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In this paper, we present an approach to interactive out-of-core volume data exploration that has been developed to augment the existing capabilities of the LhpBuilder software, a core component of the European project LHDL (). The requirements relate to importing, accessing, visualizing and extracting a part of a very large volume dataset by interactive visual exploration. Such datasets contain billions of voxels and, therefore, several gigabytes are required just to store them, which quickly surpass the virtual address limit of current 32-bit PC platforms. We have implemented a hierarchical, bricked, partition-based, out-of-core strategy to balance the usage of main and external memories. A new indexing scheme is introduced, which permits the use of a multiresolution bricked volume layout with minimum overhead and also supports fast data compression. Using the hierarchy constructed in a pre-processing step, we generate a coarse approximation that provides a preview using direct volume visualization for large-scale datasets. A user can interactively explore the dataset by specifying a region of interest (ROI), which further generates a much more accurate data representation inside the ROI. If even more precise accuracy is needed inside the ROI, nested ROIs are used. The software has been constructed using the Multimod Application Framework, a VTK-based system; however, the approach can be adopted for the other systems in a straightforward way. Experimental results show that the user can interactively explore large volume datasets such as the Visible Human Male/Female (with file sizes of 3.15/12.03 GB, respectively) on a commodity graphics platform, with ease.  相似文献   

Interactive texture-based volume rendering for large data sets   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To employ direct volume rendering, TRex uses parallel graphics hardware, software-based compositing, and high-performance I/O to provide near-interactive display rates for time-varying, terabyte-sized data sets. We present a scalable, pipelined approach for rendering data sets too large for a single graphics card. To do so, we take advantage of multiple hardware rendering units and parallel software compositing. The goals of TRex, our system for interactive volume rendering of large data sets, are to provide near-interactive display rates for time-varying, terabyte-sized uniformly sampled data sets and provide a low-latency platform for volume visualization in immersive environments. We consider 5 frames per second (fps) to be near-interactive rates for normal viewing environments and immersive environments to have a lower bound frame rate of l0 fps. Using TRex for virtual reality environments requires low latency - around 50 ms per frame or 100 ms per view update or stereo pair. To achieve lower latency renderings, we either render smaller portions of the volume on more graphics pipes or subsample the volume to render fewer samples per frame by each graphics pipe. Unstructured data sets must be resampled to appropriately leverage the 3D texture volume rendering method  相似文献   

This paper proposes an octree-based surface representation for KinectFusion, a realtime reconstruction technique of in-door scenes using a low-cost moving depth camera and a commodity graphics hardware. In KinectFusion, the scene is represented as a signed distance function (SDF) and stored as an uniform grid of voxels. Though the grid-based SDF is suitable for parallel computation in graphics hardware, most of the storage are wasted, because the geometry is very sparse in the scene volume. In order to reduce the memory cost and save the computation time, we represent the SDF in an octree, and developed several octree-based algorithms for reconstruction update and surface prediction that are suitable for parallel computation in graphics hardware. In the reconstruction update step, the octree nodes are adaptively split in breath-first order. To handle scenes with moving objects, the corresponding nodes are automatically detected and removed to avoid storage overflow. In the surface prediction step, an octree-based ray tracing method is adopted and parallelized for graphic hardware. To further reduce the computation time, the octree is organized into four layers, called top layer, branch layer, middle layer and data layer. The experiments showed that, the proposed method consumes only less than 10% memory of original KinectFusion method, and achieves faster performance. Consequently, it can reconstruct scenes with more than 10 times larger size than the original KinectFusion on the same hardware setup.  相似文献   

Great advancements in commodity graphics hardware have favoured graphics processing unit (GPU)‐based volume rendering as the main adopted solution for interactive exploration of rectilinear scalar volumes on commodity platforms. Nevertheless, long data transfer times and GPU memory size limitations are often the main limiting factors, especially for massive, time‐varying or multi‐volume visualization, as well as for networked visualization on the emerging mobile devices. To address this issue, a variety of level‐of‐detail (LOD) data representations and compression techniques have been introduced. In order to improve capabilities and performance over the entire storage, distribution and rendering pipeline, the encoding/decoding process is typically highly asymmetric, and systems should ideally compress at data production time and decompress on demand at rendering time. Compression and LOD pre‐computation does not have to adhere to real‐time constraints and can be performed off‐line for high‐quality results. In contrast, adaptive real‐time rendering from compressed representations requires fast, transient and spatially independent decompression. In this report, we review the existing compressed GPU volume rendering approaches, covering sampling grid layouts, compact representation models, compression techniques, GPU rendering architectures and fast decoding techniques.  相似文献   

