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对于自身不具备电磁屏蔽性能的聚合物材料而言,加入功能填料是赋予其屏蔽性能的主要方法。然而,简单的填充并不能达到上述目的,填料表面的功能化修饰对聚合物基复合材料电磁屏蔽性能具有重要影响。文中总结了填料表面功能化修饰的主要方法,包括化学镀、表面炭化、包覆聚合物、表面接枝和表面生长金属有机骨架(MOF)等,讨论了各种表面修饰对聚合物基复合材料性能产生的改性效果及最终对电磁屏蔽效能的影响,并对相关研究的未来发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

青岛能源所开发出介孔材料改性的聚酰胺复合膜由于比表面积大和孔结构可调等特点,介孔纳米材料在能量储存、气体分离、纳米催化等领域具有潜在的应用前景。中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所研究员江河清带领的膜分离与催化研究组前期围绕界面相容性调控这一科学问题,以功能化介孔聚合物为基底,利用金属有机框架化合物(MOF)中的Al金属中心与介孔聚合物表面功能基团之间的配位作用,将纳米MOF限域在介孔聚合物孔道内,该类MOF表面的缺陷位点与CO2分子间存在较强的相互作用,显著地提高了MOF在低压条件下的CO2吸附容量。  相似文献   

聚合物分离膜材料的表界面工程主要着眼点在于:运用表面改性和功能化方法提高传统聚合物分离膜材料的服役性能,赋予其表面不同于本体的结构特征,建立构筑聚合物分离膜材料表面选择性分离层的新途径,阐明膜表面结构与性能之间的关系,实现聚合物分离膜材料的高品质化与多功能化.本文就聚丙烯微滤膜的仿生修饰与仿生矿化以及薄层复合纳滤膜选择性皮层的"可控"构造择要进行了总结和再思考.所介绍的仿生修饰与仿生矿化方法同样可被用于其它聚合物乃至无机分离膜的表面改性与功能化,基于贻贝仿生化学的聚多巴胺及其系列共沉积涂层可用作薄层复合膜的选择性皮层,或用于界面聚合薄层复合膜的中间层,在一定程度上调控界面聚合,获得一类超薄选择性皮层的高通量水处理纳滤膜.  相似文献   

石墨烯作为一种新型的二维碳纳米材料,引起了科学家们极大的兴趣。其中石墨烯/聚合物复合材料具有优异的导电性能,广泛应用于电子、电气等领域。石墨烯片层易于团聚,在聚合物基体中分散不均匀,严重影响了石墨烯/聚合物复合材料的导电性能,需要对石墨烯及其衍生物进行表面改性。表面改性能有效地提高石墨烯在聚合物基体中的分散性,改善石墨烯与聚合物基体的相容性。文中介绍了石墨烯的共价改性(亲核取代反应、亲电取代反应、缩聚反应)和非共价改性(表面活性剂吸附、杂化修饰)的方法,以及对石墨烯/聚合物复合材料导电性的影响,总结了2种改性法的优缺点,最后展望了石墨烯改性及其在聚合物导电复合材料应用方面的研究方向。  相似文献   

纳米多孔材料由于具有显著的纳米尺度空间效应,在吸附以及膜分离领域中受到了极大的关注.作为无机多孔材料的延伸,金属有机框架材料(metal organic framework,MOF),由于其较大的比表面积、较高的孔隙率和孔结构可调的特点被广泛地应用于气相储存分离、液相的吸附分离和催化反应等各个领域.本文对MOF的种类进行了分类,并对MOF材料的合成方法和粒径调控机理进行了比较,其中,重点介绍了溶剂热合成法的优点.同时,系统地总结了MOF材料在吸附分离研究中存在的问题和局限,并对先进的基于MOF材料的复合膜制备技术进行了展望;总结了MOF在气体储存分离、液体吸附分离以及膜分离方面的应用.最后,针对复合膜的制备提出了通过改变MOF合成方式改善MOF材料与有机膜相容性的思路.  相似文献   

针对我国反渗透复合膜材料研究领域存在的膜材料品种单一、膜性能相对较差、膜产品缺乏核心竞争力等现状,重点开展了界面聚合反渗透复合膜材料及其表面修饰方面的研究工作.从功能单体与制备工艺入手,研究开发高性能反渗透复合膜材料;采用表面改性技术,对界面聚合反渗透复合膜材料进行表面功能化修饰,研究开发界面聚合反渗透复合膜材料的表面改性实用技术;以期为我国反渗透复合膜材料及其产业的发展提供核心材料和先进制备技术.  相似文献   

