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新型类方形蜂窝是六边形蜂窝的一种过渡形式,对其等效弹性参数和振动特性的研究具有重要意义。采用改进的Gibson公式对比分析了双壁厚与等壁厚类方形蜂窝夹芯的面内等效弹性参数的差异,并应用经典层合板理论分析了不同等效弹性参数下2种壁厚类型的四边简支类方形蜂窝夹层结构的振动特性,基于有限元仿真技术分析了不同壁厚类方形蜂窝夹层结构的振动特性,并与理论分析结果进行对比。结果表明等效弹性参数的数值模拟结果与理论值基本吻合。在蜂窝基本结构参数相同的条件下,双壁厚类方形蜂窝夹芯的面内等效剪切模量、面外刚度和等效密度均比等壁厚类方形蜂窝夹芯大;在低阶振动模态下,双壁厚类方形蜂窝夹层结构的固有频率比等壁厚类方形蜂窝夹层结构的低,在高阶振动模态下,双壁厚类方形蜂窝夹层结构的固有频率比等壁厚类方形蜂窝夹层结构的高;影响夹层结构固有频率的3个主要因素所占权重由大到小依次为蜂窝夹芯yoz面等效剪切模量、蜂窝夹芯等效密度,蜂窝夹芯壁厚。研究结果表明采用经典层结构理论计算得到类方形蜂窝夹层结构的固有频率与数值仿真结果的一致性较好,这进一步证明了采用改进Gibson公式得到的类方形蜂窝夹芯等效弹性参数的正确性,同时证明了将该振动理论运用到一般蜂窝夹层结构研究的可行性,为扩展研究其他类型蜂窝夹层结构振动特性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

六边形蜂窝芯材异面冲击性能的有限元研究   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:0  
孙玉瑾  骆光林 《包装工程》2012,33(17):60-62,73
建立了六边形蜂窝单元阵列的有限元模型,利用有限元分析软件分析研究了六边形金属蜂窝的异面冲击性能。当六边形蜂窝铝芯的各结构参数固定时,在不同的冲击速度下,研究了壁厚边长比对其异面冲击动态峰应力的影响规律。根据有限元模拟计算结果,给出了所用六边形蜂窝铝芯样品异面动态峰应力的计算公式。  相似文献   

正方形蜂窝芯材共面冲击力学性能   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的研究正方形蜂窝芯材在共面冲击载荷作用下的力学行为。方法借助于有限元软件ANSYS/LSDYNA,建立了相应基于单元阵列的有限元模拟和分析方法。结果随着冲击速度的增加,正方形蜂窝表现为不同的变形模式,其冲击响应的力-位移曲线包含了具有明显不同特征的4个阶段,对于给定结构参数的正方形蜂窝样品,在不同冲击速度下会呈现出不同的变形模式。计算出了不同冲击速度下不同壁厚边长比的正方形蜂窝芯材的动态峰应力。结论正方形蜂窝芯材的动态峰应力,是其静态峰应力和因惯量引起的峰应力增量之和;静态峰应力与正方形蜂窝芯材的相对密度成正比,峰应力增量与冲击速度的平方成正比,而相对密度又取决于壁厚边长比。最后拟合得到了动态峰应力关于壁厚边长比和冲击速度的经验公式。  相似文献   

欧阳昊  成伟 《包装工程》2015,36(7):16-20
目的研究双壁厚蜂窝铝的面内动态冲击力学行为。方法利用Ansys/LS-DYNA有限元软件,建立双壁厚蜂窝铝有限元模型,分析蜂窝铝壁厚和冲击速度对蜂窝铝面内变形模式和平台应力的影响。结果随着冲击速度的增大,在蜂窝铝的压缩方向上观测到3种变形模式,获得了变形模式转换的临界速度,并给出了临界速度与厚跨比的关系式。计算了不同冲击速度和厚跨比下蜂窝铝的平台应力。结论变形模式对平台应力有很大的影响,不同的变形模式下呈现不同的规律:准静态模式时,平台应力与冲击速度无关;过渡模式和冲击模式时,平台应力随着冲击速度v的增大而增大,分别与v 1.5和v2成线性关系。根据有限元结果,拟合得到了不同的变形模式下平台应力与冲击速度的经验公式。  相似文献   

