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针对CAD模型通常包含大量几何特征,而某些特征会制约高质量网格生成的问题,提出一套实现组合曲面模型的自动特征简化和高质量网格生成的算法.首先引入离散曲面B-rep和虚面等概念,扩展B-rep的适用能力;随后基于扩展B-rep自动识别短边、窄面、邻近和不光滑边界等4类曲面特征;其中短边利用曲线合并来消除,后3类特征则通过曲面合并来消除.由于曲面合并形成的虚面缺乏连续的参数表达,可利用其离散模型生成高质量曲面网格;虚面内部网格点被反映射回连续曲面,以保证最终网格模型的几何精度.最后通过若干特征简化和网格生成实例验证了文中算法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

针对单元尺寸值过渡剧烈会导致有限元网格包含低质量单元的问题,提出基于优化原理的单元尺寸场光滑化理论及对应的几何自适应四面体网格生成算法.首先输入CAD模型,生成一套覆盖模型内部的非结构背景网格;然后结合用户参数计算背景网格点上的曲率和邻近特征,以获得自适应CAD模型几何特征的初始单元尺寸场;再以最小化初始单元尺寸场的改变为目标,以单元尺寸值过渡受控为约束,通过求解一类凸优化问题光滑初始尺寸场;最后以光滑后的尺寸场为输入,先后在CAD模型表面与内部生成曲面网格和实体网格.实验结果表明,文中算法仅需5个用户参数,即可在给定CAD模型内部全自动生成高质量的四面体网格.  相似文献   

结合微分几何理论知识,提出了一种参数曲面网格生成的气泡堆积算法。将曲面上的节点看作具有相互作用力的气泡,通过基于曲率的控制度量确定的节点间隔函数和弧长偏差因子来有效地控制网格尺寸,并借助三维桶结构建立和更新邻近气泡列表,当各气泡经动态模拟后达到力平衡状态时,连接气泡的中心就构成高质量的曲面网格。算例表明,生成的网格质量高、有很好的渐进性和对复杂曲面的适应性。  相似文献   

为满足有限元分析的需要,针对STL模型提出一种基于球填充法的自适应网格生成方法.首先识别STL模型的线曲率、面曲率和区域形状特征;其次采用八叉树做背景网格来建立尺寸场信息;最后,利用球填充算法在STL曲面生成自适应网格.文中方法不需要点面投影、前沿判交等复杂计算,能高效地生成STL曲面自适应网格.数值实验结果表明,该方法比NetGen速度更快,产生的自适应网格质量更优.  相似文献   

曲面二阶几何连续性的混合曲率评价与可视化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲面连续性评价与可视化在工业设计和分析过程中起着重要作用.针对曲面二阶几何连续性评价,提出了混合曲率的概念,并给出了基于混合曲率的曲面二阶几何连续性评价与可视化方法,可处理比传统基于单一曲率的评价方法更多奇异情况;还给出了纹理映射方法和自适应网格细分的实现算法,达到实时渲染和精度可调的要求.最后通过实例说明了该方法的有...  相似文献   

提出了基于三角形和四边形的混合控制网格的细分曲面尖锐特征、半尖锐特征生成和控制方法,避免了已有方法仅局限于初始控制网格为单一的三角形或单一的四边形网格的缺陷.通过局部修改混合细分规则,在光滑混合曲面上产生了刺、尖、折痕、角的尖锐特征效果,并对尖锐特征处局部细分矩阵进行了详细的特征分析,讨论了极限曲面的收敛性及光滑性.同时,用特征处的离散曲率来控制特征处的尖锐程度,实现了半尖锐的特征效果,并通过自适应细分方法,把尖锐特征、半尖锐特征的生成统一起来.该方法具有多分辨率表示能力强、局部性好、简单易操作的特点.实验结果表明,该算法效果好,成功地解决了混合曲面特殊效果生成问题.  相似文献   

二维几何特征自适应有限元网格生成(一)--几何特征识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发现二维形体边界均匀离散点集Delaunay三角剖分所具有的4个性质.根据这4个性质所描述的Delaunay三角剖分和形体几何特征之间的关系提出几何特征自动识别方法,并建立网格自适应机制,实现三维形体几何特征和部分力学特性自适应有限元网格自动生成.  相似文献   

二维自适应前沿推进网格生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对二维平面问题,通过曲率计算和基于中轴理论的邻近特征计算控制区域边界曲线的离散;修改经典的前沿推进算法,利用边界驱动的单元尺寸控制方式在区域内部布置疏密过渡合理的三角网格;结合几何和拓扑策略提升网格质量。实验表明,上述算法可生成单元质量高、尺寸过渡合理的计算网格。  相似文献   

