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基于Moore机器的一般汉字有穷自动机   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了更好地研究汉字信息输入系统,提高汉字输入速度,解决汉字输入的“瓶颈”问题,通过对以西文为背景的经典自动机理论的研究,给出了能够描述汉字有穷自动机所接受语言的正规表达式,并在此基础上引入了具有输出的有穷自动机的概念,具体给出了基于Moore机器的一般汉字有穷自动机的数学模型。  相似文献   

Conclusions  The existence of pseudoequivalent states permits minimizing the length of the direct structural table of the Moore automaton and thus reduces the number of terms in the system of automaton memory excitation functions. Automaton logic optimization requires unique identification of the classes of pseudoequivalent states. Method M1 identifies the classesB i ∈ πga without using additional variables and states. However, the application of this method does not always reduce the DST to the corresponding parameter of the equivalent Mealy automaton. Moreover, forR > R 0 the number of feedback parameters in the Moore automaton is greater than in the equivalent Mealy automaton. Method M2 attains the absolute minimum DST length and the absolute minimum number of feedback variables, which are equal to the corresponding parameters of the equivalent Mealy automaton. Moreover, state encoding can be applied that minimizes the number of terms in the microoperation system. However, M2 requires the introduction of a special code converter and thus involves additional hardware costs. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 1, pp. 65–72, January–February, 1998.  相似文献   

本文定义了加权Moore机的同余、同态,给出了同态定理并证明了同余关系在加权Moore机中构成一个完备格。在同余关系下给出了加权Moore机的商Moore机,并给出了求最小状态Moore机的算法。  相似文献   

We consider the space complexity of stack languages. The main result is: if a language is accepted by a deterministic (nondeterministic) one-way stack automaton then it is the image under a nonerasing homomorphism of a language accepted by a deterministic (nondeterministic) Turing machine that operates within space log n.  相似文献   

It is shown how a probabilistic dependability model of a safety-critical system can be derived from a trace-based functional model of the system. The functional model is a communicating sequential process (CSP) that includes command, failure, and repair events. The dependability model is a time homogeneous Markov process with transitions determined by these events. The method applies to deterministic systems that can be described in terms of a finite number of states and in which all event occurrences are stochastic with exponential time distribution. The derivation is carried out in two steps. An algorithmic determination is made of a finite automaton from the specification of the CSP process. The automaton is transformed into a Markov process. The Markov model for this system is used to determine the waiting time to terminal failure. The theory is applied to a larger and more realistic example: a gas burner system operating in the on-off mode. For this system, the waiting time to terminal failure is calculated, and the number of failures per year in a large population of identical, independently operated systems is estimated  相似文献   

A method is proposed for optimization of hardware expenditures for the implementation of Moore automatons (Moore FSMs) in CPLDs. The method lies in using several sources of codes of classes of pseudo-equivalent states, which is possible owing to a wide fan-in of PAL macrocells. The proposed method generates five new circuit models of a Moore automaton. A method of synthesis of a model with three sources of codes is proposed, and an example of its application is presented.  相似文献   

A class of formal languages (ACML) acceptable by automaton counter machines is considered. This class is shown to be close with respect to the operations of union, regular intersection, concatenation, infinite iteration, homomorphism, and inverse homomorphism. It follows from here that this class is a full abstract family of languages [7] with all the properties following from this. Furthermore, the ACML is close with respect to intersection and substitution but is not closed with respect to complement and reverse. For the ACML class, the problems of emptiness and recognition of words of a language given by an automaton counter machine are decidable, but the problems of inclusion and equivalence of languages are undecidable. A comparison with other classes of languages (regular, context-free, context-sensitive, and Petri-net languages) is performed.  相似文献   

参与组织随机行为是评价业务协同有效实施的一个关键因素。结合进程代数和马尔科夫链,提出了一种协同业务过程的随机行为分析方法。首先,使用有限状态自动机建模每个参与组织的业务过程,通过引入异步消息通信关系定义协同业务过程。其次,提出将参与组织业务过程转换成通信顺序进程(Communication Sequential Process,CSP)方法,进而将每个参与组织业务过程对应CSP进程并发组合得到协同业务过程对应的CSP进程,并根据CSP操作语义构建协同业务过程的状态迁移模型。最后,引入状态迁移模型正则化概念,从理论上证明正则化的状态迁移模型与一个齐次马尔科夫链相对应,进而根据平衡方程求得状态迁移系统中每个状态的稳定概率,以此为基础实现参与组织随机行为分析。通过对电设备采购过程建模与随机行为分析阐述该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

我们把一个待控离散事件系统中各离散事件赋予满足一定限制条件的控制值并由此得到一个Mealy型自动机。再利用Mealy型自动机到Moore型自动机的标准转换算法便得到一个状态赋(控制)值监督器。删除该监督器中所有不可达状态(及对应的子事件串)便获得一个不含多余状态的最大监督器。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a Moore Automata with Binary Stochastic Output Function in order to capture the extensive decision regarding tax evasion made by subjects in experiments run in Chile and Italy. Firstly, we show how an hypothesis about subject behavior is converted into an automaton, and how we compute the probabilities of evading for every state of an automaton. We use this procedure in order to look for the automaton which is able to anticipate the highest number of decisions made by the subjects during the experiments. Finally, we show that automata with few states perform better than automata with many states, and that the bomb-crater effect described in Mittone (2006) is a well identified pattern of behavior in a subset of subjects.  相似文献   

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