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竹编是我国一项传统的手工编织艺术,分为细丝工艺品和粗丝竹编工艺品两种形式,在2008年,竹编艺术经国务院批准,被列入第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录,这足以证明竹编艺术是我国传统文化的精髓体现.本文中笔者结合自身的研究体会,对竹编艺术的传承和创新提出了相关建议,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

局部以纸代木包装箱的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
丁毅  赵丽娟 《包装工程》2011,32(13):21-24
为缓解木材的供需矛盾,提出了局部以纸代木包装箱的概念。对比了全胶合板包装箱和局部以纸代木包装箱的结构,对局部以纸代木包装箱的力学性能进行了分析。结果表明,在满足应用条件的情况下,局部以纸代木包装箱比全胶合板包装箱更经济实用,具有更广泛的应用潜力。  相似文献   

王振国 《中国包装》1989,9(3):68-70
胶合板包装箱在国内应用尚不多,但跟木材包装箱相比较,有不少优点,是一种很有前途的包装箱材料。将原木加工成包装木箱,木材的利用率约40%,边角料、刨花均不能使用。我国出口商品包装每年用木材约190万米~3,原木消耗在500万米~3左右。制箱木材以松木(白松、落叶松、红松及马尾松等)为主,这些木材生长期很长,至少需要60至70年才能成材,而我国木材资源并不富裕,人均仅7米~3,因此木材包装箱亟需考虑替代材料。  相似文献   

张文莉  邹倩 《包装工程》2018,39(18):203-208
目的解决当下传统竹编行业中手工艺人与订购客户之间的设计沟通障碍。方法采用田野调查法实地考察南通如皋地区的竹器厂经营设计现状,对竹器生产厂家与销售商在产品设计的过程中产生的相关沟通障碍进行分析,在考察虚拟现实(VR)技术相关应用的基础上,建立竹编产品资源库,并运用基于web和Unity 3D开发引擎的虚拟现实技术构建在线沟通平台,以解决设计过程中遇到的沟通障碍。结论基于VR技术构建的竹编产品展示定制平台可以有效辅助生产厂家与订购客户进行设计沟通,为VR技术应用在传统手工艺产品传承与发展提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

王亚明  吴平 《包装工程》2020,41(20):24-29
目的 论证文创产品设计对促进造物文化传承的潜在作用,寻找以促进造物文化传承为目的的文创产品的设计研究着力点。方法 运用分析和推理指出传统造物文化的价值,工艺传承对造物文化传承的意义以及文创产品设计对工艺传承的潜在作用。以竹编文化传承为例,依据文创产品的定义和特点提出竹编文创产品设计的关键点,并结合竹编产品的特点,围绕关键点展开讨论。结论 融合传统工艺的文创产品设计可促进造物文化的传承;其设计需要重点关注人们的文化生活,同时也要注意与现代市场发展接轨,重视用户体验研究。  相似文献   

目的针对初次体验竹编的年轻消费者设计竹编体验,促进竹编工艺的活态传承,推动竹编文创由设计产品向设计体验的模式转变,从而实现可持续发展。方法构建用户体验地图,从全局视角探究用户体验过程,根据用户行为和用户满意度,分析用户与竹编体验的接触点,定位并描述体验过程中的痛点、寻找机会点和罗列用户需求,总结竹编体验的设计诉求。结论用户体验地图是归纳设计诉求的有效方法。通过分析目标用户各个阶段的竹编体验情况,辅助设计决策,提供设计诉求要点。例如体验时长不超过三个小时,竹编工艺种类为2~3种,竹篾色彩为天然本色,以基础纹样为主,满足网络社交需要等。以餐桌果盘竹编体验设计为例,验证用户体验地图的可行性与有效性,从而为竹编工艺创造性的转化和传统手工艺的活态传承提供新的启示。  相似文献   