双壁厚蜂窝铝芯的共面冲击力学性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
参考文献[1],加入孔壁的剪切和伸缩变形精确推导了双壁厚蜂窝铝芯的共面弹性模量公式,并给出了其静态峰应力、密实化应变和单位体积密实化应变能的计算公式.建立了双壁厚蜂窝铝芯7×7的单元阵列有限元分析模型,分析了冲击速度在3~252 m/s时双壁厚蜂窝铝芯的冲击性能.随着冲击速度的增加,双壁厚蜂窝铝芯在x1和x2方向上先后表现出三种变形模式,变形模式的转换速度与(t/l)1/2成线性关系.双壁厚蜂窝铝芯的弹性模量与冲击速度成二次曲线关系,峰应力和单位体积密实化应变能与冲击速度的平方成线性关系,它们的相关拟合系数与t/l成二次曲线关系.根据壁厚在0.05~0.3 mm间的模拟结果,给出了描述以上关系的经验公式.  相似文献   

目的研究三角形蜂窝材料结构参数和压缩速度对其异面压缩性能的影响。方法借助Ansys/LS-DYNA建立基于特征单元的三角形蜂窝异面动态压缩有限元分析模型,而后对三角形蜂窝在不同单元结构参数和压缩速度下进行异面压缩参数化仿真计算。结果对于三角形蜂窝,当所有结构参数保持不变时,异面动态峰应力与压缩速度呈二次曲线关系。在给定压缩速度下,扩展角固定的三角形蜂窝的异面动态峰应力与壁厚度边长比呈幂函数关系;壁厚边长比固定的三角形蜂窝的异面动态峰应力与拓展角呈二次曲线关系。结论当相对密度一致时,正三角形蜂窝比正六边形蜂窝异面比吸能值更大;异面动态峰应力与压缩速度、单元结构参数之间的相互关系,可用一定关系曲线进行拟合。  相似文献   

目的研究双壁厚工字梁型金属蜂窝芯材的共面冲击性能。方法借助有限元软件Ansys/LSDYNA,建立工字梁型蜂窝芯材的有限元模型,并进行CAE分析。结果在不同冲击速度下,工字梁型蜂窝芯材表现出不同的变形模式。当工字梁型金属蜂窝芯材的其他结构参数固定时,其共面动态峰应力与冲击速度的平方成线性关系;当冲击速度一定时,其共面动态峰应力与壁厚边长比成幂指数关系。同时,拟合得到了工字梁型金属蜂窝芯材共面动态峰应力关于壁厚边长比和冲击速度的经验计算公式。结论工字梁型蜂窝具有优良的结构和吸能能力,研究工字梁型蜂窝的冲击性能具有重要的科学研究和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 为了分析圆形蜂窝芯材的缓冲特性,对圆形蜂窝芯材的异面冲击性能进行深入研究.方法 考虑到试验法的局限性,利用有限元仿真模拟的方法,研究不同排列方式下(规则和交错)壁厚和冲击速度对圆形蜂窝异面冲击性能的影响,软件选用Ansys/LS-DYNA.结果 将基于阵列和特征单元的有限元模型与理论值进行对比,两者显示了一致的吻合性,证明了模型的可靠性.结论 数据分析表明,圆形蜂窝的异面平均平台应力随着冲击速度和壁厚的增加而增加.在给定冲击速度下,圆形蜂窝异面比能量吸收能力与壁厚和排列方式有关.在单元结构参数一定的情况下,交错排列的圆形蜂窝比能量吸收能力大于规则排列的圆形蜂窝;随着壁厚的增加,圆形蜂窝异面能量吸收能力会逐步增加.  相似文献   

