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目的 儿童手部精细动作的训练对其认知能力的发展起着重要作用。本文选取儿童剪刀产品作为研究对象,通过对适龄儿童使用剪刀的行为进行研究,总结出面向适龄儿童生理认知特点和行为习惯的产品设计方法与流程,旨在改善儿童使用剪刀产品的操作体验,并促进儿童手部精细动作和认知能力的发展。方法 首先,分年龄段分析儿童的认知与手部精细动作发展特征;其次,通过非参与式观察法,记录6~8岁儿童使用剪刀的行为过程,并运用SAPAD模型进行“行为-物-意义”三个维度的映射,对用户行为背后的意义开展聚类分析,构建意义模型并转化为设计核心要素以指导剪刀设计;最后,结合模糊综合评价法开展产品可用性测试,确定最优设计方案。结果 通过对6~8岁儿童用户使用剪刀的行为进行分析,构建了意义模型,并得到了四个设计核心要素及两个核心部件。通过产品可用性测试,优选出最符合儿童生理认知发展和行为特征的设计方案。结论 基于SAPAD用户行为研究,并融入适龄儿童认知和生理发展特征的产品设计研究方法,能有效提升儿童的剪刀产品操作体验,从而促进其生理和认知发展。该研究也能为其他同类产品的设计开发提供新的理论路径和实践参考。  相似文献   

面向用户需求的儿童玩具可用性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的为满足用户多样化的需求,提高产品可用性,解决儿童产品可用性及产品评价问题,提出一种面向用户需求的产品可用性评价方法。方法将儿童产品用户需求分为外观需求、操作需求和感知需求,构建以感性意象词汇为基础的产品可用性多维层次指标模型,考虑儿童的认知心理、情感方式以及行为方式,通过层次判断矩阵求解并计算各个可用性感性指标重要度和优先次序。以此为依据开展儿童玩具的设计实践,通过目标用户群对设计案例进行可用性评价,了解儿童玩具产品的可用性情况,为儿童玩具产品的设计与改进提供指导。结论本方法能对产品可用性进行有效评价,发现其中存在的问题并加以改进。  相似文献   

Cultural diversity makes it impossible for designers to depend on instinctive knowledge or personal experiences. Therefore, it is vital to understand the requirements, communication patterns, and mental models of users from diverse cultures. The aim of this research is to probe whether incorporating cultural factors into web design can improve the web communication (usability). In this research, two cultures are selected based on Hofstede's cultural dimension model, and the local website audit is further constructed to check if there are significantly different preferences for a web interface design between two cultures (Taiwanese and Australian cultures). The web usability experiment is then established to test if those culturally preferred characteristics can improve the web communication (usability). The results of the usability test reveal that cultural preferences can facilitate the web communication. Furthermore, the suggestions for cross-cultural interaction design are concluded based on the results of the web communication evaluation.

Relevance to human factors/ergonomics theory

This research is relevant to human factors/ergonomics theory.  相似文献   

Seeing things: consumer response to the visual domain in product design   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper discusses consumer response to product visual form within the context of an integrated conceptual framework. Emphasis is placed on the aesthetic, semantic and symbolic aspects of cognitive response to design. The accompanying affective and behavioural responses are also discussed and the interaction between cognitive and affective response is considered. All aspects of response are presented as the final stage in a process of communication between the design team and the consumer. The role of external visual references is examined and the effects of moderating influences at each stage in the process of communication are discussed. In particular, the personal, situational and cultural factors that moderate response are considered. In concluding the paper, implications for design practice and design research are presented.  相似文献   

基于可用性的产品外观设计评价系统研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
曾栋  陈亚明 《包装工程》2008,29(1):137-139,164
以知识为基础研究产品硬件界面的可用性问题.将设计知识和用户知识的知识提取过程作为获取可用性相关知识的方法.通过研究可用性在产品设计中的生命周期,提出获取可用性评价因子和权重系数的知识框架,把各种模糊信息数值化以对概念产品方案进行定量评价,结合案例,系统地提出了设计方案可用性评价框架.从而为产品设计提供一种形式化、科学化的推理决策依据.  相似文献   

