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以 " 三个代表"思想为指导,始终不渝地加强和改进党的组织建设,是党的事业继往开来、永葆活力的前提,也是高校完成中心任务、实现稳定健康发展的根本保证.高校党建工作的难点和重点则是基层党组织建设.加强高校基层党组织建设,既是全面落实 " 三个代表"的要求,保证党的路线、方针、政策在高校得到具体落实的根本性环节,也是加强党同群众联系的纽带,更是党建工作生命力的具体体现.  相似文献   

按照“三个代表”要求,加强和改进高等学校党的建设,努力做好青年教师入党工作,是高校坚持社会主义办学方向,建设高素质教师队伍,培养合格人才的根本保证。文章从落实“三个代表”重要思想的高度,论述了做好青年教师入党工作的重要性和紧迫性,并对新形势下如何推进高校党建工作,加大对青年教师的培养工作力度做了较为深刻的阐述。  相似文献   

党的领导和党的建设是中国革命的一大法宝。“三个代表”重要思想从党的建设的高度对党80年历史经验作了最新概括和科学的总结。不仅对建设有中国特色社会主义事业的各项工作有重要的指导意义 ,而且是党建的总纲 ,将对今后党的建设产生深远影响。从“三个代表”重要思想是指导高等学校党建工作的根本指针、用“三个代表”重要思想去认识和分析高等学校党建工作面临的机遇与挑战和认真落实“三个代表”重要思想 ,努力使高等学校党建工作上一个新台阶三个方面较深入地论述了高等学校党建工作的指导方针和指导思想 ,面临的形势和任务 ,以及党建工作的重点内容 ,从理论和实践结合上回答了高等学校党建工作亟待解决的几个问题  相似文献   

林华英  林小勇 《福建电脑》2012,28(5):153-155
从党建工作信息化入手,阐述了高校党建工作信息化的基本内涵,面对世情、国情、党情、校情的不断发展变化,高校必须充分认识推进党建工作信息化的重要意义,提出推进高校党建工作信息化的实现路径:坚持科学信息化理念指导的思想基础,加强党员干部队伍建设的组织保障,健全完善信息化制度的根本保证,加快信息化平台建设的有效手段。  相似文献   

“三个代表”重要思想是加强高校思想政治工作的指导思想。高校只有重视科技创新,自觉承担起建设有中国特色社会主义文化的历史重任,培养一批会心全意为人民服务的“四有”新人,才能代表先进生产力的发展要求、先进文化的前进方向和中国最广大人民的根本利益,才能开创思想政治工作的新局面。  相似文献   

在今天这个以云计算、大数据、超级APP为基础的"互联网+"时代,我国党建信息化建设工作要加强基层党组织运用新媒体的力度与效度,并重视党建工作的互联互通,不断推进前沿科技与党建具体工作的深度融合,提升党建工作的智能化、数据化水平.  相似文献   

李磊 《网友世界》2014,(3):100-101
大学生是党和国家的宝贵人才资源。当前和今后一个时期,加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,要高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,更加深入扎实地贯彻落实好《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》提出的各项任务。然而在社会转型期,高校共青团工作在加强和改进大学生思想政治教育中将发挥着越来越重要的角色。本文结合16号文件,从高校共青团组织的思想政治教育工作、组织建设、对学生会和社团的指导、校园文化建设、社会实践与学术科技类活动等方面进行研究,探讨了共青团工作在大学生思想政治教育中的实践与创新。  相似文献   

新时期高等学校的"双肩挑"辅导员制度是一项有中国特色的思想政治教育形式的成功实践."双肩挑"辅导员制度的特色是向高学历和能力发展,将思想政治教育工作与业务工作有机结合,并在工作中使用与培养人才,新形势下"双肩挑"辅导员面对激烈竞争与过大的工作压力,经验不足、能力受限和过多的事务性工作以及职业化问题困扰.建议积极为他们做好辅导员工作创造必要的发展条件,加强对"双肩挑"辅导员的科学培养,努力实现思想政治工作队伍建设良性循环.  相似文献   

