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海洋赤潮生物检测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赤潮是我国近海主要的多发性海洋生态灾害,加强赤潮生物检测技术研究,对于赤潮预报与治理工作具有重要的现实意义。本文综述了海洋水色遥感监测技术、赤潮生物光学检测技术及赤潮生物生物学分析技术的研究现状及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于对海洋遥感彩色图像的像素点数据矩阵的理解,提出了一种基于MATLAB软件的海洋遥感数据读取技术.依据这项技术,用户可以从卫星遥感获取的各种海洋要素彩色图像中读取对应于各个像素点的海洋要素数据.在MATLAB软件中,图像是由像素点构成的,全部图像信息均以矩阵的形式存储和运算.一幅图像可能包含一个数据矩阵和一个颜色映射表矩阵.用户可使用MATLAB软件读入图像,并通过所读取图像中包含的数据矩阵和颜色映射表矩阵,将图像区域中的像素点的颜色与色标中的颜色进行比较来获得像素点所表示的海洋要素数据.以一幅东中国海海域的海表面温度(SST)彩色图像实例说明了如何应用该技术来提高遥感彩色图像信息的读取能力.  相似文献   

我国海洋水色遥感应用工程技术的新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了近年来我国在海洋水色遥感应用工程技术方面的新进展,包括以应用为导向的关键技术研究和各类应用示范系统的开发等。针对当前海洋水色遥感业务化应用服务所面临的问题和一些急需解决的关键工程技术进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

正海洋遥感专家。1945年12月26日出生,浙江省东阳市人。1968年毕业于南京理工大学。国家海洋局第二海洋研究所研究员、海洋遥感专家、《海洋学报》主编、国际海洋水色遥感专家组成员。曾在加拿大、德国、日  相似文献   

海洋光学遥感技术的发展和前沿   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
空间遥感与信息技术已经发展成为满足人类对海洋资源和环境不同尺度和不同层次连续、动态的信息需求的必要手段。海洋光学遥感在实施大范围海面瞬间信息监测、数年至几十年长序列全球海洋数据采集等方面,发挥了常规调查方法所不能替代的优势。从20世纪70年代开始,国际上发展了利用测量离水辐射率的原理,用现代的卫星遥感技术来实时监测海洋水色环境。80年代以来,我国对该项高技术也十分重视,并有了长足进展。文章回顾我国近20年来海洋光学遥感技术的发展;讨论了当前国家在海洋权益、防灾减灾、海洋资源管理和开发等方面的进一步需求;论述了该技术在环境监测应用导向下的前沿,如:高精度分析和定量化、高频率长序列监测和业务化趋向、多平台监测数据同化和核心技术合成。  相似文献   

太阳光谱仪的定标技术与渤海海域的光学测量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以太阳光谱仪为基础介绍了根据仪器测量的电信号数据反演气溶胶光学厚度的基本原理以及依据Langley方法的定标技术。通过两次测量试验对比,提出了一种比较实用的仪器定标方法,即在海洋上空对仪器进行定标并且取得了满意的结果。利用该仪器于2003年8月对渤海海域上空的大气光学特性进行了大面积调查,分析了当时海域上空各种大气参数(气溶胶光学厚度、臭氧浓度以及水汽含量等)的空间分布情况,为我国近海海域二类水体水色遥感反演中大气校正模式的建立提供了必要的数据参考。  相似文献   

偏振问题是卫星水色遥感需要解决的一个重要问题.通过对带偏振的辐射传输方程进行求解得到精确的Rayleigh散射计算结果,便可以对水色遥感器进行偏振修正.本研究将矢量辐射传输方程进行傅立叶展开,得到与方位角独立的矢量辐射传输方程,利用逐次散射法对其进行求解.本文给出了HY-1卫星上水色遥感器COCTS在不同观测角度和不同风速情况下的精确Rayleigh散射结果,并通过比较得到了在不同观测条件下Rayleigh散射结果之间的差异.  相似文献   

正海洋渔业与生态学专家。1943年12月25日出生于辽宁省大连市:1961年毕业于黄海水产学院。现任中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所研究员。长期从事海洋生物资源开发与可持续利用研究,在海洋生态系统、渔业生物学、远洋渔业和养殖生态等方面取得多项创新性成果。参与全球海洋生态系统动力学科学计划制定和大海洋生态系概念发展,组织中国相关973计划实施,为中国渔业科学与海洋科学多学科交叉和生态  相似文献   

