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信息技术投资对企业绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对已有研究成果的回顾,阐述了信息技术在企业中的重要作用,研究了对信息技术投资与企业绩效之间的关系可能产生影响的一些变量,如企业规模变量和企业内部环境变量,并建立了相应的回归方程进行分析。分析结果显示,不同规模企业信息技术投资对企业绩效的影响不同,因此企业在进行信息技术投资时应从系统、整体和权变的角度去把握。  相似文献   

2003年1月31日经济日报刊登了题为“发展网格技术不可错失良机”的文章,称目前许多国家和企业都在加紧研究网格技术,它是未来信息技术发展的趋势,将极大地改变我们的生活。2月18日,光明日报也刊登了类似的文章。“网格”一词越来越多地见诸报端,它已成为IT业新的热点,许多国家和大的IT厂商都把它列为重要研发方向。目前,网格的研究主要在美国和欧洲。英国政府已投入1亿英镑,用来研制“英国国家网格”,美国政府用于网格技术基础研究经费则已达到5亿美元。美国军方正规划实施一个宏大的网格计划,叫作“全球信息网格,预计在2020年完成。作为…  相似文献   

IT投资与业务流程及企业绩效关系实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于资源基础理论和IT资源互补性观点,将IT相关资源分为IT技术架构、互补性人力资源和互补性关系资源三类;根据"资源-能力-绩效"研究思路和业务流程再造理论,假定业务流程绩效取决于知识管理能力,知识管理能力取决于IT能力的支持,IT能力取决于IT技术架构、互补性人力资源和关系资源的影响,并在此假设的基础上构建了相应的理论模型,勾勒出IT技术架构、互补性人力资源和关系资源、IT能力、知识管理(KM)能力、业务流程绩效和企业绩效的关系.通过对152家制造业企业的调查数据分析,实证得出三条结论:某类具体IT投资与企业绩效没有直接关系;资源配置的合理程度是IT投资有效与否的关键因素;某种IT能力只有与知识管理能力形成支持力,才能形成业务流程绩效.  相似文献   

构建了一个由经济发达国家和经济欠发达国家的两个厂商组成的双寡头市场中,基于价格(伯川德)竞争的两阶段博弈模型,模型假设产品不仅具有水平差异而且还存在垂直差异,发达国家厂商进行RD产品投入。研究了以外商直接投资为技术溢出途径时,发展中国家知识产权保护、FDI以及厂商市场绩效的关系。研究表明,基于价格(伯川德)竞争框架,在发达国家厂商的RD活动具有溢出效应的情况下,发达国家厂商的市场绩效与产品存在差异化的程度大小、发展中国家拥有生产成本优势的程度高低以及发展中国家知识产权保护力度的强弱有关。而发展中国家厂商的市场绩效则总是在发达国家厂商进行FDI时高。  相似文献   

世界包装机械市场需求概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孔凡真 《中国包装》2010,30(12):28-30
<正> 目前,全球的包装机械需求每年以5.3%的速度增长。美国拥有最大的包装设备生产商,其次是日本,其他主要生产商还来自德国、意大利和中国。但目前包装设备生产增长最快的是在发展中的国家和地区。发达国家将从刺激国内需求中获利,并在发展中国家寻找当地合适的生产厂家,特别是在食品加工厂进行投资,提供包装机  相似文献   

彭凯  沈烽 《认证技术》2014,(1):35-38
正近年来,通过提高设立国家质量奖来提升企业的管理水平,已成为许多国家强化和提高产业竞争力的重要途径。除美国、日本、欧盟、加拿大等发达国家和地区外,许多新兴的工业化国家和发展中国家也都设立和开展了国家质量奖。在全世界所有国家质量奖中,最为著名、影响最大的当推日本爱德华·戴明质量奖(Edward Deming prize)、美国马尔科姆·波多里奇国家质量奖(Malcolm Baldrige award)和欧洲质量奖(European Quality award),这三大世界质量奖被称为卓越绩效模式的创造者和经济奇迹的助推器。  相似文献   

IT在业务流程重组中的应用简介   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
首先分析了信息技术(IT)在BPR实施过程中可以成为管理和决策的工具;按照所提供的不同功能,IT可以作为项目管理工具和企业建模工具等六类应用工具;最后总结了目前常用的BPR工具。  相似文献   

碳交易机制成为《京都议定书》制定的一种灵活合作机制。将二氧化碳排放权卖给有减排压力的发达国家,从而获得直接利润和发达国家企业合作的机会,对于发展中国家的企业来说曾经具有不小的吸引力。中国作为发  相似文献   

在电力日益紧缺的今天,美国、日本等发达国家都在致力于降低输变电损耗技术的开发和应用,拟以新型的输电方式——高温超导电缆输电,逐步替代传统的输电电缆。中国作为发展中国家,科技水平与发达国家有一定差距,科技尚需紧跟国际脚步。  相似文献   

