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燃烧法合成长余辉发光材料SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以尿素和硝酸盐溶液为反应介质,在600℃下用燃烧法一次合成出了Eu2+,Dy3+掺杂的铝酸锶(SrAl2O4)磷光体。用SEM、XRD研究了产物的形态、粒度和物相组成,用荧光分光光度计测定了产物的发光性能。结果表明,合成产物的晶体结构属于单斜晶系结构,在520nm处有很强的发射峰,它的激发光谱是激发峰峰值290nm的宽带激发。产物的形貌呈疏松多孔状,晶粒形状为针状,长度有200nm左右,直径在80nm以下。文中还探讨了该材料发光性能的影响因素。  相似文献   

微波等离子体合成铝酸盐长余辉发光材料的工艺优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微波等离子体固相反应法(MWPM)合成SrAl2O4:Eu2 ,Dy3 稀土长余辉发光材料,运用正交实验方法进行了工艺优化实验.研究了工艺参数对产物发光性能的影响规律.结果表明影响材料发光性能最主要的工艺因素是放电气体的压力,其次是加热时间和微波功率的升降速率,而微波功率的影响较小.材料的发光性能随气体压力的增加,表现出先增强后减弱的变化趋势;同时随升降功率速率的减慢和保温时间的增加而逐渐提高.XRD及SEM分析表明在最优化的工艺条件下制备的产物为单斜晶系的SrAl2O4,粒径尺寸在5~15μm之间,晶粒发育较好,基质结晶完整;光谱分析显示材料的激发光谱和发射光谱都为宽带谱.主峰分别位于326nm和520nm处;余辉性能测试表明材料的1h余辉亮度可达24.36mcd/m2,材料发光性能优良.  相似文献   

硼铝酸锶长余辉发光玻璃的制备及发光性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄浪欢  陈文新  刘应亮 《功能材料》2006,37(6):861-863,866
采用一步合成法制备了硼铝酸锶长余辉发光玻璃,系统研究了热处理温度、热处理时间、冷却制度等条件对长余辉玻璃发光性能的影响.结果表明:在N2气氛下,热处理温度为1300℃、保温时间为3h、试样随炉冷却的制备工艺可得到发光性能优良的长余辉玻璃,该玻璃的长余辉特性源自在玻璃基体中均匀分布的Eu2 、Dy3 共掺杂的SrAl2O4微晶.  相似文献   

通过沉淀-燃烧法合成了SrAl2 O4∶Eu2+,Dy3+长余辉材料,对合成样品进行了物相、形貌、发光特性研究,探讨了尿素用量对材料发光性能的影响.结果表明,当尿素用量为原料中金属硝酸盐总物质的量的6倍时,产物主晶相为单斜晶系的SrAl2O4;激发、发射光谱均为宽带谱,峰值分别位于368nm、518nm处;测得初始发光亮度为18700mcd/m2,在暗室中放置9天后,仍可观察到明显发光现象.  相似文献   

利用相应的金属硝酸盐和尿素发生氧化还原的燃烧反应,在600℃的炉温下,制备了发绿光的SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Nd3+长余辉材料,该材料属于单斜晶系.研究结果表明,在制备SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Nd3+时,尿素的加入量与尿素理论的加入量之比为2.0,pH=2时,所制得的发光体的发光强度最大,粒度较小.  相似文献   

金属硝酸盐中加入适量的添加剂均匀混合后,利用黑索金炸药(RDX)爆轰合成铝酸锶铕(SrAl2O4:Eu2 、Dy3 )长余辉发光材料的实验研究.通过X射线粉晶衍射仪(XRD)和TEM对爆轰灰及高温处理后的爆轰灰进行测试分析.研究表明:合成出的爆轰灰中含有SrAl2O4相,在空气中经过600℃,1h处理后,合成的SrAl2O4与标准卡JCPDS(No.34-0379)基本一致.粒度主要分布在20~60nm之间,平均粒径约为35nm.经紫外灯照射后,爆轰灰及处理的爆轰灰都能发出浅绿色余辉.  相似文献   

