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基于专利分析的石墨烯技术创新趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
沙建超  赵蕴华  罗勇  郑佳 《材料导报》2013,27(15):108-112
石墨烯作为一种新型纳米材料已成为物理学、材料科学和化学领域的研究热点,相关专利的申请数量增长迅速。通过对德温特专利数据库收录的石墨烯相关发明专利数据进行深度标引,分析了全球石墨烯相关技术的研发热点及发展态势,为我国石墨烯相关领域的技术创新和决策提供了参考。  相似文献   

研究了新型二维纳米材料石墨烯的全球研究动态。将石墨烯技术研究按制备和应用两个角度定义了复合材料、传感器、锂离子电池、化学气相沉积制备等12个领域,通过对德温特专利数据库收录的1967~2013年石墨烯技术专利的分析,揭示了专利排名前十名国家(地区)在这些领域开展石墨烯技术创新的动态,以及石墨烯技术研究在各个领域中的发展趋势。研究表明:中、美、韩、日在石墨烯技术研究上表现比较强劲,美、韩的研发重点在大企业,而中国的研发重点在大学;中国的专利主要集中在国内,全球布局能力明显不如美韩;总体来看,整个产业链仍未形成,不具备实现大面积、高质量的工业化生产的成熟技术,石墨烯的可控制备、石墨烯的结构和性质调控以及石墨烯材料的应用等仍然是未来的研究热点。  相似文献   

石墨烯具有独特的结构和优异的物理、化学性能,其作为水处理材料的应用前景值得期待。本文介绍了石墨烯、氧化石墨烯及还原氧化石墨烯材料与水处理相关的主要性能,对石墨烯及其衍生物吸附重金属离子及有机物的研究及进展进行了综述,分析了相关的研究机理及主要影响因素;对各种石墨烯复合材料在水处理方面的研究逐一进行了介绍,包括磁性及非磁性石墨烯复合材料、石墨烯光催化复合材料;最后对该研究领域存在的问题及面临的挑战进行了分析,并对该领域研究发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

各国石墨烯产业化研究热点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正石墨烯的研究和产业化发展持续升温,美国、欧盟、日本等国家都发布或资助了一系列相关研究计划和项目,大力促进本国石墨烯技术及其应用研究。1.美国2006~2011年间,美国国家自然科学基金会(NSF)关于石墨烯的资助项目有近200项,重点项目包括:石墨烯基材料超电容应用项目(2009~2012)、石墨烯和碳纳米管材料连续和大规模纳米制造(2011~2015)等。近年来,美国国防部(DoD)及下属美国国防高级研究计  相似文献   

正作为石墨烯研究最为活跃的国家之一,我国石墨烯技术创新成果频出,产业化发展势头迅猛,走在了世界前列。但与美、日、韩等发达国家相比,我国石墨烯研究和产业发展基本处于产业链和价值链的低端,虽然资本界、学术界、媒体界等"热情高涨",但无法掩盖其以材料生产为主,下游应用集中在附加值低的产品、低端产能扩张过快、产品同质化严重等问题。在石墨烯产业发展如火如荼的同时,一定要警惕石墨烯产业  相似文献   

<正>9月8日,中国科学院文献情报中心和美国化学文摘社在北京联合发布了《全球科技趋势报告:石墨烯研发态势监测分析报告》中英文版。《报告》认为,石墨烯的基础研究与技术应用在快速发展之中,全球石墨烯研发竞争日趋激烈,中国、美国、韩国、日本等主要的技术原创国家已逐渐形成技术优势和竞争格局。石墨烯技术从基础研究逐渐向应用研发拓展,未来将在  相似文献   

正近年来,我国高度重视石墨烯产业的发展,先后出台了多项与石墨烯发展相关的法规与政策,尤其是将石墨烯列入了《中国制造2025》和《新材料产业发展指南》等相关政策,这对于促进石墨烯技术创新、推动战略性新兴产业发展、形成具有国际领先优势的科研和产业体系具有重要的战略意义。在国家层面的政策引导下,我国石墨烯系统规划明显加速,产业发展势头迅猛。高校、科研院所、上市公司等"产、学、研"环节的合力推动,使得石墨  相似文献   

由于石墨烯拥有特殊的二维构造和良好的理化性质,被发现后就成为化工化学、临床医学、应用物理学和功能材料学等研究领域的热点课题。最近,该物质成为生物医用研究方面的热点材料。介绍了石墨烯/氧化石墨烯的基本性质,对目前有关氧化石墨烯表面改性的基本类型做了简要描述。重点阐述了石墨烯/氧化石墨烯在靶向给药、药物运输等医学领域中的研究进展。最后,对在超临界CO_2状态下制备石墨烯及其复合材料的研究前景做了简要讨论。  相似文献   