1998年,ISO召开了一次研讨会,讨论的议题是"21世纪国家标准化机构的任务",参加代表来自发达国家和发展中国家的标准化机构、大型和中小型企业中使用标准的用户以及其它对标准有兴趣的组织,经过热烈讨论,达成以下共识:  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate the performance of US manufacturing and service operations in the presence of information technology (IT) as measured by technical efficiency, using firm-level data from 133 companies over the period from 1999 to 2009. To gain insight into the phenomenon of the ‘IT productivity paradox’, or the history of inconsistent findings in the existing literature, we employ a Bayesian stochastic production frontier approach to model the relationship between performance and technical efficiency at the firm, industry and sector levels. Some results are indicative of a slight advantage of the manufacturing sector over the service sector in terms of technical efficiency and a significant positive contribution of IT-investment to firm output. However, other results do suggest the productivity paradox, because of a lack of any definitive association of high IT investment levels with either high- or low-technical efficiency. Indeed, the findings of this study suggest that the origin of some portion of the IT productivity paradox may exist at the industry level, in that the relationship between extreme levels of IT-investment and extreme levels of technical efficiency appear to work differently in sufficiently different industries.  相似文献   

产品伤害是全球最为关注的市场风险和公共安全问题之一。美国作为全球最早建立产品伤害监测体系的国家,其国家电子伤害监测系统可提供来自医院急救室概率样本的具有统计意义的全国产品相关伤害估计值。基于伤害信息,美国消费品安全委员会经安全评价后制定有针对性的伤害预防措施,最大限度保护消费者安全。美国实践经验对于我国开展产品伤害监测工作有着重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This study examines technological collaboration in the solar cell industry using the information of patent assignees and inventors as defined by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Three different collaborative types, namely local (same city), domestic (different cities of the same country), and international collaboration, are discussed. The general status of solar cell patent collaborations, transforming trends of collaborative patterns, average numbers of assignees and inventors for three collaborative types, and international collaboration countries are studied. It is found that co-invented patents and co-assigned patents have both increased in numbers during the four decades studied, and that collaboration between technology owners is very low while the collaboration between inventors is active. Domestic collaboration is the main collaborative pattern for both assignee collaboration and inventor collaboration. The other two collaborative types show contrary trends: international collaboration has slowly risen in the past decades while local collaboration has dwindled. The US has the largest number of internationally collaborative patents worldwide, though such patents account for a low portion of total US patents. In contrast, China has a small total number of patents and internationally collaborative patents, however its international collaborative shares are higher. The international collaboration patents among countries are few. A co-assigned patent analysis indicates that the main international cooperation partner of the United States is Japan. Based on an international co-invented patent analysis, the main international collaboration partners of the United States are Britain, Japan, and Germany; and the United States is also the most important collaboration partner of China.  相似文献   

石墨烯的研究前沿及中国发展态势分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从文献计量学的角度,利用TDA分析软件及EXCET对石墨烯相关论文的年代、国家、机构、学科的分布及研究的重点进行了统计分析,并将中国与国际的研究状况进行了比较。发现与石墨烯相关的研究在2005年以后得到了快速发展,从事该研究的主要国家有美国、中国、日本、英国及德国等,主要集中在高分子物理学、材料科学及应用物理学等领域,热点集中在与石墨烯相关的石墨烯性质的研究如导电性、导热性及石墨烯的制备方法和纳米复合材料等方向。中国近两年来也十分重视石墨烯的研究,但起步相对较晚,相关研究有待深入。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the role of gender and faculty rank in explaining variance in individual research impact and productivity for social work doctoral faculty. Research impact and productivity were assessed with the H-Index, which is a widely used citation index measure that assesses the quality and quantity of published research articles. We compared the individual H-Index scores for all doctoral level social work faculty from doctoral programs in the United States (N = 1699). Differences in H-Index means were assessed between genders at each tenure-track faculty rank, and between faculty ranks for each gender. Both gender and faculty rank were associated with differences in scholarly impact and productivity. Although men had higher H-Index scores than women in all faculty ranks, the gender gap was the greatest between men and women at the Full Professor level. The gender gap was least pronounced at the Associate Professor level, where women’s H-Index scores were closer to those of men. Results support previous studies in which women in the social sciences have lower H-Index scores than men. The diminished gap between men and women at the Associate Professor level may suggest that women get promoted to Full Professor less frequently than men at comparable career milestones. While the results of this study are consistent with the argument that women face unique barriers to academic promotion and other forms of academic success in social work, these results do not explain any specific barriers that may cause the gender gap.  相似文献   

