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不同人口统计特征的员工工作满意度的实证分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对15家企业的429名员工的问卷调查,对不同人口统计特征的员工在总体工作满意度和工作满意度5个维度的差异进行了比较研究.研究发现:男性员工对上级管理和工作本身的满意度显著高于女性员工;不满40岁的员工的薪酬满意度和总体工作满意度显著高于40岁以上的员工;不同工龄的员工在工作满意度各维度和总体工作满意度上不存在显著性差异;不同学历的员工在上级管理、同事、晋升和薪酬满意度等维度均有显著性差异;管理系列的员工对上级管理的满意度最高,工人的晋升满意度最高;民营企业员工对工作本身和晋升的满意度均显著高于国有企业员工.  相似文献   

, 《中国防伪报道》2012,(11):53-53
继2007年后,(《药品广告审查办法》的修订又一次被提上议程。据悉,是否禁止非处方药在电视、报纸、杂志等大众媒体上发布广告是此次修订的讨论重点。虽然距离新办法出台为时尚早,但这条消息触动了不少制药企业的“神经”。  相似文献   

叶飞  张婕  张志利 《工业工程》2009,12(6):11-18
以珠三角地区108家制造型企业为研究对象,对内部利益相关者、资源承诺和绿色供应链管理绩效之间的关系进行实证研究.将资源承诺划分为财务资源和IT资源两个维度,将绿色供应链管理绩效划分为环境绩效和经济绩效两个维度.实证结果表明,内部利益相关者对资源承诺的两个维度有显著的正向影响,且资源承诺的两个维度均对环境绩效和经济绩效均有显著的正向影响;不同规模的企业在资源承诺方面有显著的差异;在绿色供应链管理绩效方面,不同规模的企业在环境绩效上有显著差异,但经济绩效并不存在显著差异性.根据上述实证研究的结论,从宏观和微观角度提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

肖川 《湖南包装》2011,(1):31-33
广告,一般是指大众媒体的广告,也可说是传统广告。传播媒介包括报纸、杂志、户外和电视等等。这些,已经渗透进了我们的生活,充斥在世界的每一个角落。虽然从上个世纪30年代开始就进入中国,但是中国的现代广告其实到80年代初才算刚刚起步。随着商业环境的飞速发展,广告的崛起如燎原之势,在中华大地上红极一时,创造了辉煌。直到2011年的今天,它仍散发着它独特的魅力。任何事物都有由盛转衰的过程,传统广告也不例外。世界  相似文献   

对广告中性别角色定型的反应是广告研究中的一个新视角.运用加工分离程序的方法,探讨了受众对两类不同人工广告的信息加工模式,旨在了解被试对于广告中性别角色定型的反应.结果发现在非注意条件下:①相对于传统代言人广告,非传统代言人广告会引起更多的控制性加工和自动化加工;②在广告的控制性加工和自动化加工上无性别差异;③在对广告的评价和购买欲望上,广告类型和性别的主效应和交互作用均不显著.  相似文献   

目的 研究木质材料视觉感观特征的语义分维量化评价过程,借助SPSS 24.0软件分析以得出不同特征对评价结果的影响。方法 通过文献研究法和专家调查法,确定木质材料视觉感观特征指标维度;通过语义分维评价法,构建语义分维评价量表;通过问卷调查法,采集不同性别及专业背景的被试者的评价结果;通过方差分析工具法对结果进行分析。结果 木质材料的色彩和光泽特征在5个指标维度上均存在显著性差异;“纹理”特征仅在美观感和环保感维度上存在显著性差异;光泽和纹理特征的交互作用在环保感和文化感维度上产生了显著影响。不同性别主体对木质材料的评价在环保感和文化感上存在显著性差异。不同专业主体对木质材料的评价在美观感、经济感和文化感上存在显著性差异。结论 木质材料的视觉感观主要受“色彩”和“光泽”共同影响,纹理的影响较小。评价主体是否为设计类专业对评价结果影响较大。该量化评价方法为木质材料的创新设计与应用开发提供了数据支撑,在辅助设计从业者把握用户心理的同时,为其他材料在家具设计领域的应用开拓了研究思路。  相似文献   

正一、排查故障在调试偏载之前,先通过程序,使仪表进入查看重量码状态。为方便起见,可以在秤体对应的传感器位置上站一个人,看重量码有无显著变化,确定所站位置传感器在秤体上的位置定位以及是否正常工作。通过逐个排查各个传感器,确定秤体是否平整,以及传感器位置分布情况。若重量码变化迟缓或不明显,可视现场情况查看是否存在以下问题:1.传感器经过长时间工作产生形变,或受环境影响腐蚀严重。2.地基不牢,重车碾压造成传感器下沉。  相似文献   

