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解决单质硫导电性问题是提高锂硫电池性能的关键。抑制多硫化物的产生,在碳硫复合材料中"填充"过渡金属氧化物,这些氧化物通常具有离子选择性。这样的复合材料,能够抑制多硫化物的溶解,改善电池的循环性能。纳米氧化物利用其吸附性可以有效的抑制硫及其还原产物在电解液中的溶解,提高正极反应的表面积,另外对电池的氧化还原反应起到催化作用。通过对锂硫电池正极材料单质硫的导电特性进行研究,研究"填充"V_2O_5对单质硫电化学性能的影响。并采用XRD、SEM和粒度分析仪对电池材料物相、颗粒形貌和粒度分布进行表征。利用高精度电池性能分析测试系统等对正极材料、电池进行电性分析。  相似文献   

硫系高效脱臭菌的分离及其特性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从三个不同地点采集的混合样品中,分离到16株能氧化无机硫化物的菌株,优化筛选出菌株Hm-6,其形态,生理生化反应特征鉴定为假单菌(Pseudomonas sp.)。研究了菌株Hm-6氧化H2S的影响因素和代谢过程。确定Hm-6菌株的生长最适温度为30℃,pH值为7;将其投加到泥炭生物过滤塔中,室温即对低浓度H2S有较高的去除效果,且没有延迟期,代谢产物是类硫物质,而不是通常的硫酸根。  相似文献   

采用单质硫悬浮实验法,利用失重法、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线能谱(EDS)、X射线衍射(XRD)和pH计等分析手段,研究了单质硫沉积对国产超级13Cr马氏体不锈钢在模拟高温高压环境中腐蚀行为的影响,分析了腐蚀产物的表面形貌、元素组成及其含量、组分以及单质硫对高浓度NaCl溶液酸化程度的影响。结果表明:国产超级13Cr马氏体不锈钢的耐蚀性能因单质硫的添加而降低,其均匀腐蚀速率随着单质硫含量的增大而增大,并且在90℃取得最大值,但均小于0.0125mm/a;单质硫的添加改变了腐蚀产物膜的组分,硫化物的含量随单质硫含量的增大而增大;单质硫/金属界面处的pH值因单质硫与水发生歧化反应而降低,进而降低了超级13Cr马氏体不锈钢的耐蚀性能,Cl-与单质硫协同作用进一步加剧其腐蚀。  相似文献   

锂硫电池中氧化还原反应涉及复杂的多相转化过程,对其性能至关重要.催化转换是缓解穿梭效应的有效策略,但单组分催化剂在双向氧化还原过程中并不能充分发挥作用.为此,我们制备了一维ZnO@NiO核-壳纳米带(CNBs),通过p-n结界面来解决这些问题.自发内置电场(BIEF)诱导界面电荷重新分配,促进了ZnO和NiO之间的电荷和多硫化物的转移.适度的吸附能和多硫化物转化能垒的降低进一步加速了硫的双向转化.ZnO@NiOCNBs阴极在0.1C下的放电容量为1525.5mAhg-1,在2C下循环1000次后,保持了73.60%的容量保持率,相当于每循环损失0.026%的容量.本研究证明了BIEF和异质结构的结合促进了多硫化物的转化,为调控多硫化物氧化还原反应提供了新策略.  相似文献   

解决单质硫导电性问题是提高锂硫电池性能的关键。纳米氧化物不仅能提高硫电极的孔隙度,还能吸附较多硫离子,另外对电池的氧化还原反应起到催化作用。常见纳米氧化物有:SiO2,TiO2,V2O5等。但很少有Cr2O3做添加剂的报道。本研究通过对锂硫电池正极材料单质硫的导电特性进行研究,研究添加不同比例的Cr2O3对单质硫电化学性能的影响,并采用XRD、SEM、粒度分析仪对电池材料物相、颗粒形貌和粒度分布进行表征。利用高精度电池性能分析测试系统等对正极材料、电池进行电性分析。  相似文献   