功能性石墨烯改善聚合物介电性能的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的对近年来使用改性石墨烯改善聚合物基复合材料介电性能的研究进行总结,指出今后的发展方向。方法总结通过石墨烯改性来改善其在聚合物的分散性和提高聚合物基石墨烯复合材料介电性能的方法;对比石墨烯/聚合物复合材料的复合工艺对其介电常数和介电损耗数值的变化,总结不同的改性方法对复合材料介电性能的影响。结论石墨烯作为一种性能较优的导电填料对材料介电性能影响巨大,然而,由于其物理分散性不好,极大地阻碍了石墨烯改性聚合物基高介电复合材料的发展。通过对石墨烯进行功能化改性修饰可以有效提高聚合物基复合材料的介电性能,这种材料可作为电活性聚合物,在很多需要高介电常数的电介质材料领域,如超级电容器、感应器、驱动器、智能包装和机器人等方面得到应用。  相似文献   

原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP)对膜的亲水化/功能化改性包括对膜基体材料的共聚改性和对膜的表面改性.膜基体材料的改性最多见于PVDF为主链的两亲性聚合物.ATRP对膜的表面改性尤其是膜的表面引发方法,可实现将不同功能性单体接枝到聚合物膜表面,得到了抗污染能力强,生物相容性好,开关响应迅速等多种功能性表面层.直接的表面引发改性是一种高效,灵活的表面修饰/功能化方法,也是目前应用最广泛的改性技术.  相似文献   

在前人研究的基础之上,归纳总结了聚合物复合材料填充剂的种类,综述了对其进行表面改性的目的、条件、方法、工艺以及对改性结果的表征等。文章还分析了影响填充聚合物复合材料性能的因素,指出了今后发展的方向。  相似文献   

聚合物复合材料填充剂的改性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭晓  盖国胜 《粉体技术》1997,3(2):33-40
在前人研究的基础之上,归纳总结了聚合物复合材料填充的种类,综述了对其进行表面改性的目的、条件、方法,工艺以及对改性结果的表征等。文章还分析了影响填充聚合物复合材料性能的因素,提出了今后发展的方向。  相似文献   

Advances in device technology have been accompanied by the development of new types of materials and device fabrication methods. Considering device design, initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) inspires innovation as a platform technology that extends the application range of a material or device. iCVD serves as a versatile tool for surface modification using functional thin film. The building of polymeric thin films from vapor phase monomers is highly desirable for the surface modification of thermally sensitive substrates. The precise control of thin film thicknesses can be achieved using iCVD, creating a conformal coating on nano‐, and micro‐structured substrates such as membranes and microfluidics. iCVD allows for the deposition of polymer thin films of high chemical functionality, and thus, substrate surfaces can be functionalized directly from the iCVD polymer film or can selectively gain functionality through chemical reactions between functional groups on the substrate and other reactive molecules. These beneficial aspects of iCVD can spur breakthroughs in device fabrication based on the deposition of robust and functional polymer thin films. This review describes significant implications of and recent progress made in iCVD‐based technologies in three fields: electronic devices, surface engineering, and biomedical applications.

目的 综述聚乳酸(PLA)、聚乙交酯(PGA)、聚乙丙交酯(PLGA)及其改性材料在包装领域的研究进展,对改性材料及制备工艺进行展望,为PLA、PGA以及PLGA的改性与制备提供参考。方法 简介PLA、PGA以及PLGA的制备方法、基本性能,并总结近几年改性材料的种类及其制备工艺。结果 对PLA、PGA以及PLGA进行改性,再通过溶液铸膜、吹塑制膜等工艺制备薄膜,制备的薄膜具有优异的抗紫外性能、阻隔性能以及抗菌性能。结论 PLA、PGA以及PLGA具有优异的生物降解性能,通过改性后制备的薄膜性能更加均衡,在包装领域具有极大的应用前景,对聚合物的改性方法还需进行深入研究,制备出性能更加优异的改性材料。  相似文献   

(100)AlN films have better surface acoustic wave (SAW) properties than (002) AlN films. In this research, (100) AlN films were combined with diamonds as a new composite SAW substrate. The SAW properties of (100) AlN films on diamonds were analyzed with 4 composite structures: interdigital transducer (IDT)/(100)AlN/diamond, (100)AlN/IDT/diamond, IDT/(100)AlN/metal/diamond, and metal/IDT/(100) AlN/diamond, and they exhibited some excellent SAW properties. Our research results provide a predictable and theoretical basis for further application on high-velocity SAW devices.  相似文献   

