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蔡萌亚  王文丽 《包装工程》2023,44(6):430-440
目的 随着信息技术的发展,汽车座舱逐渐从纯粹的驾驶空间升级为智能移动生活终端,人机交互的智能化趋势日益显著,通过对相关研究现状进行梳理和分析,为汽车智能座舱交互设计的优化方向提供参考,旨在为智能汽车用户带来更好的驾乘体验。方法 总结相关文献发表概况,梳理智能座舱的发展历程并阐述智能座舱及其交互设计的含义,对智能座舱及其交互设计的研究现状、关键技术、设计案例等进行梳理和归纳。结果 总结得出汽车智能座舱交互设计当前面临的问题和未来发展的趋势。结论 目前智能座舱交互设计面临着交互性与安全性的矛盾平衡、舱内与舱外的协同交互、智能座舱与其他智慧生活形态的有机连接、智能交互的应用实现等四个主要问题,并呈现出交互模态多元化、复合化,交互方式人性化、情感化,交互设计场景化,交互相关技术日益成熟的发展趋势。  相似文献   

地铁内部设施的情感化设计研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐静  张丙辰  王艳群 《包装工程》2017,38(16):168-172
目的提高乘客对于乘坐地体的体验,让乘客更加愉快地接受和乘坐地铁。方法基于情感化设计理论,从本能、行为和反思3个层面出发,结合乘客对地铁内装设计的情感认知来分析对乘客的影响。结论将情感化设计理论融入地铁内饰设计中,并结合乘客生理需求和心理需求不仅可以获得良好的功能体验、视觉体验,而且能获得良好的情感体验。  相似文献   

殷俊  王婉晴 《包装工程》2019,40(10):68-72
目的针对移动端软件数量激增以及用户对软件设计要求不断提高的发展趋势,从注意和视知觉的角度出发,研究移动终端界面设计中提高用户粘性的方案。方法首先从注意和视知觉对用户心理和生理的影响,来剖析软件中提高用户注意和视知觉利用率的设计因素,然后从用户需求和移动终端设计特点出发,通过分析市面上的软件案例,对比其中对注意和视知觉设计的差异,最终提出在移动终端界面设计中,能提升用户注意和视知觉体验的设计模式,以及符合信息布局的交互设计具体创新细节。结论移动终端界面设计影响着软件的用户粘性,把握注意和视知觉在界面设计中的应用特性,在提升产品使用舒适性的同时满足不同用户的需求,为用户提供更好的使用体验。  相似文献   

覃京燕  何嘉聪 《包装工程》2023,44(18):67-76
目的 传统汽车座舱的交互环境模态单一、媒介通道单一、人车交互场景单一,随着无人驾驶车元宇宙智能座舱的场景向着智能交互、多模态、多媒介、多元化的发展,人车交互和场景交互的模式,亟待运用空间场景交互的理论,优化智能座舱的场景交互设计方法。方法 借助场景理论和案例分析,建构智能座舱场景交互模型,剖析XR扩展现实HMI车机系统的交互设计特征,归纳总结多模态的人车交互场景,提出无人驾驶车元宇宙智能座舱的场景交互设计策略。结果 搭建智能座舱AR增强现实场景、VR虚拟场景、MR现实与虚拟混合场景,推出SMIM智能座舱场景交互模型与交互设计策略。结论 物资流、信息流、能量流、资金流、体验心流共同构成智能座舱的场景交互模型要素,针对无人驾驶车元宇宙的人车交互、智能空间交互、元宇宙内容的智能交互,具有重要的指导意义与应用价值。  相似文献   

王汝婷  戴端  刘文阳 《包装工程》2021,42(14):284-289
目的 对列车内室剩余空间设计现状与乘客情感诉求进行研究,形成科学合理的剩余空间视觉化设计方法,指导视觉化设计实践,提升乘客的乘车体验.方法 以乘客行为需求的交互方式为切入点,提取剩余空间形式要素及乘客情感要素,利用虚拟现实技术,试图在视觉化设计原则的基础上,改变人机交互方式及信息传播途径,构建剩余空间视觉化交互情境,形成协调统一、智能化、人性化的列车内室剩余空间.结论 创新性定义了地铁列车内室剩余空间,推演得出了剩余空间视觉化设计与乘客情感诉求之间的制约关系,构建了地铁列车内室剩余空间视觉化设计方法论模型,并进行设计案例的实践验证,有效提升了乘客乘车体验,将为营造符合情感化需求的地铁内室环境提供新的思路与案例参考.  相似文献   

