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通过对国内外石油标准体系现状进行分析,确定了石油天然气勘探开发数据标准体系研究技术路线,建立了石油天然气勘探开发数据标准体系结构,并以石油天然气勘探开发元数据标准和石油天然气勘探开发业务分类与编码规则这两项标准为基础,对数据标准和应用标准所包含的数据元元数据、勘探开发业务分类与编码、业务模型、源点信息采集、图形图符、数据交换、图形交换等系列标准进行了阐述。石油天然气勘探开发数据标准体系的建立,为油田企业数据中心建设奠定了基础,为油田勘探开发生产、科研一体化业务协同提供了重要支撑。  相似文献   

生物机械工程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了生物机械工程的重要意义、研究现状、发展趋势、存在问题及对策,旨在推动我国生物机械工程的研究和学术地位的确立,推动生物医学工程学的进步,提高人民的健康水平。  相似文献   

经过20多年的发展,中国已可以利用遥感、地理信息系统、全球定位系统等空间技术对洪涝、干旱、森林/草原火灾、地下煤火、雪灾、赤潮、台风、滑坡/泥石流、沙尘暴等自然灾害进行监测、评估与预警研究,也可以对空气质量、水环境及生态环境进行监测与评价。为了能够实现大范围、全天候、快速、动态的环境和灾害监测,进一步提高环境监测和综合减灾能力,中国将分阶段发射由4颗光学小卫星和4颗合成孔径雷达小卫星组成的环境与灾害监测预报小卫星星座,通过卫星系统、地面系统、应用系统的建设,最终实现天地一体化的灾害及环境监测、应急、决策支  相似文献   

目的 为建构设计市场学与产业化战略设计体系,揭示设计学促进生产力发展的创新本质,提升设计在产业链中的战略级价值与地位,破解企业产品打造、品牌塑造、业绩增长、融资上市等核心难题,驱动“政.企.学”融合创新升级。方法 基于设计学与金融科技、经济管理等学科以及“农.工.商”等产业融合进行研究,凝练28年“产.学.研”实践探索与学术理论研究成果,通过调研提炼与应用验证,建构设计产业化核心体系。结论 基于设计市场学原理、设计产业化战略理论,提出并阐明了“上市产业链、上市沸腾器、产业.企业IPO战略设计、产业战略标准‘芯片’、星云战略设计与资源系统”的核心概念与内涵,总结了“以终为始、领域细分、科技聚核、文化铸魂、集群创孵”战略设计原理,升级了“顶层战略标准制定、科技产品创新打造、文化品牌设计塑造、产业创孵平台建构”战略设计方法,构建了“设计市场学-产业化-上市链-IPO战略-标准”理论与实践体系,对探索“政产学研科教文”全域融合创新发展具有导向性意义与战略级价值。  相似文献   

张慧姝 《包装工程》2020,41(2):175-180
目的非家庭式智能养老的伦理研究和治理设计旨在为中国养老提供解决对策。方法提出非家庭式智能养老、数字劳动力、养老治理的定义,从政治、教育、哲学、社会学、经济学、管理、人口、法学、计算机科学与技术(大数据、人工智能、人机交互)、设计等多维视角综合研究,进行对抗性设计。综合运用各种方法采集、分析、研究数据,包括实地调研,问卷调研,运用网络爬虫、舆情分析软件、CiteSpace等大数据采集和分析软件,利用争胜性信息设计方法,揭示养老各因素的关联模式。利用多层次数据提取,使养老、伦理、治理、AI等形成一个完整的养老循环系统。结论养老的治理需要放在一个大的、复杂的循环系统中解决。非家庭式智能养老的伦理是治理复杂养老民生问题的基础,通过构建和设计多边社会契约和广泛的民主,重塑和设计AI时代下公共行动者的义务、责任、利益,非家庭式智能养老行动的观念、法律、信仰和路线,养老体系中工作流程和岗位、养老保障、智能平台、智能产品、资源、服务,以居家为主,其它少量辅助的养老方式等,开展公共行动,从而形成完整的养老体系和治理对策,并能够让其自我成长。  相似文献   