燃烧-发泡法制备不球磨SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+长余辉粉体材料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
向体系内添加分散剂、燃烧剂、发泡剂和矿化剂,于低温下进行燃烧-发泡反应,一步制备了不球磨的SrAl2O4Eu2+,Dy3+长余辉粉体材料.XRD分析表明,相纯度较高,晶粒尺寸为约35.2nm.FS结果显示,产品有371.8nm、398.6nm、410.0nm和420.4nm 4个主要激发峰,发射峰位于517.2nm,余辉时间达数小时.该方法具有反应时间短,合成温度低,产物发光亮度好,不用球磨就能得到粉体的优点.  相似文献   

采用水热-均匀沉淀法,以尿素为沉淀剂,在聚四氟乙烯低温反应釜中160℃水热,在较低的煅烧温度下制备了亚微米级长余辉发光材料Sr0.97Al2O4∶Eu0.01,Dy0.02。XRD结果表明,在1000℃煅烧4h能得到单相的SrAl2O4∶Eu,Dy,SEM测试显示SrAl2O4∶Eu2+,Dy3+发光材料为球状形貌,粒径大小约为200~500nm,激发和发射光谱结果表明,随着煅烧温度升高,SrAl2O4∶Eu2+,Dy3+的发光强度也随之增强,其激发光谱峰值位于360nm,发射光谱峰值位于513nm,SrAl2O4∶Eu2+,Dy3+在1100℃煅烧后的余辉衰减时间比1000℃煅烧后显著提高,其热释光谱峰值在80~90℃。  相似文献   

SrAl_2O_4∶Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+)是常见的长余辉发光材料,具有良好的发光和余辉性能,能够作为荧光共振能量转移(FRET)体系中能量供体,使探针具备在无光源激发条件下的检测能力.但其易发生水解反应而失去光学性能,这限制了其应用.对SrAl_2O_4∶Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+)进行表面修饰改性,并以其为基体制备可利用余辉进行检测的荧光探针具有重要的研究意义.本文利用正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)在酸性条件下的水解缩合在SrAl_2O_4∶Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+)表面包覆SiO_2以提高其耐水性,并通过硅烷偶联剂将其与罗丹明B连接构成一种新型荧光探针.采用扫描电镜、荧光光谱等检测手段对所制备探针进行表征,并分别研究了探针在有、无光源激发条件下的检测性能.结果表明,制备的探针对Fe~(3+)有较特殊的响应,可用于检测溶液中的Fe~(3+).该探针在光源激发下可定量检测溶液中100~500μmol/L浓度范围内的Fe~(3+),在无光源激发条件下可利用自身余辉检测溶液中500μmol/L以上浓度的Fe~(3+).  相似文献   

稀土激活的碱土铝酸盐材料是现今应用最广泛的发光材料,但其发光颜色单调,发射光谱主要集中在440-520nm范围内,缺乏长波段(黄、红)的发光色。在发射峰为505nm的SrAl2O4:Eu^2+,Dy^3+基础上,掺杂红色偶氮颜料,使发光材料的发射光谱发生红移,研究了其光色变化,并结合余辉性能测试,讨论了发光材料的光色红...  相似文献   

Polycrystalline sub-micron-sized GdAl3(BO3)4 phosphors co-doped with Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+ and Tm3+ have been prepared by combustion synthesis with urea. The phosphors have been characterised by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, excitation and emission spectroscopy. The chromaticity co-ordinates and the colour temperatures of the fluorescence of the materials presented have been calculated and analysed with Commission Internationale l’Eclairage (CIE) programs and diagrams. Depending on the excitation wavelength, different colour temperatures of the light emitted can be achieved. Due to its polyspectral nature, the emitted light reveals a high colour rendering index.  相似文献   

