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IA-64中软件流水的寄存器需求研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件流水是开发循环程序指令级并行性的重要方法之一,IA-64是支持软件流水的EPIC体系结构,通过对NAS Benchmarks中可软件流水循环所需的寄存器进行量化分析,提出了一种限制循环展开因子的启发式算法,有效地解决了因可用寄存器不足而导致软件流水失败的问题,并提高了应用程序的执行速度。  相似文献   

3种提高软件流水有效性的算法:比较和结合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文龙  陈彧  林海波  汤志忠 《软件学报》2005,16(10):1822-1832
软件流水是开发循环程序指令级并行性的技术,它通过并行执行连续的多个循环体来加快循环的执行速度.在软件流水中,循环体的重叠增加了寄存器需求,导致寄存器压力增大,当目标处理机所提供的寄存器不足时,软件流水可能失败.在Itanium处理机上评估了NAS和SPEC2000基准程序中的软件流水循环的寄存器需求,发现静态寄存器不足是造成软件流水失败的主要原因,提出了3种增加软件流水个数、提高软件流水有效性的算法:限制循环展开因子的算法(register sensitive unrolling,简称RSU)、堆栈寄存器分配算法(stacked registerallocation,简称SRA)以及变量类型转换的算法(variabletype conversion,简称VTC).RSU根据静态寄存器需求确定一个合理的展开因子,增加了软件流水的成功率;SRA和VTC分别使用空闲的堆栈寄存器和旋转寄存器来充当静态寄存器,提高了寄存器的利用率.在面向Itanium处理器的开放源码编译器ORC(open research compiler)上实现了这3种算法,通过NAS程序的测试比较了这3种算法的有效性,同时对它们的结合应用进行了研究和实验.  相似文献   

软件流水是一种通过发掘循环的不同迭代的不同部分的指令间并行性,使这些指令并行执行,从而提高循环的执行效率的优化技术.但该技术在提高指令并行性的同时也增加了寄存器压力,而寄存器溢出技术正是解决寄存器压力的有效方法.摆动模调度是一种在进行近似最优化调度的同时尽力减小寄存器压力的软件流水算法,该算法已经作为一个新的优化遍出现在GCC的最新版本中.本文以GCC为平台,论述了摆动模调度中的寄存器溢出技术及其工程实现,从而使摆动模调度算法进一步增强了对寄存器压力的处理能力.  相似文献   

两级分配多可用重命名寄存器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杨华  崔刚  刘宏伟  杨孝宗 《计算机学报》2006,29(10):1729-1739
提出了一种新的寄存器重命名机制——两级分配多可用重命名寄存器,简称2L-MuRR,其特点如下:(1)对重命名寄存器文件(RRF)的占用要经过两级重命名和分配过程,减少了无效占用时间.(2)RRF被划分为多个不同宽度的字段,根据目标值的大小进行按字段分配,这样使每个重命名寄存器都是多可用的.(3)同一重命名寄存器内的多个目标值的写(或读)操作可以合并成一次完成,减少了RRF的访问次数和读/写端口的压力.模拟实验表明,2L-MuRR显著提高了RRF的存储能力(70%以上),能以较少的重命名寄存器满足SMT高并行度的要求,有效缓解了寄存器文件的设计压力.  相似文献   

支持多重循环软件流水的循环控制机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ILSP-内外层交替执行的多重循环的软件流水算法是对多重循环进行优化的有效方法。为了保证ILSP算法具有良好的时间效益和空间效益,就必须有一套支持这个算法的行之有效的多重循环软件流水机制。文中将比较详细地介绍一套控制机制。它与多重循环优化编译器相配合,可以有效地支持多重循环的软件流水,并且可以保证ILSP算法具有较高的加速比和较低的空间代价。  相似文献   

软件流水是一种循环程序的优化技术,它可以有效地提高指令级并行性。由于处理机的实现方法各不相同,在一种处理机上经过软件流水优化后的循环代码很难在其它处理机中移植和使用。反软件流水是软件流水的逆向操作,它可以消除循环代码中的软件流水特性,以便于代码在不同平台上的移植。基于IA-64体系结构,分析了软件流水的代码特点,提出了反流水算法,用于将ICC编译器编译后的可执行二进制代码消除软件流水特性,转换成语义等价的C代码。  相似文献   