Research issues in volume visualization   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Volume visualization is a method of extracting meaningful information from volumetric data sets through the use of interactive graphics and imaging. It addresses the representation, manipulation, and rendering of volumetric data sets, providing mechanisms for peering into structures and understanding their complexity and dynamics. Typically, the data set is represented as a 3D regular grid of volume elements (voxels) and stored in a volume buffer (also called a cubic frame buffer), which is a large 3D array of voxels. However, data is often defined at scattered or irregular locations that require using alternative representations and rendering algorithms. There are eight major research issues in volume visualization: volume graphics, volume rendering, transform coding of volume data, scattered data, enriching volumes with knowledge, segmentation, real-time rendering and parallelism, and special purpose hardware  相似文献   

In medical area, interactive three-dimensional volume visualization of large volume datasets is a challenging task. One of the major challenges in graphics processing unit (GPU)-based volume rendering algorithms is the limited size of texture memory imposed by current GPU architecture. We attempt to overcome this limitation by rendering only visible parts of large CT datasets. In this paper, we present an efficient, high-quality volume rendering algorithm using GPUs for rendering large CT datasets at interactive frame rates on standard PC hardware. We subdivide the volume dataset into uniform sized blocks and take advantage of combinations of early ray termination, empty-space skipping and visibility culling to accelerate the whole rendering process and render visible parts of volume data. We have implemented our volume rendering algorithm for a large volume data of 512 x 304 x 1878 dimensions (visible female), and achieved real-time performance (i.e., 3-4 frames per second) on a Pentium 4 2.4GHz PC equipped with NVIDIA Geforce 6600 graphics card ( 256 MB video memory). This method can be used as a 3D visualization tool of large CT datasets for doctors or radiologists.  相似文献   

Visualization researchers at the San Diego Supercomputer Center have written a program called Volume Explorer, or vx, which performs interactive direct volume rendering on the Volume Pro board. Using OpenGL, the GL Utility Toolkit and the Micro User Interface, vx generates the graphics and facilitates user interaction around the Volume Pro card. Regardless of the method, my colleagues and I have become very big fans of interactive direct volume rendering. This article shows some of our preliminary work with vx. On the screen, you can change and manipulate images at update rates of more than 30 frames per second  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to compare the speed of isosurface rendering in software with that using dedicated hardware. Input data consist of 10 different objects from various parts of the body and various modalities (CT, MR, and MRA) with a variety of surface sizes (up to 1 million voxels/2 million triangles) and shapes. The software rendering technique consists of a particular method of voxel-based surface rendering, called shell rendering. The hardware method is OpenGL-based and uses the surfaces constructed from our implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm. The hardware environment consists of a variety of platforms, including a Sun Ultra I with a Creator3D graphics card and a Silicon Graphics Reality Engine II, both with polygon rendering hardware, and a 300 MHz Pentium PC. The results indicate that the software method (shell rendering) was 18 to 31 times faster than any hardware rendering methods. This work demonstrates that a software implementation of a particular rendering algorithm (shell rendering) can outperform dedicated hardware. We conclude that, for medical surface visualization, expensive dedicated hardware engines are not required. More importantly, available software algorithms (shell rendering) on a 300 MHz Pentium PC outperform the speed of rendering via hardware engines by a factor of 18 to 31  相似文献   

We present novel interactive methods for the visualization of multimodal volume data as used in neurosurgical therapy planning. These methods allow surgeons to explore multimodal volumes and focus on functional data and lesions. Computer graphics techniques are proposed to create expressive visualizations at interactive frame rates to reduce time‐consuming and complex interaction with the medical data. Contributions of our work are the distance‐based enhancements of functional data and lesions which allows the surgeon to perceive functional and anatomical structures at once and relate them directly to the intervention. In addition we propose methods for the visual exploration of the path to the structures of interest, to enhance anatomical landmarks, and to provide additional depth indicators. These techniques have been integrated in a visualization prototype that provides interaction capabilities for finding the optimal therapeutic strategy for the neurosurgeon.  相似文献   