构建高校党建工作的网络平台,是高校党建工作对时代发展的积极应对。高校党建工作要坚持改革,创新载体,发挥党建网络平台的教育作用、管理作用和交流作用。  相似文献   

刘鹏 《网友世界》2014,(16):214-214
传统的高校基层学院党校教育存在着普遍性较强而针对性较差、程序性较强而实效性较差、理论性较强而实践性较差等问题。新时期下,高校基层党校也应当与时俱进,改革发展,突出教育的针对性,加强教育的实效性,丰富教育手段,创新教育形式,促进高校的党建工作和思想政治教育工作再上一个新水平。  相似文献   

If there is to be a new, substantive area of teaching and research that combines competence in specific areas of the humanities with computer science understandings and skills, such teaching and research needs to be led by persons who themselves are competent in both the humanities and in computer science, rather than by a team of persons who represent a division of labors along the lines of idea persons and technical persons. The new kind of teaching and research that might result is pointed to by describing a connectionist, neural network approach to the study of metaphor.Christian Koch is associate professor of computer science at Oberlin College with teaching and research interests in the area of the interrelationship of computing and the liberal arts (from physics to philosophy).  相似文献   

高职计算机人才培养模式已经到了非改革不可的地步,但计算机人才培养模式如何改革却又是面临的主要问题。本文根据杜威的"从做中学"理论,结合高职计算机人才培养的特点,提出用"以工作过程为导向,以项目驱动,一体化教学"的人才培养模式,它也是计算机类专业人才培养实现"从做中学"思想的最好模式,然后进一步介绍了该人才培养模式实践的具体步骤。  相似文献   

I discuss the attitude of Jewish law sources from the 2nd–:5th centuries to the imprecision of measurement. I review a problem that the Talmud refers to, somewhat obscurely, as impossible reduction. This problem arises when a legal rule specifies an object by referring to a maximized (or minimized) measurement function, e.g., when a rule applies to the largest part of a divided whole, or to the first incidence that occurs, etc. A problem that is often mentioned is whether there might be hypothetical situations involving more than one maximal (or minimal) value of the relevant measurement and, given such situations, what is the pertinent legal rule. Presumption of simultaneous occurrences or equally measured values are also a source of embarrassment to modern legal systems, in situations exemplified in the paper, where law determines a preference based on measured values. I contend that the Talmudic sources discussing the problem of impossible reduction were guided by primitive insights compatible with fuzzy logic presentation of the inevitable uncertainty involved in measurement. I maintain that fuzzy models of data are compatible with a positivistic epistemology, which refuses to assume any precision in the extra-conscious world that may not be captured by observation and measurement. I therefore propose this view as the preferred interpretation of the Talmudic notion of impossible reduction. Attributing a fuzzy world view to the Talmudic authorities is meant not only to increase our understanding of the Talmud but, in so doing, also to demonstrate that fuzzy notions are entrenched in our practical reasoning. If Talmudic sages did indeed conceive the results of measurements in terms of fuzzy numbers, then equality between the results of measurements had to be more complicated than crisp equations. The problem of impossible reduction could lie in fuzzy sets with an empty core or whose membership functions were only partly congruent. Reduction is impossible may thus be reconstructed as there is no core to the intersection of two measures. I describe Dirichlet maps for fuzzy measurements of distance as a rough partition of the universe, where for any region A there may be a non-empty set of - _A (upper approximation minus lower approximation), where the problem of impossible reduction applies. This model may easily be combined with probabilistic extention. The possibility of adopting practical decision standards based on -cuts (and therefore applying interval analysis to fuzzy equations) is discussed in this context. I propose to characterize the uncertainty that was presumably capped by the old sages as U-uncertainty, defined, for a non-empty fuzzy set A on the set of real numbers, whose -cuts are intervals of real numbers, as U(A) = 1/h(A) 0 h(A) log [1+(A)]d, where h(A) is the largest membership value obtained by any element of A and (A) is the measure of the -cut of A defined by the Lebesge integral of its characteristic function.  相似文献   