寄存器旋转技术为每一个循环迭代都提供一组专用的寄存器,从而减少对循环展开的需求。针对如何在IA-64二进制翻译中处理旋转寄存器的问题,提出一种在二进制翻译器的后端直接模拟寄存器旋转特性的解决方案,实验结果证明了该方法在二进制翻译中处理软件流水操作代码的有效性。  相似文献   

由于缺乏相关硬件功能,Open64编译器的软件流水技术没有面向X86处理器的版本。为此,提出一种适用于X86平台的Open64软件流水实现框架。利用软件实现处理器的部分硬件行为,通过循环过滤方法剔除不适用的循环。针对缺乏循环寄存器文件的问题,设计寄存器分配算法达到使用通用寄存器的目的,并添加模变量扩展模块以保证执行的正确性。实验结果表明,与循环展开方案相比,该框架可使系统平均获得9%的性能提升。  相似文献   

一种基于寄存器压力的VLIW DSP分簇算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寄存器是程序运行时最宝贵的资源之一,软件流水在对VLIW DSP指令调度的同时,会显著增加寄存器的压力,从而导致寄存器溢出,软件流水中止。在以往的研究中,软件流水之前的指令分簇会更多地考虑指令并行性,往往会把寄存器的压力交给寄存器分配阶段,当物理寄存器不够分配时会造成寄存器溢出。通过考察指令运行时的寄存器压力情况对指令进行分簇,这样可根据各个簇的寄存器压力的动态信息减少寄存器的溢出,提高指令运行效率。  相似文献   

寄存器分析是数据路径综合中的一个重要任务。文中通过对寄存器分配问题进行研究分析,得出了它与通道布线中的轨道分配问题具有等价性的结论,晨而采用一种轨道分配算法一左边界算法来解决寄存器的分配问题,同时对它进行扩充以支持条件结构中寄存器的分配问题。  相似文献   

We address the problem of generating compact code from software pipelined loops. Although software pipelining is a powerful technique to extract fine-grain parallelism, it generates lifetime intervals spanning multiple loop iterations. These intervals require periodic register allocation (also called variable expansion), which in turn yields a code generation challenge. We are looking for the minimal unrolling factor enabling the periodic register allocation of software pipelined kernels. This challenge is generally addressed through one of: (1) hardware support in the form of rotating register files, which solve the unrolling problem but are expensive in hardware; (2) register renaming by inserting register moves, which increase the number of operations in the loop, and may damage the schedule of the software pipeline and reduce throughput; (3) post-pass loop unrolling that does not compromise throughput but often leads to impractical code growth. The latter approach relies on the proof that MAXLIVE registers (maximal number of values simultaneously alive) are sufficient for periodic register allocation (Eisenbeis et al. in PACT ’95: Proceedings of the IFIP WG10.3 working conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, pages 264–267, Manchester, UK, 1995; Hendren et al. in CC ’92: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Compiler Construction, pages 176–191, London, UK, 1992). However, the best existing heuristic for controlling this code growth—modulo variable expansion (Lam in SIGPLAN Not 23(7):318–328, 1988)—may not apply the correct amount of loop unrolling to guarantee that MAXLIVE registers are enough, which may result in register spills Eisenbeis et al. in PACT ’95: Proceedings of the IFIP WG10.3 working conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, pages 264–267, Manchester, UK, 1995. This paper presents our research results on the open problem of minimal loop unrolling, allowing a software-only code generation that does not trade the optimality of the initiation interval (II) for the compactness of the generated code. Our novel idea is to use the remaining free registers after periodic register allocation to relax the constraints on register reuse. The problem of minimal loop unrolling arises either before or after software pipelining, either with a single or with multiple register types (classes). We provide a formal problem definition for each scenario, and we propose and study a dedicated algorithm for each problem. Our solutions are implemented within an industrial-strength compiler for a VLIW embedded processor from STMicroelectronics, and validated on multiple benchmarks suites.  相似文献   

本文叙述一个正在开发的VLIW多处理单元单片机,这个机器的体系结构基于URPR软件流水技术,采用了流水寄存器堆来减少体间相关距离,因此,细粒度并行性可得到充分开发,从而提高了循环体重叠程度,使得优化后的循环体的长度可大大缩短.模拟实验结果表明,这个体系结构在优化编译器的配合下可达到很高的性能。  相似文献   

