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B语言和方法与Z、VDM的比较   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
邹盛荣  郑国梁 《计算机科学》2002,29(10):136-138
1 引言形式化方法是建立在严格数学基础上的软件开发方法。软件开发的全过程中,从需求分析、规格说明、设计、编程、系统集成、测试、文档生成直至维护各阶段,凡是采用严格的数学语言、具有精确的数学语义的方法都称为形式化方法。形式化方法的一个重要研究内容是形式规格说明,即用具有精确语义的形式化语言书写的程序功能描述,它是论证程序是否正确的依据。形式化方法需要形式规格说明语言的支持,也可以说形式化方法的关键在于形式规格说明语言。形式规格说明语言提供了一个称为语法域的记号系统和一个称为语义域的目标集合,以及一组精确地定义哪些目标系统满足哪个规格说明的规则。根据对目标软件系统进行说明的方式分三种规格说明语言:  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了利用DFA模型技术进行状态转换系统描述存在的主要问题,提出了利用代数规约技术解决这些问题的可行性,然后介绍了新一代具有松散语义的代数规约语言SPECTRUM及其主要规约操作符的语法和语义,并根据DFA模型及其语言的数学定义,给出了它们的结构化代数规约,为基于DFA模型的状态转换系统的形式化设计和开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

UML由于其广泛的应用和直观的图形化符号,成为了模型驱动工程的重要组成部分。但UML本身缺乏精确的形式语义定义,缺少对其模型精化关系的形式化规范定义,对UML模型进行形式验证变得尤为困难。UML类图作为描述系统结构的静态模型,不具备完整的形式语义。从UML类图的机械语义中抽取出形式规约,将UML类图中的结构和形式规约转换成定理证明器Coq中的机械语义定义。此外,还提出了类图的结构精化操作,将模型间的精化关系在Coq中进行形式化定义,并且对精化操作的原子操作进行机械验证,保证其精化前后系统的结构和语义保持一致。将UML和形式化方法相结合,为可验证的软件设计精化框架提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

UML状态机作为UML动态描述机制的重要组成部分,在描述系统及模型的动态行为时扮演着重要的角色,但已有的UML动态语义缺乏准确的形式化描述。首先将UML状态机抽象成图;再将图通过传统的有穷自动机进行语义扩展,同时增加状态分层,形成一个基于UML状态机的有穷自动机;然后用RAISE规约语言RSL对扩展后的自动机进行形式化定义,使UML状态机中的模型元素的语义更加清晰、精确,为后期的UML状态机的操作语义形式化研究打下基础。  相似文献   

形式化方法概貌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形式化方法是基于严格数学基础,对计算机硬件和软件系统进行描述、开发和验证的技术.其数学基础建立在形式语言、语义和推理证明三位一体的形式逻辑系统之上.形式化方法已经以不同程度和不同方式愈来愈多地应用在计算系统生命周期的各个阶段.介绍了形式化方法的发展历程和基本方法体系;以形式规约和形式验证为主线,综述了形式化方法的理论、方法、工具和应用的现状,展示了形式化方法与软件学科其他领域的交叉和融合;分析了形式化方法的启示,并展望了其面临的发展机遇和未来趋势.形式化方法的发展和研究现状表明:其应用已经取得了长足的进步,在提高计算系统的可靠性和安全性方面发挥了重要作用.在当今软件日益成为社会基础设施的时代,形式化方法将与人工智能、网络空间安全、量子计算、生物计算等领域和方向交叉融合,得到更加广阔的应用.研究和建立这种交叉融合的理论和方法不仅重要,而且具有挑战性.  相似文献   

基于设计演算的形式化用例分析建模框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈鑫  李宣东 《软件学报》2008,19(10):2539-2549
提出一种形式化用例分析建模框架,引入类图、用例顺序图、用例状态图、功能规约函数和系统不变式从多个角度为需求建模.通过定义这些视图的形式化语义,为需求的各个方面定义了准确的形式化描述.利用该框架,可以从方法的交互行为规约和功能规约合成描述方法全部行为的全规约;也可以定义用例模型的性质,并通过设计演算中的证明来分析验证这些性质.作为应用,研究了检查用例模型一致性的规则.给出一个实例说明建模框架的可行性.  相似文献   

针对嵌入式实时系统复杂动态交互行为和严格实时的领域特征,提出了一种软件需求规约语言RTRSM。该语言以扩充的层次并发有穷状态机HCA为核心,以支持合成的模板为基本组成单元.利用转换有效期和事件预定机制来描述时间限制,既具有较强的时间限制描述能力,又能自然而直接地支持交互行为的建模,可执行且具有良好的形式语义。给出了该语言的形式化语法,举例说明了其时间描述机制,并通过执行步算法和基于HCA项的结构化操作规则定义了该语言的形式化操作语义。  相似文献   

