students, identifying factors which might influence the intention to use it. Understanding the factors influencing the intention to use Moodle will allow us to determine which actions might be carried out to boost its use by University students, to therefore, improve both their skills and grades.The theoretical grounding for this research is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). TAM specifies the causal relationships between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and actual usage behavior. The proposed model has six constructs and nine hypotheses have been generated from the connections between these six constructs. These constructs include perceived compatibility with student tasks, perceived usefulness for professors, and training. Our results provide support for a number of relationships in the hypothesized model. In light of these findings, implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

数据库是一门操作性和实践性都很强的面向实际应用的课程,基于移动云计算的Moodle平台为构建网络环境下高职数据库教学模式提供了新的工具和手段。本文对移动云计算Moodle平台的总体方案进行了设计,重点探讨了基于移动云计算Moodle平台支持高职数据库教学的功能优势及实施方案。  相似文献   

在单一服务器的Moodle系统负载能力趋于饱和的情况下,应考虑把过于集中的负载分摊给多台服务器。运用开源软件的技术和资源,讨论Moodle系统的集群化建构方案,重点探讨多Web服务器协同工作时需要解决的存储共享、负载均衡等方面的问题,并给出配置实例。Moodle系统的集群化可有效提高系统的整体性能。实例分析表明,对一个双Web节点的Moodle集群系统而言,其事务处理能力平均可提高约60%,响应时间平均可缩短约39%。  相似文献   

Moodle是目前流行的计算机网络教学平台,由于其自身的特点和优势,在教学领域中得到了广泛应用。但其安装过程较为复杂,需要对服务器做相关的一些配置,该文从计算机硬件要求和软件设置入手,将Moodle的安装过程和配置做了较为细致的研究。  相似文献   

Moodle是基于建构主义教育理论的网络课程平台,采用较为新颖的技术和方法,通过详解搭建Moodle平台的步骤,能够降低教育工作者利用Moodle进行教学实践的门槛,从而推动教育改革的有效进行。  相似文献   

Clustering on Social Learning Network still not explored widely, especially when the network focuses on e-learning system. Any conventional methods are not really suitable for the e-learning data. SNA requires content analysis, which involves human intervention and need to be carried out manually. Some of the previous clustering techniques need some centroid for the cluster initialization. Furthermore, the other researcher tried to apply ontology for the cluster on social network domain. This paper tries to reveal the behavior of students from all activities in Moodle e-learning system by putting ontology on domain social learning network (Moodle) which is not explored in the prior study. The activities such as forum, quiz, assignment, etc. are placed as clustering parameter according to the ontology model. The ontology of Moodle e-learning system is created to capture the activities of the student inside Moodle e-learning. Five meaningful attributes are used as group cluster for classifying the students' behaviour. According to the result, most of the students belong to the intentional group while some of the students belong to the constructive and active group. The constructed cluster is calculated based on the e-learning hits during the learning process inside Moodle e-learning. The result on the classification of students' behaviour using ontology cluster is comparable to their final achievement grade. It is believed that this study can bring immense benefit to the development of e-learning system in the future.  相似文献   

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