针对超标量深流水线中物理寄存器资源冲突造成的流水线阻塞问题,提出了一种多指令共享同一物理寄存器资源的非阻塞指令发射方法。该方法可在物理寄存器资源冲突下继续分配物理寄存器,利用发射缓冲队列临时缓冲冲突的指令,增加发射流水级实际可分配的物理寄存器数量,释放发射窗口,提高物理寄存器使用的并行性。实验结果表明:相对于传统重命名方法,该方法可减少27.3%的物理寄存器资源实现传统方法相同的性能。  相似文献   

High-performance microprocessors are currently designed with the purpose of exploiting instruction level parallelism (ILP). The techniques used in their design and the aggressive scheduling techniques used to exploit this ILP tend to increase the register requirements of the loops. This paper reviews hardware and software techniques that alleviate the high register demands of aggressive scheduling heuristics on VLIW cores. From the software point of view, instruction scheduling can stretch lifetimes and reduce the register pressure. If more registers than those available in the architecture are required, some actions (such as the injection of spill code) have to be applied to reduce this pressure, at the expense of some performance degradation. From the hardware point of view, this degradation could be reduced if a high-capacity register file were included without causing a negative impact on the design of the processor (cycle time, area and power dissipation). Novel organizations for the register file based on clustering and hierarchical organization are necessary to meet the technology constraints. This paper proposes the used of a clustered organization and proposes an aggressive instruction scheduling technique that minimizes the negative effect of the limitations imposed by the register file organization.  相似文献   

Quantitative Evaluation of Register Pressure on Software Pipelined Loops   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Software Pipelining is a loop scheduling technique that extracts loop parallelism by overlapping the execution of several consecutive iterations. One of the drawbacks of software pipelining is its high register requirements, which increase with the number of functional units and their degree of pipelining. This paper analyzes the register requirements of software pipelined loops. It also evaluates the effects on performance of the addition of spill code. Spill code is needed when the number of registers required by the software pipelined loop is larger than the number of registers of the target machine. This spill code increases memory traffic and can reduce performance. Finally, compilers can apply transformations in order to reduce the number of memory accesses and increase functional unit utilization. The paper also evaluates the negative effect on register requirements that some of these transformations might produce on loops.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and evaluates software techniques that increase register file utilization for simultaneous multithreading (SMT) processors. SMT processors require large register files to hold multiple thread contexts that can issue instructions out of order every cycle. By supporting better interthread sharing and management of physical registers, an SMT processor can reduce the number of registers required and can improve performance for a given register file size. Our techniques specifically target register deal location. While out-of-order processors with register renaming are effective at knowing when a new physical register must be allocated, they have limited knowledge of when physical registers can be deallocated. We propose architectural extensions that permit the compiler and operating system to: 1) free registers immediately upon their last use, and 2) free registers allocated to idle thread contexts. Our results, based on detailed instruction-level simulations of an SMT processor, show that these techniques can increase performance significantly for register-intensive, multithreaded programs  相似文献   

Software pipelining is an instruction scheduling technique that exploits the instruction level parallelism (ILP) available in loops by overlapping operations from various successive loop iterations. The main drawback of aggressive software pipelining techniques is their high register requirements. If the requirements exceed the number of registers available in the target architecture, some steps need to be applied to reduce the register pressure (incurring some performance degradation): reduce iteration overlapping or spilling some lifetimes to memory. In the first part, we propose a set of heuristics to improve the spilling process and to better decide between adding spill code or directly decreasing the execution rate of iterations. The experimental evaluation, over a large number of representative loops and for a processor configuration, reports an increase in performance by a factor of 1.29 and a reduction of memory traffic by a factor of 1.36. In the second part, we analyze the use of backtracking and propose a novel approach for simultaneous instruction scheduling and register spilling in modulo scheduling: MIPS (modulo scheduling with integrated register spilling). The experimental evaluation reports an increase in performance by a factor of 1.46 and a reduction of the memory traffic by a factor of 1.66 (or an additional 1.13 and 1.22 with regard to the proposal in the first part). These improvements are achieved at the expense of a reasonable increase in the compilation time.  相似文献   

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