Actuators are used to perform a variety of functions in almost every type of electromechanical system, ``smart' device, and instrument. Increasingly, in many applications, actuators need to achieve reduced size, mass, power consumption, and cost. Examples of industries that demand novel, miniature, and powerful actuators are medicine, biotechnology, information technology, space, manufacturing, entertainment, military, and micro- and nanotechnology. Conventional actuators such as DC motors, pneumatic motors, and hydraulic motors are energy-wasting, large-volume, and heavy-mass actuation systems. Novel design methodologies, materials, and paradigms are currently needed in order to develop such lightweight and powerful actuation systems. In this paper we present the development of two novel, compact, and powerful smart material-based advanced actuators. The first motor is a shape memory alloy (SMA) bundle actuator, and the second is a hybrid concept based on electrorheological fluids (ERFs) and electromagnetic components. A detailed review of the state of the art in SMA- and ERF-based actuators is also presented.  相似文献   

Interfacing nano/microscale elements with biological components in 3D contexts opens new possibilities for mimicry, bionics, and augmentation of organismically and anatomically inspired materials. Abiotic nanoscale elements such as plasmonic nanostructures, piezoelectric ribbons, and thin film semiconductor devices interact with electromagnetic fields to facilitate advanced capabilities such as communication at a distance, digital feedback loops, logic, and memory. Biological components such as proteins, polynucleotides, cells, and organs feature complex chemical synthetic networks that can regulate growth, change shape, adapt, and regenerate. Abiotic and biotic components can be integrated in all three dimensions in a well‐ordered and programmed manner with high tunability, versatility, and resolution to produce radically new materials and hybrid devices such as sensor fabrics, anatomically mimetic microfluidic modules, artificial tissues, smart prostheses, and bionic devices. In this critical Review, applications of small scale devices in 3D hybrid integration, biomicrofluidics, advanced prostheses, and bionic organs are discussed.  相似文献   

探讨在色彩、材料与(表面)工艺效果即CMF的创意设计实践中,充分发挥CMF的功能性,达到CMF的主观体验(包括感官、审美、情绪和意义方面的体验)和客观功效(CMF赋予产品与系统的功能)的最佳协调。这是设计师进行CMF设计时需要着力解决的问题。本文将围绕这一议题展开讨论与分析,以便为设计师提供参考性指导。通过文献研究、理论阐述和设计案例分析,对CMF常见的一些功能性问题,包括识别、自洁、吸音、变色、发光、抗菌、透气、磁性、生物医学等多种功能及其在设计中的应用进行系统阐述和梳理。一般情形下,CMF的主观体验和客观功效需要同步兼顾,在产生可能的冲突时,需要根据具体的设计对象确定优先权。CMF功能的区域化和梯度化以及多功能组合可以实现一材多用、事半功倍的目的。CMF的设计往往有多种方案,不同的方案对于美学和功能两者的兼顾与协调程度,包括实现的方式和代价都不尽相同。最终,需要在感知与美学体验、实际功能效果两个方面,并结合其他的制约因素,诸如工艺难度、成本、环保等进行综合权衡。  相似文献   

EDI膜堆的调试运行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过电去离子(EDI)装置的试验和多次的现场调试,根据影响EDI运行的主要因素:进水电导率、进水流量(包括淡水流量、极水流量、浓水流量)、运行电压、运行电流、水的pH、温度、压力(包括入水、产水、极水、浓水的压力),总结出现场调节较多的参数是进水流量、极水流量、浓水流量、运行电压和运行电流、运行压力,并且提出了上述参数的调节方法、调节范围和调节时的注意事项.  相似文献   

