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针对已有算法大多基于FTL(Flash Translation Layer)闪存存储体系设计,无法直接应用到闪存文件系统的情况,基于YAFFS2闪存文件系统设计了一种静态磨损均衡算法。考虑不同数据冷热属性的差异,设计了两种不同的块分配策略,在减缓最大擦除次数增长速度的同时,加强对冷数据占用块的利用;利用闪存块擦除次数在物理空间上分布的随机性,简化了块分配策略中的搜索过程,降低了算法复杂度;采用不均衡度阈值作为算法触发条件,保证良好的均衡效果。实验结果表明,算法降低了擦除次数方差,提高了闪存磨损均衡度,可有效延长闪存寿命,提高闪存存储系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

基于NAND型闪存的嵌入式文件系统设计   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
由于具有高密度和良好的存取速率等特点,NAND型闪存在嵌入式系统领域中被广泛应用,但其所固有的擦除-写入更新机制以及高坏块率等特性却又成为其在应用中的障碍。提出了一种基于NAND型闪存的日志结构嵌入式文件系统,用于充分利用NAND型闪存的优势并克服其缺陷。文件系统在嵌入式Linux操作系统中予以实现,并进行了性能测试。  相似文献   

OEBS:一种闪存磨损均衡算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闪存诞生以来得到了广泛应用,它的特性包括:块擦除次数有限和擦除后重写.这两个特性都会影响闪存的使用寿命.针对这一问题,本文提出并实现了一种新颖的磨损均衡算法-OEBS(Outstanding Erase Block Set) -显性擦除块集.该方法通过高低频数据互换,有效均衡了擦除分布;使用显性擦除块集保护显性擦除块,避免了互换颠簸;将显性擦除块集和非显性擦除块集分开管理,提高了效率.模拟实验数据结合量化了的使用寿命延长度,表明数据块的擦除分布均匀,效率较高,有效延长了闪存的使用寿命.  相似文献   

闪存的擦后写特性,使其对小粒度随机更新为主的数据库应用,存在较大的更新时延.基于块内日志的存储管理模型提出了一种使用日志的方法,有效地解决了该问题.但是由于没有考虑数据访问的冷热特性,使得热擦除块合并操作非常频繁,同时它们采用的强制日志刷新策略导致闪存日志区存在严重的碎片问题.针对上述问题,本文提出一种基于数据冷热检测的双链表缓冲区算法DLPA,它根据数据的访问特性动态地分配日志页大小,可以有效减少擦除块合并操作,同时在日志刷新至闪存时,结合两种日志打包策略,有效地改善了日志区碎片问题.实验显示,该算法在增加少量存储开销的前提下,显著地优于现有算法.  相似文献   

针对目前YAFFS文件系统启动时间过长、磨损平衡性差的缺陷,在借助嵌入式平台Lin-ux-2.6.28+ARMS3C2440构建YAFFS的基础上改进文件系统,即在启动时采用空间换取时间策略,为文件属性节点分配专门的存储区,减少扫描区域,达到缩短加载时间的目的;在垃圾回收时采用擦除计数机制,根据计数器选择擦除块,从而改善擦除块间的磨损平衡。通过实验证明了改进策略的有效性。  相似文献   

磨损均衡机制作为闪存转换层的基础机制之一,其主要功能是延长闪存块使用寿命和提高存储数据的可靠性。现有的磨损均衡机制着重于减少闪存块的擦除次数,忽略了在磨损均衡操作过程中选择擦除脏块的不合理所带来的不必要数据迁移开销,从而影响了固态硬盘的整体读写性能。针对该问题,提出了一种基于权重堆排序的 NAND Flash静态磨损均衡机制WHWL。首先,提出一种基于页数据访问频率和块擦除次数的权重的热度计算方法,有效地提高擦除次数少(冷块)且数据访问频率低(冷数据)的目标块命中率,避免了多余的数据迁移操作;其次,提出了一种基于权重的堆排序目标块选择算法,以加快目标块的筛选。实验结果表明,与现有的PWL和BET算法相比,在使用相同映射机制的条件下,WHWL能够分别提升固态硬盘寿命1.28、5.83倍,数据迁移次数也有明显的降低。  相似文献   

为保护闪存型存储设备上的敏感文件,提出基于闪存冗余块的文件隐藏方法.该方法在分析Nand型flash特点及FAT32文件系统管理机制的基础上,将闪存中冗余的物理块有机组合以存储敏感文件,并采用与文为保护闪存型存储设备上的敏感文件,提出基于闪存冗余块的文件隐藏方法.该方法在分析Nand型flash特点及FAT32文件系统管理机制的基础上,将闪存中冗余的物理块有机组合以存储敏感文件,并采用与文件隐藏相似的方法恢复原始文件.实验结果表明,基于闪存冗余块的文件隐藏方法不占用闪存有效空间,具有隐蔽性高、鲁棒性强且隐藏容量大的特点,能有效抵抗软件取证攻击.  相似文献   