The social sciences lack concepts and theories for an understanding of what new information technology is doing to our society. The article sketches the outlines of a broad historical and comparative approach to this issue: an anthropology of information technology. At the base is the idea ofexternalisation of knowledge as a historical process. Three main epochs are characterised by externalisation of knowledge through a) spoken language and a social organisation of specialists, b) writing and c) computer programming. The impact of expert systems on learning is also discussed.  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的来临以及信息安全问题的凸显,企业"去IOE"的意愿不断上升。考虑到实际情况,不同国家、不同行业对待"去IOE"有着不同的进程。自阿里巴巴正式提出"去IOE"的概念,并成功实践后,围绕"去IOE"的研究和应用不断增多,以联想、阿里、华为为代表的国产企业在服务器、数据库、存储器领域竞争力不断增强,为"去IOE"提供了成熟的产品和服务,对比介绍不同领域"去IOE"的进程,针对"去IOE"的难点和应用进行分析,总结主流的解决方案,并结合大数据时代趋势,展望"去IOE"的未来。  相似文献   

We study rigid motions of a rectangle amidst polygonal obstacles. The best known algorithms for this problem have a running time of (n 2), wheren is the number of obstacle corners. We introduce thetightness of a motion-planning problem as a measure of the difficulty of a planning problem in an intuitive sense and describe an algorithm with a running time ofO((a/b · 1/crit + 1)n(logn)2), wherea b are the lengths of the sides of a rectangle and crit is the tightness of the problem. We show further that the complexity (= number of vertices) of the boundary ofn bow ties (see Figure 1) isO(n). Similar results for the union of other simple geometric figures such as triangles and wedges are also presented.This work was supported partially by the DFG Schwerpunkt Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen, Grants Me 620/6 and Al 253/1, and by the ESPRIT II Basic Research Actions Program of the EC under Contract No. 3075 (project ALCOM).  相似文献   

Summary We consider binary tries formed by using the binary fractional expansions of X 1, ...,X n, a sequence of independent random variables with common density f on [0,1]. For H n, the height of the trie, we show that either E(Hn)21og2 n or E(Hn)= for all n2 according to whether f 2(x)dx is finite or infinite. Thus, the average height is asymptotically twice the average depth (which is log2 n when f 2(x)dx>). The asymptotic distribution of H n is derived as well.If f is square integrable, then the average number of bit comparisons in triesort is nlog2 n+0(n), and the average number of nodes in the trie is 0(n).Research of the author was supported in part by FCAC Grant EQ-1678  相似文献   

With every finite-state word or tree automaton, we associate a binary relation on words or trees. We then consider the rectangular decompositions of this relation, i.e., the various ways to express it as a finite union of Cartesian products of sets of words or trees, respectively. We show that the determinization and the minimization of these automata correspond to simple geometrical reorganizations of the rectangular decompositions of the associated relations.This work was supported by the Programme de Recherches Coordonnées: Mathématiques et Informatique. It was initiated during a stay in Bordeaux by D. Niwinski in 1988.  相似文献   

A. Frommer  B. Lang  M. Schnurr 《Computing》2004,72(3-4):349-354
We compare two computational tests for the existence of a zero of a nonlinear system. One of the tests is based on a theorem by Moore, the other relies on Mirandas theorem. It turns out that the Miranda test is always at least as powerful as the Moore test. We also indicate some conditions under which both tests are equivalent.B. Lang gratefully acknowledges support by VolkswagenStiftung within the project Konstruktive Methoden der Nichtlinearen Dynamik zum Entwurf verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse, Geschäftszeichen I/79 288.  相似文献   

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