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某汽车发动机凸轮轴正时带轮紧固螺栓在台架耐久试验中发生断裂。通过宏观检验、化学成分分析、硬度测试、金相检验以及断口分析等方法对螺栓的断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:该紧固螺栓的断裂模式为疲劳断裂;螺栓未紧固到设计要求的预紧力,导致其在使用过程中发生松动,在交变应力作用下螺栓螺纹旋合部位萌生裂纹,最终导致螺栓发生疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

某汽车发动机连杆螺栓在发动机台架耐久试验中发生断裂。通过宏观检验、化学成分分析、扫描电镜分析、金相检验、能谱分析等方法,对螺栓的断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:该连杆螺栓断裂模式为多源疲劳断裂;裂纹内部存在大量的磷和锌元素,说明在搓丝工序时螺栓已经产生了微小裂纹;在后期的磷化处理中,磷化液渗入微小裂纹中;台架耐久试验过程中裂纹逐步疲劳扩展并导致螺栓断裂。  相似文献   

针对公司某车型发动机悬置支架与发动机支座连接螺栓在路试过程中发生疲劳断裂进行分析。本文从材料断口学、金相学等失效分析方法分析螺栓断裂原因;基于VDI2230螺栓连接计算系统对螺栓连接安全设计进行分析,从增大预紧力提高螺栓的疲劳性能进行分析。并对导致结构连接失效的原因提出优化设计措施,供汽车悬置支架连接设计相关人员参考。  相似文献   

某挖掘机连接下车架与回转支承的36支高强螺栓在使用过程中全部发生断裂。采用宏观检验、化学成分分析、力学性能测试、金相检验等方法,结合螺栓装配、挖机工况等因素,对该批螺栓断裂的原因进行了调查分析。结果表明:螺栓断裂的性质为疲劳断裂;断裂的原因是螺栓装配不良,导致螺栓在使用中轻微松动,在挖掘机工作过程中的剪切力作用下,螺栓松动处产生疲劳裂纹,最终导致螺栓断裂。  相似文献   

某柴油机用30CrMoSi钢高强度螺栓在使用过程中发生断裂。通过化学成分分析、金相检验、断口分析、硬度测试等方法对螺栓断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:螺栓断裂为早期疲劳断裂,螺栓螺纹根部存在加工缺陷以及螺栓材料中存在较多的非金属夹杂物是导致其疲劳断裂的主要原因。最后针对螺栓断裂原因提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

8.8级螺栓在使用过程中发生断裂,通过化学成分分析、力学性能试验、断口形貌分析以及金相检验等方法对断裂螺栓进行了分析。结果表明:失效螺栓的断裂为多源疲劳断裂,主要原因是螺纹表面脱碳层的存在导致构件的抗疲劳性能下降。  相似文献   

吐丝机螺栓断裂的失效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用化学成分分析、宏观扣微观检验、金相组织分析和力学性能测定等方法分析了吐丝机用高强度螺栓发生断裂的原因。结果表明,由于机加工不当而在螺纹根部产生表面缺陷,并且这些表面缺陷周围在随后的热处理过程中发生全脱碳,大大降低了螺栓的疲劳强度,导致螺栓在使用过程中早期疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

某电力公司风力发电机塔筒底座紧固用高强螺栓使用4a(年)后,在进行检修时发现个别断裂现象。通过对螺栓断口进行宏观检验以及扫描电镜分析,并对螺栓材料进行化学成分分析、金相检验以及硬度测试,查明了螺栓断裂原因。结果表明:该螺栓断裂属于低应力高周疲劳断裂,螺栓在调质处理过程中发生严重的表面脱碳,导致螺栓表面硬度和强度降低,于是在应力集中的螺纹根部萌生裂纹,并疲劳扩展直至断裂。  相似文献   

柴油机连杆盖及连杆螺栓断裂分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用化学分析,金相检验及力学性能测定方法对汽车柴油机在运行中发生的连杆盖及上、下螺栓的早期断裂进行了分析。结果表明,连杆盖首先发生疲劳断裂,随后导致连杆螺栓的断裂,而这种断裂既与应力有关,又与零件的加工工艺有关。  相似文献   

轮胎螺栓断裂失效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某汽车轮胎螺栓在使用过程中发生断裂。采用宏、微观检验和化学成分分析等方法对失效件进行了检测。结果表明,其断裂形式为弯曲疲劳断裂。疲劳裂纹的形成是由于螺纹牙底存在脱碳和折叠裂纹等缺陷,这些缺陷的存在使该材料产生了较大的应力集中,从而导致螺栓开裂失效。  相似文献   

某挤出机中气动摩擦离合器与减速器端连接的螺栓在使用过程中经常发生断裂,改用另一种材料的螺栓后情况未有很好改善。采用化学成分分析、力学性能测试、断口分析和金相检验等方法,对螺栓断裂的原因进行了分析。结果表明:起裂源位于螺栓的加工刀痕、表面擦伤处及因微动疲劳所致的螺纹微裂纹处,这些部位均存在应力集中,在振动作用下,萌生的裂纹不断扩展,使有效承载面积不断减小,最终引起螺栓疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

活塞式压缩机联轴器连接螺栓断裂原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某型号活塞式压缩机联轴器的连接螺栓在停车维修拆卸时发现断裂。通过化学成分分析、硬度测试、金相检验、断口分析及能谱分析对断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:螺栓根部存在结构不连续的退刀槽,导致螺栓应力集中产生初始裂纹,在长期服役后发生疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

