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曾小斌 《中国包装》2011,31(12):54-58
啤酒是世界上消费量最大的饮料之一,长期以来,玻璃瓶为啤酒的主要容器,但其抗冲性及耐压性较差,存在安全隐患,开发廉价而适用的替代品极具市场价值。PET塑料啤酒品作为新型的啤酒包装容器,其开发成为全球研究的热点。本文介绍了塑料啤酒品的存在价值,国内外开发现状,并对研究开发前景进行展望。  相似文献   

汪云 《包装世界》2005,(4):33-33
日本一家公司生产一种可回收再灌装的新型塑料啤酒瓶的是由70%的聚丙烯腈和30%的苯乙烯制成。该瓶具有系列优良性能:气密性好,阻气性能低于PET瓶;耐蚀陛强,可用热碱水清洗,有较高耐热性;耐压强度高;钢性大,瓶子变形量小;采用合适的着色剂,有较好的遮光性。这种塑料瓶被废弃时,可与其他塑料同样处理,其燃烧发热量每千克达8300千卡。  相似文献   

PEN啤酒瓶的开发应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了2,6-萘二甲酸二甲酯(DMN)缩聚为聚2,6-萘二甲酸二乙酯(PEN)共聚物的合成工艺,讨论了PEN化学性质和气体阻隔性能。结果表明:PEN共聚物的合成工艺与普通聚酯切片的合成工艺相近,PEN的啤酒瓶可耐100℃高温,对O2、CO2气体的阻隔性比普通PET瓶提高6倍以上。  相似文献   

明景熙 《塑料包装》1999,9(1):52-54
本文论述了PEN/PET共混物(或共聚物)取代啤酒玻璃瓶的思路。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和我国改革的进一步深化,作为一个连续多年经济增长率保持在7%以上的发展中的大国,人们的生活发生了根本性的变化,生活习惯和理念已起了明显的变化.追求时尚、追求健康、追求卫生安全、以及环境保护意识越来越强,高质量、高品位的消费随处可见.而作为大众消费增长最快之一的物品啤酒的包装,尽管有广大的研制机构在研发以及广大人们的呼声要求有新的包装形式,但仍停留在原有的基础上,几乎无什么大的变化和改进.作为一种大众产品的包装,我国有能力开发新型的产品--塑料啤酒瓶.  相似文献   

周祥兴 《塑料包装》2001,11(4):27-31
阻透性是塑料包装材料重要的性能要求之一,它也是塑料包材替代部分玻璃容器和金属罐必须具有的条件之一。阻透性直接同食品在塑料包装容器的保存期有关:研究结果表明,对于不少食品要在25℃,65%RH,有一年以上的保存期,容器中的O2含量只能在1~3ppm,如:蒸煮的低酸性食品、火腿、腊肠、罐装汤汁、速溶咖啡、葡萄酒、土豆加工食品等,快餐食品、坚果仁、干燥食品、干爆的水果汁粉,容器中O2含量在5~15ppm,高酸性的水果汁、碳酸软饮料分别在8~20ppm和10-40ppm。因此,塑料包装业都把寻找高阻透性…  相似文献   

新型包装材料PEN的开发与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹盛欧 《中国包装》1999,19(6):100-101
PEN(聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯,polyethylenenaphthalate)是一种具有优良气体阻隔性、防水性、抗紫外线性、耐热性、耐化学药品性、耐幅射性等性能的热塑性聚酯。虽然PEN早已开发,但因原料及成本等问题直至最近才实现了商业化,从而作为一种新的功能性高分子材料而令人瞩目。它的优良特性也使其成为一种新型包装材料而倍受包装行业的青睐。一、PEN的特性PEN树脂的结构与PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)树脂相似,它只是以萘环取代PET分子结构中的苯环。由于萘环刚性更大,从而使PEN在耐热性、气体阻…  相似文献   

黄嘉  尹礼宁 《中国包装》2002,22(1):58-60
本文综述了近年来国外采用各种现代化改性手段提高PET瓶的气体阻透性,使之用于一次性啤酒容器,以及采用新型阻透材料PEN用于可重复使用/重复灌装啤酒瓶的研究开发、测试和推广应用方面取得的突破性进展。预测塑料啤酒瓶将迅速、稳步增长,但不会取代玻璃和金属容器。  相似文献   

3 可重复使用 /重复灌装的塑料啤酒瓶可重复使用 /重复灌装瓶 (以下简称“可再用 /重装瓶”)啤酒占全球啤酒市场 2 9%的份额。我国绝大部分常璃啤酒瓶都回收再用 ,而且为保证安全 ,国家规定只能周转 5次 ,使用期限不超过 2年。因此可再用 /重装啤酒瓶是一个相当可观的市场 ,实现其塑料化 ,对我国的意义尤为重大。可再用 /重装瓶不仅像一次性瓶一样要有足够的气体阻透性和耐热压性 ,还要求耐高温碱液清洗 ,无“残香”问题 (即消费者可能在空瓶中加入异物 ,导致吸着异味并很难彻底洗净 ,影响啤酒口味纯正 ) ,瓶壁不易划伤等 ,在瓶的正常使用…  相似文献   

