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目的 为了提高产品感性设计开发效率及意象匹配精度,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,提出一种基于层次分析法(AHP)与BP神经网络相结合的产品意象设计要素组合推导方法。方法 首先通过网络爬虫和亲和图法建立产品意象及造型数据库,以获得意象和设计要素;其次运用AHP构建产品层次结构模型及判断矩阵,计算意象及设计要素的权重系数;接着,基于形态拆解法与权重结果获得设计要素类型及优化组合编码,再运用语义差异法(SD)获取组合编码的用户感性意象均值;最后通过感性工学和AHP-BP神经网络构建KAB关键设计要素组合预测模型。结果 基于此模型预测四旋翼无人机设计方案,应用逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)对其进行验证评价,结果表明通过模型计算能够得到与目标感性意象高度匹配的设计要素组合编码。结论 基于此模型能够快速获得客观准确的产品意象造型设计要素组合,提高产品设计开发过程的效率。  相似文献   

目的 提出基于参数化思维的产品创新设计方法。针对产品的概念设计阶段,利用参数化的设计思维方法,来创造可以激发设计师灵感的设计环境,启发其更好地进行产品创新设计。方法 依据设计需求对产品进行功能特征的描述与分析,初步确定各功能部件的位置、结构、尺寸等设计参数后,对造型生成进行逻辑推演,在Rhinoceros与Grasshopper组成的参数化设计平台中选定算法并生成造型,最后通过对整体方案的分析、评估及参数化调整,来确定创新性的设计方案。结果 基于参数化思维的产品创新设计方法可有效帮助设计师进行思维发散,设计方案优化程度高、可行性强、拓展空间广,符合理论与实践需要。结论 在工业设计领域,基于参数化思维的产品创新设计方法可弥补传统设计方法的不足,使产品设计更具高效性和创新性,是一种行之有效的产品设计方法。  相似文献   

目的针对TRIZ中冲突解决理论在产品造型设计中的应用进行研究。方法以产品造型设计中的冲突为起点,将冲突解决理论中的工程参数和发明原理进行分类并重新定义。结论提出基于冲突解决理论的产品造型设计方法。经实例验证,该方法能够有效解决产品造型设计中的冲突,使产品的外观造型和功能结构和谐统一,在提升用户体验的同时,提高产品设计人员的设计能力和效率。  相似文献   

目的为了应对陶瓷茶具市场产品的快速迭代,以及陶瓷茶具设计同质化严重、品牌风格缺乏延续性差等问题,提出一种快速、具有差异化的陶瓷茶具造型创新设计方法。方法基于形状文法理论基础,结合文创产品的设计方法,在茶具造型设计中加入参照物的造型元素,以科学、快速的造型推演方式,得出既有陶瓷茶具原型特征,又融合其他文化特征的陶瓷茶具设计方案群;同时以层次分析法构建陶瓷茶具造型的评价体系,得出各项设计因素的权重,对推演得出的方案群进行最优方案的筛选,并对筛选出的二维线性稿进行进一步的润色和完善,得出最终方案。结论基于形状文法的陶瓷茶具造型创新设计方法帮助陶瓷茶具企业在产品开发前期具有差异化、快速、科学、准确的设计方法,使得茶具产品设计更具有创新性和风格延续性,评价体系让陶瓷茶具方案的筛选有据可依,增加产品成功的几率。  相似文献   

基于案例的文化创意产品设计方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
伍琴  吕健  潘伟杰  刘丹 《工程设计学报》2017,24(2):D27CDB6E-240
针对文化产品的造型设计,将与产品造型相关的设计元素细分为功能、行为、文化、情感和构造法五个方面,结合基于案例的设计(case-based design,CBD)技术、遗传算法以及形状文法知识,建立文化创意产品设计概念原型系统并对文化创意产品进行引导设计。提出产品造型相关设计元素多目标优化模型,对用户需求进行匹配操作。提出文化产品造型设计方法模型,结合产品基因树交叉操作与形状文法知识,将现代类产品与文化器物类产品的设计元素进行交叉重组。通过对产品造型相关设计元素进行深入研究,并在文化创意产品设计概念原型系统中融入基于案例的设计技术、遗传算法和形状文法的知识,辅助设计师对文化产品进行创意设计。以小音箱为例,验证了该方法的可行性,为文化产品设计提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   