本文在简述海洋二号(HY-2A)星载微波散射计(简称散射计)工作原理的基础上,详细阐述了散射计数据预处理所涉及的关键技术,主要包括几何定位算法和雷达后向散射系数的计算。星载微波散射计数据的地理定位是计算遥感器观测点在地基坐标系中坐标的处理过程。地理定位需要考虑仪器扫描几何、空间位置、天线指向、地球曲率、旋转等因素。传统的遥感数据定位方法依赖于卫星轨道,定位精度难以保障,HY-2A卫星搭载了GPS传感器,提供1 s间隔的卫星平台定位数据,据此建立传感器观测几何与地面面元之间的几何模型,通过模型的解算获得观测面元中心的地理坐标,并计算观测面元的方位角、入射角等参数。随后采用参量代换法从雷达回波信号中计算后向散射系数。  相似文献   

基于散乱数据点集构造三角插值曲面的方法,在CAD/CAM、科学计算可视化、图像处理等领域有着广泛的应用。本文介绍一种基于遥感图像散乱数据点的三角曲面片插值构造方法。该方法通过在遥感图像上选取局部极值点来构成平面散乱数据点集,并在此基础上进行三角剖分、优化和三角插值曲面构造。此方法在海洋遥感图像多尺度分解处理应用中取得了较为理想的结果。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于浮游生物粒径组成和数量分布关系的生物粒径谱研究方法。这一方法可最大限度地将粒径分组,形成近乎连续的谱图,并利用自然海水样品验证了该技术在浮游生物粒径结构研究中的应用效果,表明该技术对于海洋生态群落结构研究和环境监测等具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对一种基于随机游走和输入估计策略的振动主动控制方法进行了试验研究。该方法涉及的动力学模型既依赖于受控系统的基本物理参数,又与未知的外扰激励密切相关。首先采用模态识别方法离线辨识系统的物理参数,以获得系统状态方程,再利用随机游走模型将未知外扰视为辅助状态量来构造新的状态方程,并借助Kalman滤波原理对新状态方程中的未知状态进行估计,进而得到未知状态和外扰的估计值。根据系统已知的测量输出、未知状态及外扰的估计值构造目标函数,应用LQG方法求解控制器增益,得到考虑未知外扰的最优控制输入。以柔性悬臂梁模型作为受控对象,对其实施振动主动控制,试验结果表明,该控制方法能有效抑制模型的前四阶模态振动,特别是对低阶模态的控制,其效果远优于经典LQG控制方法。  相似文献   

The computer simulation model proposed in this study enables a policy planner in a developing country to assess the contribution of new marine transportation technology to the national economy, and to find an optimal scheme for introducing the new technology. The simulation model consists of the national economic cycle submodel (econo-submodel) and the maritime industry technology submodel (techno-submodel). The econo-submodel, which utilizes input-output analysis, can evaluate the multiplying effects on the national economy of preferential investments in the marine transportation system. The techno-submodel may be characterized as a production planning model for the marine transportation system. The techno-submodel is also furnished with several functions such as (1) forecasting the demand for marine transportation, (2) optimizing the merchant marine fleet, (3) planning the development of port facilities, (4) planning the service of ship repairing, and (5) deciding on feasible investment under several constraints. The two submodels include several parameters with respect to economics and technology as exogenous variables and are mutually linked to trade and investment

The new technologies introduced into marine industry are categorized from the viewpoints of labour-saving and energy-saving technology. The degree of containerization of general cargo in liner services and ‘Segregated Ballast Tank (SBT)’ in tanker services are taken into consideration. Port facilities are reinforced corresponding to new shipping technology. The optimal allocation of investment between ships and ports depends on the trade-off of the capital efficiency

The uniqueness of this study is in the potential for the quantitative evaluation, by means of national economic indicators, of the effect of introducing the new technology  相似文献   

东海区海表温度与中上层渔获量关系的时空分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从GIS的空间分析的角度研究渔业产量同海洋环境要素的关系 ,结合东海区( 118.5°~ 130°E ,2 4°~ 36°N) 1987~ 1998年的海表温度场及同期的中上层鱼类的渔获量数据 ,定量地刻划出温度场与温度梯度场分别与渔捞量之间关系 ,并进一步寻找渔场同环境要素之间关系的空间变化规律  相似文献   

