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以洗油、工业萘为原料,设计并合成了一种萘系高效减水剂。采用单因素法与正交法对合成工艺参数进行调整优化,并通过水泥净浆和混凝土试验检测了所合成萘系高效减水剂与水泥的适应性及减水增强性能。结果表明:掺洗油的萘系高效减水剂的磺化温度和缩合时间与未掺洗油的相当,但前者的磺化时间要适当延长,硫酸用量要适当增加,甲醛用量要适当减小;在合成工艺参数优化调整的基础上,洗油可取代25%~30%的工业萘,而萘系高效减水剂性能基本不变,但成本得以大幅度降低。  相似文献   

碱式硫酸镁水泥是近几年研发出的一种新型水泥,具有高折压比的特点。而目前市面上的减水剂都是针对硅酸盐水泥体系的。因此,针对匹配碱式硫酸镁水泥的减水剂研发,具有支撑该水泥工程化应用的意义。本文采用单因素法和正交实验法研究萘系减水剂的合成配比,并且探究萘系减水剂的pH值、掺量以及硫酸根含量对碱式硫酸镁水泥净浆流动度和经时损失的影响。结果表明:合成配比对萘系减水剂性能的影响程度为酸萘比醛萘比水萘比,最优配比为酸萘比1.4、醛萘比0.96、水萘比3.5;水灰比为0.48,掺入4.4%萘系减水剂后流动度高达194 mm;减水剂的pH值对碱式硫酸镁水泥流动度的影响不明显;随着硫酸根含量的增加,体系中析出较多的硫酸镁晶体从而使流动度下降;自制萘系减水剂与市售萘系减水剂相比,流动度的经时损失相对较好。  相似文献   

丙烯酸改性萘系高效减水剂的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹全勇  万朝均  王冲  刘芳  吴建华 《材料导报》2007,21(Z2):255-257,261
丙烯酸改性荼系高效减水剂意在原有荼系高效减水剂的分子结构中通过化学合成引入羧基.以多羧酸高效减水剂常用原料丙烯酸为改性剂,在萘系高效减水剂合成工艺的基础上,通过优化原料比例、反应时间等对萘系高效减水剂进行改性.使用沉降试验方法对合成过程进行在线监测,并对合成产物的分散性能进行初步测试.结果表明:丙烯酸改性萘系高效减水剂在保持原有萘系高效减水剂分散效果的同时,显著提高了分散效果的保持时间.  相似文献   

研究了氨基磺酸系高效减水剂(ASP)对水泥净浆流动度、新拌砼硬化性能及力学性能的影响以及ASP减水率、ASP与水泥适应性、ASP与萘系减水剂复合性能。试验表明,ASP与萘系减水剂相比,具有低掺量、高减水率以及控制坍落度损失的功能,而且与水泥有很好的适应性,与萘系减水剂有很好的相容性。  相似文献   

混凝土作为建筑工程中最常使用的材料,为我国的建筑事业作出了巨大贡献,而减水剂作为混凝土不可分割的组分,也得到了广泛的应用。聚羧酸高性能减水剂与萘系高效减水剂作为减水剂中常见的种类,对水泥净浆流动以及混凝土的各方面性能都产生着巨大作用。本文结合实际简单的介绍了萘系高效减水剂和聚羧酸高性能减水剂,简述了二者的相同性,并对它们之间存在优缺点进行了对比。  相似文献   

研究了氨基磺酸系高效减水剂(AsP)对水泥净浆流动度、新拌砼硬化性能及力学性能的影响以及ASP减水率、ASP与水泥适应性、ASP与萘系减水剂复合性能。试验表明,ASP与萘系减水剂相比,具有低掺量、高减水率以及控制坍落度损失的功能,而且与水泥有很好的适应性,与萘系减水剂有很好的相容性。  相似文献   

采用自制的徐变加载装置,研究了萘系减水剂、聚羧酸减水剂以缓凝组分、减缩组分对等配合比混凝土徐变的影响规律,结合与混凝土同水灰比浆体非可蒸发水含量及混凝土内部相对湿度演化分析了其影响机理。结果表明,相比萘系减水剂,聚羧酸减水剂能显著降低混凝土的徐变,其中以早强型聚羧酸减水剂的效果最好;减缩剂对混凝土的徐变有降低作用,缓凝组分的掺入对徐变有不利影响;聚羧酸减水剂和减缩组分能通过降低混凝土内部水分传输和向外界扩散来降低徐变;早强型聚羧酸使浆体具有较多的水化产物数量,对强度的增加和徐变的降低有一定好处,缓凝组分的掺入会延缓水化并减少总水化产物数量,降低强度,使徐变增加。  相似文献   