现代竹编生活器具的创新设计探究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
杨宛萤  张福昌 《包装工程》2015,36(24):137-140
目的 探究现代竹编生活器具的创新设计方法。方法 以竹编生活器具从传统到现代的发展衍变为启示, 分析了竹编工艺在当下的传承与创新方式, 论述了现代竹编生活器具设计中存在的不足,探讨了对其进行设计创新的必要性及可行性。结论 在此基础上, 提出了以现代生活美学为导向、 以功能为核心的创新设计原则, 主张从功能创新、 形式创新、 工艺创新3个方面来设计符合现代生活方式和大众审美的竹编生活器具。在传承中有所创新, 使竹编生活器具重新融入日常生活。  相似文献   

深入挖掘四川青神竹编的艺术特色,并将青神竹编元素运用到现代景观廊架设计中。运用符号学的理论对四川青神竹编材质、色彩、造型、编织方法 4个维度进行解析,提取四川青神竹编特有的艺术特色,采取设计事理学的研究方法,以“事”作为思考和研究的起点。通过设计符号学对四川青神竹编详细梳理,最后设计出具有青神竹编特色的景观廊架,进而促进四川青神竹编艺术的保护与传承。  相似文献   

本文针对海底管道的特殊性,以DNV OS F101和API Spec 5L作为基本技术标准,通过对管道的主要性能指标和尺寸公差进行分析考虑,总结出海底管道的管材选用原则;根据DNV OS F101的相关补充要求,并结合荔湾3-1项目的深水管材选用情况,从厚径比、止裂韧性和塑性变形方面提出深水海底管道的管材选用建议。  相似文献   

An extension of a non-local stress fracture criterion to orthotropic materials based on the damage model of an elastic solid containing growing microcracks was presented in this paper. By taking this approach, a new fracture condition expressed in terms of the mixed mode stress intensity factors for orthotropic materials was proposed and its applicability to predict of a crack initiation and propagation in wood was validated. Predicted values of the stress intensity factors at failure were compared to experimental observations carried out on wood specimens for cracks arbitrarily oriented with respect to the orthotropy axes. Special considerations were applied to the comparison of the non-local stress fracture criterion with some classical fracture criteria for orthotropic materials.  相似文献   

贺伦英  李旭 《包装工程》1995,16(5):19-23,18
论述新型包装材料CFP的研制原理、生产工艺、技术性能及特点,介绍CFP与其它复合材料的性能比较及其应用范围。  相似文献   

Compound machining (CM) compounded by arc machining and electrical discharge machining (EDM) milling is a new and fast processing method used to machine so-called “difficult-to-machine” materials. This method has an exciting maximum material removal rate that reaches 11,218 mm3/min with the relative electrode wear rate (REWR) of 1.54% when machining Inconel718. The electrode material is an important factor that affects the processing cost and quality of CM. Traditionally used electrode materials in arc machining and EDM, including pure tungsten (W), cerium tungsten (WCe20), copper (Cu), tungsten copper alloy (W80), and graphite (C), were used as electrode materials to process Inconel718. Experimental results show that tubular C is the best electrode material for CM. When tubular C is unavailable, WCe20 is the suitable electrode material for rough machining and W is a better choice in finish machining. Cu electrode is unsuitable for CM because of its low melting point. Results of this work provide guidance for selecting electrode materials for the industry application of efficient CM.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the multi-scale modelling of wood has a great need for measurements of structural, chemical and mechanical properties at the lowest level. In this paper, the viscoelastic properties in the layers of a wood cell wall are investigated using the contact resonance mode of an atomic force microscope (CR-AFM). A detailed experimental protocol suitable for obtaining reproducible and quantifiable data is proposed. It is based on three main steps: sample preparation to obtain a good surface state, calibration of the contact modulus using reference samples, and image processing to produce the viscoelastic images. This protocol is applied on chestnut tension wood. The obtained topography and semi-quantitative viscoelastic maps are discussed with respect to the cell wall structure, sample preparation effects, and AFM measurement specificity compared with nanoindentation.  相似文献   