目的考虑到蜂窝芯斜向孔壁发生折叠的能量耗散机制,建立基于孔壁折叠的平台应力表达式。方法首先从理论上分析蜂窝芯变形单元水平固定塑性铰的能量耗散情况,然后对不同厚跨比条件下的蜂窝纸芯进行横向面内压缩试验,得到平台应力,最后将试验结果与Gibson&Ashby模型以及文中模型进行对比。结果蜂窝胞壁厚度与蜂窝胞元边长之比对平台应力有一定的影响,蜂窝芯面内压缩平台应力与胞壁厚度和蜂窝胞元边长之比的平方呈正比关系。由对比结果可知,文中模型理论值与平台应力试验值更加吻合。结论揭示了蜂窝芯横向面内压缩的能量耗散机制,平台应力表达式可用于多种材料的双壁厚蜂窝面内压缩力学性能的评估,具有一定的普适性。  相似文献   

在已有的蜂窝结构静态平均塑性坍塌应力理论模型和Cowper-Symonds本构模型的基础上,考虑应变强化效应和双壁厚黏结层,建立了在异面冲击载荷下的金属蜂窝结构平均塑性坍塌应力理论模型。使用LS-DYNA动力学软件模拟了铝合金蜂窝结构在冲击载荷作用下的异面变形,采用仿真和实验数据对理论模型进行了对比验证。结果表明:应用所建立的平均塑性坍塌应力理论模型能够更准确地计算金属蜂窝结构在异面冲击载荷下的平均塑性坍塌应力。  相似文献   

目的基于有限元模拟的方法,比较研究规则和交错排列的圆形蜂窝共面动态冲击力学性能。方法利用Ansys/LS-DYNA建立2种蜂窝的共面冲击分析有限元模型。结果借助于该模拟方法,分析得到在结构参数一致,冲击速度不同的情况下,规则排列的圆形蜂窝变形模式呈现3个阶段,即"X","V"和"一"字形,交错圆形蜂窝变形模式几乎相同,呈"一"字形。得出了2种排列方式的圆形蜂窝的变形模式转换速度与壁厚半径比的关系。根据有限元模拟结果,推导出了动态峰应力关于结构参数和冲击速度的经验公式。结论用有限元模拟的方法得到了2种排列方式的圆形蜂窝的共面冲击力学性能,为圆形蜂窝芯材的优化设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

In this report, elastic moduli of honeycomb consisting of asymmetrical hexagonal cells are studied by using a theoretical approach and the finite element method (FEM). Based on the change in the shape of the hexagonal cell, explicit equations describing the equivalent elastic moduli of honeycomb with cell wall parallel to the y-axis are proposed. In the analysis of honeycomb deformation, the shear deformation was considered in addition to bending deformation and tensile deformation. As a result, the equivalent elastic moduli could be calculated with extremely high precision.  相似文献   

Filling with foams of honeycomb structures has been proposed as some enhancement of honeycomb-cored sandwich material systems. The present study considers aluminum honeycomb cores filled with polyvinyl chloride foams with the aim to predict their material elastic properties. The displacement-based homogeneous technique using 3D finite element analysis is applied to evaluate the effective elastic properties of foam-filled honeycomb cores. The special attention is paid to stress predictions at the skin/core interface and the stress distributions within the honeycomb cell walls. The influence of the foam filler on distribution of local stresses within the cell is examined. The FE modelling is performed with the commercial available software ABAQUS. The structural benefits of the foam-filled honeycomb cores are also discussed.  相似文献   

Double-walled hexagonal honeycomb cores (DHHCs) are important cushioning materials and their out-of-plane impact properties depend upon their configuration parameters and impact velocities. In this paper, the reliable finite element (FE) model by using ANSYS/LS-DYNA was designed to investigate the relations between configuration parameters of DHHCs and their out-of-plane dynamic plateau stresses at the impact velocities from 3 to 350 m/s. FE simulations demonstrate, when all configuration parameters are kept constant, mean out-of-plane dynamic plateau stresses are related to impact velocities by conic curves. For a given impact velocity, mean out-of-plane dynamic plateau stresses are related to the ratios between cell wall thickness and edge length and to edge length ratios by power laws. There are complicated relations between mean out-of-plane dynamic plateau stresses and expanding angels, which are discussed in detail. Many empirical expressions on mean out-of-plane dynamic plateau stresses of DHHCs are suggested.  相似文献   

