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动态优化策略广泛应用于很多领域,包括基于微分方程模型的最优控制问题求解等等. 这类问题在离散后,得到大规模、复杂的非线性优化问题.现在的优化方法采用传统收敛准则,往往收敛速度缓慢甚至最终收敛失败,无法及时得到可靠的数值解.本文针对联立法离散后的问题,采用一种基于降精度求解准则(reduced precision solution criterion,RPSC)的序列2次规划方法(sequcntial quadratic programming,SQP)进行求解.RPSC定义了一系列指标,用于判断继续迭代是否能够有效改善解值,是否可以终止求解进程.仿真实验结果表明,该收敛准则与传统收敛准则相比,能够及时终止求解过程,同时返回较好的数值解.此外,收敛阈值可以根据用户的实际需要设定,在得到满足要求的估计值时及时终止求解进程.  相似文献   

一种高效的快速近似控制向量参数化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
控制向量参数化(Control vector parameterization, CVP) 方法是目前求解流程工业中最优操作问题的主流数值方法,然而,该方法的主要缺点之一是 计算效率较低,这是因为在求解生成的非线性规划(Nonlinear programming, NLP) 问题时,需要随着控制参数的调整,反复不断地求解相关的微分方程组,这也是CVP 方法中最耗时的部分.为了提高CVP 方法的计算效率,本文提出一种新颖的快速近似方法,能够有效减少微分方程组、函数值以及 梯度的计算量.最后,两个经典的最优控制问题上的测试结果及与国外成熟的最优控制 软件的比较研究表明:本文提出的快速近似CVP 方法在精度和效率上兼有良好的表现.  相似文献   

最优控制问题的Legendre 伪谱法求解及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伪谱法通过全局插值多项式参数化状态和控制变量,将最优控制问题(OCP)转化为非线性规划问题(NLP)进行求解,是一类具有更高求解效率的直接法。总结Legendre伪谱法转化Bolza型最优控制问题的基本框架,推导OCP伴随变量与NLP问题KKT乘子的映射关系,建立基于拟牛顿法的LGL配点数值计算方法,并针对非光滑系统,进一步研究分段伪谱逼近策略。基于上述理论开发通用OCP求解器,并对3个典型最优控制问题进行求解,结果表明了所提出方法和求解器的有效性。  相似文献   

王家华  金祥意 《控制与决策》1999,14(2):140-144,150
提出一个求解一类扩充递归Datalog逻辑程序的算法,论证其正确性,并讨论了算法的复杂性。该算法结合了自底向上和自顶向下的逻辑程序求解算法的优点,但比魔集算法简单,易于实现。利用宁可以解决工程数据管理中常遇到的产品零部件装配关系的递归查询问题。  相似文献   

赵瑞艳  李树荣 《控制工程》2011,18(3):417-419
研究了用混合遗传算法求解时间最优控制问题.混合遗传算法是用粒子群位移转移的思想改变遗传算法的变异规则,通过记录各染色体的历史最优值和种群的最优值,来修正下一代的染色体,新的算法保留了遗传算法的选择和交叉操作,保证了遗传算法强大的全局搜索性能,该算法可求解数学优化问题.在分析时间最优控制问题已有求解方法优缺点的基础上,提...  相似文献   

针对集装箱装卸设备作业相互耦合的特点,设计了基于多智能体的协同调度优化模型。首先应用带有阻塞限制的混合流水车间模型构建了调度模型,随后应用蚁群算法得到初始方案,最后应用多智能体的合同网机制对方案进行调整。仿真结果显示,该调度方法具有较好的可行性。  相似文献   

基于约束的形状自动求解新算法   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
基于约束的产品形状描述及求解是目前计算机辅助设计研究的一个热点。本文在研究国内外现有技术的基础上,提出了一个基于约束的形状自动求解算法,该算法与国内外现有相关算法相比具有高效、实用、易于扩充,支持约束有效性检测,支持局部优化生成等显著优点,该算法已被实用系统所采用,成为我们最新研制的参数化二维草图系统的核心算法。  相似文献   

根据港口集装箱码头装卸作业的实际情况,基于PLC,设计装卸模型所对应的下位机控制系统,并介绍设计过程中的技术要点、注意事项.  相似文献   

针对数值求解量子系统时间最优控制问题中反复调用梯度算法导致计算量大的问题,本文提出一类同伦算法用以快速求解量子系统的时间最优控制问题.与已有算法不同,这一算法通过引入同伦变量在减小终端时间的方向上搜索最优解.在这一算法中,可通过自由函数构造保真度函数对控制变量的梯度方向,也可通过方向函数引导算法的搜索方向,以加快算法的搜索速度.本文将这一算法用于求解量子系统态转移和门变换的时间最优控制问题.仿真结果表明这一算法的有效性.  相似文献   