介绍了波兰、瑞士、日本、 德国、美国、英国、前苏联(俄罗斯)与中国等国内外各时期典型摆动辗压机的研究状况.阐述了摆动辗压机的基本工作机理及不断发展着的技术参数,包括摆辗压力,滑块速度与行程,摆头转动速度与频率,摆头轨迹与角度,摆辗精度与变形力,摆辗件及坯料的尺寸范围,驱动泵及摆头的电机功率,摆动辗压机总功率与生产率等重要指标,同时分析了摆动辗压机在国内外的应用状况并指明了其发展方向.  相似文献   

The performance and integration density of silicon integrated circuits (ICs) have progressed at an unprecedented pace in the past 60 years. While silicon ICs thrive at low-power high-performance computing, creating flexible and large-area electronics using silicon remains a challenge. On the other hand, flexible and printed electronics use intrinsically flexible materials and printing techniques to manufacture compliant and large-area electronics. Nonetheless, flexible electronics are not as efficient as silicon ICs for computation and signal communication. Flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) leverages the strengths of these two dissimilar technologies. It uses flexible and printed electronics where flexibility and scalability are required, i.e., for sensing and actuating, and silicon ICs for computation and communication purposes. Combining flexible electronics and silicon ICs yields a very powerful and versatile technology with a vast range of applications. Here, the fundamental building blocks of an FHE system, printed sensors and circuits, thinned silicon ICs, printed antennas, printed energy harvesting and storage modules, and printed displays, are discussed. Emerging application areas of FHE in wearable health, structural health, industrial, environmental, and agricultural sensing are reviewed. Overall, the recent progress, fabrication, application, and challenges, and an outlook, related to FHE are presented.  相似文献   

Xia L  Hu B  Jiang Z  Wu Y  Liang Y 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(10):2910-2915
A new method of single-drop microextraction combined with low-temperature electrothermal vaporization (LTETV)-ICPMS was proposed for the determination of trace Be, Co, Pd, and Cd with benzoylacetone (BZA) as both extractant and chemical modifier. Several factors that influence the microextraction efficiency, such as sample flow rate, microdrop volume, and extraction time, were investigated and the optimized microextraction conditions were established. Be, Co, Pd, and Cd in the postextraction organic phase were directly determined by LTETV-ICPMS with the use of BZA as chemical modifier. The chemical modification of BZA in LTETV-ICPMS was studied, and the factors affecting the formation of chelates and vaporization/transportation of chelates were investigated. Under the optimized conditions, the detection limits of the method were 0.12, 0.99, 1.5, and 0.27 pg/mL for Be, Co, Pd, and Cd, and the relative standard deviations for 0.1 ng/mL Be, Co, Pd, and Cd were 16, 14, 14, and 11%, respectively. After 10 min of extraction, the enrichment factors were 160 (Be), 125 (Co), 40 (Pd), and 180 (Cd). The proposed method was applied to the determination of trace Be, Co, Pd, and Cd in biological reference materials, and the determined values were in good agreement with the certified values.  相似文献   

A novel CH4 gas sensor based on the nanocomposites and mixed oxides of Sn, In, and Ti, workable at near room temperature, were developed. The binary and ternary oxides were prepared by a chemical controlled step precipitation method and mixed route. The preparation parameters-salt concentration, cation ratio, precipitation pH, and aging time-have been optimized, and their optimal value were 0.05 M, 20% Ti: 20% In: 60% Sn, pH=8.0 and aged 24 h, respectively. The appropriate calcinations temperature for precursor and mixture were 600 degC 4 h and 700 degC 2 h. The performance and structure of the materials were characterized by TEM, BET, TG-DTA, XRD, TPD, and XPS. The sensing tests showed that these nanomaterials exhibited high sensitivity and selectivity for CH4 and their sensing properties depended on the oxide composition, calcinations temperature, operating temperature, and gas concentration. The gas-sensing mechanism of the sensor was also discussed by TPD and XPS analysis  相似文献   