为了研究外加剂对混凝土中钢筋腐蚀的影响,模拟了混凝土孔隙液及制备了硬化水泥浆体,研究了添加不同含量的萘系减水剂对钢筋腐蚀的影响.结果表明:在模拟混凝土孔隙液中加入萘系减水剂对钢筋腐蚀有轻微的促进作用,当减水剂含量达到一定值时腐蚀增大的趋势就会消失;在硬化水泥浆体中加入萘系减水剂可以减缓钢筋的腐蚀,添加0.5%萘系减水剂阻锈效果最明显,且随着时间的延长,萘系减水剂对硬化水泥浆体中钢筋的阻锈效果增加;加入减水剂增强了硬化水泥浆体的密实性,从而减缓了钢筋的腐蚀.  相似文献   

短切碳纤维水泥砂浆的电磁波反射性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用"六步"成型工艺制备了短切碳纤维水泥砂浆试件,利用NRL反射率测试系统,研究了碳纤维掺量、水灰比和高效减水剂等因素在8~18GHz频率段对碳纤维水泥砂浆电磁反射性能的影响。结果表明,未掺碳纤维的水泥砂浆对电磁波最大吸收峰值为-29.3dB,当碳纤维掺量由0.2%增加到1.0%时,碳纤维水泥砂浆的电磁波反射性能逐渐增强,碳纤维掺量为0.6%时,出现拐点且反射率均-10.0dB。相同条件下,水灰比0.6时,反射率较高,碳纤维水泥砂浆对电磁波主要表现出反射性,水灰比0.6时,在高频阶段主要表现吸波性;掺入高效减水剂时,在不同频段的反射率均-8.0dB;与萘系高效减水剂和未掺高效减水剂时相比,掺入聚羧酸系高效减水剂时,碳纤维水泥砂浆对电磁波主要呈现反射性。  相似文献   

氧化石墨烯对水泥净浆流动度及水泥石结构和性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Hummers法及超声破碎分散法制备了氧化石墨烯(GO)纳米相分散液,研究了GO对水泥净浆流动度和水泥石微观结构的影响,用FT-IR、AFM、XRD及SEM对GO及水泥石结构进行了表征。结果表明GO的掺入降低了净浆流动性,每增加0.01%的GO需要增加0.02%的聚羧酸系减水剂(PCs)以保持水泥净浆流动度在3 h内在200 mm以上,GO的掺入能够使水泥石的微观结构发生明显的变化,当GO/PCs掺量为0.01%/0.24%~0.03%/0.28%时,水化龄期7 d的水泥石出现了大量分散均匀的花状微晶体,当GO/PCs掺量为0.05%/0.32%~0.07%/0.36%时,同龄期水泥石中出现大量的片状晶体,在水化龄期延长到28 d时有转化为密实结构的趋势,结果说明GO具有调控水泥水化产物形貌的能力及增强增韧的作用,此研究结果对于提高水泥基材料的力学性能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The effect of addition time of a naphthalene-based superplasticizer (SNF) on the adsorption behavior on type I Portland cement slurries and on the concrete workability was studied. Test results indicate that the adsorption behavior of SNF on cement particles follows a Langmuir isothermal adsorption model. As the addition time increases, the saturated adsorption amount of SNF decreases sharply at the beginning and then more slowly. In comparison, the concrete workability decreases slightly in the early phase and then falls off abruptly. Most importantly, the transition points in both cases appear to be the same, at about 10–15 min. This strongly suggests that a close relationship exists between the SNF adsorption behavior on cement particles and the workability of concrete. In addition, the optimum addition time of SNF to concrete should be in this period, which corresponds to the beginning of the dormant period of the cement hydration process.  相似文献   

研制一种可用于岛礁及沿海钢筋混凝土结构工程中预布置钢筋的防锈涂料,该涂料以水泥为基体,乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物(EVA)为改性剂,加入减水剂、缓凝剂等其他助剂制备而成。研究结果表明:添加EVA可增强涂料的粘结力,添加减水剂可降低其粘度,添加缓凝剂可减少其流动性损失,满足施工时间要求。该涂料粘度为90~130s,涂刷性能良好,其最佳配方为:水泥∶EVA乳液∶防锈剂∶萘系减水剂∶缓凝剂∶水=100∶13∶1∶0.7∶0.18∶0.39。涂刷该涂料的钢筋与混凝土的握裹力可达10.45MPa,超过混凝土与裸钢筋之间的握裹力。盐雾试验及干湿交替试验均显示最佳配方的水泥基涂料防锈性能良好。EIS测试也表明,经过30d测试,水泥净浆涂层已失效,而最佳配方涂层仍具有一定的防锈效果。  相似文献   