NAND闪存的存储系统中,软件中间层闪存翻译层通常被用来隐藏写前必须先擦除的NAND闪存特性。介绍一种新的闪存翻译层机制,它会将相邻的逻辑块合并为一个块,称之为超级块,该超级块在闪存翻译层机制下是粗颗粒度映射,而其中的页是被细颗粒度映射到物理块的任意位置。为了减少额外的存储和闪存操作,细颗粒度映射信息被保存在NAND闪存的空闲区域。使用该混合映射技术不仅具有细颗粒度的灵活性而且只需要占用粗颗粒度的存储空间。实验结果研究表明,与其他闪存翻译层技术相比,该闪存翻译层机制减少了多达40%的垃圾回收操作。  相似文献   

Yaffs2文件系统中对NAND Flash磨损均衡的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对以NAND Flash为存储介质时Yaffs2文件系统存在磨损均衡的缺陷,通过改进回收块选择机制,并在数据更新中引入冷热数据分离策略,从而改善NAND Flash的磨损均衡性能.实验借助Qemu软件建立Linux嵌入式仿真平台,从总擦除次数、最大最小擦除次数差值和块擦除次数标准差等方面进行对比.实验结果表明,在改进后的Yaffs2文件系统下NAND Flash的磨损均衡效果有明显提升,这有益于延长NAND Flash的使用寿命.  相似文献   

王晋阳  严华 《计算机应用》2016,36(5):1430-1433
针对现有的NAND闪存垃圾回收算法对磨损均衡考虑不足的问题,提出了一种基于逻辑页冷热分离的NAND闪存磨损均衡算法。算法同时考虑了无效页的年龄、物理块的擦除次数以及物理块更新的频率,采用混合模式选择回收符合条件的物理块。同时,推导了一种新的逻辑页热度计算方法,并将回收块上有效页数据按照逻辑页的热度进行了冷热分离。实验结果表明,与GR算法、CB算法、CAT算法以及FaGC算法相比,该算法不仅在磨损均衡上取得了很好的效果,而且总的擦除次数与拷贝次数也有了明显减少。  相似文献   

We propose tackling a “mini challenge” problem: a nontrivial verification effort that can be completed in 2–3 years, and will help establish notational standards, common formats, and libraries of benchmarks that will be essential in order for the verification community to collaborate on meeting Hoare’s 15-year verification grand challenge. We believe that a suitable candidate for such a mini challenge is the development of a filesystem that is verifiably reliable and secure. The paper argues why we believe a filesystem is the right candidate for a mini challenge and describes a project in which we are building a small embedded filesystem for use with flash memory. The work described in this paper was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

支持Yaffs的U-Boot的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yaffs文件系统及Nand闪存在嵌入式系统中得到了广泛的应用。首先分析了Yaffs文件系统的原理以及Yaffs文件系统在Nand闪存上的存储机制。然后通过一个具体命令分析了U-Boot命令的执行流程。在此基础上对U-Boot的nand write命令功能作了扩充,使U-Boot具有了写入Yaffs文件系统的功能。  相似文献   

Linux日志文件系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
与传统的文件系统相比,日志文件系统可以在系统崩溃后快速地恢复,提高系统的高可用性。论文主要研究了日志技术及linux下的日志文件系统:EXT3、ReiserFS、XFS和JFS,并用测试工具PostMark和Bonnie++对它们进行了性能分析。  相似文献   

NAND flash memory has become the major storage media in mobile devices, such as smartphones. However, the random write operations of NAND flash memory heavily affect the I/O performance, thus seriously degrading the application performance in mobile devices. The main reason for slow random write operations is the out‐of‐place update feature of NAND flash memory. Newly emerged non‐volatile memory, such as phase‐change memory, spin transfer torque, supports in‐place updates and presents much better I/O performance than that of flash memory. All these good features make non‐volatile memory (NVM) as a promising solution to improve the random write performance for NAND flash memory. In this paper, we propose a non‐volatile memory for random access (NVMRA) scheme to utilize NVM to improve the I/O performance in mobile devices. NVMRA exploits the I/O behaviors of applications to improve the random write performance for each application. Based on different I/O behaviors, such as random write‐dominant I/O behavior, NVMRA adopts different storing decisions. The scheme is evaluated on a real Android 4.2 platform. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme can effectively improve the I/O performance and reduce the I/O energy consumption for mobile devices. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在实现嵌入式Linux过程中,会遇到文件系统损坏而导致系统无法正常启动的现象,针对这种情况,采用Linux初始化内存盘(INITRD)技术,把系统根目录建立在RAMDISK中,使Linux操作系统对文件系统的读写访问基本上都在内存中进行,降低了文件系统被破坏的可能性;然后又对这种方法进行了改进,提出了易破坏区瞬时挂载的方法,对易破坏区的写操作访问仅限制在系统关机时刻,而在操作系统运行期间易破坏区处于不可见状态,从而进一步降低了文件系统被破坏的可能性.  相似文献   

