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提出了一种利用Pro/E进行汽轮发电机定子绕组参数系列化三维建模的方法.针对汽轮发电机定子绕组端部结构复杂,但成型机理相同的特点,利用Pro/E建立了汽轮发电机定子绕组的三维模型.通过Pro/E的二次开发工具Pro/TOOLKIT,开发了可直接在UI对话框中进行参数设计的应用程序.结果显示,这种方法实现了汽轮发电机绕组参数设计的系列化,可明显缩短开发周期,并得到精确三维模型,整体上优于传统的设计方法.  相似文献   

Pro/E在兵器包装设计上的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
蔡建  黎明  程涛 《包装工程》2005,26(6):106-107
简述了Pro/E软件的特点,并以某包装箱为例从三维造型、装配检查、功能分析及二维工程图等方面简要介绍了Pro/E软件在兵器包装设计上的应用.  相似文献   

栾祥 《硅谷》2010,(16):69-70,64
研究利用Pro/E自带的Pro/TOOLKIT二次开发工具包和VC++6.0开发环境进行二次开发的方法,重点解决基于约束关系的三维齿轮实体参数化设计和驱动机理。通过在应用程序界面修改主驱动参数及局部驱动参数,可以得到标准渐开线齿轮,从而满足设计要求。并以直齿圆柱齿轮为例,阐述基于VC++的Pro/E二次开发实现直齿圆柱齿轮三维参数化建模设计的过程。  相似文献   

文章介绍了“机械设计基础”课程设计中,使用Pro/E设计工具,实现减速器零件的特征建模和整体虚拟装配,对大学生的设计技能培养进行的初步尝试.  相似文献   

本文基于三维设计CAD技术,以Pro/E4.0为建模工具,根据起重机械的设计特点,结合Top_Down(自顶向下)与Down_Top(自底向上)装配设计特色,建立双梁门式起重机的三维模型。  相似文献   

Pro/E在产品造型设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过介绍台灯模型设计的全过程,说明运用Pro/E的全参数设计、特征基础、装配等特点,使设计工作直观化、高效化、精确化.充分证明在产品造型设计中应用Pro/E软件进行外观造型的重要性.  相似文献   

基于ADAMS的粉体振动给料系统的建模和仿真   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
在Pro/E环境下对粉体振动给料机构进行建模、装配,将模型通过Mech/Pro接口程序导入ADAMS中.基于多体动力学理论和振动理论,在ADAMS中给模型施加约束和驱动方式,求解其固有频率,再进行时域和频域的振动分析,验证模型的可用性,实现粉体振动给料系统的虚拟样机设计.  相似文献   

以回转体零件为例,首先基于Pro/E对零件进行三维建模;然后通过在Vericut中添加机床、控制文件、毛坯、夹具及刀具文件,对零件进行三维仿真,并利用Pro/E特有的代码生成功能来实现自动编程,利用Vericut将自动生成的数控(NC)程序进行修改;最终实现零件的数控加工仿真及优化.该系统实现了建模与仿真的一体化.  相似文献   

以蜗杆-齿轮两级减速器为例,运用Pro/E参数化建模和3DSMAX动画仿真相结合的设计方案,实现了减速器所有零件的三维模型和虚拟装配;然后经过文件格式转换,在3DSMAX软件中完成对减速器系统的运动仿真,探索出了一套基于Pro/E的多级齿轮减速器快速高效的设计方法.  相似文献   

纸浆模塑托盘构型三维设计及支腿结构 CAE 分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
运用 Pro/ E 软件对纸浆模塑托盘构型进行了三维设计,完成了托盘支腿和面板的零部件建模及相应的装配。 运用 ABAQUS 有限元分析软件对托盘支腿结构进行了强度计算,模拟分析了纸浆模塑托盘支腿在压缩载荷作用下的弹塑性变形,得到了模型受载变形全过程的载荷-位移曲线,从而确定了支腿的承载能力。  相似文献   

磨削加工是目前陶瓷材料的主要加工方法,通过对LaPO/Al2O3可加工陶瓷的磨削试验研究,进一步分析了陶瓷材料的磨削去除机理、磨削加工损伤以及加工损伤导致的材料力学性能的变化.结果表明,LaPO4/Al2O3可加工陶瓷磨削去除方式主要有两种,脆性去除和塑性变形去除.磨削加工对材料表面及亚表面的加工损伤较为明显,加工损伤...  相似文献   

研究了机器人砂带磨削加工技术,以克服传统磨削加工工作环境恶劣、劳动强度大的缺点。针对曲面工件的磨削加工任务,研究设计了3P3R构型的砂带磨削机器人;通过对该机器人运动学和工作空间的分析,应用数值分析方法得到机器人的大致可达工作空间;对待加工工件表面点进行数学建模,应用蒙特卡洛法对曲面工件的磨削加工轨迹进行了仿真分析,得到所有待加工表面点最接近于加工时的机器人姿态。分析结果不仅判断了工件是否具有可加工性,而且仿真分析的加工轨迹为工件加工的示教编程提供引导,同时提供了一种离线编程的途径。  相似文献   

导板在隔膜泵的各部零件中,属于易磨损件,备件需求量大,因此我公司经常生产此产品。并且其加工周期长,工序多,在加工中占用大镗大量时间,我公司大镗属于重点设备,其承担着加工公司大量大型产品的任务,本文通过研究设计工装,实现在其他设备(龙门铣)上加工导板,以缓解大镗的生产压力,进而提高导板的生产效率及降低生产成本。  相似文献   

