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合成β-环糊精与油酸的包合物,以包合物作为一种润滑添加剂,用四球法研究了载荷、摩擦时间及添加量对其摩擦学性能的影响,并分析了润滑机理。结果表明,在196、294和392 N载荷下,添加包合物的润滑液的摩擦系数均随时间的增加逐渐减小。在各种含量下,包合物的抗磨性能都优于β-CD和油酸的,含量为0.9%时,添加包合物的润滑液具有最佳的减摩效果。在摩擦过程中,包合物主体β-环糊精被分解,释放客体油酸,油酸通过化学吸附形成羧酸皂膜起主要润滑作用,β-环糊精的分解片段形成羟基吸附膜和碳沉积膜起辅助促进作用,二者共同作用形成的复合润滑膜具有良好的摩擦学性能。  相似文献   

为了研究脱脂乳粉的结块特性,建立了一套测试粉体结块特性的吹气动力学实验装置,对脱脂乳粉和混合添加剂的脱脂乳粉的结块特性进行了实验研究,应用非晶态粉体玻璃化转变理论分析实验数据,确定脱脂乳粉结块的影响因素和结块特征。正交实验及方差分析结果表明,相对湿度和温度是影响脱脂乳粉的两个主要因素;得到了相对湿度、温度、时间,以及添加剂种类及用量对脱脂乳粉结块指数的影响规律。  相似文献   

浓缩天然胶乳(简称浓缩胶乳)是制备天然胶乳制品的重要原材料,在其贮存过程中添加月桂酸铵作为稳定剂来提高胶乳稳定性.月桂酸铵对浓缩胶乳贮存稳定性及硫化胶性能有显著影响,进而影响其制品的性能.本研究通过对浓缩胶乳贮存过程中的机械稳定性(MST)和挥发脂肪酸(VAF)值变化情况进行分析,并对其硫化胶膜交联密度、力学性能和热稳定性能进行测试表征,研究月桂酸铵对浓缩胶乳贮存稳定性及硫化胶性能的影响.结果表明,加入月桂酸铵后,浓缩胶乳Zeta电位绝对值明显增加,乳胶粒子粒径变小,胶乳稳定性增强;月桂酸铵含量为0.050%~0.075%(质量分数,下同)时,浓缩胶乳的机械稳定性显著提高,MST值达到国家标准所需的最短贮存时间(20 d);月桂酸铵导致浓缩胶乳硫化速率降低,在相同预硫化时间下,加入月桂酸铵的浓缩胶乳硫化胶交联密度较低,硫化胶膜力学性能和热性能也下降.  相似文献   

在弱酸性的条件下将6位β-环糊精单醛通过氨化还原反应接枝到壳聚糖纤维上,用FT-IR表征了结构,初步探讨了反应机理;合成了包合环丙沙星的β-环糊精接枝壳聚糖药物纤维,测定了不同温度、不同时间该功能纤维对环丙沙星包合与释放性能及其包合稳定性常数和热力学参数。结果表明,该包合反应为放热反应,分子间的范德华力在起主导作用;包合物的稳定性受温度影响较大,低于25℃比较稳定,35℃释放达到平衡;在同一温度下,释放率随时间的延长而变大。  相似文献   

采用高级流变扩展系统研究了添加剂种类及其含量对可注射磷酸钙骨水泥(ICPC)流变特性的影响。采用稳态流动实验表征浆体的静态粘度,用触变环面积、应力降低率和屈服应力表征ICPC浆体的触变性,并进行动态频率扫描和动态时间扫描实验动态监测ICPC的粘、弹、塑性变化规律以及水化反应过程流变参数的依时性。结果表明:添加剂并不改变ICPC的粘弹性。水溶性高分子化合物的加入提高了ICPC的粘度和触变性,利于整个体系的稳定;添加剂不同程度上提高了ICPC剪切后的网络结构恢复能力和稳定性,尤其以黄原胶和几丁糖最为明显。在此基础上,评估了加入黄原胶后ICPC形成凝胶的时间,约为2 563~2 600 s。此外,随着黄原胶含量的增加,ICPC触变环面积增加,但形成的网络结构在高剪切状态下并不稳定。  相似文献   

