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为了研究卷边接头激光钎焊热现象,进行了母材为镀锌板,CuSi3作为钎料的激光钎焊实验.基于激光钎焊原理和卷边接头焊缝成型特点,通过有限元分析法对激光钎焊温度场进行了数值模拟,采用高斯双椭球复合热源模型模拟了钎料融化铺展流动的传热行为,模型考虑了材料热物理属性随温度变化的问题以及相变潜热、辐射和对流对传热的影响,对不同激光钎焊工艺参数下的温度场进行计算,结果表明:当激光功率为1200W,焊接速度为1.5 m/min,离焦量为30 mm时,卷边接头的峰值温度和温度梯度较低,对于获得成形质量良好的钎焊接头更为有利.  相似文献   

SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料的钎焊性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用氩气保护炉中钎焊和真空钎焊两种试验方法,对SiCp/101Al复合材料的钎焊性进行研究。结果表明,通过选择合理的钎料和钎剂及采用正确的钎焊工艺参数,可以实现对SiCp/101Al复合材料的钎焊连接。对获得接头进行力学性能测试,表明钎焊接头的剪切强度随钎焊温度的升高而升高,当达到一定值以后,又随着钎焊温度的升高而降低。对接头钎缝区的XRD相结构分析中发现,接头中含有Al-Cu、Al-Si共晶组织相,并且有SiC相存在,说明母材中有部分SiC增强相颗粒过渡到了钎缝之中,有利于提高钎缝接头的力学性能。从钎焊接头的断口扫描照片中可以看出,接头大部分都呈韧性断裂特征,且大多数接头都断裂于靠近钎缝的母材部位,说明钎焊接头的质量较高,钎焊工艺可行。  相似文献   

为满足电子设备高效冷却的需要,本文从提高毛细压力、降低流动阻力、强化蒸发器壁面传热能力以及降低热泄漏方面入手,设计了一种具有新型蒸发器结构的平板环路热管。利用集成蒸气通道的一体式双孔毛细芯替代传统的机械加工微槽道,并在反重力条件下对其传热性能进行实验研究。结果表明:该环路热管具有良好的反重力运行性能,能够在20 W热负荷下实现快速、低温启动,且无温度波动现象;在200 W热负荷下,能够维持蒸发器最高温度在80℃以下,环路热管的热阻仅为0.15 K/W。由于新型蒸发器结构缩短了热传递路径,降低了蒸发/沸腾的强化以及热泄漏,与传统结构的环路热管对比,能够有效提升环路热管的反重力运行能力。  相似文献   

在钎焊温度920~970℃和钎焊保温时间20s条件下,采用B-Cu64MnNi钎料对TC4钛合金与YG8硬质合金进行真空高频感应钎焊实验。利用扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)及X射线衍射分析(XRD)对钎焊接头的显微组织、成分分布和相结构进行了研究,测试了接头的抗拉强度并观察分析了断口形貌及其元素分布。结果表明,钎焊温度为920~940℃时TC4与YG8钎焊接头显微结构为:TC4/β-Ti/TiCu+Ti3Cu4+TiMn+Cu(Mn,Ni)/YG8,钎缝呈镶嵌结构;随钎焊温度升高,脆性片状组织TiMn增多,镶嵌结构破坏,接头性能明显降低;钎焊温度为930℃时,获得的接头抗拉强度最高,为206MPa。  相似文献   

温度对Cu颗粒增强复合钎料蠕变性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蠕变性能是影响钎焊接头可靠性的重要指标之一.采用搭接面积为1 mm2的单搭接钎焊接头,在恒定载荷下,测定了Cu颗粒增强锡铅基复合钎料钎焊接头的蠕变寿命,分析并讨论了温度对该复合钎料蠕变寿命的影响.结果表明:Cu颗粒增强的锡铅基复合钎料的蠕变抗力优于传统63Sn37Pb共晶钎料;钎焊接头蠕变寿命随温度的升高而降低,并且温度对复合钎料钎焊接头蠕变寿命的影响较传统63Sn37Pb钎料明显.  相似文献   

镍基钎料钎焊GH586高温合金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用非晶箔状BNi82CrSiB和BNi81CrB钎料以不同的保温时间进行钎焊实验,对钎焊接头进行了力学性能测试。利用扫描电镜和能谱分析对钎焊接头微观组织和断口进行观察和分析。结果表明,在钎焊温度下延长钎焊时间(60min)能够促进钎缝与扩散层的元素均匀分布,提高钎焊接头的室温和高温(930℃)拉伸性能。通过调整钎料合金成分,提高了钎焊接头的拉伸性能,高温拉伸性能提高22.5%。接头断裂发生在近缝区基体一侧,断裂形式主要为沿晶断裂。同时讨论了Si,B等元素对钎焊接头的组织和性能的影响。  相似文献   