离子硫氮碳共渗层硫化物组织分析及形成机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了离子硫氮共碳共渗层硫化物组织形貌特点与相结构,探讨了其形成机理,结果表明:共渗层硫化物组织形态与相结构随处理气氛硫热变化而变化。在气氛硫势不太高时,硫化支为以硫化物颗粒组成的疏松多层层状结构,内层硫化物为Fe7S8,外层为Fd1-xS,由内向外,颗粒变大。  相似文献   

铸铝合金上弱酸阳极氧化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了ZL102铝合金在硼酸-酒石酸二元混酸体系中的阳极氧化。结果表明,在含硫酸根离子的混酸溶液中,硫酸根会加速无孔氧化膜的溶解,促使膜层发黑或带彩。以过硼酸钠替代硫酸钾,既能提高槽液稳定性又能获取一层均匀致密的银白色氧化膜。研究还表明,增加阳极氧化电流密度会成比例地缩短氧化膜的生长时间,而不影响膜层厚度。但提高槽液温度则会抑制膜层生长.两者均不影响氧化膜的外观和结构。  相似文献   

单硫型水化硫铝酸钙(AFm)作为水泥水化主要产物之一,能够利用层间硫酸根离子与氯离子发生离子交换反应实现氯离子固化,在提升水泥基材料氯离子固化能力和解决钢筋混凝土氯离子侵蚀难题方面发挥着关键作用。为提升AFm的氯离子固化能力,本研究在浸有AFm的氯盐溶液中引入不同浓度的钡离子,对比了不同龄期下AFm试样的氯离子固化能力,分析了不同龄期下AFm试样物相组成、热学性质和微观形貌的变化,并分析了溶液中钡离子浓度随龄期变化规律,探究出钡离子浓度对AFm氯离子固化的影响及其作用机理。结果表明,钡离子能够消耗AFm中硫酸根离子生成硫酸钡沉淀,促进AFm与氯离子发生插层反应,显著提升AFm的氯离子固化能力。不同浓度的钡离子对AFm氯离子固化作用机理存在差异,低浓度钡离子能够促进体系钙矾石(AFt)和Friedel盐生成,高浓度钡离子主要促进体系Kuzel盐生成。  相似文献   

硼掺杂金刚石薄膜(BDD)电极具有良好的电化学性能,是一种理想的电极材料。采用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射、拉曼光谱对制得的BDD电极的结构进行了表征。电极表面薄膜生长致密,晶体生长取向以(111)晶面为主,生长速率为2.8μm/h,晶格常数为3.5738。利用循环伏安法(CV)研究了BDD电极在铁氰化钾/亚铁氰化钾体系中氧化还原反应的可逆性和动力学特征。研究结果表明,在铁氰化钾/亚铁氰化钾的浓度为20mmol/L条件下,BDD电极的氧化还原峰电势差达到205.75mV,在溶液中电极的氧化还原反应属于准可逆反应,氧化峰电流与反应物浓度成正比,电极过程动力学是受扩散控制为主。  相似文献   

由于可充电锂硫电池在能量密度方面具有显著的优势,因此被认为是很有前途的下一代储能体系.然而,多硫化物的穿梭和硫的绝缘特性,导致了锂硫电池严重的容量衰减和低硫利用率,阻碍了它们的实际应用.因此,本研究合理设计制备了一种二氧化锰纳米片包覆嵌硫多通道碳纳米纤维复合物用于锂硫电池阴极.多孔多通道碳纳米纤维的高导电性促进了电极中电子和离子的传输动力学,多孔结构将硫包裹并隔离在其内部空隙中,在物理上延缓了高阶多硫化物的溶解.此外,二氧化锰壳层对高阶多硫化物的物理限制和化学吸附相结合,可以隔离长时间充放电循环后从碳基体中泄漏的多硫化物,从而进一步提高电极的电化学性能.  相似文献   