We propose a method for rendering volumetric data sets at interactive frame rates while supporting dynamic ambient occlusion as well as an approximation to color bleeding. In contrast to ambient occlusion approaches for polygonal data, techniques for volumetric data sets have to face additional challenges, since by changing rendering parameters, such as the transfer function or the thresholding, the structure of the data set and thus the light interactions may vary drastically. Therefore, during a preprocessing step which is independent of the rendering parameters we capture light interactions for all combinations of structures extractable from a volumetric data set. In order to compute the light interactions between the different structures, we combine this preprocessed information during rendering based on the rendering parameters defined interactively by the user. Thus our method supports interactive exploration of a volumetric data set but still gives the user control over the most important rendering parameters. For instance, if the user alters the transfer function to extract different structures from a volumetric data set the light interactions between the extracted structures are captured in the rendering while still allowing interactive frame rates. Compared to known local illumination models for volume rendering our method does not introduce any substantial rendering overhead and can be integrated easily into existing volume rendering applications. In this paper we will explain our approach, discuss the implications for interactive volume rendering and present the achieved results.  相似文献   

Color nonuniformity in projection-based displays: analysis and solutions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Large-area displays made up of several projectors show significant variation in color. Here, we identify different projector parameters that cause the color variation and study their effects on the luminance and chrominance characteristics of the display. This work leads to the realization that luminance varies significantly within and across projectors, while chrominance variation is relatively small, especially across projectors of same model. To address this situation, we present a method to achieve luminance matching across all pixels of a multiprojector display that results in photometrically uniform displays. We use a camera as a measurement device for this purpose. Our method comprises a one-time calibration step that generates a per channel per projector luminance attenuation map (LAM), which is then used to correct any image projected on the display at interactive rates on commodity graphics hardware. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to match luminance across all the pixels of a multiprojector display.  相似文献   

Faster isosurface ray tracing using implicit KD-trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The visualization of high-quality isosurfaces at interactive rates is an important tool in many simulation and visualization applications. Today, isosurfaces are most often visualized by extracting a polygonal approximation that is then rendered via graphics hardware or by using a special variant of preintegrated volume rendering. However, these approaches have a number of limitations in terms of the quality of the isosurface, lack of performance for complex data sets, or supported shading models. An alternative isosurface rendering method that does not suffer from these limitations is to directly ray trace the isosurface. However, this approach has been much too slow for interactive applications unless massively parallel shared-memory supercomputers have been used. In this paper, we implement interactive isosurface ray tracing on commodity desktop PCs by building on recent advances in real-time ray tracing of polygonal scenes and using those to improve isosurface ray tracing performance as well. The high performance and scalability of our approach will be demonstrated with several practical examples, including the visualization of highly complex isosurface data sets, the interactive rendering of hybrid polygonal/isosurface scenes, including high-quality ray traced shading effects, and even interactive global illumination on isosurfaces.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an interactive high dynamic range volume visualization framework (HDR VolVis) for visualizing volumetric data with both high spatial and intensity resolutions. Volumes with high dynamic range values require high precision computing during the rendering process to preserve data precision. Furthermore, it is desirable to render high resolution volumes with low opacity values to reveal detailed internal structures, which also requires high precision compositing. High precision rendering will result in a high precision intermediate image (also known as high dynamic range image). Simply rounding up pixel values to regular display scales will result in loss of computed details. Our method performs high precision compositing followed by dynamic tone mapping to preserve details on regular display devices. Rendering high precision volume data requires corresponding resolution in the transfer function. To assist the users in designing a high resolution transfer function on a limited resolution display device, we propose a novel transfer function specification interface with nonlinear magnification of the density range and logarithmic scaling of the color/opacity range. By leveraging modern commodity graphics hardware, multiresolution rendering techniques and out-of-core acceleration, our system can effectively produce an interactive visualization of large volume data, such as 2.048/sup 3/.  相似文献   

Sandia National Laboratories use PC clusters and commodity graphics cards to achieve higher rendering performance on extreme data sets. The main obstacle in using cluster-based graphics systems is the difficulty in realizing the full aggregate performance of all the individual graphics accelerators, particularly for very large data sets that exceed the capacity and performance characteristics of any one single node. Based on our efforts to achieve higher performance, we present results from a parallel sort-last implementation that the scalable rendering project at Sandia National Laboratories generated. Our sort-last library (libpglc) can be linked to an existing parallel application to achieve high rendering rates. We ran performance tests on a 64-node PC cluster populated with commodity graphics cards. Applications using libpglc have demonstrated rendering performance of 300 million polygons per second $approximately two orders of magnitude greater than the performance on an SGI Infinite Reality system for similar applications  相似文献   