钻井泵主轴承螺栓断裂分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对主轴承螺栓在钻井泵上具体安装配合情况进行了调查,在此基础上,分析计算了主轴承螺栓在钻井泵工作时的受力情况,并通过金相显微镜、扫描电镜等手段对钻井泵主轴承螺栓断裂失效进行了分析。结果表明,该主轴承螺栓受拉-拉和弯曲双重疲劳,且主要在弯曲疲劳的作用下,于主轴承螺栓的应力集中处-螺纹根部,促使疲劳裂纹的产生和扩展,最终导致螺栓的疲劳断裂。为防止这类失效提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过断口形貌观察、X射线能谱分析、金相检验和硬度检测等试验方法,对某燃油供油导管快卸卡箍螺栓的断裂原因进行了分析,并与螺栓冲击断口和氢致疲劳断口进行了比较分析。结果表明:该快卸卡箍螺栓断口特征与冲击断口和氢致疲劳断口明显不同,其断裂性质为应力腐蚀断裂,裂纹起源于螺栓光杆段的侧表面;螺栓表面加工粗糙且没有防护对裂纹的萌生有一定的影响。对螺栓表面进行防腐处理可有效避免该类故障的再次发生。  相似文献   

采用宏、微观检验方法对电液压系统油动机的断裂螺栓进行了分析,确认螺栓机加工不当引起疲劳裂纹的萌生及扩展,加之螺栓受力不均匀加速了疲劳断裂过程,提出了预防螺栓疲劳开裂失效的防范措施及改进建议。  相似文献   

The hybrid composite joint structures considered in this work, for application in a tilting railroad car body, are subjected to shear and bending loads. Two types of the joint specimens were fabricated and tested under both static and fatigue conditions: a hybrid bolted-joint specimen subjected to a shear loads, and a hybrid beam-joint specimen for the bending tests. The fracture behaviours of these specimens under static loads were different from those under cyclic loads. For the hybrid bolted-joint specimens, static shear loads caused a pure shear fracture in the bolt pin body itself. However, cyclic fatigue shear loads brought about an opening-mode fracture at the local site of the bolt which was the valley of the screwed region of the bolt pin and/or the perpendicularly angled region between the bolt head and the pin body. On the other hand, for the hybrid beam-joint specimens, static bending loads caused shear deformation and fracture in the honeycomb core region, while fatigue cyclic bend loading caused delamination along the interface between the composite skin and the honeycomb core, and/or caused a fracture in the welded part jointed with the steel under-frame. These fracture behaviours could arise in other industrial hybrid joints with similar sub-structures, and were used in developing a design parameter to improve a hybrid joint structure.  相似文献   

装卸料机上的蜗轮连接螺栓材料为35钢,强度等级为10.9级,在设备运行大约10a后发生断裂。对断裂螺栓进行宏观、化学成分、硬度、金相、能谱和断口分析后得出,该螺栓的断裂性质为双向弯曲疲劳断裂,螺栓表面的脱碳和螺纹颈部的应力集中降低了该部位的疲劳性能。通过综合分析和螺栓受力估算后得出,螺栓断裂的主要原因是螺栓和内齿轮螺栓孔之间存在较大的间隙,使螺栓的受力状态和受力大小过早地发生了变化,造成连接螺栓疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

The worm gear connecting bolts of refueling machines of a nuclear power plant, with implementing standard of ANSI/ASME B18.3 and ASTM A574-08 and strength grade of 10.9, fractured at the thread neck position after running for about 10 years, and means such as macro examination, chemical compositions analysis, hardness testing, metallographic examination and fracture analysis, were used to analyze the fracture property and reasons of the bolts. The results show that the fracture of the bolts is due to two-way bending fatigue fracture. Surface decarburization of the bolts and stress concentration at the bolt thread neck decreased the fatigue strength of this position and resulted in the initiation of fatigue cracks. By comprehensive analysis and stress estimating, it was concluded that the main reason for fracture of the bolts is that there was a big gap between the bolts and the bolt holes, which resulted in fatigue fracture of the worm gear connecting bolts.  相似文献   

The effect of nut geometry, curved spring washer and a sealing material (Teflon tape) on the fatigue life of M12 and M16 ISO bolts was investigated. This was accompanied by the study of the axial and bending stress distribution in threads by numerical simulation of bolt and nut connections using the finite‐element method. The experimental results showed that the highest fatigue life is achieved for a slotted tapered nut. The presence of a spring washer also increases the fatigue life, providing that the correct tightening torque is applied to produce a pretension in the bolt. The use of Teflon tape as a filling material between engaging threads of the bolt and nut is shown to significantly increase the fatigue life. On the whole, the highest fatigue life is obtained for a slotted tapered nut using washer. Four fracture mechanisms were observed for bolt–nut connections during the fatigue tests.  相似文献   

An analysis was performed to asses the failure root cause of an automotive diesel engine which experienced collapse only 6 month after revision. The connecting rod bolts torque disassembly was monitored and fractured parts were selected to laboratory fracture analysis. It was verified with fatigue rupture of one of the fourth connecting rod bolt. Tensile tests were performed in four of the remaining connecting rod bolts. During this procedure, it was verified another bolt with fatigue crack propagation an indication that the first fatigued bolt did not have suffer torque relaxation. A finite element analysis was performed in connection with an analytical fracture mechanics approach aiming to evaluate the relation between tightening force and fatigue crack propagation in connecting rod bolts. The engine collapse occurred due to forming laps in the grooves of the bolt shank. Finally, some design improvements were suggested for avoid future failures: a gap in the groove length at the connecting rod cap interface, enough to avoid combination of forming laps and higher stress amplitude; increase of the bolt torque assembly to reduce stress amplitude.  相似文献   

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