徐丹 《包装工程》2016,37(12):167-171
目的借用知觉现象学的观点来指导家具设计实践。方法通过对传统家具设计案例的解读,从身体作为主体的知觉体验和具有场所精神的家具空间体验两方面阐述基于知觉现象学的设计过程。结论通过对具有场所感的情感体验和情境表达,可以得出一个基本的观点。知觉现象学是研究家具设计体验的有效方法,通过强调身体的综合知觉对家具所处特定空间进行体验,其重点在于表达身体与场所之间的互动关系。强调对日常生活世界的再次解读和对现代人的生活方式和文化情感需求的探索。  相似文献   

景观营造是城市公园独特性的重要部分,而视知觉感受是对景观营造各方面的综合反映,是景观体验时最直观的感受,对提升视觉景观质量、调节空间情感有着重要影响。从视错觉、视觉显著点两个方面,解析景观营造中借景手法、色彩提升手法的形成过程与视知觉感受,从视知觉层面探究了提升城市公园景观感受的方法。  相似文献   

刘梁 《包装工程》2020,41(14):272-277
目的从环境心理学的角度出发,研究环境、人与设计三者之间的关系,探讨环境心理学与医院导视系统之间的交互关系。从用户需求角度出发研究环境心理学对改善医院导视系统现状的有效方法,为社会解决实际问题。方法通过对国内医院导视系统使用情况的走访调查发现其不足之处,进而对国外医院导视系统开展调查,通过案例分析对比,发现国内外医院导视系统设计的差异性。从知觉、空间感知和感知层面探讨不同群体对医院导视系统的特殊需求。结果用环境心理学设计理论研究我国医院环境,符合医院导视系统未来发展趋势。结论医院作为城市公共空间很重要的一部分,服务人群有其特殊性,未来设计发展趋势应该符合环境与人的根本需要,结合新技术,用环境心理学研究方法指导医院导视系统设计的未来发展趋势具有现实意义和推广价值。  相似文献   

无人驾驶汽车的出现与发展改变了汽车的内部构造与空间结构,对无人驾驶汽车内饰的研究与设计成为汽车造型设计领域重要的研究课题。论文通过研究电力驱动对汽车内部构造的影响,提出了基于CMF理论的内饰设计思路,从色彩、材料和工艺三个方面来论述对汽车内饰设计的可行性,更加贴合使用者对汽车内饰的功能需求和心理需求。  相似文献   

刘文阳  戴端  王汝婷 《包装工程》2021,42(10):200-206, 250
目的 根据调查研究整合归纳现有磁悬浮列车乘坐空间色彩设计上存在的不足,探究磁悬浮列车乘坐空间色彩与乘客情感体验之间的映射关系,提出科学合理的实践设计方法,提升新时代乘客更加舒适的乘车体验.方法 以600 km/h磁悬浮列车内饰色彩设计为例进行实验设计验证,揭示并明确色彩属性与乘客情感属性之间的映射关系.借助空间载体进行系统联接,构建色彩映射关系的创意矩阵.结论 借助色彩映射关系有效总结归纳出乘坐空间人与色彩环境的认知关联与逻辑,构建满足乘客特殊乘坐体验的色彩映射关系矩阵模型,为创设更具情感化、人性化、智能化的磁悬浮列车乘坐空间色彩环境,创新性地提出了基于乘坐空间色彩映射关系的磁悬浮列车内饰色彩设计方法,为列车内环境色彩的设计与评估提供有效的参考.  相似文献   

左恒峰  钟志华 《包装工程》2023,44(8):95-106
目的 在汽车内室中,作为传统乘员约束系统的安全带与安全气囊已经存在相当长的时间,虽然对乘员的碰撞安全起到了积极的保护作用,但存在若干弊端,尤其在某些特殊工况下缺乏有效保护,会产生潜在损伤。在不能充分满足未来自动驾驶汽车需求的情境下,因乘员的各种姿态和多种活动,以及对乘员保护的全面性和有效性的要求,有必要在内室设计中对乘员保护方式进行完善和创新。方法 在对传统内室壁面和乘员约束系统进行文献综述和全面审视的基础上,从内室结构原型创新的角度,提出基于充气式壁面结构的内室设计新概念,并对这一新概念进行了创新点的梳理,以及初步的可行性分析论证,并进一步进行了意向性的内室概念呈现及后续的研究规划。结果 初步仿真分析表明,碰撞过程中充气式壁面结构对应的头部损伤指标满足国际通用标准,对乘员安全保护的机制来说是可行的。基于充气式壁面结构的汽车内室还将从材料层面实现汽车内室绿色环保、助推汽车轻量化、营造汽车内室新的视觉景观。结论 基于充气式壁面结构的汽车内室新概念是对传统汽车内室壁面结构的变革性创新,在部分保留传统约束系统的基础上,形成开拓性的乘员安全保护机制,是汽车内室工业设计在形态学上的突破性尝试。基...  相似文献   