上海振华港口机械(集团)公司(ZPMC)以制造、销售大型港口设备为主要业务,是目前全球最大的集装箱起重机制造商,集装箱起重机的生产、销售收入占公司主营业务八成以上。自1998年以来,集装箱起重机销售连续8年居全球第一,远销60个国家和地区,其中岸边集装箱起重机的国际市场占有率约为74%。  相似文献   

An optimal control algorithm for reactor reactivity controls during CANDU4 nuclear station load cycling is presented. The minimized performance index is reactor operating cost during a load cycling interval. The algorithm is developed using Pontryagin's Maximum principle. A novel non-iterative technique for determining the adjoint multiplier initial values in the resulting two point boundary value problem is used. The analysis considers standard fuel, booster fuel, moderator poison and liquid zone controllers as available reactivity control devices.  相似文献   

A general Legendre wavelets approach is presented. The delay function is expanded by general Legendre wavelets. The general operational matrix of integration is introduced. By the general Legendre wavelets, the linear-quadratic problem of generalized delay systems are transformed into the optimization problem of multivariate functions. The approximate solutions of the optimal control and state as well as the optimal value of the objective functional are derived. The numerical examples demonstrate that the algorithms are valid.  相似文献   

本文针对一类典型的注塑工业过程系统, 研究了注塑填充过程中产生的熔体流动速度最优跟踪控制问题, 提出了一种基于控制参数化的计算最优反馈控制器设计方法以实现注塑过程中熔融聚合物流动前沿位移的最优跟 踪控制, 进而达到改善注塑零件性能的高效生产目标. 首先, 面向注塑工艺复杂生产过程建立了动态过程系统数学 模型, 提出了注塑机内部熔融聚合物流动前沿位置的动态最优跟踪控制问题; 其次, 设计了一种多级反馈控制律, 通 过控制参数化方法将控制反馈核进行了参数化表示, 将控制器设计问题转化为一序列最优参数决策问题; 然后, 通 过状态灵敏度方程分析方法, 求解出了目标函数及约束条件关于决策变量参数梯度信息的显式表达式, 并基于所提 供的梯度信息结合序列二次规划算法进行了高效优化迭代求解; 最后, 通过实验仿真验证了本文所提出的最优反 馈控制器设计方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

An active-set method is proposed for solving linear quadratic optimal control problems subject to general linear inequality path constraints including mixed state-control and state-only constraints. A Riccati-based approach is developed for efficiently solving the equality constrained optimal control subproblems generated during the procedure. The solution of each subproblem requires computations that scale linearly with the horizon length. The algorithm is illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper presents a continuous time solution to the problem of designing a relatively optimal control, precisely, a dynamic control which is optimal with respect to a given initial condition and is stabilizing for any other initial state. This technique provides a drastic reduction of the complexity of the controller and successfully applies to systems in which (constrained) optimality is necessary for some “nominal operation” only. The technique is combined with a pole assignment procedure. It is shown that once the closed-loop poles have been fixed and an optimal trajectory originating from the nominal initial state compatible with these poles is computed, a stabilizing compensator which drives the system along this trajectory can be derived in closed form. There is no restriction on the optimality criterion and the constraints. The optimization is carried out over a finite-dimensional parameterization of the trajectories. The technique has been presented for state feedback. We propose here a technique based on the Youla–Kučera parameterization which works for output feedback. The main result is that we provide conditions for solvability in terms of a set of linear algebraic equations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach for the efficient solution of singular optimal control problems (SOCPs). A novel feature of the proposed method is that it does not require a priori knowledge of the structure of solution. At first, the SOCP is converted into a binary optimal control problem. Then, by utilising the pseudospectral method, the resulting problem is transcribed to a mixed-binary non-linear programming problem. This mixed-binary non-linear programming problem, which can be solved by well-known solvers, allows us to detect the structure of the optimal control and to compute the approximating solution. The main advantages of the present method are that: (1) without a priori information, the structure of optimal control is detected; (2) it produces good results even using a small number of collocation points; (3) the switching times can be captured accurately. These advantages are illustrated through a numerical implementation of the method on four examples.  相似文献   

Optimal control problems for switched nonlinear systems are investigated. We propose an alternative approach for solving the optimal control problem for a nonlinear switched system based on the theory of moments. The essence of this method is the transformation of a nonlinear, nonconvex optimal control problem, that is, the switched system, into an equivalent optimal control problem with linear and convex structure, which allows us to obtain an equivalent convex formulation more appropriate to be solved by high‐performance numerical computing. Consequently, we propose to convexify the control variables by means of the method of moments obtaining semidefinite programs. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The control of the uptake of growth factors in tissue engineering is mathematically modelled by a partial differential equation subject to boundary and initial conditions. The main objective is to regulate cellular processes for the growth or regeneration of a tissue within an assigned terminal time. The techniques of basis function expansion and direct state parameterization were employed to yield efficient computational methods for this problem. Using Legendre and Chebyshev wavelets, the optimal control of the lumped-parameter system was transformed into a system of algebraic equations. The computational efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method are illustrated by numerical examples.  相似文献   

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