罗淑湘  宋振  李俊领 《功能材料》2013,44(11):1603-1606,1611
纳米氧化锡锑(ATO)粉体的高效分散和长期稳定是制备纳米透明隔热材料的关键因素。首先考查了分散剂、pH值、粉体表面特性、分散工艺、粘度等参数对分散稳定性的影响,采用沉降法、分光光度计法、电镜法对分散效果进行表征。结果表明,采用复合分散剂,其添加量占粉体质量5%,同时采用超声和球磨相结合的分散方式可以使分散效果达到最佳;通过增加粉体表面球度和分散介质粘度的方法可以有效提高粉体的分散稳定性,pH值对粉体分散稳定性影响不大。最后,通过优化分散工艺得到了高度均匀、长期稳定的纳米ATO分散液及纳米透明隔热涂料。  相似文献   

为探讨水基钻井液用超细碳酸钙粉体和超细二氧化硅粉体在水溶液中的分散状况,利用扫描电镜对超细微粒进行初始形貌分析,讨论了超声时间、pH、搅拌速度等物理分散因素对超细碳酸钙粉体和超细二氧化硅粉体分散效果及分散稳定性的影响.同时,使用阴离子表面活性剂、阳离子表面活性剂、聚合物表面活性剂等对超细微粒进行了化学分散.研究表明:放置后的超细微粒会发生团聚,其中超细碳酸钙中径达5~6μm,超细二氧化硅中径达6~7μm;物理分散方法对超细微粒的分散效果影响不大,化学试剂分散效果明显优于物理分散;相同分散剂作用下,超细碳酸钙的分散效果优于超细二氧化硅,超细碳酸钙经过化学试剂分散处理后D_(10)可以达到120 nm,Zeta电位值达-56.3 mV;优化条件下制得的分散体系中,超细碳酸钙的沉降稳定性较好,放置24 h后沉降率在5%左右.  相似文献   

为防止丁香精油在包装膜中挥发速率过快,采用β-环糊精(β-CD)包埋丁香精油制备抗菌微胶囊,将其添加到PLA/PVA的共混膜溶液中制备成活性抗菌包装膜,并研究了PVA溶液与PLA溶液的质量比、抗菌微胶囊的添加量及共混温度等因素对活性抗菌包装膜阻隔性能影响及其抗菌性能。研究结果表明:当PVA溶液与PLA溶液的质量比为5:1,添加抗菌微胶囊质量分数为15%,共混温度为80℃,制得的活性抗菌包装膜阻隔性能较好;添加活性抗菌包装膜液的培养皿中大肠杆菌的菌落数目明显减少,这说明活性抗菌包装膜对大肠杆菌具有较好的抑制作用。因此,以丁香精油/β-CD微胶囊为抗菌添加剂,可制备具有抗菌特性的活性包装膜。  相似文献   

本工作利用黄原胶包覆改性纳米气相SiO_2颗粒,制备了纳米SiO_2/黄原胶复合触变剂,研究了复合触变剂对磁流变液流变性能、黏弹性和悬浮稳定性的影响。结果表明:黄原胶大分子在纳米SiO_2颗粒表面形成了稳定的有机包覆层,含有复合触变剂的磁流变液在磁场下表现出了较高的剪切应力和屈服应力。黏弹性测试结果表明,无场条件下磁流变液具有较宽的线性黏弹区,而在外磁场作用下,加入复合触变剂的磁流变液内部形成了更加牢固的磁致链束结构,流动点变大,变形耗能增加。通过自然沉降法对磁流变液的悬浮稳定性进行测试,结果发现添加复合触变剂的磁流变液悬浮稳定性得到了进一步提升。  相似文献   

