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马蓉  马俊  王亚涛 《工业工程》2011,14(3):92-95
研究需求依赖于价格环境下的批发价格契约,建立了由单个零售商和单个制造商组成的供应链模型。该模型中零售商决定商品的订货量和销售价格,制造商决定商品的批发价格。以集中决策系统下供应链的利润、销售价格和销售量作为基准,研究分散情况下供应链的效率、销售价格以及销售量的变化,同时考虑在此情况下制造商提供的批发价格构成,在此基础上进一步探讨价格弹性对供应链效率和供应链利润分配比例的影响。  相似文献   

考虑两个独立且对称的双渠道零售商,在销售季末允许一方的线上渠道缺货时可分享另一方的剩余库存,研究共享库存下零售商的最优订购与转运价格决策,分别建立了不共享与共享剩余库存两种情形下的订货和转运量模型。基于非合作静态博弈理论,确定了共享库存时的最优订购量,并探讨转运价格对库存和利润的影响,给出了共享库存前后零售商库存增减的条件,以及最优转运价格。研究表明,共享剩余库存时两零售商的均衡利润均高于不共享剩余库存的情形;但库存的变化由转运价格和阈值共同决定,当转运价格小于阈值时,共享剩余库存时两零售商的库存水平均低于不共享剩余库存的情形,反之则反。最后通过数值分析验证了模型的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

在生鲜农产品的需求受新鲜度和价格影响的背景下,考虑了生鲜农产品按照两阶段不同的价格进行销售的情况,通过引入收益共享和价格补贴的联合契约,构建了生鲜农产品的供应链协调模型,对订货量和降价时点进行了有效的决策。研究表明,联合契约能使供应链整体的利润达到集中决策时的利润;随着第二阶段销售价格在一定范围内的提高,订货量和供应链整体的利润会随之增加。最后,通过算例验证了模型的有效性,并对模型中第二阶段销售价格进行了灵敏度分析。  相似文献   

基于当前大多数企业均将社会责任(cooperate social responsibility, CSR)投入纳入到战略规划的背景,研究制造商CSR投入模式对供应链成员及系统利润的影响。考虑3种投入模式:无制造商投入CSR(模型NN)、单个制造商投入CSR(模型NY)和制造商同时投入CSR(模型YY)。通过建立两制造商−单零售商的二级供应链模型,求解出均衡价格与利润。研究表明,制造商利润始终与价格敏感系数成反比,但仅在模型YY中零售商的利润与价格敏感系数成正比;在制造商双方均投入CSR时三方成员可实现利润最大化,且供应链决策效率达到最优。通过数值算例分析模型中部分参数对供应链成员利润的影响。  相似文献   

弹性需求下一类国际供应链的最优价格契约   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了在最终市场需求具有价格弹性的情况下,由单一制造商、单一零售商组成的国际供应链的最优价格折扣契约。首先建立了零售商和制造商在无折扣、有折扣时的利润模型:然后提出了求解最优价格折扣的算法;最后通过算例仿真,求出了在不同汇率下的最优价格折扣,对问题进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

由于房地产具有消费和投资两种功能,其价格波动已严重制约了经济发展。因此,分析影响房地产价格的主要因素,不仅有利于正确制定房地产价格,而且有利于搞好房地产经营。本文通过分析房地产价格的形成条件,针对影响房地产价格的主要因素,结合当前房地产价格宏观调控政策提出发展建议。  相似文献   

利用Stackelberg博弈模型研究价格柔性契约下零售商和供应商的策略。由于产品市场价格的波动,零售商和供应商签订价格柔性契约来应对市场价格波动带来的利润风险,零售商面临的市场需求依赖于其销售价格,供应商决定价格柔性契约的参数。首先,零售商根据价格对需求的影响大小和签订的价格柔性契约参数决定产品的零售价格,然后供应商根据零售商的零售价格决定柔性契约的价格风险分担系数。考虑了加和型和乘积型价格影响需求两种情况,计算得出价格柔性契约下零售商的最优定价以及供应商的最优价格风险分担系数。研究结果可以为价格柔性契约下需求依赖价格的供应链成员决策提供理论和方法指导。  相似文献   

金融资产价格的风险来自于自身价格的波动,而刻画资产价格波动的指标是波动率.本文以上证综合指数作为研究对象,通过广义矩估计(GMM)方法给出随机波动模型的参数估计和统计推断.借鉴无穷小生成元,条件期望算子和微分算子 Taylor 展开等知识,从理论上给出 GMM 的必要条件,即正交矩条件,进一步应用 GMM 方法研究随机波动率模型的参数估计,并通过应用重度抽样粒子滤波器(SIR)给出随机波动率的过滤估计值.实证结果表明,刻画上证综合指数需要引入随机波动率,同时也发现随机波动率模型能够很好地描述一些重大的经济现象.最后,根据所得参数估计结果,分析了随机波动率模型的欧式看涨期权问题.  相似文献   

