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白酒是我国传统的饮料酒,工艺独特,历史悠久,从古至今白酒在酒类消费者心目中都占有十分重要的位置,是社交、喜庆等活动中经常需要的特殊饮品。全国白酒企业众多,量大面广,产品质量良莠不齐,为确保白酒产品质量,近期,国家质检总局对白酒产品质量进行了国家监督抽查。共抽查了北京、天津、河北、山西、内蒙古、吉林、黑龙江、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、山东、广东、四川、贵州、重庆、  相似文献   

尔东 《中国包装》2012,32(6):47-49
物流的概念,在商业社会的运作中,已经形成相当成熟的运作概念,但由于物流涉及的工作流程,遍及生产、销售、财务及服务,如原物料采购、运输、仓储、存货控制,制成品的仓储、配送、顾客订单处理等作业,因此大多数的企业,其实是将物流作业分割,分由生产、财务、  相似文献   

习近平总书记五月四日在北京大学师生座谈会上指出面对世界的深刻复杂变化,面对信息时代各种思潮的相互激荡,面对纷繁多变、鱼龙混杂、泥沙俱下的社会现象,面对学业、情感、职业选择等多方面的考量,一时有些疑惑、彷徨、失落,是正常的人生经历。关键是要学会思考、善于分析、正确抉择,做到稳重自持、从容自信、坚定自励。要树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,掌握了这把总钥匙,再来看看社会万象、人生历程,一切是非、正误、主次,一切真假、  相似文献   

服务标准化是随着世界服务贸易的兴旺而蓬勃发展起来的,随着今年我国加入世界贸易组织的承诺已全部履行完毕,并成为全球最开放的市场之一,服务标准化工作已不再是传统的标准化领域。我国的服务业按照国民经济行业划分,包括了16个门类、55个大类、198个中类、355个小类,涉及现代物流、旅游、社区服务、物业管理、商贸、餐饮、科技、信息、金融、保险、商务等领域,与此同时,服务标准化也从传统的第二产业,发展到覆盖一、二、三产业,甚至全社会。  相似文献   

罗兵 《质量探索》2013,(7):25-25
木塑复合材料是国内外近年蓬勃兴起的一类新型复合材料,指利用聚乙烯、聚丙烯和聚氯乙烯等,代替通常的树脂胶粘剂,与超过50%以上的木粉、稻壳、秸秆等废植物纤维混合成新的木质材料,再经挤压、模压、注射成型等塑料加工工艺,生产出的板材或型材。木塑复合材料制品,在保证不含甲醛的绿色健康基础上,还兼具塑料和天然纤维的双重优点:既拥有天然木材的质感,同时又克服了天然木材在使用中易变形、翘裂、易霉变、受虫蚁侵害等致命缺陷,不需要复杂后期维护,使用寿命长。同时,可以通过制品的回收再处理,避免对环境造成不利影响,是真正符合国家环保政策的新型绿色建材产品。据了解,木塑复合材料的适用范围几乎可以涵盖原木、塑料、陶瓷、塑钢、铝合金及其他相似复合材料原有的使用领域,并已开始渗透入建筑、家装、家具、汽车、交通、物流、包装、园林、市政、环保、体育,甚至军  相似文献   

伍云秀 《中国包装》2008,28(6):68-69
一、概述 在包装设计中,包装材料的使用可以追溯到人类历史文明初期。早在有文字记载的历史以前,人类就开始直接取用植物藤蔓、树叶、禾草和竹子编制成筐篓,用来盛装谷物、蔬菜,用竹筒作为饮水容器等。今天,运用在包装设计上的材料种类就更多了,如木、藤、草、毛、叶、竹、茎、壳,到人造材料纸、塑料、玻璃、陶瓷、木材、纺织品等。包装材料的不同,对包装设计产生的效果不同,适应的范围也不相同,  相似文献   

医院的发展,关键在于管理、技术和服务,管理干部则是医院团队的领头羊、风向标。优秀的医院管理者按照医院工作的客观规律,运用现代的管理理论和方法,对人、财、物、信息、时间等资源,进行计划、组织、协调、控制,充分发挥整体运行功能,进而才能取得好的管理、好的技术、好的质量、好的人才、好的服务,实现最佳综合效益。  相似文献   

据《中新社》报导,国务院反假货币工作联席会议透露,打击制、贩假币犯罪联合行动,已确定广东、浙江、广西、福建、四川、湖北、河南、安徽、山东、重庆、贵州、云南、内蒙古、北京、河北等为重点打击地区。近几年,境内外制造、贩卖假币的犯罪活动十分猖獗,屡禁不止,屡打不绝。假钞的日益泛滥,给正常的商品交换和货币流通带来严重危害,对西部大开发也有着严重的干扰,使广大人民群众蒙受巨大经济损失,成为社会的一大公害。国务院反假币联  相似文献   