采用一种基于高分子Monte Carlo模拟算法分析分子蠕动阻力的软件,借助于二维空间中的8配位点键长涨落的格子链模型,对不同温度、分子量、共混小分子时的大分子蠕动行为进行了模拟分析,考察了温度、分子长、共混小分子等因素对蠕动阻力的影响,得到了随着温度增加、分子长减小和共混浓度增加,大分子蠕动阻力减小的结果,这与传统经验理论相符合。这些结果为选择大分子量添加剂黄原胶作为抗结块剂,以及选择β-环糊抑制玻璃化转变等提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The handling of powders in industry has been laden with problems caused by caking during storage and handling, whereby free flowing materials are transformed into lumps and agglomerates. It is of great importance for the manufacturers of bulk solid products to know whether and under what conditions the products are prone to cake. The objective of the work in this paper was to visually investigate the influence of relative humidity (RH) and humidity cycling on the caking behavior of powder particles in contact and to interpret the caking mechanism. A light microscope equipped with a digital camera was used to visually observe the caking of two particles in contact over time by taking a series of photographs. The following four food powders were studied: maltodextrin DE 21, sodium chloride (NaCl), skim milk powder (SMP), and a baby food powder. The maltodextrin and the baby food powders behaved similarly with sinter bridge formation being the caking mechanism. The NaCl and SMP behaved similarly with the caking mechanism being due to water bridge formation and solid bridge formation during low humidity exposure when the water vaporized leaving behind the dissolved solids in the bridge.  相似文献   

化学还原法制备纳米铜粉的研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
本文采用KBH4在液相中化学还原CuSO4,并加入KOH和络合剂EDTA ,制得了纳米级的纯净的铜粉 ,通过调整反应物的浓度 ,可以消除Cu2 O等杂质。制备的纳米铜粉还存在一定程度的团聚 ,需试验加入分散剂来改善。  相似文献   

The present study describes the production and characterization of monoolein aqueous dispersions (MAD) as drug delivery systems for curcumin (CR).MAD based on monoolein and different emulsifiers have been produced and characterized. Morphology and dimensional distribution have been investigated by Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy (cryo-TEM), X-ray and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS).Monoolein in different mixtures with sodium cholate, sodium caseinate, bentonite and poloxamer resulted in heterogeneous dispersions constituted of unilamellar vesicles, cubosomes and sponge type phases, depending on the employed components, as found by cryo-TEM and X-ray studies. CR was encapsulated with entrapment efficiencies depending on the MAD composition, particularly the highest was reached in the case of monoolein/poloxamer/sodium cholate mixture. The same mixture was able to maintain CR stability also after 6 months.CR release modalities were in vitro investigated in order to mimic a possible subcutaneous administration of MAD. It was found that MAD constituted of monoolein/poloxamer and monoolein/poloxamer/sodium cholate mixtures were able to sustain CR release.MAD viscous vehicles were produced by xanthan gum.CR percutaneous absorption has been studied in vitro using excised human skin membranes [stratum corneum epidermis (SCE)] mounted into Franz cells. It was found that fluxes (Fn) of CR incorporated in MAD are influenced by the presence of monoolein based nanosystems. In particular xanthan gum based MAD better control CR diffusion from MAD.  相似文献   

A new model of whey protein thermal inactivation has been combined with a CFD model developed for skim milk spray drying. Extensive evaporation and particle formation models were used to calculate particle moisture contents, temperatures and residence times. Calculated parameters were then used as input data for an experimentally developed quality model based on Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equations for inactivation kinetics. The developed quality model was implemented into the CFD code and calculated in parallel to simulations of skim milk droplets evaporation based on the characteristic drying curve approach. The quality model and the simulation procedure were validated by comparison of protein activity levels obtained from the CFD with data obtained from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of milk powder samples collected during skim milk spray drying experiments. The simulations for different feed rates fit well with measurement results and show that the loss of whey protein activity is lower at higher feed rates, due to lower temperature fields in this case.  相似文献   

杨瑞康  林大蔚 《计量学报》1993,14(2):99-103
报导了脱脂奶粉成分分析标准物质的制备,即按要求生产的脱脂奶粉经低温真空干燥、过筛控制粒度、V型混匀器混匀、N_2气氛下分装和低温干燥保存等步骤。所制备的样品按国家一级标准物质研制的规范程序进行均匀性和稳定性检验。并使用13种分析技术和20余种分析方法对18种成分元素进行定值。测定结果表明:样品均匀性良好,稳定性跟踪已大于一年,量值准确。  相似文献   