Estimates were made of the effects of observed differences in the crash responses of small and large cars on the likelihood of injury to unrestrained occupants in small car-small car and large car-large car head-on collisions using a simple spring-mass model. Two measures of the likelihood of injury were computed: the relative velocity of an unrestrained occupant and car at the instant the occupant strikes the interior, and the approximate closing speed at which occupant compartment intrusion would be expected to begin. Model estimates of the intrusion thresholds for large ear-large car and small car-small car head-on crashes were comparable. However, unrestrained occupants were predicted to strike the interiors of their cars at a lower relative velocity in a head-on crash involving two large cars than in a similar crash involving two small cars. Head-on crashes involving a large and small car were also modelled for purposes of comparison. The estimated intrusion thresholds for small cars in such crashes were considerably lower than in small car-small car crashes. Also, calculations indicated that in a small car-large car head-on crash, an unrestrained small car occupant strikes the interior of his car with a higher relative velocity than an unrestrained large car occupant, and this velocity is higher than if his car struck another small car. However, the difference in the relative velocities with which unrestrained small and large car occupants impact the interiors of their cars in small car-large car collisions was found to diminish with increasing closing speed. These results suggest that the frontal structures of small cars should be longer and less stiff than on current models and the occupant compartment should be stiffer. Such designs would help to reduce injuries to restrained and unrestrained small car occupants in collisions with both small and large cars.  相似文献   

梁峭  李然 《包装工程》2019,40(22):112-118
目的在当前车载智能交互情境下,对汽车内室体验设计要素进行研究,总结内室体验设计框架并指导设计实践。方法基于汽车内室的发展历史,总结当前内室发展阶段中对内室体验产生直接影响的4个驱动要素:总布置、交互方式、信息互联和服务设计。结合案例分析,总结未来汽车内室体验的4个主要趋势,分别是空间的回归、行为的升级、情境的感知、品牌的强化,并对经典工业设计和交互设计在不同层面的关注点进行对比。最后,基于产品—服务—系统—体验的综合层级,形成了汽车内室体验设计的理论框架,能初步用于设计实践。结论汽车已经从运载工具变成了移动体验空间,汽车内室体验来自于由技术包裹的品牌、情境、行为、空间4个元素作用下形成的综合性感知。  相似文献   

Safety belts protect occupants in frontal impacts by reducing occupant deceleration and preventing the occupant from hitting interior vehicle components likely to cause injury. However, occupants moving forward during the impact may contact the safety belt webbing across their chest and abdomen. We hypothesized that if the occupant loaded their knee-thigh-hip (KTH) region with enough force to result in injury to this region—it might prevent compression (and injury) of their abdomen by the safety belt. Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) data were used to test the association between KTH and intra-abdominal injury related to safety belts. Odds ratios with 95% confidence limits (CL) and logistic regression models were used to assess statistical significance. Analyses were based on 706 CIREN adult, front seat occupants using their safety belt and injured in frontal crashes. Occupants with KTH injury were four times less likely (adjusted odds ratio = 0.25, 95% CL 0.10, 0.62) to have concomitant serious intra-abdominal injury caused by the safety belt. Although safety belts save lives and prevent serious injury, some occupants may sustain serious intra-abdominal injury when the abdomen is loaded by the safety belt during a frontal impact. These results may be useful to motor vehicle manufacturers and others who design and test motor vehicle safety systems.  相似文献   

韦艳丽  王松琴  孙虹  王磊 《包装工程》2019,40(20):114-117
目的 研究互联网产品中的情感温度的设计触点及其提升策略,丰富用户体验设计的相关理论。方法 从用户的感知层面出发,分析互联网产品在视觉、触觉、意觉三个层面的情感交互内容,并以此为设计点,提出设计策略,提升用户体验。结论 指出了提升互联网产品情感温度的重要性。从用户的感知层面将情感温度分为视觉层面、触觉层面和意觉层面,不仅有针对性地探索了优化视觉层面的导流设计、扁平化触觉层面的信息层级、简化触觉层面的行为路径,而且深入地解读了用户在意觉层面的需求等。通过使用这些方面的策略,能有效地提高产品实用性,更好地满足用户情感需求,进而提高产品的竞争力。  相似文献   