目的研究钎焊温度和保温时间对接头性能的影响。方法在氩气氛围中用AgCu30钎料对钨合金(91WNiFe)与超高强合金钢(DT1900类ASME100)进行钎焊,并对接头进行组织观察和力学性能测试。结果通过改变钎焊温度(780~840℃),发现随着钎焊温度增加,钎焊接头钎缝中的气孔所占体积减少,钎焊接头的剪切强度先增加后减少;通过改变保温时间(0~30 min),发现随着保温时间的增加,钎焊接头钎缝中的气孔所占体积减少,钎焊接头的剪切强度先增大后趋于平缓。结论当钎焊温度为820℃和保温时间为30 min时,钎焊接头的剪切强度达到最大,为107.73 MPa。  相似文献   

选用BNi68CrWB钎料,对低膨胀高温合金GH783的钎焊工艺及接头组织性能进行研究.研究表明,采取BNi68CrWB钎料、钎焊规范为1180℃/10min,钎焊试样焊后进行完全热处理,获得钎焊接头室温拉伸强度最高达到701MPa,接头650℃拉伸强度最高达到了696MPa;钎焊接头的组织由镍-钴基γ固溶体、共晶及其他脆性化合物相构成;钎焊间隙不同,接头中固溶体所占比例不同,0.05mm间隙中元素扩散较充分,接头以固溶体为主,共晶及其他脆性化合物相较少.钎焊间隙对接头性能影响较大,0.05mm钎焊间隙的接头强度明显高于0.1mm间隙接头.  相似文献   

CuMnNiCo钎料钎焊MGH956合金接头组织及力学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自制的CuMnNiCo钎料对氧化物弥散强化(ODS)合金MGH956进行钎焊实验,分析了钎焊过程中各种组织的形成过程,研究了不同的钎焊温度对接头组织和性能的影响。结果表明:在1000~1050℃保温20min工艺下钎焊MGH956合金,均可获得良好的钎焊成形效果,钎焊接头由钎缝中心区的Cu-Mn基固溶体和两侧扩散反应区的Fe-Mn基固溶体组成,并含有三种不同的化合物相。钎焊温度为1030℃和1050℃时,接头的室温拉伸断裂发生在钎缝中心处,断口主要呈沿晶脆性断裂特征。钎焊温度的提高使沿晶界分布的脆性(Mn,Ni)-Si相减少,有利于改善钎焊接头强度,钎焊接头的室温抗拉强度最高可达到母材强度的75%。  相似文献   

应力对Ag颗粒增强SnCu基复合钎料蠕变性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用搭接面积为1mm2的单搭接钎焊接头,研究了恒定温度下应力对Ag颗粒增强SnCu基复合钎料钎焊接头蠕变寿命的影响,结果表明:Ag颗粒增强SnCu基复合钎料的蠕变抗力优于99.3Sn0.7Cu基体钎料;随着应力的增大,复合钎料及其基体钎料钎焊接头的蠕变寿命均呈下降趋势,且应力对复合钎料钎焊接头蠕变寿命的影响比基体钎料明显.  相似文献   

A methodology for analysing the influence of the heat transfer and friction factor correlations in the prediction of the two-phase flows inside horizontal ducts under evaporation phenomena is presented. An experimental unit based on single stage vapor compression refrigerating system with two parallel evaporation devices has been built to work under real refrigeration conditions. The first evaporation device consists of a double pipe evaporator which allows determining the heat flux through the pipe. The second device is an electrically heated pipe evaporator with uniformly distributed temperature and pressure sensors along the fluid path. The experimental data of temperature and pressure distribution along the smooth heated duct is compared with a selected set of heat transfer and friction factor correlations through a detailed numerical evaporation model. The aim of this paper is to determine possible criteria to select the most suitable heat transfer and friction factor correlations available.  相似文献   

升膜蒸发利用被蒸发溶液在受热沸腾汽化产生的蒸气带动料液上升,形成一个稳定的液膜,从而加快蒸发,提高了传热系数.针对蒸发器液位、换热温差、加热蒸气的流量等因素对板式升膜蒸发传热系数的影响进行了实验研究,实验结果表明随着蒸发器内液位的降低升膜蒸发传热系数明显提高,此外,换热温差、加热蒸气的流量等因素对升膜蒸发换热性能也有明...  相似文献   

This study discusses the effects of the heat exchanger type, refrigerant, inner tube configuration, and fin geometry on evaporator performance by adopting updated correlations of EVSIM, a numerical analysis model based on the tube-by-tube method developed by Domanski. The heat exchanger types considered are the cross-counter flow type and cross-parallel flow type. The refrigerants considered for the numerical test as a working fluid are R-134a, R-410A and R-22. For inner tube configuration, enhanced tube and smooth tube cases are considered. For the air side evaporation performance, heat exchangers using plate fins, wavy fins and slit fins are analyzed. Results show that the heat transfer rate of the cross-counter flow type heat exchanger is 3% higher than that of the cross-parallel flow type with R-22. The total heat transfer rate of the evaporator using R-410A is higher than those using R-22 and R-134a, while the total pressure drop of R-410A is lower than those of R-22 and R-134a. The heat transfer rate of the evaporator using enhanced tubes is two times higher than that using smooth tubes, but the pressure drop of the enhanced tube is 45–50% higher than that of the smooth tubes. The evaporation performance of slit fins is superior to that of plate fins by 54%.  相似文献   