鲁艺  刘瑞雪 《包装工程》2020,41(4):134-140
目的探索中国儿童国学教育的创新性学习模式,将实体与数字设计在儿童学习体验中融合,采用增强现实技术实践开发智能儿童国学教育产品。方法围绕用户、产品、技术3个要素,引入访谈、问卷调研、行为观察、竞品分析等方法全面分析儿童学习国学的需求及问题,并从中提取设计的机会点。结论基于增强现实及图像识别技术,创建了多模交互体验国学产品——嘟嘟熊,全面改变了传统国学教育的学习模式,支持提升儿童在学习过程中的认知能力、动手能力及情感交流。同时,帮助儿童体验趣味性、互动性、益智性的学习享乐过程,提高了儿童国学学习的效率与兴趣。设计方案对于儿童国学教育的创新模式研究具有里程碑的意义,为中国儿童国学教育的未来奠定了发展方向。  相似文献   

One goal of the Consortium for the Advancement of Shape Memory Alloy Research and Technology is to compile the collective design experiences of our member organizations into a single medium that researchers and engineers may use to make efficient and effective decisions when developing shape memory alloy (SMA) components and systems. Recent work toward this goal is presented through the framework of six fundamental design aspects we have identified, which include evaluation, alloy selection, processing and fabrication, testing and properties, modeling, and system integration considerations including control system design. Each aspect is documented in the light of enabling the design engineer to access the tools and information needed to successfully design and develop SMA systems. Application of these aspects is illustrated through case studies resulting from our own SMA designs. It is shown that there is not an obvious single, linear route a designer can adopt to navigate the path from concept to product. Each application brings unique challenges that demand a particular emphasis and priority for each engineering aspect involved in the development of a system actuated by SMAs.  相似文献   

A product’s architecture can affect many aspects of product and process quality, from technical performance to the design effort required, production costs and satisfaction of later lifecycle requirements. This paper explores how computational tools can augment creative methods in product architecture design. Based on an empirical study aiming to understand the context of product architecture design, a new computational method is proposed to support this activity. In the method, product architectures—networks of components linked by connections—can be synthesised using constraints on the structure of the network to define the set of ‘realisable’ architectures for a product. An example illustrates how the method might be used on a real design problem, including the construction of an appropriate set of network structure constraints and the identification of promising architectures from the synthesis results. Preliminary evaluation of the method’s usability, assessed through a laboratory experiment, and its utility, assessed through application to a real historical design problem, supported by initial validation by an engineer from the case study company, suggests that the method has value for engineering design practice.  相似文献   

可适应设计是为适应用户需求不断变化、降低资源消耗而提出的一种新的设计方法,对产品的可适应性进行评价是其关键技术之一.在分析可适应设计原则及实现途径的基础上,给出了一种基于价值工程的产品可适应性的评价方法.该方法将产品的资源消耗总量、产品性能以及用户的使用环境等因素综合考虑,将用户使用产品后获得的效益与在完成这一系列任务时所消耗的资源量的比值作为评价产品可适应性的指标.通过该方法,可以选择使用户在产品的全生命周期内资源消耗量最少的产品设计方案.最后,将该可适应性评价方法用于高效圆柱齿轮机床的设计中,验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

目的结合设计师和用户的认知思维,基于蛛网结构建立两者之间的认知平衡模型并开发实用的创新设计工具,使产品形态设计的过程更为简明直观。方法首先运用形态分析法提炼产品形态原型,通过类型学分析对设计方案进行分类,模拟蜘蛛建网行为,建立体现设计师认知的产品方案表征蛛网;然后采用访谈调研、口语分析的方法获取用户语义,对核心语义词汇进行审美逻辑上的形态关联分析,提取符合用户认知的撞击物形态;最后使用四边形网格描述产品方案和撞击物形态,借助形态融合技术生成创意产品形态,建构蛛网撞击进化设计系统,并以女性滑板车设计为例验证该方法的可行性。结果模拟并应用了认知思维和蛛网结构,提出了一种新的产品形态创新设计方法。结论蜘蛛建网、猎物撞击的行为和方式能够比较合理地模拟设计师和用户的认知平衡过程,该方法对于提高产品形态设计效率,开拓创新设计方法具有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

目的对产品迭代设计过程中的社会价值要素进行分析,探索基于社会价值的产品迭代设计方向。方法通过对产品社会价值内涵的分析,将其概括为决定性价值和激励性价值,其中决定性价值包括:功能要素、合意要素、质量要素;激励性价值包括:环境要素、人文要素、包容性要素。运用"模糊综合评价"方法对产品的各项要素进行综合评价,通过产品社会价值要素评价结果,尝试建立产品社会价值要素分布图,根据图中产品社会价值要素满意程度与重要性的分布情况,确定产品迭代方向。结论通过对产品的社会价值要素分析研究,把握产品迭代设计方向,在一定程度上缩短新产品的开发周期,降低迭代风险,发现并掌控产品迭代开发方向,保证产品的社会价值不断提高。  相似文献   