In an effort to develop a Standard Reference Material (SRM™) for Seebeck coefficient, we have conducted a round-robin measurement survey of two candidate materials—undoped Bi2Te3 and Constantan (55 % Cu and 45 % Ni alloy). Measurements were performed in two rounds by twelve laboratories involved in active thermoelectric research using a number of different commercial and custom-built measurement systems and techniques. In this paper we report the detailed statistical analyses on the interlaboratory measurement results and the statistical methodology for analysis of irregularly sampled measurement curves in the interlaboratory study setting. Based on these results, we have selected Bi2Te3 as the prototype standard material. Once available, this SRM will be useful for future interlaboratory data comparison and instrument calibrations.  相似文献   

3D printing in additive manufacturing is considered as one of key technologies to the future high-precision manufacturing in order to benefit diverse industries in building construction, product development, biomedical innovation, etc. The increasing applications of 3D printed components depend primarily on their significant merits of reduced weight, minimum used materials, high precision and shorter production time. Furthermore, it is very crucial that such 3D printed components can maintain the same or even better material performance and product quality as those achieved by conventional manufacturing methods. This study successfully fabricated 3D printed mechanical testing samples of PLA and PLA/wood fibre composites. 3D printing parameters including infill density, layer height and the number of shells were investigated via design of experiments (DoE), among which the number of shells was determined as the most significant factor for maximising tensile strengths of PLA samples. Further, DoE work evaluated the effect of material type (i.e., neat PLA and PLA/wood fibres) and the number of shells on tensile, flexural and impact strengths of material samples. It is suggested that material type is the only predominant factor for maximising all mechanical strengths, which however are consistently lower for PLA/wood fibre composites when compared with those of neat PLA. Increasing the number of shells, on the other hand, has been found to improve almost all strength levels and decrease infill cavities. The full text can be downloaded at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40436-018-0211-3  相似文献   

The optimal design of complex systems in engineering requires pursuing rigorous mathematical modeling of the system’s behavior as a function of a set of design variables to achieve goal-oriented design. Despite the success of current knee implants, the limited life span remains the main concern of this complex system. The mismatch between the properties of engineered biomaterials and those of biological materials leads to insufficient bonding with bone, stress shielding effects and wear problems (i.e. aseptic loosening). The use of a functionally graded material (FGM) for the femoral component of knee implants is attractive because the properties can be designed to vary in a certain pattern to meet the desired requirements at different regions in the knee joint system, thereby decreasing loosening problem. However, matching the properties does not necessarily guarantee the best functionality of the knee implant and there is a need for developing the optimal design of an FGM femoral component that is longer lasting. In this study, therefore, a multi-objective design optimization of a FGM femoral component is carried out using finite element analysis (FEA) and response surface methodology (RSM). The results of using optimized FGM are then compared with the use of standard Co–Cr alloy in a femoral component knee implant to demonstrate relative performance.  相似文献   

一类新型催化剂载体材料的制备研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用共沉淀法制备了NZP族磷酸盐类催化剂载体材料,着重研究了煅烧温度度不同的栽体化学组成对其物相、比表面积和孔结构的影响。所制备的载体通过BET氮吸附法(BET)、X射线衍射(XRD)以度透射电镜(TEM)对其进行了表征。结果表明:用共沉淀法制备NZP族栽体的合适的煅烧温度为700℃至900%,此娄栽体的比表面积在10m^2/g至40m^2/g之间,煅烧温度对载体的物相结构和比表面积有很大影响。  相似文献   

徐朝阳  李大纲 《包装工程》2007,28(1):30-32,39
纸质蜂窝材料作为包装材料,正被广泛的应用着.现利用木质单板和纸质蜂窝材料复合,该复合材料不但保留了原蜂窝材料的优点,而且还大大提高了力学强度.本文就纸木复合蜂窝夹心材料的力学性质进行了研究,并和原蜂窝纸板进行了比较;同时还研究了环境湿度对纸木复合蜂窝材料力学性能的影响.结果表明:木质单板与纸芯及纸板复合后,除平压强度略有所降低外,其余力学强度较原纸板大大增强;环境湿度对纸板及复合材料的力学性能影响较大,且随着环境湿度的加大,复合材料及纸板的强度有所下降;考虑材料和环境湿度的综合作用,对平压强度环境而言,湿度的影响大于材料,对其余力学强度而言,材料的影响大于环境湿度.  相似文献   

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