Simulation analyses for a vapour compression heat pump cycle using nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures (NARMs) of R22 and R114 are conducted under the condition that the heat pump thermal output and the flow rate and inlet temperatures of the heat sink and source water are given. The heat transfer coefficients of the condensation and evaporation are calculated with empirical correlations proposed by the authors. The validity of the evaluation method and the correlations is demonstrated by comparison with experimental data. The relations between the coefficient of performance (COP) and composition are shown under two conditions: (1) the constant heat transfer length of the condenser and evaporator; and (2) the constant temperature of refrigerant at the heat exchanger inlet. The COP of the NARMs is higher than that of pure refrigerant when the heat transfer lengths of the condenser and evaporator are sufficiently long.  相似文献   

The heat transfer in heat exchangers is commonly calculated using the concept of Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD). As is well known this approach is only valid for counter-current and co-current heat exchanger configurations. For other configurations, corrections for the deviation from pure counter-current are introduced. From any standard text book in heat transfer it may be found that the LMTD approach may also be used if condensation and evaporation occurs in the heat exchanger. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate if the LMTD approach can be used in a compact brazed plate evaporator. It will be shown through integration of the governing equations that the LMTD approach indeed may be used for practical cases, even though deviations occur at small logarithmic mean temperature differences. The article presents suggestions on the correction factor (F) needed under some simplified assumptions in a compact brazed plate heat exchanger operating as an evaporator for heat pump and refrigeration applications.  相似文献   

A new way to assess the performance of refrigeration system models is presented in this paper, based on the estimation of cycle parameters, such as the evaporation temperature which will determine the validity of the method. This paper is the first of a series which will also study the influence of the heat transfer coefficient models on the estimation of the refrigeration cycle parameters. It focuses on fin and tube evaporators and includes the dehumidification process of humid air. The flow through the heat exchanger is considered to be steady and the refrigerant flow inside the tubes is considered one-dimensional. The evaporator model is discretised in cells where 1D mass, momentum and energy conservation equations are solved by using an iterative procedure called SEWTLE. This procedure is based on decoupling the calculation of the fluid flows from each other assuming that the tube temperature field is known at each fluid iteration. Special attention is paid to the correlations utilised for the evaluation of heat transfer coefficients as well as the friction factor on the air and on the refrigerant side. A comparison between calculated values and measured results is made on the basis of the evaporation temperature. The experimental results used in this work correspond to an air-to-water heat pump and have been obtained by using R-22 and R-290 as refrigerants.  相似文献   

冷凝器和蒸发器是压缩式制冷空调机组中的重要设备,其传热系数的高低直接影响机组的效率和成本。采用强化传热技术是提高冷凝器与蒸发器传热性能的关键。对于管外冷凝传热强化,在Turbo-C管的基础上,将翅片从翅顶到翅根完全割裂,形成断裂的三维翅片管,以减少表面张力作用下冷凝液在传热管表面粘滞特性对传热的影响。采用螺旋隔板替代冷凝器和干式蒸发器的弓型隔板,能改善壳程流体的流动与传热性能;针对降膜蒸发器的降膜蒸发区与满液蒸发区的不同特点,应分别采用不同类型的强化管,以提高蒸发器传热系数。  相似文献   

通过试验对降膜式蒸发器用高效传热管的换热性能进行研究,并将其与之相对应的池沸腾换热性能进行比较.由比较数据可知:样管池沸腾换热性能均随热流密度的增大而增强,降膜蒸发性能在一定热流密度下随喷淋流量的增大而增强;在恒定热流密度和恒定喷淋流量下,光管降膜燕发性能低于池沸腾性能,强化管降膜蒸发性能高于池沸腾性能;池沸腾性能高的强化管降膜蒸发性能也强.  相似文献   

搭建微通道蒸发器性能实验台,采用控制变量法研究不同空气侧风速下微通道蒸发器表面温度分布、制冷剂进出口压力的变化规律,计算换热量和换热系数,从而分析空气侧风速对微通道蒸发器的流量分配特性和换热效果的影响。结果表明,随着风速增大,微通道蒸发器制冷剂流量分配不均匀性增大,进出口压力波动振幅和周期增加,压降增大,风速2 m/s时微通道蒸发器换热效果最佳。  相似文献   

A model to predict the behaviour of finned tube evaporators and condensers working with R134a has been developed. For modelling of the refrigerant phase change, evaporation or condensation, the heat transfer and the pressure drop for the two-phase flow have to be calculated. Therefore, a number of correlations, the most recommended ones in the reviewed literature, have been analysed and compared. The results of this comparison are presented for the evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficients and for the evaporator frictional pressure drop. Once the correlations have been implemented in the model and compared with the experimental results, the ones that work best for the studied heat exchangers have been ultimately selected.The experimental study to validate the model has been carried out in a small airconditioning unit with cross-flow air-refrigerant type heat exchangers. The results are compared with model predictions for thermal capacity, refrigerant superheat or subcooling, and tube-side pressure drop.  相似文献   

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