《Advanced Powder Technology》2021,32(8):2806-2815
A series of white-emitting K2CaP2O7:Dy3+ and K2CaP2O7:Dy3+, Eu3+ phosphors were synthesized via a solid-state method, and Eu3+ was co-doped in K2CaP2O7:Dy3+ to improve its white light performance. The influences of preparation temperature and Dy3+/Eu3+ concentration on the crystal structure and photoluminescence characteristics were investigated. XRD results indicate that K2CaP2O7:Dy3+ samples prepared above 700 °C matches the standard K2CaP2O7 phase. Under excitation of 349 nm, K2CaP2O7:Dy3+ phosphor exhibited characteristic emission peaks at 487 nm (blue) and 579 nm (yellow), and white emission was realized through combining these blue and yellow emissions. After co-doping Eu3+ ions, the co-luminescence of Dy3+/Eu3+ with energy transfer between Dy3+and Eu3+ were demonstrated. The chromaticity of white light was controlled by changing the ratio of Dy3+/Eu3+ concentrations, which lead to a warm white light. Therefore, the results indicate that K2CaP2O7:Dy3+, Eu3+ powders have a potential application in w-LEDs as single-component white-emitting phosphor.  相似文献   

《Optical Materials》2010,32(12):1815-1818
Polycrystalline Eu2+ and Dy3+ doped barium aluminate materials, BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+, were prepared with solid state reactions at temperatures between 700 and 1500 °C. The influence of the thermal treatments on the stability, homogeneity and structure as well as to the UV-excited and persistent luminescence of the materials was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, SEM imaging and infrared spectroscopies as well as by steady state luminescence spectroscopy and persistent luminescence decay curves, respectively. The IR spectra of the materials prepared at 250, 700, and 1500 °C follow the formation of BaAl2O4 composition whereas the X-ray powder diffraction of compounds revealed how the hexagonal structure was obtained. The morphology of the materials at high temperatures indicated important aggregation due to sintering. The luminescence decay of the quite narrow Eu2+ band at ca. 500 nm shows the presence of persistent luminescence after UV irradiation. The dopant (Eu2+) and co-dopant (Dy3+) concentrations affect the crystallinity and luminescence properties of the materials.  相似文献   

樊国栋  肖国平  张昭 《功能材料》2011,42(2):244-247
以硝酸盐和尿素为基质,采用燃烧法在较低炉温(600~620℃)下制备了SrAl2O4:Eu2+、Dy3+、Pr3+长余辉发光粉体.研究了H3BO3的加入对粉体的相组成、晶体结构、发光性能与长余辉特性的影响.通过对材料的XRD、激发和发射光谱、余辉衰减以及微观形貌分析.结果表明,H3BO3作为一种助溶剂,当其掺杂摩尔百分...  相似文献   

以金属硝酸盐和尿素为原料,采用燃烧法合成了发青绿光的BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+长余辉发光材料。采用XRD、SEM、荧光分光光度计等手段对其进行分析表征。研究结果表明:随着燃烧温度升高,燃烧反应加剧,副产物BaCO3的含量减少,BaAl2O4的结晶程度增加,晶粒尺寸增大。Ba-Al2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+的激发光谱和发射光谱峰值分别为310nm和500nm,均呈宽谱带特征,其发光是由Eu2+的4f65d1→4f7跃迁引起,长余辉特性主要基于Dy3+的电子陷阱作用。  相似文献   

Red-emitting phosphors LaBSiO5:Eu3+ and LaBSiO5:Eu3+, Al3+ were synthesized by the conventional solid state method at 1100 °C. The structure and luminescent properties of these phosphors are investigated. LaBSiO5:Eu3+ and LaBSiO5:Eu3+, Al3+ could be efficiently excited by near ultraviolet light with the strongest excitation peak at 395 nm. The main emission peak is located at around 616 nm, which corresponds to the transition of 5D0  7F2 of Eu3+ ions. The emission intensity of LaBSiO5:Eu3+ was enhanced by introducing Al3+ ions. Compared with Y2O2S:0.05Eu3+, the sample La0.70B0.75SiO5:0.30Eu3+, 0.25Al3+ shares the intense red emission, and its emission intensity is about 3.8 times as strong as that of Y2O2S:0.05Eu3+ under 395 nm light excitation. Bright red light can be observed from the red LED based on La0.70B0.75SiO5:0.30Eu3+, 0.25Al3+, hence La0.70B0.75SiO5:0.30Eu3+, 0.25Al3+ maybe find application on near-UV InGaN-based white LEDs.  相似文献   