尹项迎  常瑜  刘宝顺 《包装工程》2022,43(14):45-50
目的 为了满足无人机用户需求,完善侦测无人机造型设计方法,进一步拓展产品设计路径。方法 将管理学中的门径管理模型(SGS)融入产品系统开发设计流程;调研用户需求并结合层次分析法(AHP)构建判断矩阵,计算各个设计指标权重并排序,以此促进设计决策,完成侦测无人机造型设计方案;采用7点量表法进行初步方案设计评价,验证设计模型和过程的科学性。结论 以侦测无人机造型设计为例,通过构建SGS产品系统开发模型,运用AHP分析方法进行设计方案指标决策,为侦测无人机造型设计拓展设计路径,为相关产品的设计提供新思路。  相似文献   

目的针对文化产品创意设计,构建基于用户偏好评价的设计方法,提升产品的用户满意度,丰富文化产品设计思路。方法应用图案学的基础分析法,归纳出龟形蛇纹寿文化的文化特征;采用形态分析法解构产品,归纳出目标产品造型设计特征;运用正交试验构建样本,通过问卷调查获取基于用户偏好评价的设计特征,将文化特征进行形态推演融入产品造型,进而生成设计方案,根据用户偏好评价进行筛选;进一步深入细化方案,完成文化产品创意设计。结果针对龟形蛇纹寿文化快客杯设计,完成基于用户偏好评价的产品创意设计。结论通过用户偏好评价,客观定位文化产品设计的设计特征和文化特征,获得用户感知度较高的产品设计方案,满足用户对产品的视觉需求和文化的感知需求,有效提升文化产品的用户满意度。  相似文献   

周屹  刘青青 《包装工程》2023,44(18):376-384
目的 研究符号学在壮绣文创产品设计中的实际运用,丰富壮绣文创产品的文化内涵与造型设计方法。方法 以O.V.S架构为理论基础,进行符号学设计方法推演。通过壮绣图案纹样、象征寓意等方面的元素挖掘,对壮绣的文化符号构成进行分类和提取,构建壮绣文创产品的设计路径。通过O.V.S架构设计方法重组壮绣纹样造型元素,进行壮绣符号的编码和替换,运用微调、增删、缩放、旋转等方式进行造型演变,完成壮绣文创产品设计模型的表达。结果 运用符号学的观点与设计方法可以有效地挖掘壮绣的文化内涵,为壮绣文化的造型设计转换提供思路。结论 O.V.S架构设计方法能够对两个不同的设计对象进行单位替换,从而产出新的物体造型。将O.V.S架构设计方法与壮绣文化相结合,能够完成壮绣文化的创新性造型演变,拓宽文创产品的设计方法与思维。  相似文献   

吴春茂  高天  孟怡辰 《包装工程》2021,42(6):142-150
目的 构建一种基于积极体验的参数化产品设计模型.方法 首先,以文献研究为基础,通过理论分析法,界定积极体验与参数化产品设计概念与现状;其次,以积极体验为依据,以参数化设计流程为基础,构建基于积极体验的参数化产品设计的一般框架;接下来,通过设计实践法,对该设计框架进行设计实践;最后,从积极界定、图像生成、参数设计与方案产出的角度,分析并讨论设计结果.结论 提出了一种基于积极体验的参数化产品设计模型,包括积极界定、图像生成、参数设计、方案产出四部分,即通过积极界定,提取产品背后的积极意义;通过图像生成,抽象积极要素并可视化肌理;通过参数设计,让用户参与调整产品参数;通过3D打印技术产出设计结果.这有助于设计师利用该参数化产品设计框架提升用户的积极体验,乃至主观幸福感.  相似文献   