Four novel cylinder-ligament honeycombs are described, where each cylinder has 3 tangentially-attached ligaments to form either a hexagonal or re-entrant hexagonal cellular network. The re-entrant cylinder-ligament honeycombs are reported for the first time. The in-plane linear elastic constants and out-of-plane bending response of these honeycombs are predicted using finite element (FE) modelling and comparison made with hexagonal and re-entrant hexagonal honeycombs without cylinders. A laser-crafted re-entrant cylinder-ligament honeycomb is manufactured and characterized to verify the FE model. The re-entrant honeycombs display negative Poisson’s ratios and synclastic curvature upon out-of-plane bending. The hexagonal and ‘trichiral’ honeycombs possess positive Poisson’s ratios and anticlastic curvature. The ‘anti-trichiral’ honeycomb (short ligament limit) displays negative Poisson’s ratios when loaded in the plane of the honeycomb, but positive Poisson’s ratio behaviour (anticlastic curvature) under out-of-plane bending. These responses are understood qualitatively through considering deformation occurs via direct ligament flexure and cylinder rotation-induced ligament flexure.  相似文献   

The transverse shear mechanical behavior and failure mechanism of aluminum alloy honeycomb cores are investigated by the single block shear test in this paper. The transverse shear deformation process of honeycomb cores may be approximately categorized into four stages, namely elastic deformation, plastic deformation, fracture of cell walls and debonding of honeycomb cores/facesheets. The elastic deformation of unit cell under transverse shear displacement is also investigated by the finite element method, and the result shows that the bending deformation of the cell walls is similar to that of the cantilever beam. In order to precisely predict the equivalent transverse shear modulus and strength, not only shear deformation but also bending deformation of cell walls should be considered. Therefore, in the present paper, the equivalent transverse shear modulus and strength are predicted by application of the cantilever beam theory and thin plate shear buckling theory in conjunction with simplifying assumption as to the displacement in the cores. It is concluded that the contribution of bending deformation of cell walls to equivalent transverse shear modulus and strength is obvious with the decreasing height of cell walls.  相似文献   

Bending deformation of honeycomb consisting of regular hexagonal cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, the flexural rigidity of a honeycomb consisting of regular hexagonal cells is investigated. It is found that the bending deformation of the honeycomb cannot be evaluated by using the equivalent elastic moduli obtained from the in-plane deformation since the moments acting on inclined walls of honeycomb cell are different for the in-plane deformation and bending deformation. Based on the fact that the inclined wall of the honeycomb is twisted under the condition that the rotation angle in both connection edges is zero in bending deformation, a theoretical technique for calculating the honeycomb flexural rigidity is proposed. In the theoretical analysis, a torsion problem of a thin plate was solved by using the generalized variational principle. The validity of the present analysis is demonstrated by numerical results obtained by the finite element method.  相似文献   

The paper describes the transverse shear properties of a novel centresymmetric honeycomb structure evaluated using analytical and finite element models. The cellular structure features a representative volume element (RVE) geometry allowing in-plane auxetic (negative Poisson’s ratio) deformations, and multiple topologies to design the honeycomb for multifunctional applications. The out-of-plane properties are calculated using a theoretical approach based on Voigt and Reuss bounds. The analytical models are validated using a full scale Finite Element technique to simulate transverse shear tests, a quarter FE of the RVE with periodic shear conditions and an FE homogenisation method for periodic structures. The comparison between the analytical and numerical models shows good convergence between the different set of results, and highlights the specific deformation mechanism of the multi re-entrant honeycomb cell.  相似文献   

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