This study analyzed journal articles published by authors from the G9 countries (Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to identify the distribution of research funding and funding agencies in these countries. A total of 5,856,744 articles published between 2009 and 2014 were collected from the Web of Science database. The results showed that China had the highest proportion of funded papers among its overall scientific output, while Italy had the lowest funded paper ratio. The leading sponsoring countries of papers by other countries were China and the United States, with China having a sponsorship surplus with all the other G9 countries, and the United States having a sponsorship surplus with seven other countries excepting China. Furthermore, governmental agencies were the major sponsors of funded papers in the G9 countries. The field of life sciences had the highest proportion of funded papers among the field’s total paper output; while natural sciences had the highest proportion of papers among all funded papers of a country. Regarding funding agencies, the top three funding agencies in each G9 country were primarily domestic agencies; and a large proportion of the funding provided by these agencies were granted to domestic research projects.  相似文献   

The counting of patents and citations is commonly used to evaluate technological innovation and its impact. However, in an age of increasing international collaboration, the counting of international collaboration patents has become a methodological issue. This study compared country rankings using four different counting methods (i.e. whole counting, straight counting, whole-normalized counting, complete-normalized counting) in patent, citation and citation-patent ratio (CP ratio) counts. It also observed inflation depending on the method used. The counting was based on the complete 1992–2011 patent and citation data issued by United States Patent and Trademark Office. The results show that counting methods have only minor effects on country rankings in patent count, citation count and CP ratio count. All four counting methods yield reliable country ranks in technology innovation capability and impact. While the influences of counting methods vary between patent count, citation count and CP ratio count, counting methods may exert slightly greater effects on CP ratio counts than on patent and citation counts. As for the inflation, the distributions of higher and lower inflation by the four counting methods are different in patent, citation and CP ratio counts.  相似文献   

Mortality rates among hemodialysis patients differ greatly among the United States, Europe, and Japan and it has been hypothesized that this is mainly due to differences in practice patterns. Results from the international DOPPS study, however, indicate that differences in practice patterns among the United States, Japan, and Europe are small and not alone explanatory for the differences in mortality rates. Ethnic variability in predisposition to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the general population may lead to significant differences in background cardiovascular mortality in the United States, Japan, and Europe. It is our hypothesis that cardiovascular mortality in dialysis patients is to a great extent dependent on cardiovascular background mortality of the general population. We are currently studying the relationship between all‐cause and cardiovascular death rates in countries worldwide using the WHO database. Preliminary data from 35 countries show that all‐cause and cardiovascular death rates differ significantly among regions, with Eastern European countries reporting four‐ to sevenfold higher death rates than Asian countries. A strong linear relationship between cardiovascular and all‐cause death rates is observed among these countries. The next step of our study will be to compare country‐specific cardiovascular death rates of dialysis populations with those of the respective general populations. Ethnic differences in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality may be explained by genetic variability based upon polymorphism of genes involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

It has been observed that Southeast Asian countries and universities have ranked poorly in global research productivity and impact. The same is true for the field of language and linguistics. Some studies revealed that productivity and citation patterns in this field are lower compared to other fields of study. Thus, this study sought to examine the research performance of SEA countries and universities in the field of language and linguistics for efficient policy-making. The research performance of each SEA country and university was assessed through Scopus database using the following bibliometric indicators: total number of publications (P), total number of citations excluding self-citations (C), citations per publication (CPP), percent of non-cited articles (%PNC), and h-index. Findings revealed that SEA countries have only produced almost 2 % of all published articles in language and linguistics and around 1 % share in overall worldwide field citations. Interestingly, both the SEA countries and universities exhibit a trend toward increasing their yearly research productivity and citations. However, research productivity and citations in the field of language and linguistics are dominated by selected universities in each country particularly in Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines. This study has implications for research policy-making and future studies.  相似文献   

Based on data from the Web of Science, international collaboration between China and the UK in food and agriculture has been investigated from various perspectives. A new method for classifying cross- or multi-disciplinary fields has been created. The comparative study focuses on China’s collaboration with selected countries including the USA, the UK, Germany and Japan. The newly proposed Integrated Impact Indicator (I3) is applied to evaluate publication impact. Although China’s total publications dropped in 2010, its research productivity in food and agriculture nevertheless kept growing and international collaboration, reflected by the number of publications, also increased in an exponential way. The growth rate of China’s internationally collaborated publications was lower than that of China’s total publications. The USA, Japan, Canada, Australia, the UK and Germany are the top partners for Chinese researchers in this field. China-UK joint publications overall increased although their share in China’s total internationally collaborated publications decreased. To China, collaborating with the USA, the UK and Germany, instead of Japan, seems to offer an option to raise impact. The rapidly growing number of international publications and impact of Chinese research in food and agriculture offers great collaboration potential for the country. The fact that the average impact of China-UK collaborative publications is higher than the domestic publications of either country implies that collaboration benefits both sides as has been found in several other studies.  相似文献   

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