基于产品语义的形态仿生设计方法研究   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0  
杜鹤民 《包装工程》2015,36(10):60-63
目的研究产品形态仿生设计与产品语义之间的内在关系,解决目前产品设计中单纯形态仿生造型泛滥的问题。方法分析产品造型中存在的能指和所指的语义关系,提出基于产品语义的产品仿生形态设计的基本流程,并通过桌面小音箱的形态仿生设计实例进行了应用验证。结论在产品形态仿生设计中,充分考虑被仿生对象和设计对象之间的内在关联性,从创意到造型语义,再到功能语义,反复迭代优化,可以使形态仿生产品设计更具有可用性、文化性和情感性。  相似文献   

林丽  李智美 《包装工程》2022,43(8):42-49, 100
目的 为解决产品造型风格创新设计过程中存在模糊性、不确定性和缺乏创新性等问题,提出应用原型理论思路从原型角度展开的产品造型风格创新设计。方法 首先基于感性意象对产品造型风格进行具象分类;其次运用设计形态分析结合离散度分析提取产品造型风格原型特征;再次通过联合分析获取产品造型要素权重从而确定关键风格原型特征;最后结合形状文法对产品造型风格进行创新设计。结果 以优雅型汽车前脸作为研究对象,设计方案在延续产品造型风格的基础上,继承和创新了部分形状特征,形成全新的汽车前脸。结论 设计方案的评估结果表明该方法在产品造型风格创新设计中的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

Studies on customer’s needs, desires and preferences have become highly important in the product design and development process. One consideration in usability is the cognitive aspect, which is related to the accommodation and evaluation of human cognitive capabilities, limitations and tendencies. In addition to the cognitive aspect, a recent study has shown that the affective aspect has been considered in the evaluation of product usability. Thus, both cognitive and affective aspects are deemed to be important for product design and the development process. Inherently, both aspects deliver complete human and product interaction and experience. However, studies that consider the affective process as a complement to the cognitive process for usability are relatively rare. To address this gap, this study discusses how an integrative framework of the cognitive and affective aspects can be applied to a product for usability assessment via empirical studies on e-commerce and e-learning platforms. The sample involved 230 respondents, using purposive sampling. The result shows that both cognitive and affective aspects have a significant effect, although with different weights. The affective aspect has been shown to improve product usability and user’s acceptance.  相似文献   

In this article, an optimization method for metal forging process designs using finite element-based simulation is presented. Using as entry parameters the specifications of the final product the so-called inverse techniques developed for optimization problems allows the calculation of the optimal solution, the design parameters that produce the required product. An evolutionary genetic algorithm is proposed to calculate optimal shape geometry and temperature. An example demonstrating the efficiency of the developed method is presented considering a two-stage hot forging process. It considers optimization of the process parameters to reduce the difference between the realized and the prescribed final forged shape under minimal energy consumption, restricting the maximum temperature.  相似文献   

This article presents a study on process characterization and optimization of the metal nanoparticle fabrication process known as the submerged arc spray nanoparticle synthesis system (SANSS) for obtaining desired geometric sphericity of nanoparticles. The geometric shape characteristics of nanoparticles pose significant impact on innovative product and process design. The sphericity and surface roughness of prepared TiO2 nanoparticles can vary widely and are influenced by the process parameters being employed in the SANSS. To improve this, an in-situ nanofluid sampling and measurement approach was developed to analyze the particle shape characteristics and characterize the nanoparticle synthesis process. The particle shape contours obtained from FE-SEM and TEM were employed to quantify the TiO2 nanoparticle sphericity and analyze the effect of process parameters on particle roundness. The optimized process parameters were identified using the Taguchi method. Our results proved that the average sphericity of TiO2 particles prepared using the optimized process parameters was effectively improved up to three folds.  相似文献   

赵闪闪  尤飞  江智 《包装工程》2019,40(23):236-244
目的为了提高水性油墨的喷墨印刷质量,通过控制喷印工艺参数以获得良好的墨滴形态。方法分析喷印工艺控制的关键参数以及墨滴形态的表征参数,通过单因素工艺参数对墨滴形态影响的实验,分析电压、点火频率和脉冲宽度对墨滴形态各评价指标的影响程度,并运用AHP法构建墨滴形态的质量分析模型;通过多因素工艺参数组合对墨滴形态影响的正交实验,分析各工艺参数与墨滴形态参数之间的关联性,并结合质量评价模型综合评判喷印工艺参数对墨滴形态的影响。结果喷印工艺参数电压、点火频率和脉冲宽度共同影响墨滴形态的质量,脉冲宽度对其影响最大,点火频率次之,电压的影响程度最小,其权重分别为0.462,0.272,0.266。结论水性油墨喷印工艺中,通过合理地控制喷印工艺的关键参数,可以有效地提高墨滴形态质量,从而获得良好的印刷品质量。  相似文献   