施彤  邓巧云  李大纲 《包装工程》2022,43(21):50-57
目的 综述液相剥离法制备石墨烯导电油墨的研究现状,为促进石墨烯导电油墨在印刷电子领域的应用提供参考。方法 针对各种形式液相剥离制备石墨烯导电油墨的方法,分别从所使用溶剂的物理化学性能、制备流程、制得石墨烯导电油墨的性能等方面进行归纳和对比。结果 目前,液相剥离法制备石墨烯导电油墨的研究主要集中在提升石墨烯的分散性和油墨的导电性能等方面,未来需关注液相剥离过程中溶剂和助剂的选择,沿着低成本、绿色化、产业化等方向发展。  相似文献   

石墨烯制备的方法、特性及基本原理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
石墨烯具有独特的结构和优异的物理、化学性质,石墨烯材料的研究已成为相关研究领域的前沿和热点。石墨烯的质量、产量及应用与石墨烯的制备方法密切相关,当前石墨烯研究的最大瓶颈是石墨烯的大批量及高质量制备不能两者兼顾,其根源在于对各制备方法的基本原理还欠深入研究。介绍了石墨烯的各种制备方法及其相关的基本原理和特性,着重介绍了制备过程中石墨烯分离、形核和生长、还原的基本过程、步骤和机理,并展望了今后石墨烯制备的基本原理及相关研究的前景和发展趋势。  相似文献   

Although the library of 2D atomic crystals has greatly expanded over the past years, research into graphene is still one of the focuses for both academia and business communities. Due to its unique electronic structure, graphene offers a powerful platform for exploration of novel 2D physics, and has significantly impacted a wide range of fields including energy, electronics, and photonics. Moreover, the versatility of combining graphene with other functional components provides a powerful strategy to design artificial van der Waals (vdWs) heterostructures. Aside from the stacked 2D–2D vdWs heterostructure, in a broad sense graphene can hybridize with other non‐2D materials through vdWs interactions. Such mixed‐dimensional vdWs (MDWs) structures allow considerable freedom in material selection and help to harness the synergistic advantage of different dimensionalities, which may compensate for graphene's intrinsic shortcomings. A succinct overview of representative advances in graphene‐based MDWs heterostructures is presented, ranging from assembly strategies to applications in optoelectronics. The scientific merit and application advantages of these hybrid structures are particularly emphasized. Moreover, considering possible breakthroughs in new physics and application potential on an industrial scale, the challenges and future prospects in this active research field are highlighted.  相似文献   

石墨烯外延生长及其器件应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石墨烯具有优异的物理和电学性能, 已成为物理和半导体电子研究领域的国际前沿和热点之一. 本文简单介绍了石墨烯的物理及电学特性, 详细评述了在众多制备方法中最有希望实现石墨烯大面积、高质量的外延生长技术, 系统论述了不同SiC和金属衬底外延生长石墨烯的研究进展, 并简要概述了石墨烯在场效应晶体管、发光二极管、超级电容器及锂离子电池等光电器件方面的最新研究进展. 外延生长法已经初步实现了从纳米、微米、厘米量级石墨烯的成功制备, 同时可实现其厚度从单层、双层到少数层的调控, 有望成为高质量、与传统电子工艺兼容、低成本、大面积的石墨烯宏量制备技术, 为其器件应用奠定基础.  相似文献   

The rise of graphene   总被引:86,自引:0,他引:86  
Graphene is a rapidly rising star on the horizon of materials science and condensed-matter physics. This strictly two-dimensional material exhibits exceptionally high crystal and electronic quality, and, despite its short history, has already revealed a cornucopia of new physics and potential applications, which are briefly discussed here. Whereas one can be certain of the realness of applications only when commercial products appear, graphene no longer requires any further proof of its importance in terms of fundamental physics. Owing to its unusual electronic spectrum, graphene has led to the emergence of a new paradigm of 'relativistic' condensed-matter physics, where quantum relativistic phenomena, some of which are unobservable in high-energy physics, can now be mimicked and tested in table-top experiments. More generally, graphene represents a conceptually new class of materials that are only one atom thick, and, on this basis, offers new inroads into low-dimensional physics that has never ceased to surprise and continues to provide a fertile ground for applications.  相似文献   