Existing SSD technology exploits the properties of NAND flash and leverages NAND flash with a controller running FTL algorithms to improve system performance. On one hand, however, in this black-box-modeled structure, data semantic information is hard to be transferred and interpreted by conventional interfaces. Hence, SSD firmware fails to make full use of the performance potential of SSD by utilizing semantic information. Moreover, the host cannot obtain physical characteristics and statistical information about SSD, failing to be used by the file system or I/O scheduling algorithm designed for the disks. On the other hand, in SSD-based storage systems, persistent data are stored in the NAND flash and however manipulated in DRAM, causing the decoupled inefficiency. The data being closer to the processors are much easier to be lost due to the volatile property of DRAM, leading to serious data reliability problems. What’s more, restrictive read/program granularity and out-of-place updates limit the performance while flash suffers from small size operations.In order to address these problems, we propose a user-visible solid-state storage system with software-defined fusion methods for PCM and NAND flash. PCM is used for improving data reliability and reducing the write amplification of NAND flash as PCM shows some outstanding features, such as in-place updates, byte-addressable, non-volatile properties and better endurance. In this system, we manage the storage device as user-visible structure rather than black-box-modeled structure. In detail, we expose the number of channels, erase counts and data distribution of PCM/NAND flash to the host and design FTL algorithm closer to file system to obtain more semantic information of data accessing. PCM can be software-defined as the same level storage or buffer of NAND flash to reduce the WA (Write Amplification) of NAND flash and improve the data reliability. Moreover, some key software components (such as FTL, I/O scheduling and buffer management) are also reconfigurable and operated easily combined with physical characteristics. To achieve these design goals, we implement a Host Fusion Storage Layer (HFSL) and redesign the lengthy I/O path. Applications or filesystem can access PCM/flash directly via provided interfaces by HFSL without passing traditional I/O subsystem. Moreover, we provide the system management software to make the storage system can be easily software-defined by the upper-level system. We implement our software-defined fusion storage system in our actual hardware prototype and extensive experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed schemes.  相似文献   

Similar to traditional NAND flash memory, triple-level cell (TLC) flash memory is used as secondary storage to meet the fast growing demands on storage capacity. TLC flash memory exhibits attractive features such as shock resistance, high density, low cost, non-volatility and low access latency natures. However, TLC flash memory also has some extra limitations, such as write disturbance, low performances and very limited cycles compared to single-level cell (SLC) flash memory.In this paper, we propose a workload-aware flash translation layer, named Balloon-FTL, for the TLC/SLC dual-mode flash memory, to improve performance and lifespan of the system. We first build a workload identifier module with genetic algorithm to dynamically allocate TLC/SLC capacity based on different workloads, and produce the suitable data allocation to achieve a balanced write distribution in flash memory with low memory access cost. The basic idea is to classify metadata/userdata according to their access pattern, and allocate low-latency SLC and high-density TLC mode blocks for write-intensive metadata and a large quantities userdata, respectively. We then propose a special hybrid mapping strategy for the TLC/SLC dual-mode flash memory to improve the performance. Experimental results show that Balloon-FTL can effectively improve the performance and lifespan of the TLC/SLC dual-mode flash memory in embedded systems.  相似文献   

闪存是一种诞生于上世纪八十年代末的新型固态存储介质,与其他存储介质相比,具有一定的优越性,例如轻便、小巧、速度快、功耗小、抗震性能高,且不易丢失。正是由于闪存拥有诸多优点,使得其已经被逐渐运用到各种设备与系统当中。伴随着闪存存储技术的不断发展,进一步优化闪存数据库的性能,已经成为当前一项极为重要的问题。基于此,文章将对闪存及其特性加以介绍,并对闪存数据库的性能加以评测,且据此提出相应的优化措施,以进一步完善闪存数据库的性能,最后对闪存数据库的未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   

Recently, flash memory has gained its popularity as storage on wide spectrum of computing devices such as cellular phones, digital cameras, digital audio players and PDAs. The integration of high-density flash memory has been accelerated twice every year for past few years. As flash memory’s capacity increases and its price drops, it is expected that flash memory will be more competitive with magnetic disk drives. Therefore, it is desirable to adapt disk-based algorithms to take advantage of the flash memory technology.In this paper, we propose a novel Flash-Aware external SorTing algorithm, FAST, that overcomes the limitation of larger writing cost for flash memory to improve both overall execution time and response time. In FAST, we reduce the write operations with additional read operations. We provide the analysis for both traditional and our flash-aware algorithms by comparing the detailed cost formulas. Experimental results with synthetic and real-life data sets show that FAST can result in faster execution time as well as smaller response time than traditional external sorting algorithms.  相似文献   

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