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先进制造技术在我国制造业应用的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
费志敏 《工业工程》2002,5(2):23-26
通过分析先进制造技术的基本特征,从技术和应用环境两个方面探讨了影响先进制造技术实施的主要因素;在此基础上提出了适合我国制造业实施先进制造技术的基本步骤和策略。  相似文献   

本文通过剖析抽油机制造行业特点,依据先进制造技术理论给出了抽油机制造行业应用先进制造技术的应用路线,以及在目前国情下抽油机制造企业优先发展先进制造技术的重点和方法。  相似文献   

大规模定制关键技术及概念模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
倪明  徐福缘 《高技术通讯》2005,15(12):30-35
在简要回顾国内外研究文献的基础上,指出了当今大规模定制在理论研究方面的不足。提出了企业实施大规模定制需要的若干关键技术及其集成,如数据仓库、企业门户和先进制造等技术的整合;论述了关于大规模定制的国际、国内标准化技术和规范及其对实施大规模定制的必要性,如制造技术、计算机及网络等标准的整合;同时提出了实施大规模定制所需的先进管理思想,如协同、供需网等理念。最后,在总结关键技术、标准化和先进管理思想基础上,提出了面向大规模定制的概念模型。  相似文献   

中小制造企业发展先进制造技术现状及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
制造技术创新是制造企业生存和发展的前提和保障,结合中国国情,具体分析中国中小制造企业运用先进制造技术的现状,从宏观和微观层面提出了促进中小制造企业技术创新,发展运用先进制造技术的方法和措施。  相似文献   

正逆向混合设计和快速集成制造系统的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从上海德尔福汽车空调系统有限公司产品开发的实际应用出发,提出了正逆向混合设计和快速集成制造系统的产品开发方法,并进行了应用研究,对企业实施先进制造技术有重要的示范与借鉴作用。  相似文献   

产品全生命周期管理(Product Lifecycle Management,PLM)来源于过去十几年对PDM/CAx/CIMS等信息化方案的积累与凝练,是最近几年才流行起来的概念。PLM是实施企业信息化战略的十分重要的组成部分。从战略上说,PLM是一个以产品为核心的商业战略,包含完整的机械的、电子的产品数据、软件用文件信息,结合了一整套技术和最佳实践的方法,能够开拓潜在的业务并且能够整合现在的、未来的技术和方法。本书叙述了企业资源规划ERP理论及其核心框架,并在介绍企业制造资源管理技术时重点强调企业制造资源管理与PLM的集成。书中先后讲述了企业制造资源管理的基本功能、扩展功能,以及集成技术与先进管理思想、企业制造资源管理的实施和案例。本书可让读者掌握企业制造资源管理的基本原理和实施方法。  相似文献   

徐建 《中国科技博览》2010,(32):635-636
先进制造技术是制造业为了提高竞争力以适应时代的要求而形成的一个高新技术群,是一个多学科体系。文中对先进制造技术中精密化和自动化进行了阐述,说明了只有利用先进制造技术,努力提升我国制造业的水平,实现精密化和自动化生产,才能增强企业竞争力,促进制造业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文基于先进制造技术的发展和市场需求的变化,分析了企业柔性管理的往年呼功能,并从思想、组织、方法、手段、人才诸方面探讨了企业实施柔性管理的思路和对策。  相似文献   

我国多品种小批量机械制造企业实施成组技术改造,既要立足于现实国情又要面向先进制造技术的应用。本文探讨了我国多品种少批量机械制造企业成组技术改造的技术规划问题,建立了企业模型,论述了成组单元建设、单元的柔性问题的解决方案、企业管理和计算机技术的应用等方面的问题,指出数控和建立虚拟成组单元是解决柔性问题的有效办法。  相似文献   

介绍了企业技术中心建设的重要意义,企业技术中心的合理的组织机构与运行机构;提出了建设企业技术中心的技术路线以及在企业技术中心建设中企业先进制造技术的关键。实事求是的加强规划与设计,加速培养掌握先进制造技术的人材才能使技术中心的建设取得实效。  相似文献   

This research empirically investigates the relationship between organizational culture, knowledge sharing, organizational innovation, and competitive advantage. Data were collected from 294 industrial managers, and PLS-SEM was used to validate data and examine the hypothesized relationships. Results revealed that organizational culture, knowledge sharing, and organizational innovation positively affect competitive advantage. More specifically, organizational culture fosters knowledge-sharing and innovation activities among the workforce and links them with high-level business processes that could be conducive to acquiring advanced manufacturing capabilities. The present study highlighted that organizational culture is indispensable for business operational success, and knowledge-sharing and organizational innovation appear to be key drivers for gaining competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Manufacturing organizations are constantly striving to develop more effective and flexible means for managing challenges due to globalization and increasing customer expectations. This has led to increased efforts by the business community to research and implement the Toyota Production System, or lean manufacturing, to address these challenges. These efforts have resulted in numerous publications on lean manufacturing, including research reports, scholarly articles, and trade magazine articles. However, the existing body of knowledge on lean manufacturing is disperse and diverse in nature with respect to the application and implementation of lean tools and practices, making it difficult for researchers and practitioners to gain a real grasp of this topic. In this article, we have comprehensively organized the existing work on implementation of lean manufacturing in a more structured way, enabling engineering management practitioners to more easily identify knowledge and best practices and enabling researchers to identify gaps in the extant literature. Lastly, drawing from the organizational science literature, this article also provides important insights on lean manufacturing from the perspective of organizational learning, innovation, and \culture.  相似文献   