张建英 《包装工程》2022,43(24):378-384
随着大数据、移动互联网、现代人工智能等先进技术在汽车运输管理领域的创新发展和广泛应用,车身内部空间、人机交互界面、操作处理方式和交互处理正在不断发生改革。目的 为了探索研究现阶段智能汽车的发展趋势,深入了解汽车界面识别系统的模式和技术进步,推动人工智能领域的进一步发展,系统分析了当前市场背景下,智能驾驶汽车人机界面识别系统多模式的体现形式。方法 从人机交互的角度出发,以BMW汽车案例为主,通过以驾驶员为导向,进行智能汽车仪式感设计研究分析,重点阐述蓝牙技术、汽车界面显示设备、数字智能化、智能控制系统、共享技术、情感交互六个领域在驾驶系统的现状及未来的发展趋势,剖析互联网时代现阶段智能汽车统筹发展,深入研究汽车界面识别系统在人机领域的实际应用。结果 结合学术界和汽车产业市场,分析智能汽车界面识别系统的能力和技术的重要性,以及在未来一段时间内智能汽车发展的趋势。结论 指出提升汽车识别界面的技术水平是当前国内智能汽车厂商和信息技术服务公司的发展重点,提升汽车内饰的用户体验以激发消费潜力,拓宽消费市场是未来汽车人机交互的发展重点。  相似文献   

We sought to investigate the effect of increased body weight on the risk of death and serious injury to occupants in motor vehicle crashes. We employed a retrospective cohort study design utilizing data from the National Automotive Sampling System, Crashworthiness Data System (CDS), 1993-1996. Subjects in the study included occupants involved in tow-away crashes of passenger cars, light trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles. Two outcomes were analyzed: death within 30 days of the crash and injury severity score (ISS). Two exposures were considered: occupant body weight and body mass index (BMI; kg/m2). Occupant weight was available on 27263 subjects (76%) in the CDS database. Mortality was 0.67%. Increased body weight was associated with increased risk of mortality and increased risk of severe injury. The odds ratio for death was 1.013 (95% CI: 1.007, 1.018) for each kilogram increase in body weight. The odds ratio for sustaining an injury with ISS > or = 9 was 1.008 (95% CI: 1.004, 1.011) for each kilogram increase in body weight. After adjustment for potentially confounding variables (age, gender, seatbelt use, seat position and vehicle curbweight), the significant relationship between occupant weight and mortality persisted. After adjustment, the relationship between occupant weight and ISS was present, although less marked. Similar trends were found when BMI was analyzed as the exposure. In conclusion, increased occupant body weight is associated with increased mortality in automobile crashes. This is probably due in part to increased co-morbid factors in the more overweight occupants. However, it is possibly also due to an increased severity of injury in these occupants. These findings may have implications for vehicle safety design, as well as for transport safety policy.  相似文献   

This study addresses of the impacts of emergency vehicle (ambulances, police cars and fire trucks) occupant seating position, restraint use and vehicle response status on injuries and fatalities. Multi-way frequency and ordinal logistic regression analyses were performed on two large national databases, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the General Estimates System (GES). One model estimated the relative risk ratios for different levels of injury severity to occupants traveling in ambulances. Restrained ambulance occupants involved in a crash were significantly less likely to be killed or seriously injured than unrestrained occupants. Ambulance rear occupants were significantly more likely to be killed than front-seat occupants. Ambulance occupants traveling non-emergency were more likely than occupants traveling emergency to be killed or severely injured. Unrestrained ambulance occupants, occupants riding in the patient compartment and especially unrestrained occupants riding in the patient compartment were at substantially increased risk of injury and death when involved in a crash. A second model incorporated police cars and fire trucks. In the combined ambulance–fire truck–police car model, the likelihood of an occupant fatality for those involved in a crash was higher for routine responses. Relative to police cars and fire trucks, ambulances experienced the highest percentage of fatal crashes where occupants are killed and the highest percentage of crashes where occupants are injured. Lack of restraint use and/or responding with ‘lights and siren’ characterized the vast majority of fatalities among fire truck occupants. A third model incorporated non-special use van and passenger car occupants, which otherwise replicated the second model. Our findings suggest that ambulance crewmembers riding in the back and firefighters in any seating position, should be restrained whenever feasible. Family members accompanying ambulance patients should ride in the front-seat of the ambulance.  相似文献   

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