本文设计了一种基于空间信息的交互式多维传递函数的纹理映射体绘制算法。该算法不仅可以根据体数据的强度而且还利用体素的空间位置来设定绘制的颜色和阻光度。通过采用一种独特的空间投影变换,根据用户需求,将体数据划分为不同区域,并分别定义各自的传递函数。该特点使得本文的算法可以有效地对体数据进行交互式分析。在算法实现中,利用了通用图形硬件的可编程特性,在普通PC上可以达到理想的绘制质量和交互速度。  相似文献   

We introduce a GPU-friendly technique that efficiently exploits the highly structured nature of urban environments to ensure rendering quality and interactive performance of city exploration tasks. Central to our approach is a novel discrete representation, called BlockMap, for the efficient encoding and rendering of a small set of textured buildings far from the viewer. A BlockMap compactly represents a set of textured vertical prisms with a bounded on-screen footprint. BlockMaps are stored into small fixed size texture chunks and efficiently rendered through GPU raycasting. Blockmaps can be seamlessly integrated into hierarchical data structures for interactive rendering of large textured urban models. We illustrate an efficient output-sensitive framework in which a visibility-aware traversal of the hierarchy renders components close to the viewer with textured polygons and employs BlockMaps for far away geometry. Our approach provides a bounded size far distance representation of cities, naturally scales with the improving shader technology, and outperforms current state of the art approaches. Its efficiency and generality is demonstrated with the interactive exploration of a large textured model of the city of Paris on a commodity graphics platform.  相似文献   

Recent advances in algorithms and graphics hardware have opened the possibility to render tetrahedral grids at interactive rates on commodity PCs. This paper extends on this work in that it presents a direct volume rendering method for such grids which supports both current and upcoming graphics hardware architectures, large and deformable grids, as well as different rendering options. At the core of our method is the idea to perform the sampling of tetrahedral elements along the view rays entirely in local barycentric coordinates. Then, sampling requires minimum GPU memory and texture access operations, and it maps efficiently onto a feed-forward pipeline of multiple stages performing computation and geometry construction. We propose to spawn rendered elements from one single vertex. This makes the method amenable to upcoming Direct3D 10 graphics hardware which allows to create geometry on the GPU. By only modifying the algorithm slightly it can be used to render per-pixel iso-surfaces and to perform tetrahedral cell projection. As our method neither requires any pre-processing nor an intermediate grid representation it can efficiently deal with dynamic and large 3D meshes.  相似文献   

针对纹理映射体绘制物理内存空间的限制,本文提出一种可在通用图形硬件上完成大规模数据场实时体绘制的有效方法.该方法基于满二叉树纹理分块策略,利用GPU着色器可编程性,将纹理数据制作为一个一维传递函数查找表和一个规模等同于体数据场的动态纹理工作集,有效提高了大规模数据场体绘制的实时性.动态纹理工作集使用抽象分块与继承关系管...  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient method to trace secondary rays in depth-of-field (DOF) rendering, which significantly enhances realism. Till now, the effects by secondary rays have been little addressed in real-time/interactive DOF rendering, because secondary rays have less coherence than primary rays, making them very difficult to handle. We propose novel measures to cluster secondary rays, and take a virtual viewpoint to construct a layered image-based representation for the objects that would be intersected by a cluster of secondary rays respectively. Therefore, we can exploit coherence of secondary rays in the clusters to speed up tracing secondary rays in DOF rendering. Results show that we can interactively achieve DOF rendering effects with reflections or refractions on a commodity graphics card.  相似文献   

We present an efficient point-based isosurface exploration system with high quality rendering. Our system incorporates two point-based isosurface extraction and visualization methods: edge splatting and the edge kernel method. In a volume, two neighboring voxels define an edge. The intersection points between the active edges and the isosurface are used for exact isosurface representation. The point generation is incorporated in the GPU-based hardware-accelerated rendering, thus avoiding any overhead when changing the isovalue in the exploration. We call this method edge splatting. In order to generate high quality isosurface rendering regardless of the volume resolution and the view, we introduce an edge kernel method. The edge kernel upsamples the isosurface by subdividing every active cell of the volume data. Enough sample points are generated to preserve the exact shape of the isosurface defined by the trilinear interpolation of the volume data. By employing these two methods, we can achieve interactive isosurface exploration with high quality rendering.  相似文献   

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