余森林  王苏影 《包装工程》2022,43(20):237-246
目的 将可供性引入用户需求分析阶段,准确定位用户需求和产品要素,减少因需求提取不准确导致产品设计要素的表达和用户理解之间的偏差,从而提高产品的可用性与易用性。方法 首先,通过问卷调查、领先用户访谈、建立产品评价数据库等研究方法获得用户需求的初始描述,并借助功能可供性、行为可供性、认知可供性、感官可供性四种分类,归纳提取设计需求要素。其次,利用模糊Kano模型量化处理、筛选提取设计要素,借助层次分析法确定设计要素重要性排序。最后,将筛选出的符合用户心理预期的设计要素应用于设计实践。结论 构建一种基于可供性的用户需求分析方法,将此方法应用于多功能便携式野餐箱的方案设计中。依据产品设计的可供性要素评价指标,完成方案设计评价,验证设计成果的可行性与有效性,为类似产品的需求研究和设计创新提供参考。  相似文献   

High costs and long cycle times of software development are factors hindering the analysis and design of the complete cognitive aspects related to task performances. Reusable software has been proposed as a solution to the problem of high software development and maintenance costs. One of the paradigms for reusable software, object-oriented modelling, has emerged as an important method for specifying, creating and reusing software modules. Using Unified Modelling Language, this paper develops an object-oriented cognitive task analysis and design (OOCTAD) model based on human information-processing theory. First, human task performance-related cognitive aspects are classified into modules and logically linked together; secondly, cognitive aspects within these modules were further decomposed into packages and classes based on object-oriented technology. Finally, one case study was presented to compare and contrast different cognitive analysis models to illustrate the advantages of the OOCTAD model developed in the current research over the other five cognitive task analysis models. These reusable classes in the OOCATD model were shown to be reused to reduce software development costs and cycle times for cognitive task analysis and design. The current research should be of use to both developers and users of cognitively based tasks, systems and tools and researchers and practitioners in the broader discipline of cognitive tasks design and analysis.  相似文献   

邬锦雯  孙静蕾  李敏 《包装工程》2021,42(12):183-196, 222
目的 随着微信小程序开发权限的开放,越来越多的微信小程序被设计、开发、投入使用,以小程序表单界面设计为例,对界面设计的可用性评价进行研究,可以为开发者提供界面设计可用性评价范例.方法 通过对前人研究的总结,提炼出3个维度(效率、出错率、满意度),包含9项数据指标(注视点数、持续注视时间、首次注视时间、平均注视时间、求助频度、多余翻页偏差度、难易程度、记忆效果、体验指数)的微信小程序界面设计可用性评价指标体系.通过眼动实验、问卷调查、客观观察,收集3种常见表单界面设计方案的实验数据,借助熵权法处理分析实验数据,评价微信小程序表单界面设计方案的可用性.结论 通过实验发现,手风琴折叠式表单设计可用性优于分类式表单设计,优于直列式表单设计,对需要提交大量信息的微信小程序表单界面设计具有较高的可用性.  相似文献   

目的产品外观意象激发用户的情感体验,成为影响消费者购买决策的重要因素。情感的主观性与意象的模糊性,使产品外观意象与用户情感需求的有效映射成为产品设计的难题。产品外观具有多维特征,传统产品意象研究多考虑产品部分特征,需要人工标注产品特征,样本量小,造成设计方案与用户情感需求的偏差。针对这些问题提出解决方案,减少产品情感研究中不确定性因素的干扰,实现产品设计方案与用户意象需求的有效匹配。方法提出构建基于深度学习的产品外观意象情感计算服务平台,研究平台构建方法与关键技术。提出产品外观情感数据库建立方法和产品外观意象情感计算方法。构建产品外观意象情感计算模型,实现更为精确的产品外观意象情感分类与情感特征识别。提出分析不同产品类型的产品外观情感特征权重,研究产品特征对情感意象的贡献程度,挖掘关键情感特征。研究面向用户情感需求的产品外观方案检索方法和技术,以构建产品设计服务平台。结论研究成果将为建立高效、人性化的产品外观意象设计协同服务平台提供参考,从而简化设计师与用户的知识获取过程,促进产品外观设计方案与用户意象需求的有效匹配。  相似文献   

