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组件对象模型(COM)是微软公司的重要技术之一。在介绍COM的基础上,讨论了CAD软件对二次开发支持的重要性和意义,阐述了利用COM技术进行构建CAD软件二次开发平台的一般过程,最后以已构建的捷惠CAD软件二次开发平台为例,简要地说明了利用此平台创建的用户程序的实际运行情况。  相似文献   

CAXA电子图板的二次开发技术   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
介绍了二次开发的基本含义以及二次开发平台的层次结构。提出了衡量二次开发平台质量的标准和二次开发平台定位的策略;以CAXA电子图版为例,简单剖析了CAD软件二次开发的一般过程,并介绍了开发基于动态库的二次开发平台所涉及的几项关键技术。  相似文献   

根据二次开发的特点,本文讨论了二次开发CAD在用软件时应遵循的原则,并进一步研究了参数化CAD、成组CAD、交互式CAD以及智能CAD应用软件的工作原理、开发方法、应用场合及各自的特点。此文对具体进行CAD应用软件的二次开发具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

曹方 《电子技术应用》2012,38(9):125-127,130
分析了CAD/CAM软件二次开发平台的基本设计理论和设计原则。针对典型的商业三维几何造型系统——TiGEMS提出了采用动态链接库技术的二次开发接口设计方法和实现过程。解决了TiGEMS二次开发接口的难点和问题。  相似文献   

在国家科委、机械部的大力推动下,已有相当一部分企业采用CAD绘图技术,成功地甩掉了绘图板,在产品开发设计中取得了较明显的效果。但随着CAD应用的深入,一些问题越来越突出,阻碍了企业CAD的进一步发展。一、问题1.在国内CAD市场上,美国Autodesk公司的AutoCAD软件应用十分广泛,但AutoCAD是一个适应多行业的通用系统,对机械设计来说,并不专用,另外软件还需作汉化工作。因而随着CAD的推广应用,有关基于AutoCAD的二次开发软件如雨后春笋般推出,这些二次开发软件大多是以学校为开发主体,二次开发的内容多为增加汉化菜…  相似文献   

高珍  吴永明 《计算机工程》2002,28(11):97-98,229
介绍了计算机辅助设计软件AutoCAD的二次开发技术,然后以上海鼓风机厂TLT离心机CAD系统的升级优化为例,详细阐述了如何把利用AutoCAD二次开发技术进行开发设计的有关CAD设计的第三方专业软件由ADS开发版本升级到ObjectARX开发版本,以期提高CAD设计第三方专业软件的运行速度,最终达到系统升级的目的。  相似文献   

本文针对生产中的实际问题──修正齿丝锥的设计,论述了在AutoCADR13平台上,如何利用AntoLISP,ADS,DCL语言对AntoCAD进行二次开发,并制作了将参数化设计、有限元分析、三维动画图形演示于一体的CAD软件包。  相似文献   

一、引言在开发CAD/CAPP/CAM集成系统时,普遍采用的方式是以现行的通用CAD/CAM软件为开发平台,利用其开放式环境进行二次开发。这样做不仅周期短,而且可靠性高、易于扩展。但是这些CAD/CAM软件通常使用自己专用的图形格式,而且零件信息往往只含有几何信息,并且访问不便。为了解决此问题,一种常见的方法是利用CAD/CAM软件提供的API进行二次开发,将零件图形中的几何信息和二次开发的界面添加的工艺信息导入到关系数据库中。本文叙述了在UG环境下利用UG/Open API和VC ODBC数据访问方法建立自己的专用零件信息库的方法…  相似文献   

1移植问题随着计算机应用的普及,CAD技术已越来越多地应用于各个设计领域。从我国机械CAD应用来看,目前主要采用三种形式:引进国外CAD软件系统,如ECULID、UGⅡ、IDEAS等;在国外引进的CAD支撑软件上做二次开发,如清华大学以AutoCADforWindows为基础开发的XTMCAD系统;国内自主开发CAD软件,如PICAD等。在AutoCAD软件上进行“本地化”二次开发,特别是Windows版本,占有相当的比重。随着AutoCAD的不断升级,必然会遇到移植问题。Autodesk公司在其AutoCADR11以上版本的产品中为用户提供了方便的二次开发工具Auto…  相似文献   

如今,CAD(计算机辅助设计)技术已被各制造业广泛应用。而美国的AutoCAD是目前在Windows环境下应用最广泛、使用人数最多的CAD支撑软件。本次设计是在论证了CAD二次开发的可行性并比较了AutoCAD各开发系统的优劣之后,选择Object ARX开发平台,用C/C++对AutoCAD软件进行的二次开发。本系统设计工作共分数据库构建、文件读写、操作功能实现和交互式界面四部分。最终完成的软件是一个具备初步的CAD软件结构、用户接口和操作方式的CAD系统,此软件随AutoCAD的启动自动运行,能够实现“读写文件”和“交互式创建、删除和修改直线实体”等功能。  相似文献   