摩擦纳米发电机(Triboelectric Nanogenerator, TENG)是一种将微小机械能转化为电能并加以收集利用的绿色能源器件, 具有活性材料种类广泛、器件结构简单以及易于集成等特点。较低的输出功率密度是目前阻碍其实际应用的主要因素之一。如何通过材料组分设计与制备提高其输出功率密度及能量转化效率, 是目前该领域研究者关注的热点问题。在摩擦纳米发电机常用的活性材料-高分子聚合物中引入功能性填料是一种简便且高效的改性方法, 不仅能够对薄膜摩擦电性能进行优化、提高输出性能, 还能够赋予其新功能, 可谓一举多得。因此, 此类复合薄膜已广泛应用于TENG领域, 例如TiO2、SiO2、BaTiO3、ZnSnO3、MoS2、石墨烯、二维黑磷等无机填料对复合材料的性能均有不同程度的优化, TENG的输出功率密度最高提升了数十倍。本文结合国内外研究现状, 按照填料对基体材料表面性能以及电学性能优化作用两个方面进行阐述, 综述了复合材料薄膜在摩擦纳米发电机中的研究进展, 并展望了未来复合材料用于提高TENG输出性能研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Strategies for the inhibition of dewetting of thin polymer films are reviewed. First, a brief introduction to the theory and the dynamics of dewetting of thin polymer films is given. Methods for the inhibition of dewetting of thin polymer films, including the modification of the substrate and the polymer, the cross-linking of the polymer and the addition of an additive as well as their mechanisms for inhibition are discussed. The chemical modification of the substrate or the polymer itself and the phase separation increase the thermodynamic stability of the system, while the cross-linking of the polymers reduces the mobility of the polymer chains, kinetically arresting the dewetting. The addition of an additive appears to thermodynamically and kinetically inhibit the dewetting. Finally, the future outlook in this research field is highlighted.  相似文献   

The structuring of surfaces on a nanoscale level-both chemically and topographically has become an increasingly relevant field of research in nanotechnology with widespread application potential in various fields of science ( e. g.surface engineering, electronics, biotechnology, optics). Two examples on surface modification at molecular scale with self-assembly monolayers are shown: ( 1 ) Chemically attaching ultra-thin polymer films through the self-assembly of silane fictionalized copolymer have been approved in this article. (2) The patterned films with microstructures on different substrates have been prepared through micro-contact printing technique and electro polymerization.  相似文献   

Optical transparent and electrical conductive (PMMA)/nanocarbon composite films can be prepared through the infiltration of the polymer between the carbon aggregates of a preformed percolation cluster. This cluster is prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett technique as a thick film (2-20 μm in thickness). The performed direct current electrical measurements have shown that PMMA/Multiwall Nanotubes present a lower electrical surface resistivity and a higher optical transmittance than PMMA/carbon nanoparticles composite films. Much simpler and cheaper than other methods, the infiltration method allowed us to prepare composite films with a 75% in transparency and 1 MΩ/square in surface electrical resistivity. The composite films prepared by infiltration method have a good adhesion to the glass substrates but in some specific conditions can be integrally removed as free-standing films.  相似文献   

A novel solventless adhesive bonding (SAB) process is reported, which is applicable to a wide range of materials including, but not limited to, poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). The bonding is achieved through reactions between two complementary polymer coatings, poly(4-aminomethyl-p-xylylene-co-p-xylylene) and poly(4-formyl-p-xylylene-co-p-xylylene), which are prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) polymerization of the corresponding [2.2]paracyclophanes and can be deposited on complementary microfluidic units to be bonded. These CVD-based polymer films form well-adherent coatings on a range of different substrate materials including polymers, glass, silicon, metals, or paper and can be stored for extended periods prior to bonding without losing their bonding capability. Tensile stress data are measured on PDMS with various substrates and compared favorably to current methods such as oxygen plasma and UV/ozone. Sum frequency generation (SFG) has been used to probe the presence of amine and aldehyde groups on the surface after CVD polymerization and their conversion during bonding. In addition to bonding, unreacted functional groups present on the luminal surface of microfluidic channels provide free chemical groups for further surface modification. Fluorescently labeled molecules including rhodamine-conjugated streptavidin and atto-655 NHS ester were used to verify the presence of active functional groups on the luminal surfaces after bonding.  相似文献   

Indium tin oxide (ITO) films are widely used for a transparent electrode of organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) because of its excellent conductivity and transparency. Two types of ITO substrates with different surface roughness were selected to use as anode of OLEDs. In addition, two types of etching process of ITO substrate, particularly the etching time, were also carried out. It was found that the surface roughness and/or the etching process of ITO substrate strongly influenced on an edge of ITO surface, further affected the operating characteristics and reliability of devices.  相似文献   

目的 综述近几年有关将纳米填料纳米纤维素晶体(CNC)作为增强补强剂,提高聚乙烯醇(PVA)薄膜的物理性能方面的研究,以期为PVA薄膜材料的进一步开发和应用提供参考。方法 通过对相关文献进行收集与整理,阐述PVA/CNC复合薄膜的应用现状,介绍CNC的形貌特性、化学改性及成膜方式对改善PVA/CNC薄膜物理性能的研究现状,综述CNC分散性、交联剂和成膜条件对提高PVA/CNC复合薄膜物理性能的影响。结论 通过增加CNC在PVA基体中的分散性,针对不同用途选择对应的成膜方式,这样可有效改善PVA薄膜的力学性能、阻隔性能和耐水性等,提高PVA薄膜的使用价值。  相似文献   

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