Measurements of (239+240)Pu and (238)Pu were carried out on marine biota as well as on sediments from the fringing reefs area extending towards north and south (Flamingo Bay) of PortSudan harbour. The analyses were performed using radiochemical separation and alpha spectrometry. The range of the activity concentrations in marine sediments, in mBq kg(-1) dry weight, was found to be from 5.10 to 82.00 for (239+240)Pu and from 0.89 to 8.63 for (238)Pu. Corresponding activity concentrations of (239+240)Pu and (238)Pu in sediments from the harbours at PortSudan and Sawakin were 53-301 and 8.29-28.6 (PortSudan) and 163-343 and 4.7 (Sawakin), respectively. The higher values for plutonium in marine algae suggest their suitability as an indicator species for monitoring purposes. The results obtained are generally lower than those found by other studies and show that the Red Sea environment is mildly affected by plutonium contamination. Activity ratios of plutonium isotopes confirm that the existence of plutonium in the Red Sea is mainly due to atmospheric global fallout.  相似文献   

A submersible marine radiometric spectrometer system, capable of simultaneous measurements of the in situ spectral and angular properties of the underwater oceanic light field, is used to determine spectral inherent optical properties of marine waters. The inversion methods used to convert the sampled light field measurements into estimates of spectral absorption are presented and sample results for three water types obtained during a cruise in the North Sea are given.  相似文献   

Maritime traffic poses a major threat to marine ecosystems in the form of oil spills. The Gulf of Finland, the easternmost part of the Baltic Sea, has witnessed a rapid increase in oil transportation during the last 15 years. Should a spill occur, the negative ecological impacts may be reduced by oil combating, the effectiveness of which is, however, strongly dependent on prevailing environmental conditions and available technical resources. This poses increased uncertainty related to ecological consequences of future spills. We developed a probabilistic Bayesian network model that can be used to assess the effectiveness of different oil combating strategies in minimizing the negative effects of oil on six species living in the Gulf of Finland. The model can be used for creating different accident scenarios and assessing the performance of various oil combating actions under uncertainty, which enables its use as a supportive tool in decision-making. While the model is confined to the western Gulf of Finland, the methodology is adaptable to other marine areas facing similar risks and challenges related to oil spills.  相似文献   

针对基于因特网的共享控制系统无法对被控对象的模型参数进行在线辨识的问题,提出了一种在时变时延的网络环境下,服务器在线辨识被控对象模型参数的方案.该方案在服务器端使用扩维观测器观测被控对象模型的各阶状态变量,并结合网络通讯技术实现在因特网环境下对接入系统的被控对象模型参数的在线辨识.将该方案所得的辨识结果与无网络环境因素影响下的辨识结果进行了仿真实验对比验证,实验结果表明该方案是有效可行的,不仅实现了在网络环境下服务器对不同地域的被控设备对象模型参数的在线辨识,而且也扩展了系统辨识的应用范围.  相似文献   

A step function model with time is presented in the paper, and an axisymmetric component is regarded as the study objective in this model. The heat transfer coefficient during the gas quenching process is described as a function of time in this model, and five design variables are selected to do the design of Box–Behnken experiment with five factors and three levels. The levels of design variables that attain from the result of Box–Behnken experiment design are regard as the technical parameters of gas quenching to simulate the gas quenching process using the FEM software developed in the paper. Some mathematical models of response surface are gained by the mixed regression method and response surface method. These mathematical models show the dependencies of distortion, surface average equivalent residual stress, standard deviation of equivalent residual stress, average surface hardness and standard deviation of surface hardness with respect to the design variables. The optimization model is presented with the distortion as the optimization objective, and the model is optimized with an upper limit, a lower limit and the constraint function by the non-linear method and the Lagrange multiplier method.  相似文献   

欧圳翼  屈科 《声学技术》2022,41(6):821-826
基于遥感参数和Argo历史数据对水体声速剖面(Sound Speed Profile,SSP)进行重构,对单经验正交函数回归(single Empirical Orthogonal Function-regression,sEOF-r)法在南海的适用性进行了研究。由于南海动力活动的复杂性,SSP扰动相对复杂,同时海域内SSP样本稀疏,相关的SSP统计学估计方法在南海区域还难以有效应用。文章基于K-means对样本进行聚类分析,讨论南海海域正交经验函数模态的一致性。通过扩大重构实验网格解决样本稀疏的问题。利用经典的sEOF-r对南海SSP进行反演,对重构SSP的误差分析说明了该方法在南海海域应用的有效性。SSP重构的均方根误差为2.341 1 m·s-1,较大误差主要出现在深度40~200 m,其原因是海域内混合层深度发生变化。实验证明在南海区域内利用遥感参数可以有效地估计SSP。  相似文献   

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