Engineered process for hydrogen generation from hydrogen sulfide ions in aqueous solution using solar energy with photocatalysis has been established. In order to design a complete closed loop of hydrogen production system, reacted sulfide ions have to be reduced to photocatalysis-active hydrogen sulfide ion. We focused on hydrothermal reaction of sulfur for reducing the reacted sulfide ions. But the oxidized sulfur species are occurred inevitably by the reaction. Thus alternative reducers are required to sulfur hydrothermal reaction for a complete closed loop of hydrogen production system. We studied sulfur–water–organic materials interaction, and particularly on the effective utilization of waste elemental sulfur. In this study, hydrothermal experiments of sulfur, water urea, and/or alcohols were carried out under atmospheric constituent condition and hypoxic condition at 200 °C. Experimental results show that maintaining solution in weak alkaline condition is important and alcohol compounds had a great role for reduction of sulfur. Elemental sulfur was completely reduced to hydrogen sulfide by the hydrothermal reaction of sulfur with urea and propanol under hypoxic condition. Those results indicate that it is possible to create sustainable sulfur cycle for hydrogen production system using hydrothermal reaction with organic compounds.  相似文献   

开发高效和低成本的析氧电极材料是工业电解水制氢技术发展道路上至关重要的技术难题.本文利用溶剂热方法将镍铁水滑石阵列转化为具有铁掺杂的多相硫化镍(NiS和Ni3S2)阵列,制备出一种具有高效析氧性能的电极材料.粗糙的纳米片表面有利于高活性位点的暴露.电化学分析表明其仅需要100 mV的过电位就可以达到10 mA cm^-2的电流密度,相对于镍铁水滑石阵列降低了130 mV.我们进一步通过密度泛函理论计算来揭示其活性提升机理,发现具有部分S氧化的Fe掺杂NiS可以极大地降低析氧反应中间体形成的阻力,从而加快催化反应进行,提高催化活性.另一方面,(Ni,Fe)S和(Ni,Fe)3S2与三维多孔泡沫镍结构有很好的结合作用,反应电子可以通过金属性的二硫化镍相进行高效传输,进一步加速析氧催化进程.  相似文献   

在碳纳米管上负载硫化镉的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了在碳纳米管表面负载硫化镉纳米颗粒的工艺及其影响因素.研究结果表明:使用经过酸氧化处理的碳纳米管在硫化镉溶液中与硫代乙酰胺进行反应可以在碳管表面沉积尺寸较小,分布较致密而且均匀的硫化镉纳米颗粒。  相似文献   

In this study, the removal/precipitation of selenium with sodium sulfide from initially weakly acidic sulfate solutions containing 300 mg/L of selenium(IV) at 23 °C was studied. The results showed that, below a pH of approximately 7.0, the precipitation reaction was complete at a sulfide to selenium ratio above 1.8 and less than 11 with less than 0.005 mg/L of soluble selenium remaining in solution. When the pH rose between 7.0 and 9.5 the precipitation of selenium was incomplete. Above pH 9.5 the solution turned dark red but no precipitation was apparent. The precipitation reaction started as soon as the sodium sulfide was added in the selenium-bearing solution and was completed in less than 10 min. The orange "selenium sulfide" precipitates, characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis, were crystalline in the form of aggregated dense particles with their sulfur/selenium molar ratio varying from 1.7 to 2.3. The precipitate was deduced to be a Se-S solid solution consisting of ring molecules of the following Se(n)S(8-n) formula, where n = 2.5-3. Long term leachability tests (>2 month equilibration) under ambient conditions at pH 7 showed the produced precipitate to be essentially insoluble (<0.005 mg/L).  相似文献   

以水为溶剂,在不添加乳化剂的条件下,分别以高氯酸锂、聚苯乙烯磺酸钠(PSS)、硫酸钠、氟硼酸钠、对甲苯磺酸为电解质进行电化学聚合,得到了不同氧化态的聚3,4-乙撑二氧噻吩薄膜(PEDOT)。探讨了这5种电解质对单体初始氧化电位和薄膜电化学稳定性的影响。结果表明,采用PSS为电解质时初始氧化电位最低为878mV,得到的聚合物薄膜电化学稳定性最好。并采用扫描电镜表征了以PSS为电解质电化学聚合所得薄膜的表面形貌,采用光谱电化学法表征了薄膜的电致变色性能,结果表明聚合物薄膜均质连续,具有优异的电致变色性能。  相似文献   