The objective of ICH Q8, Q9 and Q10 documents is application of systemic and science based approach to formulation development for building quality into product. There is always some uncertainty in new product development. Good risk management practice is essential for success of new product development in decreasing this uncertainty. In quality by design paradigm, the product performance properties relevant to the patient are predefined in target product profile (TPP). Together with prior knowledge and experience, TPP helps in identification of critical quality attributes (CQA’s). Initial risk assessment which identifies risks to these CQA’s provides impetus for product development. Product and process are designed to gain knowledge about these risks, devise strategies to eliminate or mitigate these risks and meet objectives set in TPP. By laying more emphasis on high risk events the protection level of patient is increased. The process being scientifically driven improves the transparency and reliability of the manufacturer. The focus on risk to the patient together with flexible development approach saves invaluable resources, increases confidence on quality and reduces compliance risk. The knowledge acquired in analysing risks to CQA’s permits construction of meaningful design space. Within the boundaries of the design space, variation in critical material characteristics and process parameters must be managed in order to yield a product having the desired characteristics. Specifications based on product and process understanding are established such that product will meet the specifications if tested. In this way, the product is amenable to real time release, since specifications only confirm quality but they do not serve as a means of effective process control.  相似文献   

To develop a customer-pleasing and economically and technically feasible product, it is necessary to utilize the best possible knowledge of the market, the customers, the core product technology, and the cost implications of design alternatives. It requires the concurrent involvement of team members from merchandizing, product development, and purchasing and production-engineering departments of the enterprise. The merchandizing department identifies customer needs however, considering only customers’ requirements, without technical information it is not possible to develop a feasible product. Conversely, the function-oriented designers in the product development department determine the subsystems’ weight, which are technically feasible but may ignore the qualitative issues desired by the customers. To identify the economic feasibility of the product, the purchasing and production-engineering departments calculate the estimated cost by evaluating the cost implications of the design alternatives. Therefore, to produce an economically and technically feasible product with customer pleasing quality, a trade-off among these three sets of weights is essential. Here, we propose an optimization model that assimilates three sets of weights of the subsystems to a final one. The resultant set of weights will represent the effects of concurrent cooperation among merchandizing, product development, purchasing and production-engineering departments of the enterprise.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionSpray forming is a novel rapid solidification technology capable of manufacturing high quality roll ina single integrated operation. During spray formingprocess, alloy melt is atomized by high-speed gas jetsto form a spray of fine droplets. These droplets arecooled rapidly and sprayed onto a substrate bar in asemisolid state, resulting in a near-net-shape roller.Compared with conventional technologies (e.g., I/Mmethods), this advanced technology has a great dealof advalltages o…  相似文献   

大型薄壁铝合金半球壳体旋压成形工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为满足航天用大型薄壁球形贮箱壳体整体成形需求,采用冲压预成型和旋压相结合的工艺方法,通过对预成形件形状、旋压轨迹、道次等工艺参数的研究,获得了合理的大型薄壁铝合金球形壳体整体成形工艺,制造出精度符合使用要求的薄壁贮箱壳体。工艺研究结果表明,冲压预成型件的形状、尺寸精度及旋压过程中普旋道次、强旋减薄率均对最终产品成形精度有显著影响。采用冲压预成型与旋压结合的工艺方法能够提高生产效率,发挥旋压工艺和设备的优势,使大型薄壁球形贮箱壳体的整体成形得以实现。  相似文献   

以产品符号在生活中的信息传播、交流为启示,分析了产品信息编码过程中产品使用、审美、象征价值的编码方式,并且从认知心理学以及设计心理学的角度去分析消费者对产品信息的解码过程,指出设计师的编码过程和消费者的解码过程在时间和空间上的独立性,要综合考虑才能实现产品信息的理想传达。  相似文献   

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