绿色照明是指通过科学的照明设计,采用效率高、寿命长、安全和性能稳定的照明电器产品,改善提高人们工作、学习、生活条件和质量,从而创造一个高效、舒适、安全、经济、有益的环境并充分体现现代文明的照明。推进绿色照明,可采用效率高、寿命长、安全、性能稳定的照明电器产品。采用高效节能的新型电光源是制造绿色照明产品的核心部分。照明电光源一般分为白炽灯、气体放电灯和其他电光源三大类,在绿色照明工程中,可根据具体情况,选择各种光源。  相似文献   

原福渝 《安装》2000,(6):34-35
设备是提高劳动生产率、提高产品质量和服务质量、提高经济效益的重要工具 ,机械设备的先进程度 ,配置是否合理 ,运转效率高低 ,均对工程质量和施工进度有直接影响 ,所以 ,企业应建立设备管理体系、完善设备管理制度、加强人员培训、推行设备管理标准化 ,对设备 (包括施工中所使用的工具、装置、仪器等 )的选型、购置、验收、编号、租赁、使用、维修、改造直至报废都进行控制 ,以满足施工生产的需要  相似文献   

精益生产与六西格玛管理的对比与整合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了精益生产和六西格玛管理的本质和特点,从文化、战略、运作模式、过程改进方式、员工培训、关注对象等多方面对两种管理模式进行了对比,分析了它们的相同点和不同点,指出了它们的优缺点,揭示了两种模式整合的必要性和可行性,提出精益生产与六西格玛管理整合时在组织结构、工具运用和实施流程等方面的要点,提出DMAICⅡ的实施流程,列出了不同阶段需要运用的主要工具,为实践提供了理论上的指导和可行的方案.  相似文献   

Photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical processes are two key systems in harvesting sunlight for energy and environmental applications. As both systems are employing photoactive semiconductors as the major active component, strategies have been formulated to improve the properties of the semiconductors for better performances. However, requirements to yield excellent performances are different in these two distinctive systems. Although there are universal strategies applicable to improve the performance of photoactive semiconductors, similarities and differences exist when the semiconductors are to be used differently. Here, considerations on selected typical factors governing the performances in photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical systems, even though the same type of semiconductor is used, are provided. Understanding of the underlying mechanisms in relation to their photoactivities is of fundamental importance for rational design of high-performing photoactive materials, which may serve as a general guideline for the fabrication of good photocatalysts or photoelectrodes toward sustainable solar fuel generation.  相似文献   

智能材料与结构的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智能材料与结构是由世界发达国家在80年代发展起来的一项高新技术,智能结构就是把传感器,致动器,光电器件和微型处理机等预先埋置在复合材料层压板内形成的。由于它奇特的功能和潜在的应用,目前已成为航空天部门专家和工程师们广为关心的课题。本文介绍了国外智能材料与结构的最新发展和应用,智能结构的组成和制造方法,最后讨论了目前存在的问题和我国开展智能结构发展研究的建议。  相似文献   

This article presents rolling horizon simulation models and performance analysis of partially and fully integrated sales and operations planning (S&OP) against traditional decoupled planning in a multi-site make-to-order (MTO) based manufacturing supply chain. Three simulation models are developed illustrating, respectively, the fully integrated S&OP model, which integrates cross-functional planning of sales, production, distribution, and procurement centrally; the partially integrated S&OP model, in which the joint sales and production planning is performed centrally while distribution and procurement are planned separately at each site; and the decoupled planning model, in which sales planning is carried out centrally while production, distribution, and procurement are planned separately and locally. A solution procedure is provided for each model so that a more realistic planning process can be simulated. Performances of rolling horizon simulation models are evaluated against those of the fixed horizon deterministic models. The results demonstrate that while deterministic models are important for theoretical studies, they are insufficient for decision support and performance evaluations in a real business environment. A rolling horizon simulation model is required to provide more realistic solutions. The effects of demand uncertainties and forecast inaccuracies are incorporated in the evaluation. The study is carried out based on a real industrial case of a Canadian-based oriented strand board (OSB) manufacturing company.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dual boundary element method (BEM) and the null-field boundary integral equation method (BIEM) are both employed to solve two-dimensional eigenproblems. The positions of true and spurious eigenvalues for circular, elliptical, annular and confocal elliptical membranes are analytically examined in the continuous system and numerically studied in the discrete system. To analytically study eigenproblems, the polar and elliptical coordinates in conjunction with the Bessel functions, the Mathieu functions, the Fourier series and eigenfunction expansions are adopted. The fundamental solution is expanded into the degenerate kernel while the boundary densities of circular and elliptical boundaries are expanded by using the Fourier series and eigenfunction expansion, respectively. Dirichlet and Neumann eigenproblems are both considered as well as simply and doubly-connected domains are both addressed. By employing the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique in the discrete system, the common right unitary vectors corresponding to the true eigenvalues for the singular and hypersingular formulations are found while the common left unitary vectors corresponding to the spurious eigenvalues are obtained for the singular formulation or hypersingular formulation. True eigenvalues depend on the boundary condition while spurious eigenvalues depend on the approach, the singular formulation or hypersingular formulation of BEM/BIEM. Nonzero field in the domain are analytically derived and are numerically verified in case of the true eigenvalue while the interior null field and nonzero field for the complementary domain are obtained in case of the spurious eigenvalue. Four examples, circular, elliptical, annular and confocal elliptical membranes, are considered to demonstrate the finding of the present paper. After comparing with the analytical and numerical results, good agreements are made. The dual BEM displays the dual structure in the unitary vector and the null field.  相似文献   