在统一建模语言(UML)规范中顺序图的语义是以自然语言的形式描述的,是一种半形式化的语言,不能对系统的交互行为进行形式化分析及论证.针对UML顺序图缺乏精确的形式化描述问题,根据顺序图的时序特征,提出了增加交互操作符的UML顺序图的六元组形式化方法.对描述逻辑进行时序扩展,得到可表示动态和时序语义的形式化规范——时序描述逻辑.应用时序描述逻辑的时态算子得到时序描述逻辑语义形式的UML顺序图.用UML顺序图描述完整的C语言执行过程,将其形式化描述,实验结果表明,这种方法是可行的.  相似文献   

1引言   软件工程的描述技术是指通过语法或图表给出的建模方法和符号或软件系统文档中使用的表格.模型是在形式化描述后形成语义概念的数学结构.形式化描述在软件工程中用来描述抽象的系统模型.形式化描述与建模技术的区别在于形式化描述方法一般采用文本、公式、表格和图表形式.它主要包括对数据模型,系统体系结构,系统行为,过程与场景的描述.建模技术是用来表达现实世界中的应用问题并将其映射到软件描述方法的过程或活动[1].……  相似文献   

形式化方法是把概念、判断、推理转化成特定的形式符号后,对形式符号表达系统进行研究的方法。是用具有精确语义的形式语言书写的程序功能描述,它是设计和编制程序的出发点,也是验证程序是否正确的依据。形式化方法就是用符号化的数学变换把需求分析给准确的表述出来,这样可以确保和需求的一致性,并能用于分析和验证应用程序。  相似文献   

The fact that Z is a specification language only, with no associated program development method, is a widely recognised problem. As an answer to that, we present ZRC, a refinement calculus based on Morgan's work that incorporates the Z notation and follows its style and conventions. This work builds upon existing refinement techniques for Z, but distinguishes itself mainly in that ZRC is completely formalised. In this paper, we explain how programs can be derived from Z specifications using ZRC. We present ZRC-L, the language of our calculus, and its conversion laws, which are concerned with the transformation of Z schemas into programs of this language. Moreover, we present the weakest precondition semantics of ZRC-L, which is the basis for the derivation of the laws of ZRC. More than a refinement calculus, ZRC is a theory of refinement for Z. Received July 1997 / Accepted in revised form October 1998  相似文献   

两次数据精化的形式化软件开发方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种从数据精化、过程精化、再数据精化的两次数据精化的形式化软件开发方法。传统Z规约数据精化很复杂。该文先采用过程写出初始规范,对模式进行第一次数据精化,然后把它转换为Z模式,再进行过程精化。最后再数据精化到且标代码。以常见动态Web网页脚本语言PHP为例,阐述了该方法。并为此写了一套从过程到Z模式的转化规则,以及精化到PHP的精化规则。  相似文献   

This paper concerns calculational methods of refinement in state-based specification languages. Data refinement is a well-established technique for transforming specifications of abstract data types into ones, which are closer to an eventual implementation. The conditions under which a transformation is a correct refinement are encapsulated into two simulation rules: downward and upward simulations.One approach for refining an abstract system is to specify the concrete data type, and then attempt to verify that it is a valid refinement of the abstract type. An alternative approach is to calculate the concrete specification based upon the abstract specification and a retrieve relation, which links the abstract and concrete states. In this paper we generalise existing calculational methods for downward simulations and derive similar results for upward simulations; we also document their use and application in a particular specification language, namely Z.  相似文献   

ContextIt is well-known that the use of formal methods in the software development process results in high-quality software products. Having specified the software requirements in a formal notation, the question is how they can be transformed into an implementation. There is typically a mismatch between the specification and the implementation, known as the specification-implementation gap.ObjectiveThis paper introduces a set of translation functions to fill the specification-implementation gap in the domain of database applications. We only present the formal definition, not the implementation, of the translation functions.MethodWe chose Z, SQL and Delphi languages to illustrate our methodology. Because the mathematical foundation of Z has many properties in common with SQL, the translation functions from Z to SQL are derived easily. For the translation of Z to Delphi, we extend Delphi libraries to support Z mathematical structures such as sets and tuples. Then, based on these libraries, we derive the translation functions from Z to Delphi. Therefore, we establish a formal relationship between Z specifications and Delphi/SQL code. To prove the soundness of the translation from a Z abstract schema to the Delphi/SQL code, we define a Z design-level schema. We investigate the consistency of the Z abstract schema with the Z design-level schema by using Z refinement rules. Then, by the use of the laws of Morgan refinement calculus, we prove that the Delphi/SQL code refines the Z design-level schema.ResultsThe proposed approach can be used to build the correct prototype of a database application from its specification. This prototype can be evolved, or may be used to validate the software requirements specification against user requirements.ConclusionTherefore, the work presented in this paper reduces the overall cost of the development of database applications because early validation reveals requirement errors sooner in the software development cycle.  相似文献   