《中国标准化》杂志权威性高,所刊文章和广告均代表着我国当前生产、技术、质量和管理的较高水平,适合于企业的品牌和形象宣传,欢迎在本刊刊登广告。一、在本杂志刊登广告,须按《中华人民共和国广告法》及相关法规的有关规定办理。二、广告内容要真实。文稿须加盖公章,附企业营业执照复印件。获奖情况,需提供有关证书、资料复印件。有关注册商标和专利广告,分别出具商标注册证和专利证书复印件。药品、食品、化妆品、医疗器械等广告,分别出具省以上卫生、医疗部门的批准文件。提供上述文件复印件应在广告协议书中“有效文件名称”一…  相似文献   

爱美之心人皆有之,拥有傲人的双峰是无数女性的梦想。有着这个美好梦想的蒋小姐没料到,自己花费上万元,换来的只是一堆三无产品和一个空头承诺。广西的蒋小姐近日通过微博投诉称,2009年7月,她在某杂志上看到了一则丰美莱丰胸的广告。广告上说,使用该产品21天就可以突破D罩杯,一个疗程只需要728元。700多块钱就可以拥有高耸的双峰,蒋小姐心动了。更让蒋小姐决定购买的,是对方的百分之百有效和无效全额退款承诺。  相似文献   

第三次《中国计量》杂志部委通联部主任会议召开本刊讯9月19日第三次《中国计量》杂志部委通联部主任会议在北京召开。国家技术监督局计量司东征司长、赵彤副司长与会并作了重要讲话,《中国计量》杂志社主编王明亮主持了会议。会议就杂志创刊以来的_I作,从采编、发行、广告、通联等几个方面进行了总结。来自问个部委的通联部主任或代表充分肯定了创刊以来杂志所取得的成绩,并与杂志社人员进行了交流。与会代表对《中国计量》的发展提出很多有益的建议,表示将在杂志的稿件、发行、广告方面继续给予支持,并衷心希望《中国计量》杂志为…  相似文献   

To assess the information on safety belt use for pregnant women and infants in maternity and baby magazines, we reviewed 2003 issues of the three top-selling monthly baby and maternity magazines. Articles on safety belt use during pregnancy and child safety seat (CSS) use for infants, and advertisements of the CSS, automobiles, or CSS-related products were examined for their informational content. Of the 9418 pages in the maternity magazines, 46 pages were on infants, 16 pages on pregnant women and 162 pages displayed advertisements. Of the 9750 pages in the baby magazines, 34 pages of articles addressed CSS use; no articles addressed the issue of pregnant women; 83 pages were advertisements. Although the magazines showed accurate information in general; its amount was not sufficient, and little specific information on appropriate use and selection of a CSS was seen. Some information was misleading and even incorrect: specifically related to when to start using a forward-facing seat, what products are attachable to the CSS, and the reuse of a CSS. Greater amounts and accuracy of safety information in these magazines would help pregnant women and parents acquire important safety knowledge that healthcare providers are falling short of providing in Japan.  相似文献   


This handsome catalogue documents the inventive partnership of text, graphic design, and photography, forged in the interwar years, as evidenced in the books, magazines, posters, and advertisements of the period. Advances in photomechanical reproduction technology made possible the proliferation of economical and attractive publications during this time. The vitality of this new illustrated press infused a wide range of voices including: capitalist Fortune magazine, Surrealist Minotaure, populist Picture Post, and propagandist SSSR na stroike. The history and significance of these, and other period publications, as well as the graphic designers, artists, and photographers involved in their production, is investigated in Fotographía Pública.  相似文献   

Supporting and advancing women’s science careers continues to be of interest to researchers, scientists, science funders, and universities. Similarly, professional advice and support networks are important to understanding the advancement of scientific careers. This research aims to marry these two lines of research to investigate and compare the ways in which men and women scientists seek advice and support from women in their networks. Using a sample of academic scientists in nonmedical biology, chemistry, computer science, earth and atmospheric sciences, electrical engineering, and physics we assess the extent to which women and men scientists seek advice and support from women in their networks. We find that field of science is the primary predictor for the presence of women in scientists’ advice and support networks. We also find that citizenship, rank, age, and friendship are significantly related to the proportion of women in women’s networks, but are not consistently significantly related to the proportion of women in men’s networks. We conclude with a discussion of the findings and the distinctions between men and women scientists’ advice and support networks.  相似文献   

万凡 《包装与设计》2008,(3):118-119
数字杂志作为一种新兴媒体,其生动灵活的信息传达方式吸引了大量读者,并被不少人誉为21世纪的代表性数字媒体。它颠覆了传统的杂志阅读方式,并对全数字化的设计制作提出了新的要求。从设计角度对它进行深入的研究,有助于我们把握这样一个数字产业发展的现状。  相似文献   