李永锋  朱丽萍 《包装工程》2012,33(10):46-49,69
提出了基于决策树的产品造型与可用性关系研究方法。首先,分析了产品的造型要素和可用性评价指标。其次,采用被试内实验设计方法,测量任务完成时间、任务执行过程的出错情况以及用户满意程度。最后,应用决策树对实验数据进行挖掘。结合手机进行研究,发现手机的造型要素与可用性之间存在一定的关系,结果表明该方法是正确可行的。  相似文献   

The packaging of industrial food products is the most important means of transmitting a product's image and taste value. When the nature of its interface and its contents are the product of carefully planned imaging, the product has notable advantages in defining its image and product identity. Modern food trends dictate an ever‐increasing amount of services: The so‐called ‘functional packaging’ and ‘active packaging’ are prime examples of this service. The greatest innovation within this category of products consists literally of their interaction with food. These features create numerous fallbacks within all stages of the life‐cycle of a product, requiring a complex and multidisciplinary evaluation. The evaluation strategy of services which this packaging will offer to the consumer is still to be defined, and still to be identified within the key applications are the interests of the intermediary links of the production process. This requires the evaluation of the semantic and communicative aspects of the packaging which tend to be confused with the foodstuffs, the individualization of appropriate user profiles, control of logistical and location aspect of production, and a careful analysis of a comprehensive environmental balance, all issues that are parts of the objectives of the European project, Actipak. It is hoped, therefore, that the elaboration of these packaging systems will become a motive to try out a more knowledgeable and systematic design process for foodstuffs, in which innovative technology is used to provide effective benefits to the consumer. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Excessive software development is the tendency to develop new software above and beyond the requirements of the market and/or planned specifications. It is a widespread phenomenon involving both risks and flexibility advantages. As it represents a challenging dilemma for software developers, it is important to study its human origins. Drawing on the tripartite model of individual attitudes, this study investigates the influence of developers’s cognitive (intuitive and rational thinking styles), affective (emotional attachment) and behavioural (reliance on past experiences) traits on two forms of excess, beyond needs and beyond plans. Using survey data on 307 software developers, this study shows that different manifestations of excess are associated with distinct traits of software developers. Emotional attachment drives beyond needs excess. A positive (negative) association is found between relying on past experiences and beyond needs excess (beyond plans excess). An intuitive cognitive style fosters the inclusion of extra features in the new product scope, whereas a rational style might lead to developing one-size-fits-all software that targets the needs of a broad user base. These findings contribute to research on the development of digital new products and production technologies by offering a comprehensive yet fine-grained picture of excessive software development’s nature and drivers.  相似文献   

何方  何人可 《包装工程》2019,40(8):237-244
目的通过检视一款药物信息管理类产品的设计与构建流程,总结其中所采用的设计检验方法,有效地帮助并加速产品的设计改进与迭代过程,满足相关用户的需求。方法对产品的初级交互原型采用启发式评估法进行评估。根据评估结果及需要改进的易用性问题优先级对产品原型进行设计迭代。对迭代后的产品原型进行深入的易用性测试。为评估易用性测试给用户带来的任务工作量,了解产品原型仍然存在的易用性问题以及探索产品细节的用户体验问题,依次采用任务负荷指数评估(NASA-TLX),系统易用性量表法与半结构式访谈来进行产品测试。结论融合启发式评估法与易用性测试,邀请可用性专家与实际用户,分别对初级交互原型与改进后的产品原型进行评估,加速并优化了相应产品的设计流程,提升了用户体验的满意度。  相似文献   

李中林 《包装工程》2018,39(2):154-159
目的对经典的Apple APP Store进行再设计的意义并不是对其予以否定,而是以此为研究对象,从人性化的角度进行设计探讨。方法安排测试人员围绕搜索效率与搜索兴趣两方面,对苹果在线商店进行感性体验与命题搜索体验,再用比较法分析Apple APP Store的部分设计特点,确定多条路径导向一个下载页面的思路后,又调整网站的搜索路径与页面视觉分区,并通过用户测试完成再设计。结论充分重视用户的操作行为,不断分析用户在产品体验过程中的认知变化以便拓宽设计思路,把脉设计痛点并找到设计途径。  相似文献   

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