周嘉骏  万然 《包装工程》2022,43(8):280-288
目的 研究中国宫廷艺术从古至今的发展演变过程,以及宫廷美学与大众文化的联系。将中国优秀传统文化与时代、科技相结合,在提升文创设计美学价值的同时,提高民族文化软实力和民族文化认同感、自豪感。方法 对中国不同历史时期的宫廷器物和民间艺术,以及每个时代的造物哲学进行收集和整理,分析其材料、工艺、造型、哲学文化,以及隐含的内在联系,为中国传统文化与现代科技的结合提供资源和灵感,从而更好地实现古为今用、文化复兴。结论 中国宫廷艺术作为皇权美学的核心,其造物思想涵盖了中国几千年的智慧结晶。随着经济和科技的发展,中国宫廷艺术真正融入了民间,从上层精英的欣赏品转变为大众的日常生活用品,促进了中国传统艺术的传承和创新,提高了大众对民族文化的认同感和自豪感。需要将中国优秀的传统文化与极致的造物工艺和科技相结合,通过对器型、颜色、材料、美学思想的整理,使其融入现代科技产品中,为大众审美做出正确引导,从而更好地实现中华文化的复兴。  相似文献   

Surveys of 1217 undergraduate students supported the reliability (inter-item and test–retest) and validity of the Prosocial and Aggressive Driving Inventory (PADI). Principal component analyses on the PADI items yielded two scales: Prosocial Driving (17 items) and Aggressive Driving (12 items). Prosocial Driving was associated with fewer reported traffic accidents and violations, with participants who were older and female, and with lower Boredom Susceptibility and Hostility scores, and higher scores on Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness, and Neuroticism. Aggressive Driving was associated with more frequent traffic violations, with female participants, and with higher scores on Competitiveness, Sensation Seeking, Hostility, and Extraversion, and lower scores on Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Openness. The theoretical and practical implications of the PADI's dual focus on safe and unsafe driving are discussed.  相似文献   

Smart systems are those that display autonomous or collaborative functionalities, and include the ability to sense multiple inputs, to respond with appropriate operations, and to control a given situation. In certain circumstances, it is also of great interest to retain flexible, stretchable, portable, wearable, and/or implantable attributes in smart electronic systems. Among the promising candidate smart materials, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) exhibit excellent electrical and mechanical properties, and structurally fabricated CNT-based fibers and yarns with coil and twist further introduce flexible and stretchable properties. A number of notable studies have demonstrated various functions of CNT yarns, including sensors, actuators, and energy storage. In particular, CNT yarns can operate as flexible electronic sensors and electrodes to monitor strain, temperature, ionic concentration, and the concentration of target biomolecules. Moreover, a twisted CNT yarn enables strong torsional actuation, and coiled CNT yarns generate large tensile strokes as an artificial muscle. Furthermore, the reversible actuation of CNT yarns can be used as an energy harvester and, when combined with a CNT supercapacitor, has promoted the next-generation of energy storage systems. Here, progressive advances of CNT yarns in electrical sensing, actuation, and energy storage are reported, and the future challenges in smart electronic systems considered.  相似文献   