几何迭代法及其应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
几何迭代法,又称渐进迭代逼近(progressive-iterative approximation,PIA),是一种具有明显几何意义的迭代方法.它通过不断调整曲线曲面的控制顶点,生成的极限曲线曲面插值(逼近)给定的数据点集.文中从理论和应用2个方面对几何迭代法进行了综述.在理论方面,介绍了插值型几何迭代法的迭代格式、收敛性证明、局部性质、加速方法,以及逼近型几何迭代法的迭代格式和收敛性证明等.进而,展示了几何迭代法在几个方面的成功应用,包括自适应数据拟合、大规模数据拟合、对称曲面拟合,以及插值给定位置、切矢量和曲率矢量的曲线迭代生成,有质量保证的四边网格和六面体网格生成,三变量B-spline体的生成等.  相似文献   

隐式曲面多边形化是隐式曲面绘制的一种常用算法.基于网格优化的隐式曲面快速自适应多边形化算法,首先用多边形化算法生成一个粗糙的初始网格,再利用网格优化方法从网格顶点位置、规则性和网格法向三个方面对粗糙网格进行调整,最后根据网格的局部曲率用多边形细分策略细分优化后的网格.实验结果表明,该算法在网格生成速度和网格规则性上都胜于Marching Cubes的多边形化算法,恢复的隐式曲面能较好地反映形状特征.  相似文献   

针对有限元分析中网格最优化问题,本文提出一种改进的生成四面体网格的自组织算法。该算法首先应用几何方法将三角形表面模型重新构造成规定大小的分类体数据,同时由该表面模型建立平衡八叉树,计算用以控制网格尺寸的三维数组;然后将体数据转换成邻域内不同等值面的形态一致的边界指示数组;结合改进的自组织算法和相关三维数据的插值函数,达到生成四面体网格的目的。实验对比表明,该方法能够生成更高比例的优质四面体,同时很好地保证了边界的一致。在对封闭的三维表面网格进行有限元建模时,本文算法为其提供了一种有效、可靠的途径。  相似文献   

Mesh composition on models with arbitrary boundary topology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a new approach for the mesh composition on models with arbitrary boundary topology. After cutting the needed parts from existing mesh models and putting them into the right pose, an implicit surface is adopted to smoothly interpolate the boundaries of models under composition. An interface is developed to control the shape of the implicit transient surface by using sketches to specify the expected silhouettes. After that, a localized Marching Cubes algorithm is investigated to tessellate the implicit transient surface so that the mesh surface of composed model is generated. Different from existing approaches in which the models under composition are required to have pairwise merging boundaries, the framework developed based on our techniques have the new function to fuse models with arbitrary boundary topology.  相似文献   

This paper describes an algorithm for the generation of a finite element mesh with a specified element size over an unbound 2D domain using the advancing front circle packing technique. Unlike the conventional frontal method, the procedure does not start from the object boundary but starts from a convenient point within the open domain. As soon as a circle is added to the generation front, triangular elements are directly generated by properly connecting frontal segments with the centre of the new circle. Circles are packed closely and in contact with the existing circles by an iterative procedure according to the specified size control function. In contrast to other mesh generation schemes, the domain boundary is not considered in the process of circle packing, this reduces a lot of geometrical checks for intersection between frontal segments. If the mesh generation of a physical object is required, the object boundary can be introduced. The boundary recovery procedure is fast and robust by tracing neighbours of triangular elements. The finite element mesh generated by circle packing can also be used through a mapping process to produce parametric surface meshes of the required characteristics. The sizes of circles in the pack are controlled by the principal surface curvatures. Five examples are given to show the effectiveness and robustness of mesh generation and the application of circle packing to mesh generation over curved surfaces.  相似文献   

提出无限大流场中多体运动计算的动态差分网格.无限大流场用充分大的人工边界模拟,而运动物体表面是流场的内边界.对于流场的差分网格,外边界(人工边界)点是固定的,内边界点则随时间而移动,因此流场的差分网格是动态的.几个有代表性的算例验证了动态差分网格的有效性.  相似文献   