短生命周期产品的延期交货和价格折扣模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用斜坡型函数来描述短生命周期产品需求变化特征,用持有成本不断增加表示短生命周期产品无形变质所带来的损失,研究在允许缺货情况下,如何设置合理价格折扣来控制订单的流失,确定各周期的最佳延迟供货量、最优价格折扣、最优订货时间和订货量,从而实现企业总成本的最优。给出了一种迭代逼近的方法来寻求在有限时域内的最优订购策略,通过数值分析验证了该模型的有效性和可操作性,对相应的参数做出了灵敏度分析。该模型能够确定出企业最佳的价格折扣以挽留住更多的顾客,使其总利润达到最优。  相似文献   

张于贤  王晓婷  黄鑫 《包装工程》2017,38(5):234-238
目的研究动态回收环境下,如何确定使利润最大化的废弃包装回收量和回收价格,以及RL-MIS在废旧包装回收过程中的优化问题。方法以RL-MIS为基础,从动态规划(DP)的角度研究回收量、回收价格与各参数之间的关系,构建新的废旧包装动态回收过程DP模型;根据Database提供的历史数据求得供给曲线方程作为验证方程,检验该动态回收模型的运行结果。结果算例结果得到某种材料的废旧包装的每日最佳回收量为263.7 t,最佳回收价格为590.8元/t。结论结合动态模拟结果,表明该模型可在动态回收环境下模拟获得废旧包装回收量与回收价格的最佳解集。说明合理运用该DP模型可以有效提高废旧包装回收收益,并降低回收成本。  相似文献   

The Interaction of Economic Ordering Quantities and Marketing Policies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A general net profit model is developed consisting of the difference between the gross profit and the total inventory costs. This model considers that the demand is a function of the selling price, that the selling price depends on the pricing policy and on the unit cost which in its turn varies according to the order quantity. It is shown that the correct treatment of inventory problems is that which considers its interaction with problems of pricing since the obtainable net profit can be increased over the amounts achieved when inventory problems were regarded as independent subsystems. Further it has been found that there exists a critical demand elasticity such that the preferable pricing policy is different for prevailing elasticities above this value than for elasticities below it.  相似文献   

In this article, the economic production and inventory model in a three-layer supply chain including one distributor, one manufacturer and one retailer for a single-product and general demand functions under three scenarios is developed. We assume that during the production process, both healthy and defective items are generated. As the first scenario, we develop the first model, in which the defective items are not reworked and all considered as scrape, while in the second model, we assume that the defective items are reworked and are sold as perfect item. In the second scenario, we assume that defective item can be sold with lower price than the selling price. Moreover, raw materials with imperfect quality are sent back from a distributor to outside supplier under a lower price. Determining the order quantity of the distributor and the selling prices of the distributor and the manufacturer as well as the retailer was the goal of this article such that the total profit of each member is maximised. In order to solve the models, the Stackelberg approach is employed between the members, and the concavity of the profit functions is proved using several theorems. Then, closed form solutions are derived for the decision variables and a solution algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal solutions. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the applicability of the model.  相似文献   

This paper studies the value of information on future price behaviour. We consider a one-period inventory modelling framework with random period length and two order opportunities. The selling price is determined dynamically and the demand is price-sensitive. The second ordering-pricing decision reflects the updated information on future price behaviour on supply chain flexibility. We consider three models with different levels of flexibility: the static model, the quantity flexible model and the combined quantity and timing (fully) flexible model. We compare between the values of three different features in the supply chain: updated information on price behaviour, dynamic pricing and supply flexibility. And we demonstrate the effect of holding cost and demand uncertainty on these three values. We also consider a specific condition with fixed selling prices. We give explicit analysis on the optimal order decisions, and analytically show the impact of information and quantity flexibility on the optimal order decisions.  相似文献   

王虹  周晶  孙玉玲 《工业工程》2011,14(4):58-62
针对由传统零售渠道和网络直销渠道组成的双渠道供应链模型,考虑批发价格和传统零售价格确定情况下,同时市场需求随机且受价格影响时,对制造商在直销渠道上的最优定价和库存量决策,以及零售商在传统分销渠道上的最优订货量进行研究。通过模型分析和数值仿真说明:当需求分配比例处在一定范围内时,存在可行的直销价格。当加入直销价格不小于批发价格的约束条件后,在更小的需求分配比例范围内能够找到均衡解。且在此合理的区域内,传统零售渠道订货量减少,直销渠道库存量增大,但供应链总的销售量基本不变。零售商的期望收益有所增加,对于供应商,其来自于零售渠道的期望收益减少,来自于直销渠道的收益以及总收益增多。整个供应链的收益得到提高。  相似文献   