Parallel computers have not yet had the expected impact on mainstream computing. Parallelism adds a level of complexity to the programming task that makes it very error-prone. Moreover, a large variety of very different parallel architectures exists. Porting an implementation from one machine to another may require substantial changes. This paper addresses some of these problems by developing a formal basis for the design of parallel programs in the form of a refinement calculus. The calculus allows the stepwise formal derivation of an abstract, low-level implementation from a trusted, high-level specification. The calculus thus helps structuring and documenting the development process. Portability is increased, because the introduction of a machine-dependent feature can be located in the refinement tree. Development efforts above this point in the tree are independent of that feature and are thus reusable. Moreover, the discovery of new, possibly more efficient solutions is facilitated. Last but not least, programs are correct by construction, which obviates the need for difficult debugging. Our programming/specification notation supports fair parallelism, shared-variable and message-passing concurrency, local variables and channels. The calculus rests on a compositional trace semantics that treats shared-variable and message-passing concurrency uniformly. The refinement relation combines a context-sensitive notion of trace inclusion and assumption-commitment reasoning to achieve compositionality. The calculus straddles both concurrency paradigms, that is, a shared-variable program can be refined into a distributed, message-passing program and vice versa. Received July 2001 / Accepted in revised form May 2002  相似文献   

The refinement calculus provides a methodology for transforming an abstract specification into a concrete implementation, by following a succession of refinement rules. These rules have been mechanized in theorem provers, thus providing a formal and rigorous way to prove that a given program refines another one. In a previous work, we have extended this mechanization for object-oriented programs, where the memory is represented as a graph, and we have integrated our approach within the rCOS tool, a model-driven software development tool providing a refinement language. Hence, for any refinement step, the tool automatically generates the corresponding proof obligations and the user can manually discharge them, using a provided library of refinement lemmas. In this work, we propose an approach to automate the search of possible refinement rules from a program to another, using the rewriting tool Maude. Each refinement rule in Maude is associated with the corresponding lemma in Isabelle, thus allowing the tool to automatically generate the Isabelle proof when a refinement rule can be automatically found. The user can add a new refinement rule by providing the corresponding Maude rule and Isabelle lemma.  相似文献   

并行程序设计是并行计算的难点之一。提出了一种将设计模式用于程序精化演算的并行程序设计方法。它通过在Z语言的Schema演算体系中扩充并行的概念和表示,使用设计模式,将问题求解和并行开发的知识进行形式化的定义与描述,通过扩充的Schema演算将其与模型规范进行复合,逐步精化得到抽象并行程序。通过实例对这一方法进行了详细的描述。  相似文献   

The advantage of COOZ(Complete Object-Oriented Z) is to specify large scale software,but it does not support refinement calculus.Thus its application is comfined for software development.Including refinement calculus into COOZ overcomes its disadvantage during design and implementation.The separation between the design and implementation for structure and notation is removed as well .Then the software can be developed smoothly in the same frame.The combination of COOZ and refinement calculus can build object-oriented frame,in which the specification in COOZ is refined stepwise to code by calculus.In this paper,the development model is established.which is based on COOZ and refinement calculus.Data refinement is harder to deal with in a refinement tool than ordinary algorithmic refinement,since data refinement usually has to be done on a large program component at once.As to the implementation technology of refinement calculus,the data refinement calculator is constructed and an approach for data refinement which is based on data refinement calculus and program window inference is offered.  相似文献   

We show how a theory of specification refinement and program development can be constructed as a conservative extension of our existing logic for Z. The resulting system can be set up as a development method for a Z-like specification language, or as a generalisation of a refinement calculus (with a novel semantics). In addition to the technical development we illustrate how the theory can be used in practice.  相似文献   

It is well known that the principal operators in the Z schema calculus are not monotonic with respect to refinement, which limits their usefulness in software development. The usual reaction to this observation is to remove all schema operators before performing any kind of refinement, or to move to a different formalism such as B or the refinement calculus. This paper examines the interaction between refinement and the schema calculus more closely, showing exactly how non-monotonicity arises, and identifying various conditions under which components of schema expressions can be safely replaced by their refinements. This analysis uses a decomposition of the standard refinement relation into two simpler relations that allow us to study refinements that modify a specification in different ways.  相似文献   

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