低雷诺数模型目前主要应用于二维简单流动的数值仿真中,为研究该湍流模型在三维复杂流动计算中的网格特征,选取不同系列的车身面网格尺寸、车身壁面第一层边界层与壁面法向高度以及边界层层数等3组网格参数,利用ANSYS对阶背式MIRA模型外流场进行数值仿真.数值仿真结果与风洞试验的结果对比表明:数值计算得到的车身表面平均y+值随面网格尺寸增加而呈现减小趋势;网格方案对气动力因数和车身表面压力因数分布影响显著,气动阻力因数仿真值与试验值误差的变化区间为0.83%~7.93%,气动升力因数误差变化区间为10%~104%;气动阻力因数和气动升力因数均随着边界层层数的增加而增大,边界层层数为5时可以得到兼顾气动力因数精度和车身表面压力因数精度的较优仿真结果.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to reliably reconstruct the geometric shape of a physically existing object based on unorganized point cloud sampled from its boundary surface. The proposed approach is composed of two steps. In the first step, triangle mesh structure is reconstructed as a continuous manifold surface by imposing explicit relationship among the discrete data points. For efficient reconstruction, a growing procedure is employed to build the 2-manifold directly without intermediate 3D representation. Local and global topological operations with ensured completeness and soundness are defined to incrementally construct the 2-manifold with arbitrary topology. In addition, a novel criterion is proposed to control the growing process for ensured geometric integrity and automatic boundary detection with a non-metric threshold. The reconstructed manifold surface captures the object topology with the built-in combinatorial structure and approximates the object geometry to the first order. In the second step, new methods are proposed to efficiently obtain reliable curvature estimation for both the object surface and the reconstructed mesh surface. The combinatorial structure of the triangle mesh is then optimized by changing its local topology to minimize the curvature difference between the two surfaces. The optimized triangle mesh achieves second order approximation to the object geometry and can serve as a basis for many applications including virtual reality, computer vision, and reverse engineering.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new mesh optimization approach aiming to improve the mesh quality on the boundary. The existing mesh untangling and smoothing algorithms (Vachal et al. in J Comput Phys 196: 627–644, 2004; Knupp in J Numer Methods Eng 48: 1165–1185, 2002), which have been proved to work well to interior mesh optimization, are enhanced by adding constrains of surface and curve shape functions that approximate the boundary geometry from the finite element mesh. The enhanced constrained optimization guarantees that the boundary nodes to be optimized always move on the approximated boundary. A dual-grid hexahedral meshing method is used to generate sample meshes for testing the proposed mesh optimization approach. As complementary treatments to the mesh optimization, appropriate mesh topology modifications, including buffering element insertion and local mesh refinement, are performed in order to eliminate concave and distorted elements on the boundary. Finally, the optimization results of some examples are given to demonstrate the effectivity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

网格模型的局部编辑算法   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
提出一种新的网格模型局部编辑算法,该算法可以精确地控制变形区域的大小、边界和变形点的位移,克服了FFD及其改进算法的缺点.首先交互地定义一个附着在模型表面的控制网格;然后建立模型变形区域与控制网格间点的映射,再依据变形要求来编辑控制网格;最后根据映射关系反算出模型变形区域点的新位置.控制网格可以是参数曲面的控制网格,也可采用一般三角网格或预先定义的网格模板.为达到精确变形的目的,对模型与控制网格重叠的区域进行自适应细分.该算法计算简便、易于实现,并能达到很好的效果.  相似文献   

多孔平面的快速边界元划分   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在 3D VL SI互连寄生电容的边界元素法计算中 ,多孔平面的边界元划分是十分困难的问题 .文中提出一种快速划分多孔平面边界元的方法 ,它可高效处理非正交几何边界形状 ,形成规则的梯形元 .与全局扫描线法相比 ,有较高的划分速度、计算速度与精度  相似文献   

In this paper, we present efficient algorithms for generating hierarchical molecular skin meshes with decreasing size and guaranteed quality. Our algorithms generate a sequence of coarse meshes for both the surfaces and the bounded volumes. Each coarser surface mesh is adaptive to the surface curvature and maintains the topology of the skin surface with guaranteed mesh quality. The corresponding tetrahedral mesh is conforming to the interface surface mesh and contains high quality tetrahedra that decompose both the interior of the molecule and the surrounding region (enclosed in a sphere). Our hierarchical tetrahedral meshes have a number of advantages that will facilitate fast and accurate multigrid PDE solvers. Firstly, the quality of both the surface triangulations and tetrahedral meshes is guaranteed. Secondly, the interface in the tetrahedral mesh is an accurate approximation of the molecular boundary. In particular, all the boundary points lie on the skin surface. Thirdly, our meshes are Delaunay meshes. Finally, the meshes are adaptive to the geometry.  相似文献   

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