The main focus of this study is to develop colon targeted drug delivery systems for metronidazole (MTZ). Tablets were prepared using various polysaccharides or indigenously developed graft copolymer of methacrylic acid with guar gum (GG) as a carrier. Various polysaccharides such as GG, xanthan gum, pectin, carrageenan, β-cyclodextrin (CD) or methacrylic acid-g-guar (MAA-g-GG) gum have been selected and evaluated. The prepared tablets were tested in vitro for their suitability as colon-specific drug delivery systems. To further improve the colon specificity, some selected tablet formulations were enteric coated with Eudragit-L 100 to give protection in an acidic environment. Drug release studies were performed in simulated gastric fluid (SGF) for 2 hr followed by simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) at pH 7.4. The dissolution data demonstrate that the rate of drug release is dependent upon the nature and concentration of polysaccharide/polymer used in the formulations. Uncoated tablets containing xanthan gum or mixture of xanthan gum with graft copolymer showed 30–40% drug release during the initial 4–5 hr, whereas for tablets containing GG with the graft copolymer, it was 70%. After enteric coating, the release was drastically reduced to 18–24%. The other polysaccharides were unable to protect drug release under similar conditions. Preparations with xanthan gum as a matrix showed the time-dependent release behavior. Further, in vitro release was performed in the dissolution media with rat caecal contents. Results indicated an enhanced release when compared to formulations studied in dissolution media without rat caecal contents, because of microbial degradation or polymer solubilization. The nature of drug transport was found to be non-Fickian in case of uncoated formulations, whereas for the coated formulations, it was found to be super-Case-II. Statistical analyses of release data indicated that MTZ release is significantly affected by the nature of the polysaccharide used and enteric coating of the tablet. Differential scanning calorimetry indicated the presence of crystalline nature of drug in the formulations.  相似文献   

刘永峰  朱蕊贞  廖晶  赵璐 《包装工程》2017,38(11):218-223
目的分析罐装信息,为消费者选购国内外婴幼儿奶粉提供细致参考。方法通过网络调查和实体店走访的形式,调查分析不同品牌、不同年龄阶段罐装奶粉的营养标签等信息。结果京东麦乐购母婴商城和实体店31种品牌罐装奶粉的营养标签标识率均为100%,其中标识率较高的营养成分包括能量、蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素(A,D,E,K,C)和矿物质(钙、铁、磷、锌)。美系罐装奶粉蛋白质含量标识数高于其他系别,但其他营养素标识数则没有显著差异。同一罐装奶粉品牌不同系列的营养标识中重要营养素含量大同小异,而不同品牌的罐装奶粉营养素含量标识数则差异较大。其中,美赞臣罐装奶粉注重提高婴幼儿脑部智力发育,其DHA和ARA含量标识数较高(P0.05);雅培罐装奶粉注重增强婴幼儿体质,其钙、铁、磷等矿物质含量的标识数较高(P0.05);惠氏罐装奶粉的叶黄素含量的标识数较高(P0.05),且含有天然胡萝卜素的标识。结论消费者按照婴幼儿的体质、生长阶段和生活喜好的不同,可根据营养标签来选择最合适的罐装奶粉。  相似文献   

The permeation of testosterone analogs through silicone membranes was studied. The variation in the lipophilicity of testosterone molecules was accomplished by the addition or elimination of methyl group and the formation of ester. Furthermore, the effects of replacing one of the CH3 groups on the dimethylsiloxane unit in the silicone polymer chains by a polar CH2CH2CF3, group, which changes polymer characteristics and thus affects the membrane permeability, was investigated as well. It was found that potential which might prevent flocculation altogether. This can lead to caking. The lowest concentration effective in prevent ing coagulum formation should be used.

Suspensions made from a fluid aluminum hydroxide concentration were easy to redisperse after six weeks of storage. The sedimentation volume was 0.64. Addition of 0.2% xanthan gum raised the sedimentation volume to a value of 1.0. There was no evidence of coagulum formation in this system.  相似文献   

Over 70% of materials in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries (from raw materials, additives, and intermediates through to manufactured products) are supplied as relatively free-flowing powders, intended to be suitable for the manufacturing process or final application. For logistical reasons however these materials will often have to be stored for extended periods during which time some powders have the potential to gain strength due to prolonged and undisturbed particle/particle interactions. This is generally referred to as “caking” and can significantly limit the ability of a powder to pass through the process train without interruption as well as detrimentally impacting product quality.

This paper will present case studies that evaluate the flow properties of different powder systems that are affected by chemical-, moisture-, and temperature-based caking mechanisms. It will show how the propensity to cake can be effectively quantified with respect to the powders’ flow properties and how this can assist in understanding and adapting the processing environment to retain optimal processability.  相似文献   

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