This study proposes a systematic approach to model and examine the contextual effects of some key organizational factors on the functioning and utility of work practices. Whilst adopting a context-practice-performance conceptual framework, this study examines the relationship between leadership, organizational culture, and quality management practice. A survey was conducted amongst 66 respondents in 35 manufacturing companies in Hong Kong. Three complete mediation models and three partial mediation models were specified and estimated using structural equation modelling (LISREL 8.14). Results show that continuous-learning culture may promote the implementation of process management practices, and that transformational leaders tend to foster cultural changes towards continuous-learning. Results also suggest that the influence of transformational leadership on process management may be largely transmitted through a continuous-learning culture. This indicates that organizational culture may act as an effective mechanism for training overall and for leaders to induce organizational changes. Altogether, these findings suggest that the role of senior executives in promoting a continuous-learning culture could be important in leading a quality improvement programme. More theoretical and empirical work should be undertaken in applying the context-practices-performance framework to help integrate micro- and macro-ergonomics.  相似文献   

It has been consistently reported that many firms that have adopted advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) are failing to exploit the true flexibility potential of these systems. Since a firm's ability to improve flexibility is thought to be reliant on the flexibility of its people, it is often suggested that inadequate emphasis on people-centred implementation activities such as worker development are major contributors to many of these failures. The purpose of this study is to determine if differences in the level of effort exerted on several organizational development activities have any impact on a firm's time-based flexibility ability to respond quickly to changes in customer needs. Our analysis indicates that firms which expend higher levels of effort on worker development and functional integration strategies will achieve higher levels of time-based flexibility.  相似文献   

Although manufacturing contributes a large part to the current performance of companies, few companies deal systematically with issues related to strategic capacity management. As well as decisions on outsourcing and acquisition of resources, this involves triggering process innovation, process development and improving performance by adapting organizational structures. Action Research in companies reveals the importance of capacity management at a strategic level as well as the implementation at tactical and operational levels. The methods of Strategic Capacity Management, as proposed in this paper, provide an industrial company with tools for implementing its manufacturing strategy. Only the design of organizational structures has received attention in the past--little research has been done in the area of manufacturing technology and integral models for sourcing. Through matching product configurations with product-market strategies and product development, the methods point to areas of improvement. The new methods include decision-models for outsourcing and capacity management, product development, and a manufacturing technology scan. All the methods deploy performance evaluations as a base for selecting alternatives to define improvements. These improvements lead to decisions on investments for resources, resource utilization and development of processes, including initiation of manufacturing technologies, as demonstrated by four case studies.  相似文献   

全球经济一体化环境下产品的设计与制造技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球经济一体化环境下,产生了一些先进的设计与制造技术,如快速设计与制造、大规模定制生产及可适应性设计与制造等.本文详细论述了这些先进技术的概念、内容及关键点等.  相似文献   

针对制造系统提出了推广实施先进可视化仿真技术的方法。即面向市场,客户驱动的策略,它把设备布局,工艺仿真和快速报价集成起来,快速,有效地对客户需求做出反应。从而抓住市场时机,这一策略已成功地应用于啤酒灌装生产线的三维可视化仿真项目中。  相似文献   

With ever-increasing market competition and advances in technology, more and more countries are prioritizing advanced manufacturing technology as their top priority for economic growth. Germany announced the Industry 4.0 strategy in 2013. The US government launched the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) in 2011 and the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) in 2014. Most recently, the Manufacturing USA initiative was officially rolled out to further “leverage existing resources... to nurture manufacturing innovation and accelerate commercialization” by fostering close collaboration between industry, academia, and government partners. In 2015, the Chinese government officially published a 10-year plan and roadmap toward manufacturing: Made in China 2025. In all these national initiatives, the core technology development and implementation is in the area of advanced manufacturing systems. A new manufacturing paradigm is emerging, which can be characterized by two unique features: integrated manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing. This trend is in line with the progress of industrial revolutions, in which higher efficiency in production systems is being continuously pursued. To this end, 10 major technologies can be identified for the new manufacturing paradigm. This paper describes the rationales and needs for integrated and intelligent manufacturing (i2M) systems. Related technologies from different fields are also described. In particular, key technological enablers, such as the Internet of Things and Services (IoTS), cyber-physical systems (CPSs), and cloud computing are discussed. Challenges are addressed with applications that are based on commercially available platforms such as General Electric (GE)’s Predix and PTC’s ThingWorx.  相似文献   

产品设计思想创新和设计技术创新是先进制造技术的核心。在研究先进制造技术的体系和特点的基础上,探讨了先进制造的设计思想和设计技术的主要内容。  相似文献   

用系统的观点应用和发展先进制造技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对先进制造技术的系统性特点进行了分析 ,认为随着先进制造技术开始发展成为多学科交叉融合一体化的新一代制造科学 ,在应用与发展先进制造技术不能孤立看待某一先进制造技术 ,不应以追求技术的高新为目的 ,必须用全面、整体和系统的观点及手段对其进行处理 ,协调系统内部的各个要素 ,追求总体优化 ,必须重视技术、组织、管理及人的综合 .先进制造技术必须以人为中心 ,其运作需要先进的制造模式相匹配  相似文献   

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