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国内产能过剩、海外面临反倾销诉讼,中国太阳能光伏产业近期受到了前所未有的压力。为规范行业发展,工信部将组织行业制定产品标准,对产品及企业进行认证,尽快出台多晶硅产业发展指导意见,并配合企业积极应对反倾销诉讼。  相似文献   

得益于我国半导体产业、太阳能光伏产业、平板显示业等下游高速发展的拉动,2005年间,我国电子材料行业整体运行稳中有升。[编按]  相似文献   

在我国光伏产业不断受到贸易战的打击之下陷入低迷之时,国内出台多项政策来促进其产业发展。  相似文献   

<正>2008下半年,一场金融风暴在全球刮起,快速蔓延,影响世界,冲击全中国,对我国光伏产业的冲击尤为突出。面对这一金融危机,党中央、国务院及时提出了战胜危机的正确方针政策,迅速制定实施了应对金融危机的"一揽子  相似文献   

成本高居不下一直是制约多晶硅以及光伏产业发展的根本问题。湖北武大有机硅新材料股份有限公司等国内单位在吸收国外先进成果,并进行大量实践的基础上,创造性提出了以直接法烷氧基硅烷为基础的多晶硅工业新体系,有望从源头破解这一难题。  相似文献   

自2003年以来,国内的光伏产业在国外市场的刺激带动下快速成长。但是在国内节节攀升的太阳能浪潮下,却有着太阳能电池企业最深切的疼痛——太阳能电池原材料多晶硅的产量长期无法满足市场需求,多晶硅短缺成为悬在国内太阳能电池企业面前的一把利剑。[编按]  相似文献   

<正>刚刚过去的一年,对我国光伏产业来说可以说是"严冬":欧洲市场萎缩,美国"双反"调查,《外商投资产业指导目录(2011年修订)》将多晶硅"摘除"鼓励行列,国内超过三分之一的相关企业处于停产状态……有人用"哀鸿遍野"形容这样的艰难处境,让人不得不认真地审视光伏产业出路究竟在何方?向好新年伊始,著名光伏企业英利集团高调宣布进军国内橄榄油销售领域。从新兴产业转战传统商业领域,原因何在?英利集团董事长苗连生表示,国内  相似文献   

我国光伏标准体系及发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国作为世界最大光伏生产国,2008年以来,随着国内一系列促进光伏应用的政策出台,国内光伏市场受到业界前所未有的重视。光伏标准作为产品、检测和认证的技术基础,受到广泛关注。一、我国光伏标准化机构全国太阳光伏能源系统标准化技术委员会(简称光标委),是国家标准化工作委员会批准成立的全国性专业标准化技术工作组织。按照国家标准委员会标准管理体系,负责太阳电池、太阳电池组件、太阳  相似文献   

金融危机下我国多晶硅行业面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多晶硅是电子信息工业和光伏产业最基础最重要的原材料,近年来,我国的电子信息产业已跃居世界第二,光伏产业已成为世界第一。如果没有最基础最重要的多晶硅原料作支撑,我国的电子信息产业和光伏产业就难以持续健康发展的局面。  相似文献   

宋航 《认证技术》2013,(4):41-43
光伏行业作为清洁能源行业中的重要成员愈来愈吸引全球经济的目光,而光伏行业本身是否能做到节能、低碳、环境友好型发展,也成为谋求行业自身良性发展的重要问题。本文试图从光伏行业的现状,多视角的阐述这一问题的重要性,提出在光伏行业中实施节能低  相似文献   

以标准化战略推动我国照明产业升级   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
<正> 一、引言 2009年9月1日,欧盟《委员会条例(EC)No244/2009,就非定向家用灯生态设计要求,执行欧洲议会与理事会指令2005/32/EC》(以下简称No244/2009)的第一阶段要求正式开始执行,100W以上的透明白炽灯强制退出欧盟市场,所有在售的紧凑型  相似文献   