Over the last 18 years the Center for Ergonomics at The University of Michigan has worked to develop a computerized, biomechanically based model to predict worker muscle strengths in various tasks. During the last few years new input strength data has been acquired from published works of others. Worker isometric strength testing also has been performed by the Center in various industries to determine gross lifting, pushing and pulling capabilities of a heterogeneous group of men and women. These data, acquired from 1577 men and women are compared to the strength predictions of the biomechanically based model. For prediction of mean strength capabilities of both men and women performing varied types of symmetric sagittal plane exertions, the model results were relatively unbiased and were well correlated with r2 between 0.85 and 0.88 with the population data. The results were not as good for predicting the mean strengths of two-handed assymetric exertions (r2 between 0.54 and 0.74), and for one-handed, sagittal plane exertions (r2 = 0.50). The utility and limitations of such a modelling approach to human strength prediction are discussed.  相似文献   

Two hundred ninety-seven persons, all aged 60 or over (180 women, 117 men), injured in the traffic environment, and treated at the Regional Hospital in Ume?, over a one-year period, were analysed. Injuries were grouped into three main categories: falls (52%), vehicle-associated events (44%), and "other" injury events (4%). In women, falls were a more common cause of injury than vehicle events, whilst in men there was a tendency for a converse relationship. Two-thirds of the falls involved slipping on ice and snow. Ice- and snow- related injuries (all categories) accounted for 37% of the total cost of all injuries in the elderly in the traffic environment. The main groups in the vehicle-associated injury category were cyclists (48%), car occupants (34%), other occupants (14%), and pedestrians (4%). Vehicle-associated injuries became more common with advancing age, resulted in the most severe and critical [Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale (MAIS) greater than or equal to 4] injuries and the most fatalities, and cost (total and mean) more than falls. In conclusion, from the injury cost point of view, it is most important to prevent vehicle-associated injuries. However, when total frequencies are considered, falls deserve to be given just as much priority in injury prevention programs as vehicle-associated injuries, to make the traffic environment safer for this growing population.  相似文献   

In an exploratory questionnaire study at McGill University, we examine the reasons given by top women and men engineering students for deciding whether or not to continue their studies. Women are significantly less likely than men to plan on graduate school; they encounter hurdles such as limited personalized information, difficulties in obtaining reference letters, a low level of encouragement, and the discomfort of the engineering academic environment. We conclude with seven specific recommendations designed to encourage women, in particular, and also men to pursue graduate work.  相似文献   

Friction and shear forces, as well as moisture between the human skin and textiles are critical factors in the formation of skin injuries such as blisters, abrasions and decubitus. This study investigated how epidermal hydration affects the friction between skin and textiles.The friction between the inner forearm and a hospital fabric was measured in the natural skin condition and in different hydration states using a force plate. Eleven males and eleven females rubbed their forearm against the textile on the force plate using defined normal loads and friction movements. Skin hydration and viscoelasticity were assessed by corneometry and the suction chamber method, respectively.In each individual, a highly positive linear correlation was found between skin moisture and friction coefficient (COF). No correlation was observed between moisture and elasticity, as well as between elasticity and friction. Skin viscoelasticity was comparable for women and men. The friction of female skin showed significantly higher moisture sensitivity. COFs increased typically by 43% (women) and 26% (men) when skin hydration varied between very dry and normally moist skin. The COFs between skin and completely wet fabric were more than twofold higher than the values for natural skin rubbed on a dry textile surface.Increasing skin hydration seems to cause gender-specific changes in the mechanical properties and/or surface topography of human skin, leading to skin softening and increased real contact area and adhesion.  相似文献   

熊强 《包装工程》2018,39(10):46-50
目的以公益广告为研究对象,对传统公益广告的现状进行分析,挖掘VR技术理论在公益广告中创作的可能,找出当下公益广告新的突破点。方法梳理当前公益广告存在的问题,对体验式公益广告的特征进行分析,从体验式广告的本质入手进行研究,找到体验式广告的传播规律以及受众的接受规律。结论深挖体验式广告的互动性及趣味性,通过案例分析,从显性层面提出体验式公益广告的策略和方向,为当今社会公益广告的创作提供参考的依据。  相似文献   

邵钰滢  何佳 《包装工程》2023,44(12):314-320, 331
目的 融媒体环境下,公益广告设计呈现出交互性的发展特征,针对融媒体环境下公益广告现有的互动形式,探索出增强公益广告互动性、提高用户参与度的设计策略。方法 通过对公益广告的现状分析,归纳出公益广告现存的问题,并结合具有互动性的公益广告创新案例,提出符合融媒体环境的公益广告互动性设计策略。结论 融媒体环境下,运用行为互动、共情互动、情境互动是实现公益广告互动性的有效设计途径,互动性设计可以有效实现揭示社会痛点、促进公众情感沟通乃至价值认同等公益广告目标,进而可以扩大公益广告的影响力和覆盖面,实现与社会发展的有机统一,对促进公益广告可持续发展有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

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