We present a planning model for chemical commodities related to an industry case. Commodities are standard chemicals characterized by sales and supply volatility in volume and value. Increasing and volatile prices of crude oil-dependent raw materials require coordination of sales and supply decisions by volume and value throughout the value chain to ensure profitability. Contract and spot demand differentiation with volatile and uncertain spot prices, spot sales quantity flexibility, spot sales price–quantity functions and variable raw material consumption rates in production are problem specifics to be considered. Existing chemical industry planning models are limited to production and distribution decisions to minimize costs or makespan. Demand-oriented models focus on uncertainty in demand quantities not in prices. We develop an integrated model to optimize profit by coordinating sales quantity, price and supply decisions throughout the value chain. A two-phase optimization approach supports robust planning ensuring minimum profitability even in case of worst-case spot sales price scenarios. Model evaluations with industry case data demonstrate the impact of elasticities, variable raw material consumption rates and price uncertainties on planned profit and volumes.  相似文献   

We consider a single-period single-item inventory system. The demand is a compound Poisson process with price-dependent intensity and continuous batch size distribution. The intensity of the customers’ arrivals is sufficiently high to use a diffusion approximation of the demand process. Equations for retail price maximising of an expected profit with the optimal order quantity are obtained and an approximate solution is proposed. Numerical results illustrating the percentage of the increase in profit for linear price-intensity dependence are given. An approximate distribution of the selling time of a large order is obtained. Demand parameters estimation procedures based on two censored samples – the observed selling durations and demands – are discussed.  相似文献   

We study a manufacturer’s production quantity and pricing decisions when the manufacturer has an opportunity to sell surplus inventory through a salvage channel. Before sales begin, the manufacturer determines the production quantity without knowing customer demand. After demand is realised, the manufacturer first satisfies the demand through primary channel while charging a fixed price or adjusting price to maximise profit. At the end of the selling season, the manufacturer resells surplus inventory through the salvage channel, which can be either integrated with or independent of the manufacturer. The manufacturer’s optimal production quantity and expected profit are investigated under different salvage channel structures. We show that the salvage channel improves the manufacturer’s profitability as well as the availability of the product to potential customers through both primary and salvage channels.  相似文献   

We consider the single item newsboy problem, where the item can be sold to different demand classes at different prices. The demands are realized sequentially over time. That is, the newsboy purchases newspapers at the beginning of the day and sells them in the morning and in the afternoon with different prices. We analyze two cases where the prices are either decreasing or increasing; the former case applies, for example, to fashion goods retailing, while the latter to airlines and hotels. In the decreasing price case, we find the optimal order quantity to maximize the expected profit with independent multiple demands. We show numerically that aggregating the multiple demands with a single average price or applying the single demand newsboy model separately to multiple demand classes may lead to large sub-optimality. In the increasing price case, we analyze a two demand class model in which a fraction of the unsatisfied lower fare demand diverts to the high fare class, thus causing dependent sales. We follow a policy of protecting the sales in the higher fare class by limiting the sales in the lower fare class. We derive both the fare allocation limit and the initial capacity, and discuss managerial implications. For both models, we give bounds on the optimal order quantity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic mathematical programming approach for active demand management in process industries. The proposed methodology aims to determine optimal pricing policies as well as output levels for substitute products, while taking into consideration manufacturing costs, resource availability, customer demand elasticity, outsourcing and market competition. First, profit maximisation analytical formulae are derived for determining Nash equilibrium in prices for a duopolistic market environment where each company produces only one product. An iterative algorithm is then proposed so as to determine the decision-making process by solving a series of non-linear mathematical programming (NLP) models before determining the Nash equilibrium in prices for the competing companies. The proposed algorithm is extended in order to accommodate the case of multi-product companies, each one selling a set of substitute products at different prices. The applicability of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by a number of illustrative examples.  相似文献   

考虑新产品投入市场时潜在市场需求不确定下的供应链风险厌恶,构造了一个考虑制造商和零售商的效用函数,建立了基于广告费用、服务水平以及销售价格的最优短期决策模型,分析了需求风险和供应链成员风险容忍水平对供应链最优短期决策的影响,采用数值仿真分析了供应链最优长期决策。研究结果表明:最优广告费用分别是需求风险和风险容忍水平的单调递增和递减函数,最优销售价格和服务水平则因行业等因素不同与需求风险和风险容忍水平呈U型或倒U型关系;当市场环境变化时,销售价格和服务水平在不同市场条件下应做出不同调整,而广告费用调整与市场特征无关;从长期来看制造商可以达到效用最大化,而零售商效用只能次优。a  相似文献   

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