《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(8):937-960
An algebraic alternative to ray tracing is described which enables the optical collection efficiency of a system of reflecting and absorbing bodies to be computed by matrix methods akin to those used in heat transfer theory. The method may be applied to non-ideal systems where reflectors have imperfect reflectivity and absorbers have imperfect absorptivity, and where reflections are not necessarily purely specular or purely lambertian. Numerical results for some physically realistic solar collectors are presented in graphical and tabular form. It is shown that a cylindrically symmetric system with angle dependent specular reflectivities and absorptances can be approximated accurately by a two dimensional system incorporating hemispherically averaged reflectivities and absorptances.  相似文献   

PV GAP(The Global Approval Program for PV)是获得国际认可的光伏全球批准计划,而PV GAP所依赖的测试和合格评定体系就是IECEE-CB体系.光伏产品获得CB证书后即可申请使用世界银行所认可的PV质量标志(PV Qual ity Mark)和PV质量图章(PV Quality Seal),从而在政府招标等项目中获益.  相似文献   

The breakdown initiation in water is investigated using artificially produced long-lived microbubbles 40–100 m in size obtained with the aid of a pulse-heated wire electrode. In all cases, the discharge is initiated in a bubble, with the prebreakdown time in the presence of a bubble being much shorter than in its absence. In the case of a discharge from the anode, three series of shock waves are observed in the electrode region, associated with the ignition of the discharge, the propagation of a supersonic streamer, and the release of energy when the streamer closes the interelectrode gap. In the case of cathode breakdown initiation, disturbances develop on the bubble surface in the form of a bush propagating at a subsonic speed in the direction of the opposite electrode. The possibilities of streamer and multiavalanche mechanisms of the breakdown of microbubbles are discussed.  相似文献   

The particular area of focus for this study is the use of theory to predict the permeability of a material through the use of the Ergun equation and the Kozeny-Carman equation along with computer simulations. The Ergun equation is well known for estimating permeability, and the Kozeny-Carman equation has also been used to a lesser extent. Existing literature extensively covers the use of these equations with homogeneous materials containing mono-size particles. In this study, an alternative way is sought to characterize mixtures that is based on the structure of the porosity, or void size, rather than the traditional method of using mean particle diameter. In doing so, this allows the Ergun and Kozeny-Carman equations to be rewritten to provide for an expansion in the type of mixtures that they can be applied to. Results are presented in this article on the application of these equations to mixtures including mono-size particles, then modified to include binary and distributed mixtures.  相似文献   

The particular area of focus for this study is the use of theory to predict the permeability of a material through the use of the Ergun equation and the Kozeny-Carman equation along with computer simulations. The Ergun equation is well known for estimating permeability, and the Kozeny-Carman equation has also been used to a lesser extent. Existing literature extensively covers the use of these equations with homogeneous materials containing mono-size particles. In this study, an alternative way is sought to characterize mixtures that is based on the structure of the porosity, or void size, rather than the traditional method of using mean particle diameter. In doing so, this allows the Ergun and Kozeny-Carman equations to be rewritten to provide for an expansion in the type of mixtures that they can be applied to. Results are presented in this article on the application of these equations to mixtures including mono-size particles, then modified to include binary and distributed mixtures.  相似文献   

吴明 《认证技术》2010,(6):69-69
光伏发电已经在许多应用领域被证明在技术上是成熟的,在经济上是合算的。从远期看,光伏发电将以分散式电源进入电力市场,并部分取代常规能源;从近期看,光伏发电可以作为常规能源的补充,解决特殊应用领域,如通信、信号电源和边远无电地区民用生活用电需求,从环境保护及能源战略上都  相似文献   

本文将计量认证制度实施于卫生防疫系统实验室的评价作用与现实工作中存在的对卫生检验工作认识不足的现象进行了简要分析。并提出一些建议,期望借助认证制度来推动卫生检验工作有更大的发展。  相似文献   

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