A test method for measuring the strength of the seal on a flexible bottle is proposed. The method measures seal strength as the compression force applied to the side of the bottle required to make the seal fail. The technique has the advantage of using standard equipment and reproduced failure conditions as closely as possible. The method was used to compare the seal strengths of a foil laminate heat-seal on a retortable gamma bottle under various sealing conditions. The results for various sealing pressures, temperatures and times are reported and optimum conditions are identified.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the use of recycled waste materials as modifier additives in asphalt mixes could have several economic and environmental benefits. The main purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of waste plastic bottles (Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)) on the stiffness and specially fatigue properties of asphalt mixes at two different temperatures of 5 and 20 °C. Likewise, the effect of PET was compared to styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) which is a conventional polymer additive which has been vastly used to modify asphalt mixes. Different PET contents (2–10% by weight of bitumen) were added directly to mixture as the method of dry process. Then the resilient modulus and fatigue tests were performed on cylindrical specimens with indirect tensile loading procedure. Overall, the mix stiffness reduced by increasing the PET content. Although stiffness of asphalt mix initially increased by adding lower amount of PET. Based on the results of resilient modulus test, the stiffness of PET modified mix was acceptable and warranted the proper deformation characteristics of these mixes at heavy loading conditions. At both temperatures, PET improved the fatigue behavior of studied mixes. PET modified mixes revealed comparable stiffness and fatigue behavior to SBS at 20 °C. However, at 5 °C the fatigue life of SBS modified mixes was to some extent higher than that of PET modified ones especially at higher strain levels of 200 microstrain.  相似文献   

Washing PET or PEN bottles intended for reuse with sodium hydroxide solutions appeared to affect the surface of the materials. The possible hydrolysis of the ester chemical function during the process was investigated. A new method for extracting and separating neutral and acidic products from the polymers was developed, and relative quantification of the isolated molecules was carried out by gas and liquid chromatography. Some adjuvants were no longer present after washing, but others were more easily extracted. A very weak hydrolysis reaction for PEN could not be excluded but it did not seem to occur for PET. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles were produced from three types of recycled PET (rPET) with four levels of recycled content. The migration of substances from these bottles to water was studied. Several migrated substances were detected. The migrated amounts of acetaldehyde and ethylene glycol complied with the limits given in the food contact material (FCM) legislation. Migration of 2-methyl-1,3-dioxolane was below the limit of 10 μg·L−1, which is conventionally applied for non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) not classified as ‘carcinogenic’, ‘mutagenic’ or ‘toxic to reproduction’ (CMR). Limonene, acetone, butanone and furan were also detected as migrants, of which limonene is a natural fragrant, and the other three are probably residues from solvents used to clean and protect the mould at the small-scale production facility. Finally, benzene and styrene were also found as migrants from rPET. These migrants appear to originate from heat-induced reactions within the PET matrix, which involve contaminants. The formation of benzene in rPET is attributed to polyvinylchloride as contaminant. The migrated amounts of benzene from the PET bottles with recycled content to the water simulant are relatively small (0.03–0.44 μg·L−1) after 10 days at 40°C. Consequently, the margin of exposure is 3.105–8.106. Hence, the level of concern for the public health is low, and the migrated amount represents a low priority for risk management. The FCM legislation demands a risk assessment for migrating NIAS. Depending on the underlying data and exposure scenario, different threshold limits in the food can be derived which can still be considered as safe.  相似文献   

This paper evaluated various shipping packages (corrugated boxes and reusable plastic crates) on their protective performance based on bruising and heat transfer characteristics for shipping and handling mangoes. The effect of maturity stage on bruise susceptibility of mangoes was also studied. Mangoes were evaluated for bruise damage after subjecting to shipping and vibration tests. The results indicated that proper shipping containers and cushioning methods significantly reduces bruising in mangoes. Design features of shipping containers, such as physical protection and pre‐cooling characteristics, should be considered when shipping mangoes. The methods from this study can be used for selecting proper packaging to reduce damage of mangoes and other sensitive tropical fruits during distribution. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effects of different packaging systems and fruit orientation on bruising and pre‐cooling time of pineapples during distribution. The package types studied were reusable plastic containers, single‐use paper corrugated containers and plastic foam containers (FCs). Simulated vibration tests were performed to evaluate the shipping containers on their protective performances. After the vibration tests, pineapples were evaluated for bruise damage and decay during storage for 5 days. Pineapple fleshes were also evaluated for bruise volume and changes in colour, firmness, total soluble solids content (TSS) and titratable acidity (TA) after storage of 5 days. Bruise damage was more intense as the storage time increased. Package types had significant effects (p ≤ 0.05) on bruise damage of pineapples. The corrugated containers showed the best protective performance for pineapples, while the FCs showed the worst. The corrugated containers with paperboard partitions showed the lowest damage levels as compared to other package types studied. Foam‐net cushion reduced bruise damage of pineapples. L values and firmness of pineapple flesh were highly associated with degree of bruising. The results suggested that slight bruising on the skin may signify severe bruising on the flesh and bruising accelerated decay in pineapples. Orientation did not show a significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) on bruising. The highest pre‐cooling rates were observed in the reusable plastic containers, while the slowest rates were observed in the single‐use paper containers. The results indicated that careful handling in the proper packaging with optimum cushion can minimize bruise damage and decay of pineapples after shipments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of recycled content and type of recycled poly (ethylene terephthalate) (rPET) on the haziness; colour parameters L*, a*, and b*; total colour change; ultraviolet-visual spectrum (UV-VIS) absorption; and environmental stress cracking (ESC) of PET bottles was studied. Three series of PET bottles were made at a small scale production facility with same type of virgin PET and three different types of rPET with recycled contents of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. Also, the particle contamination of the produced PET bottles was studied by dissolving bottle fragments and counting the insoluble particles. A linear relationship was found between the haziness of PET bottles and the particle contamination, with a coefficient of determination of 0.96. Linear relationships were also found between the colour parameters L* and b* and the particle contamination of the PET bottles, but the slope differed for each type of rPET. The origin of rPET (mono-collection or cocollection) seems to be the crucial factor determining particle contamination and colour of the produced bottles. No correlation was found between the recycled content and the incidence of ESC. However, PET bottles in which high intrinsic viscosity (IV) values were measured showed lower chances of ESC than PET bottles with low IV values  相似文献   

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