Indium sulfide buffer layers deposited by the spray-ion layer gas reaction (Spray-ILGAR) technique are a viable alternative to the traditional cadmium sulfide buffer layer in thin film solar cells. In the present work we report on the results of manipulating the absorber/buffer interface between the chalcopyrite Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 absorber (CIGSSe) and the indium sulfide buffer. It is shown that the deposition of a small amount of zinc sulfide at the absorber/buffer interface can be used to increase the open circuit voltage. A small but significant increase of 20 mV (up to 580 mV), as compared to the pure indium sulfide buffered cells is possible leading to an increase in the overall efficiency.  相似文献   

Technological process of rare earch sealing anodized LY12 (2024) alloy is introduced.Corrosion behavior of the film was studied by polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).The results showed that the coating remained passivity at the potential range from the open circuit potential (-780mV) to -250mV in NaCl solution.When the potential exceeded -200mV,corrosion reaction happoened on the coating.the results of EIS analysis was consistent with the results of polarization curves.  相似文献   

We examined the structural properties of copper sulfide films as a function of the sulfurization time of 70-nm-thick Cu films. Copper sulfide films with various phases such as mixed metallic Cu-chalcocite, chalcocite, roxbyite, and covellite phases were formed with increasing sulfurization time. To evaluate the structural stability of various films, all the films were exposed to the ambient atmosphere for the same amount of time. Although the phase structure and stoichiometry of the films were maintained at a greater depth, the near-surface region of the films was oxidized and covered with overlayers of oxide, hydroxide, and/or sulfate species due to the exposure and reaction with the ambient atmosphere. The oxygen uptake and its reactivity with the copper sulfide film surfaces were enhanced with increasing sulfur content of the films. In addition, the type of divalent state of copper formed on the film surfaces depended on the phase structure, composition, and stoichiometry of the films.  相似文献   

以硫酸镉(CdSO4·8/3H2O)和硫代乙酰胺(TAA)为镉源和硫源,乙二胺(EDA)为络合剂,乙醇为溶剂,通过溶剂热法制备了纳米CdS光催化剂.采用XRD、BET、SEM、UV-Vis等方法对光催化剂进行了表征.以甲酸水溶液的可见光催化制氢反应为探针,考查了乙二胺加入量、反应温度、Pt负载量对催化剂活性的影响.结果...  相似文献   

The anodic corrosion behavior of an experimental Ag–15Pd–18Cu–12Au alloy in 0.1% Na2S solution in relation to its microstructure was investigated using potentiodynamic and potentiostatic polarization techniques with analyses of corrosion products by X-ray diffractometry, Auger electron spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The role of Pd in improvement of the corrosion resistance was also investigated. In the potential/current density curve, three distinct current peaks, at –520 mV (peak I), –425 mV (peak II) and –175 mV (peak III), were observed. The Ag-rich 2 matrix with coarse Cu and Pd-rich lamellae was the most corrosion-susceptible region, and this region was preferentially corroded at peak I with the formation of granular deposits of Ag2S. A small amount of Ag–Cu mixed sulfide deposited on the Cu and Pd-rich coarse particles and dissolution of Ag as AgO might have occurred in parallel with Ag2S formation at peak II. Enrichment of Pd on the alloy surface occurred at peak III due to preferential dissolution of Ag and Cu. A high level of corrosion resistance was attained with the formation of a thin Pd-rich sulfide film, which enhanced the passivity of the alloy in an alkaline sulfide solution. It was found that passivity is an important phenomenon not only for base metal alloys but also for noble metal alloys to maintain high levels of resistance to corrosion and tarnishing in sulfide environments.  相似文献   

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