Producing sentences from a grammar, according to various criteria, is required in many applications. It is also a basic building block for grammar engineering. This paper presents a toolkit for context-free grammars, which mainly consists of several algorithms for sentence generation or enumeration and for coverage analysis for context-free grammars. The toolkit deals with general context-free grammars. Besides providing implementations of algorithms, the toolkit also provides a simple graphical user interface, through which the user can use the toolkit directly. The toolkit is implemented in Java and is available at http://lcs.ios.ac.cn/~zhiwu/toolkit.php. In the paper, the overview of the toolkit and the major algorithms implemented in the toolkit are presented, and experimental results and preliminary applications of the toolkit are also contained.  相似文献   

We present in this article a MATLAB toolkit with a user-friendly graphical interface for composite nonlinear feedback control system design. The toolkit can be utilized to design a fast and smooth tracking controller for a class of linear systems and nonlinear systems with actuator and other nonlinearities as well as with external disturbances. The parameters of the controller can be tuned easily on the user panel or autotuned by the toolkit. The toolkit is capable of displaying both time-domain and frequency-domain responses on its main panel and generating three different types of control laws, namely, the state feedback, the full-order measurement feedback and the reduced-order measurement feedback controllers. The usage and design procedure of the toolkit are illustrated by practical examples on a rotational/translational actuator (RTAC) system and a hard disk drive servo system. The toolkit can be utilized to design servo systems that deal with point-and-shoot fast targeting.  相似文献   

The MAUI Toolkit: Groupware Widgets for Group Awareness   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Group awareness is an important part of synchronous collaboration, and support for group awareness can greatly improve groupware usability. However, it is still difficult to build groupware that supports group awareness. To address this problem, we have developed the Multi-User Awareness UI toolkit (MAUI) toolkit, a Java toolkit with a broad suite of awareness-enhanced UI components. The toolkit contains both extensions of standard Swing widgets, and groupware-specific components such as telepointers. All components have added functionality for collecting, distributing, and visualizing group awareness information. The toolkit packages components as JavaBeans, allowing wide code reuse, easy integration with IDEs, and drag-and-drop creation of working group-aware interfaces. The toolkit provides the first ever set of UI widgets that are truly collaboration-aware, and provides them in a way that greatly simplifies the construction and testing of rich groupware interfaces.  相似文献   

信息安全工具包用于开发信息安全应用产品。传统工具包的主要目标是通用性,其内部安全强度不高。文中描述了一个基于安全内核的、具有高安全性的信息安全包体系架构的设计。安全内核为工具包内的信息访问提供安全保障。在安全内核中实现了多种安全策略(BLP,CW,ACL),通过这些安全策略的结合使用,保护内部信息的机密性和完整性,并执行用户的验证。工具包使用对象模型和层次模型,能够方便用户使用,同时利于对工具包进行维护。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the design and implementation of SPARE Parts, a C++ toolkit for pattern matching. SPARE Parts (in particular, the 2003 version presented in this article) is the second generation string pattern matching toolkit by the authors. The toolkit, the first generic program for keyword pattern matching, contains implementations of the well‐known Knuth–Morris–Pratt, Boyer–Moore, Aho–Corasick and Commentz–Walter algorithms (and their variants). The toolkit is freely available for non‐commercial use. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

底层读写器协议(LLRP)作为射频识别系统的标准底层协议,为射频识别系统的广泛应用提供了先决条件;通过开发LLRP协议工具包,阐述LLRP协议的工作原理以及工具包的设计、实现和功能性测试;该工具包为射频识别中对读写器进行管理配置以及对标签进行盘存、访问操作提供标准接口;通过使用该工具包,开发人员可以快速且有效地完成射频识别应用系统软件开发。  相似文献   

Here, we analyze toolkit designs for building graphical applications with rich user interfaces, comparing polylithic and monolithic toolkit-based solutions. Polylithic toolkits encourage extension by composition and follow a design philosophy similar to 3D scene graphs supported by toolkits including JavaSD and Openlnventor. Monolithic toolkits, on the other hand, encourage extension by inheritance, and are more akin to 2D graphical user interface toolkits such as Swing or MFC. We describe Jazz (a polylithic toolkit) and Piccolo (a monolithic toolkit), each of which we built to support interactive 2D structured graphics applications in general, and zoomable user interface applications in particular. We examine the trade offs of each approach in terms of performance, memory requirements, and programmability. We conclude that a polylithic approach is most suitable for toolkit builders, visual design software where code is automatically generated, and application builders where there is much customization of the toolkit. Correspondingly, we find that monolithic approaches appear to be best for application builders where there is not much customization of the toolkit.  相似文献   

Today, innovating with a user community seems an effective strategy for developing a firm's innovation capacity. However, short‐term benefits from this collaboration are no longer sufficient, and firms are now looking to develop a sustainable relationship with users, to maintain sustainable innovation. This study furthers our understanding of the way in which a user toolkit connected to a community serves to manage innovation of an existing product or service. The literature provides a limited understanding of the role of a user toolkit in the management of a sustainable innovation approach in firms. The research is based on a longitudinal case study of the video game Trackmania, which has an integrated toolkit connected to a large and active user community. Results confirm the crucial role of the toolkit in the construction, control and maintenance of a sustainable innovative approach with a user community. From the innovation perspective, the toolkit can be considered as a means of managing the boundary between the firm and the user community, because it enables the community to structure itself as a multi‐sided platform, where all categories of users participate in value creation. Finally, we identify four modalities for managing sustainable innovation with a user community toolkit.  相似文献   

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