《Optical Materials》2014,36(12):2309-2313
We report single-phased color-tunable phosphors (Sr2CeO4: Eu3+, Dy3+) synthesized by a polymer-network gel method for UV–LED. The photoluminescence properties and possible energy transfer mechanisms of Eu3+ and Dy3+ in Sr2CeO4 were investigated by experiments and first principles calculations. The results show that the 5D0  7F2 emission of Eu3+ is enhanced by the increase in the amount of Eu3+ ions and Eu3+ substitution makes more stable defect than Dy3+ substitution does. The photoluminescence mechanism of Sr1.994−xEuxDy0.006CeO4 can be explained by the energy transfer model with the consideration of the defect conditions in the crystals.  相似文献   

The Sr2SiO4:Eu3+, Dy3+ phosphors for white light emitting diodes (LEDs) were synthesized by the sol-gel method. The microstructure and luminescent properties of the obtained Sr2SiO4:Eu3+, Dy3+ particles were well characterized. The results demonstrate that the Sr2SiO4:Eu3+, Dy3+ particles, which have spherical morphology, emitted an intensive white light emission under excitation at 386 nm. The phosphors show three emission peaks: the blue emission at 486 nm corresponding to the 4F(9/2)-6H(15/2) transition of Dy3+, the yellow emission at 575 nm corresponding to the 4F(9/2)-6H(13/2) transition of Dy3+, and the red emission at 615 nm corresponding to the 5D0-7F2 transition of Eu3+. At the same time, the effect of Eu3+ concentration on the emission intensities of Sr2SiO4:Eu3+, Dy3+ was investigated in detail. The phosphors used for white LEDs were obtained by combining near ultraviolet (NUV) light (386 nm) with Sr2SiO4:0.04Dy3+, 0.01Eu3+ phosphors with the characteristic of Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) chromaticity coordinate (x, y) of (0.33, 0.34), and color temperature Tc of 5,603 K. In addition, the effect of the charge compensators (Li+, Na+, and K+ ions) on the photoluminescence (PL) emission intensities were studied.  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》2007,61(14-15):2879-2882
Silica nanoparticles, prepared by the Stober method, have been doped with Eu3+, Dy3+, or processed to result in Au nanoparticles on the silica surface. The luminescence of the rare earth (RE)-doped SiO2 particles has been studied as a function of the nature of the RE, their concentration and also of the presence of Au nanoparticles at the surface of the SiO2 nanoparticles. We have shown that the Eu3+ emission is observable over the experimental conditions examined, whereas it was not possible to observe any emission for Dy3+ doped materials. No enhancement of the Eu3+ emission was observed following the adsorption of gold nanoparticles at the surface of the SiO2 nanoparticle, however an excitation at 250 nm leads to both the emission of the matrix and Eu3+ showing an energy transfer from the SiO2 matrix to Eu3+ ions.  相似文献   

长余辉发光材料Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+,Dy3+的制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用化学沉淀法制备了Sr4Al14O25:Eu2 ,Dy3 蓝绿色长余辉发光粉.通过XRD分析表明:经1100℃和1200℃煅烧制得的发光粉均为单一的Sr4Al14O25晶相,不含其它任何杂相,同时研究了硼酸的加入量对发光粉的物相变化和发射光谱的影响,通过场发射扫描电子显微镜分析了粉体的形貌和粒径.  相似文献   

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