The international fish trade has gained considerable importance in recent years, mainly due to changes in the limits of fishing areas. In addition, experts have predicted that world fish resources will increase in value. Refrigeration, therefore, has an important role to play, hence much improvements are needed in the freezing and transport of fish, including underutilised species.Even though refrigeration techniques on board and on land are fairly advanced, they must be modified and adapted to new conditions. Areas in which major advances can be made are as follows: one, improving fish quality; two, preserving a large variety of fish species, and three, saving energy.In several cases, current techniques employed are inadequate but they can nevertheless be improved by resorting to well known and proven techniques. Some important examples are cold storage, transport and frozen fish display. However, in other cases, namely in the production and distribution of minced and small portions of fish, there is a need to employ new techniques.  相似文献   

为了在有限的教学学时内进一步提高教学质量,在《机械设计制图》的教学过程中,把教学内容分为“必修”部分、“自修”部分和“选修”部分,这样可以突出重点,提高自主学习能力,分类分层次教学;为了激发学生们的学习兴趣,避免教学过程中的枯燥的“灌输式”的教学模式,采用延伸式教学法和研讨式教学法等形式多样的教学模式和教学手段;教学过程中经常遇到许多“教师难以表达,学生难以理解”的知识点,通过找到案例式教学法等适当的方法进行“深入浅出”讲述:为了让绝大多数的学生都得到规范的练〉--j,重视课堂或辅导课上测验训练;注重教学过程管理的“五统一”与“个性化”教学。  相似文献   

PDM应用实施及与CAD、ERP的集成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了PDM技术的数据形式,阐述了PDM系统的功能模块及其体系结构.针对唐山市天捷机械、汇丰家具、冶金矿山等8家示范企业在实施TiPDM过程中存在的问题进行了深入研究,提出了一套CAD\PDM\ERP系统集成的应用方案.重点阐述了PDM与CAD、ERP集成的关键技术问题,并在此基础上详细论述了怎样以Excel文件作为中间件来交换PDM与ERP的产品数据.  相似文献   

我国高坝建设和科技攻关   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了我国大坝建设的发展和特点,概括了高坝建设中的地质勘探、坝工技术、泄洪消能、坝基处理和高边坡处理等方面的科技成果和应用水平,展望了我国高坝发展前景并指出今后高坝科技攻关重点。  相似文献   

Light metallography and transmission electron microscopy techniques affording unique observations of microstructural issues in connection with a related set of novel, high-strainrate deformation processes provide some fundamental insight into the following areas: shock-wave-induced twinning, explosive welding, shaped charge development, explosively-formed penetrator phenomena, hypervelocity impact cratering in metal targets, and long, dense rod penetration/perforation of thick metal targets. Although shock wave phenomena are precursors in all these processes, deformation twins are rarely observed in the residual, process microstructures. In the case of hypervelocity impact craters, no deformation twins are observed in the crater-related target microstructures. Microbands that appear to be related to twins are observed. Melt-related phenomena are observed only in the explosive weld-wave interfaces. Jetting phenomena related to shaped charges and crater rim formation are dominated by dynamic recrystallization, which provides a mechanism for extreme plastic flow in the solid state. Differences observed between rod penetration of rolled homogeneous armor and Ti-alloy thick targets manifest themselves in distinct microstructural differences that also do not include melt phenomena.  相似文献   

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