Recent research trends now offer new opportunities for developing the next generations of label‐free biochemical sensors using graphene and other two‐dimensional materials. While the physics of graphene transistors operated in electrolyte is well grounded, important chemical challenges still remain to be addressed, namely the impact of the chemical functionalizations of graphene on the key electrical parameters and the sensing performances. In fact, graphene – at least ideal graphene – is highly chemically inert. The functionalizations and chemical alterations of the graphene surface – both covalently and non‐covalently – are crucial steps that define the sensitivity of graphene. The presence, reactivity, adsorption of gas and ions, proteins, DNA, cells and tissues on graphene have been successfully monitored with graphene. This review aims to unify most of the work done so far on biochemical sensing at the surface of a (chemically functionalized) graphene field‐effect transistor and the challenges that lie ahead. The authors are convinced that graphene biochemical sensors hold great promise to meet the ever‐increasing demand for sensitivity, especially looking at the recent progresses suggesting that the obstacle of Debye screening can be overcome.  相似文献   

Graphene has demonstrated great promise for future electronics technology as well as fundamental physics applications because of its linear energy-momentum dispersion relations which cross at the Dirac point. However, accessing the physics of the low-density region at the Dirac point has been difficult because of disorder that leaves the graphene with local microscopic electron and hole puddles. Efforts have been made to reduce the disorder by suspending graphene, leading to fabrication challenges and delicate devices which make local spectroscopic measurements difficult. Recently, it has been shown that placing graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) yields improved device performance. Here we use scanning tunnelling microscopy to show that graphene conforms to hBN, as evidenced by the presence of Moiré patterns. However, contrary to predictions, this conformation does not lead to a sizeable band gap because of the misalignment of the lattices. Moreover, local spectroscopy measurements demonstrate that the electron-hole charge fluctuations are reduced by two orders of magnitude as compared with those on silicon oxide. This leads to charge fluctuations that are as small as in suspended graphene, opening up Dirac point physics to more diverse experiments.  相似文献   

Graphene-the wonder material has attracted a great deal of attention from varied fields of condensed matter physics, materials science and chemistry in recent times. Its 2D atomic layer structure and unique electronic band structure makes it attractive for many applications. Its high carrier mobility, high electrical and thermal conductivity make it an exciting material. However, its applicability cannot be effectively realised unless facile techniques to synthesize high quality, large area graphene are developed in a cost effective way. Besides that a great deal of effort is required to develop techniques for modifying and opening its band structure so as to make it a potential replacement for silicon in future electronics. Considerable research has been carried out for synthesizing graphene and related materials by a variety of processes and at the same time a great deal of work has also taken place for manipulating and opening its electronic band structure. This review summarizes recent developments in the synthesis methods for graphene. It also summarizes the developments in graphene nanoribbon synthesis and methods to open band gap in graphene, in addition to pointing out a direction for future research and developments.  相似文献   

There is intense interest in graphene in fields such as physics, chemistry, and materials science, among others. Interest in graphene's exceptional physical properties, chemical tunability, and potential for applications has generated thousands of publications and an accelerating pace of research, making review of such research timely. Here is an overview of the synthesis, properties, and applications of graphene and related materials (primarily, graphite oxide and its colloidal suspensions and materials made from them), from a materials science perspective.  相似文献   

There is intense interest in graphene in fields such as physics, chemistry, and materials science, among others. Interest in graphene's exceptional physical properties, chemical tunability, and potential for applications has generated thousands of publications and an accelerating pace of research, making review of such research timely. Here is an overview of the synthesis, properties, and applications of graphene and related materials (primarily, graphite oxide and its colloidal suspensions and materials made from them), from a materials science perspective.  相似文献   

The quest for materials capable of realizing the next generation of electronic and photonic devices continues to fuel research on the electronic, optical and vibrational properties of graphene. Few-layer graphene (FLG) flakes with less than ten layers each show a distinctive band structure. Thus, there is an increasing interest in the physics and applications of FLGs. Raman spectroscopy is one of the most useful and versatile tools to probe graphene samples. Here, we uncover the interlayer shear mode of FLGs, ranging from bilayer graphene (BLG) to bulk graphite, and suggest that the corresponding Raman peak measures the interlayer coupling. This peak scales from ~43 cm(-1) in bulk graphite to ~31 cm(-1) in BLG. Its low energy makes it sensitive to near-Dirac point quasiparticles. Similar shear modes are expected in all layered materials, providing a direct probe of interlayer interactions.  相似文献   

Graphene is a wonder material that attracts great interests in materials science and condensed matter physics. It is the thinnest material and also the strongest material ever measured. Its distinctive band structure and physical properties determine its bright application prospects. This review introduces briefly the properties and applications of graphene. Recent synthesis and characteri-zation methods are summarized in detail, and the future research direction is also pointed out in this paper.  相似文献   

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