Surface flaws are introduced during grinding of most high strength ceramics. These flaws reduce the strength and it is therefore important to choose grinding parameters such that surface damage is minimized. The assumption that it is the same mechanism that causes cracking beneath both an indenter and a diamond tool made it possible to propose a grinding model. According to this model high wheel speeds, low workpiece velocities and low depths of cut would reduce the grinding forces and thus be beneficial to the strength after grinding. Grinding experiments on hot isostatically pressed silicon nitride showed that this was the case. The experiments also showed that the grinding direction had the strongest influence on the strength, and if possible the direction ought to be parallel with the expected principal stress. Even what can be considered to be mild machine parameters introduce flaws and residual compressive stresses in the surface of the workpiece.  相似文献   

Grinding is a widely employed finishing process for different materials. It is inherently characterized by its high specific energy requirement unlike other machining processes. This leads to a high grinding zone temperature, which impairs the workpiece quality by inducing thermal damage in the form of surface and subsurface cracks, phase transformations, tensile residual stresses, etc. The microcracks and residual stresses induced in the surface of the ceramics during grinding can severely limit the application of ceramic components. This article deals with an investigation on using graphite as a solid lubricant to reduce friction and thereby improve the surface integrity of ground silicon carbide (SiC). An experimental setup has been developed, and experiments have been conducted to study the effect of using a graphite lubricant on the surface roughness, grinding forces, and specific energy while grinding SiC material. Results indicate that there is a considerable improvement in the performance of grinding SiC using graphite as a solid lubricant when compared with dry grinding in terms of specific energy requirements, surface roughness, and damage. The employment of graphite as a solid lubricant in ceramic grinding makes the process more economical and reliable.  相似文献   

使用功率计监测磨削加工的能量消耗,探讨了纳米结构陶瓷涂层的外圆磨削过程;对纳米陶瓷涂层和传统陶瓷涂层在磨削力和磨削表面精度方面进行了比较.磨削实验使用了外圆磨床和陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮.通过测量主轴功率获得切向磨削力,讨论了加工参数,如切深、进给率以及砂轮粒度对切向磨削力的影响.还对磨削后的涂层表面用粗糙度仪和扫描电镜进行了评估,揭示了表面粗糙度与加工参数的关系.  相似文献   

针对立式玻璃磨边机砂轮架的结构特点,建立其动力学模型及系统运动微分方程,导出砂轮离心力作用下砂轮架与砂轮振动的稳态响应幅值及其动力放大因子β1、β2的理论计算公式,着重分析砂轮离心力激振下砂轮架及砂轮的振动特性及规律,结果表明:β1、β2的大小和砂轮与砂轮架的质量之比µ、固有频率之比α,砂轮角频率与固有频率之比λ,阻尼比ξ等因素有关;合理选择µ、α、ξ值,可使砂轮与砂轮架具有相同且较小的动力放大因子;避免砂轮工作在λ=0.9~1.1对应的转速范围内,可有效减轻砂轮架及砂轮的振动程度。研究结果突破了现有研究将砂轮轴刚性化处理、试验测试装备复杂等缺陷,具有物理概念清晰、计算简单等特点。  相似文献   

Grinding of ceramic‐metal‐compounds – finite element analysis simulation of the grinding process of hybrid stratified compounds In this paper, the subproject TP 8 “Grinding of ceramic‐metal‐compounds” is been introduced. An adapted grinding strategy should be created for the production of a ceramic‐cemented carbide compound drill. This aim should be obtained with experimental analysis and the use of finite element analysis to simulate the grinding process of ceramic‐cemented carbide compound drill. Furthermore a basic approach for simulating the grinding process of hybrid stratified compounds is been presented, which should be a basis for a finite element analysis simulation of a grinding process of ceramic‐cemented carbide compound drill.  相似文献   

Experimental Studies on the Grind-Hardening Effect in Cylindrical Grinding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years high-strength and high-temperature alloys are used for structural and other applications. These newer high-performance materials are inherently “more difficult to machine” and also necessitate the need for higher dimensional and geometrical accuracy. Grinding is one of the most familiar and common abrasive machining processes used for the finishing operation. Compared to other machining processes such as turning, milling, etc., the specific energy developed during grinding is very high. At a critical level of specific grinding energy, the temperature rise[1]experienced by the workpiece may be such that thermal damage is induced. Heat damage induced by the grinding process is well documented and may be categorized by temper colors that are at least unsightly and probably indicative of more serious damage, including thermal cracks, tempered zone, etc.,[2]which can lead to catastrophic failure of critical machine parts that shortens the life of products subject to cyclic loading. In this work, a new heat treatment process called “grind hardening” and a mathematical model are introduced, and this work deals with how the in-process energy in grinding can be effectively utilized to improve the surface hardness and surface texture, and also to prevent damages. An experimental study has also been carried out in grinding AISI 6150 and AISI 52100 steels with an alumina wheel, and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

为解决整体叶轮叶片型面的精加工难题,进行了五轴联动数控展成电解磨削整体叶轮的基础研究。根据数控展成电解磨削整体叶轮叶片型面这一加工方法的特点,在分析了数控展成电解磨削整体叶轮原理的基础上,对磨削系统的结构与运动进行了总体设计,提出了经济型多轴数控系统及其联动控制方法,建立了电解磨削非平行直纹展成曲面的数学模型,开发了五轴联动数控展成电解磨削自动数控编程系统,对航空发动机整体叶轮的叶片型面进行了电解磨削。五轴联动数控展成电解磨削技术为整体叶轮叶片型面的精加工提供了一种新的加工手段。  相似文献   

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