在21世纪的今天,由石油、煤炭等化石资源的过度开发与使用所引发的能源和环境问题日趋严重,开发经济、高效的能源转换与存储装置已成为新时代的研究主题。金属-空气电池和中低温固体氧化物燃料电池,作为高效的能源转换与存储装置,可以实现化学能向电能的高效转换,具有效率高、环境友好、成本低的显著优点,在过去十几年内受到了研究者的广泛关注,取得了惊人的成果。但与此同时,人们在研究中发现阴极(正极)缓慢的氧还原和氧析出反应速率极大地降低了电池转换效率,增加了应用成本,在很大程度上制约了金属-空气电池和中低温固体氧化物燃料电池的商业化发展和应用。钴基催化剂作为一种高效阴极材料,相比贵金属成本较低,且具有混合离子-电子导电性,可以有效降低极化电阻,对阴极氧还原和氧析出反应显示出高催化活性,近年来吸引了国内外学者极大的研究兴趣。对于金属-空气电池,虽然钴基催化剂如钴氧化物、尖晶石型氧化物、钙钛矿型氧化物等材料能够显著地提高金属-空气电池的电容量和循环性能,并且降低充电电压,有效降低极化,但是其催化活性和稳定性有待提高,催化机理和活性位点也需要进一步明确和探究;对于中低温固体氧化物燃料电池,钴基催化剂包括La_(1-x)Sr_xCoO_3-δ、La_(1-x)Sr_xCo_(1-y)FeyO_3-δ、Ba_(1-x)Sr_xCo_yFe_(1-y)O_3-δ和钴基双钙钛矿等材料可以大大降低阴极极化电阻和面积比电阻,提高功率密度,但是相对其他催化剂,热膨胀系数普遍较高,稳定性也较差。为了进一步提高钴基催化剂应用在金属-空气电池和中低温固体氧化物燃料电池中的催化活性,研究者采用了掺杂其他金属元素、与其他物质组成复合阴极材料以及贵金属修饰等方法,在很大程度上提高了这两种电池的性能。本文简要介绍了金属-空气电池和中低温固体氧化物燃料电池的结构、工作原理,并在此基础上着重评述了近年来面向这两种能源转换与存储器件的,包括钴氧化物、钙钛矿型氧化物、尖晶石型氧化物和双钙钛矿氧化物等在内的各种钴基电催化剂的制取、改性和性能研究探索与成果。  相似文献   

This work reports an application of chiral high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in the separation and quantitative determination of propranolol isomers in tablets. The isomers were separated using a Chiralcel OD® column (250 × 4.6 mm, 10 μm) with a mobile phase of hexane:ethanol (75:25 v/v) at a flow rate of 0.7 ml/min and ultraviolet detection at 280 nm. The coefficient of variation and average recovery of (R)-isomer for samples A, B, C, and D were 0.72% and 100.30%, 0.67% and 99.40%, 0.62% and 99.76%, and 0.70% and 99.68%, respectively. The coefficient of variation and average recovery of (S)-isomer for samples A, B, C, and D were 0.74% and 99.62%, 0.64% and 100.27%, 0.71% and 99.99%, and 0.70% and 99.72%, respectively.  相似文献   

Ketoprofen microcapsules were prepared by complex coacervation between gelatin and acacia, and dried with different methods: isopropanol addition, spray-drying, and freeze-drying, Successively, microparticles were analyzed by infrared thembalance, ultraviolet spectroscopy, optical and scanning electron microscopy, and sieves; and subjected to dissolution studies in order to examine parameters such as yield, moisture content, encapsulation percentage, morphology of solid particles, particle size, and dissolution behavior. Provided that encapsulation and drying methods did not affect ketoprofen dissolution profiles, the most appropriate drying method for industrial purposes was spray-drying.  相似文献   

半导体制冷研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半导体制冷主要是帕尔帖效应在制冷方面的应用,半导体制冷的主要优点是:制冷迅速,操作简单,可靠性强,容易实现高精度的温度控制,无污染等.尤其适用于制冷量不大,又要求装置小型化的场合.目前,广泛应用于国防、科研、工农业、气象、医疗卫生等领域,实现对仪器仪表、电子元件、药品、疫苗等的冷却、加热和恒温.本文通过半导体制冷与机械制冷比较说明半导体制冷的优点和特点.针对半导体制冷的特点和应用现状,通过研究国内外的相关文献,从影响半导体制冷效率的主要方面:理论、材料、结构方式、传热方式四个方面进行综述,从中总结了半导体制冷研究的热点和成就,归纳出当前半导体制冷研究存在的问题,提出影响半导体制冷的主要因素即:高优值系数材料,复杂的多参数工况以及冷热端散热方式与设计.为今后进行深入研究半导体制冷提供了可供借鉴的研究方向和方法.  相似文献   

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