李志坤  彭家惠  杨再富 《材料导报》2017,31(12):115-120
高性能减水剂与水泥适应性差会导致混凝土流动性和坍落度损失过快,矿物掺合料将影响高性能减水剂与水泥的相容性。对比研究矿物掺合料种类和掺量对水泥净浆、砂浆和混凝土流动性的影响;采用TOC法测试了矿物掺合料对聚羧酸减水剂吸附量的影响;分析了矿物掺合料影响聚羧酸减水剂与水泥相容性的机理。结果表明,粉煤灰和矿渣对提高水泥净浆流动性具有一定的叠加效应,可用胶砂减水率的加权平均值进行量化;硅灰对水泥浆体流动性的不利影响远大于粉煤灰和矿渣的辅助减水分散作用,不利于改善聚羧酸减水剂与水泥的相容性;粉煤灰和矿渣增加聚羧酸减水剂在水泥体系中的吸附量;粉煤灰和矿渣对聚羧酸减水剂在混凝土中的减水分散效果有改善作用但不显著。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation carried out to study the effect of granulated blast furnace slag and two types of superplasticizers on the properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC). In control SCC, cement was replaced with 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% of blast furnace slag. Two types of superplasticizers: polycarboxylate based superplasticizer and naphthalene sulphonate based superplasticizers were used. Tests were conducted for slump flow, the modified slump test, V-Funnel, J-Ring, U-Box, and compressive strength. The results showed that polycarboxylate based superplasticizer concrete mixes give more workability and higher compressive strength, at all ages, than those with naphthalene sulphonate based superplasticizer. Inclusion of blast furnace slag by substitution to cement was found to be very beneficial to fresh self-compacting concrete. An improvement of workability was observed up to 20% of slag content with an optimum content of 15%. Workability retention of about 45 min with 15% and 20% of slag content was obtained using a polycarboxylate based superplasticizer; compressive strength decreased with the increase in slag content, as occurs for vibrated concrete, although at later ages the differences were small.  相似文献   

This study deals with a proposed mix design method for SCC utilizing different properties of coarse aggregate. The work was conducted in three phases, i.e. paste, mortar and concrete to facilitate the mix design process. Initial investigation on cement paste determined the basis for water cement ratio and superplasticizer dosage for the concrete. For the study on mortar, metakaolin (MK) as pozzolan was used at replacement levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% by weight of cement. Self compactability of mortars was obtained by adding suitable materials such as mineral admixtures and superplasticizer which provided a sufficient balance between flowability and viscosity of the mix. The optimum MK replacement level for cement was 10% from the viewpoint of workability and strength. Flowability of mortar decreased with the use of metakaolin. Moreover, strength of mortar increased when the optimum replacement level of pozzolan was used. Different fresh concrete tests were adopted. The results obtained for fresh concrete properties showed that flowability of concrete increased with increase flowability of mortar. The mixes which contained coarse aggregate with lower volume, small size, and continuous grading affected positively the fresh properties of SCC. Finally, the mix design method used was successful in producing SCC with different coarse aggregate properties.  相似文献   

The properties of high performance concrete, mainly in the fresh state are governed by the flow behaviour of the paste phase, which is controlled by the dispersion of cement particles by the superplasticizer. In this paper, experimental procedures for evaluating the flow behaviour of cement paste with different types and dosages of superplasticizers are studied. The rheological nature of the paste is represented through the Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley models. It is observed that the Marsh cone flow time, mini-slump spread and the rheological parameters show the same trend with change in dosage of superplasticizer. Also, the rheological parameters increase with time and rate of increase is more significant at dosages less than the saturation dosage, as determined from the Marsh cone test. It is confirmed that the Marsh cone flow time can be predicted using an appropriate model.  相似文献   

本文根据流变学原理,研究了水泥、粉煤灰、矿粉等几个方面的因素对相容性的影响。采用减水剂饱和点掺量、水泥净浆流动度、流动度经时损失,作为宏观评价指标,对影响减水剂与水泥及掺合料相容性的原因进行了探讨,提出了一些解决相容性问题的方法,研究了相容性的差异对混凝土性能的影响,最后综合以上评价指标,提出了相容性的定量评价方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the setting process and evolution of electrical resistivity of Portland cement pastes with constant water to cement ratio (w/c) of 0.3 and with different dosages of naphthalene superplasticizer (SP) from 0 to 1.2 %. The setting process of cement paste was monitored by the Vicat needle test. The depth of penetration was recorded and used to calculate the shear resistance generated by the cement paste. Electrical resistivity was measured by a non-contacting electrical resistivity apparatus. The hyperbolic curve of electrical resistivity versus time was plotted to determine the ultimate electrical resistivity. The results show that the addition of SP to the pastes with a fixed w/c can cause longer setting time and delay the evolution of electrical resistivity. The final setting time (t f) and the occurring time of maximum rate of electrical resistivity (t r) were both delayed when the dosage of SP was increased. This may indicates that the electrical resistivity measurement can be used to monitor the setting process of cement. The compressive strength at 28 days and the ultimate electrical resistivity show a same tendency for the cement pastes with different dosages of SP. Thus, it would be possible to predict the compressive strength of hardened cement paste by its ultimate electrical resistivity.  相似文献   

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