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刘倩  朱安珏 《声学技术》2020,39(3):379-384
针对水下成像时圆弧阵常规波束旁瓣级较高,当存在强干扰时容易带来较多虚警的缺点,提出一种基于二阶锥规划的稳健低旁瓣自适应波束形成方法。该方法通过对波束旁瓣进行优化设计,可以将波束旁瓣级进行严格控制,并进一步结合协方差矩阵重构法,使波束形成器的稳健性得到提高,最后将该波束优化问题转化为二阶锥规划问题进行求解。计算机仿真结果表明,相较于其他算法来说,文中算法在波束旁瓣级得到严格控制的同时,可以在存在各类失配的情况下获得更高的输出信干噪比,稳健性更高。水池实验进一步验证了该方法的有效性,该研究成果可以在声呐成像领域应用。  相似文献   

基于洛伦兹锥规划的声矢量阵宽容自适应波束形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
梁国龙  刘凯  温韶娟  张瑶 《声学技术》2011,30(1):98-101
针对矢量阵Capon波束形成对阵列误差尤其敏感这一不足,提出了运用洛伦兹锥规划(LCP,Lorentz Cone Pro.gramming)实现导向矢量范数约束来提高波束形成鲁棒性的方法.鉴于矢量水听器声压分量和振速分量对阵列误差敏感程度不同的特点,采用了"双线约束"的策略.将范数约束波束形成转化为LCP形式,通过内点...  相似文献   

通过限制估计的方向向量与真实的方向向量之间的误差范数的边界,提出了一种基于二阶锥(Second Order Cone,SOC)规划的稳健四阶累积量盲自适应波束形成算法。该算法相较于采用传统对角加载技术的高阶累积量盲波束形成算法和WCPO-RCUM算法而言,进一步提高了稳健性和输出信干噪比。计算机仿真实验表明,该算法具有很好的稳健性。  相似文献   

王静  黄清  黄建国 《声学技术》2003,22(2):90-94
文章提出了宽带自适应波束形成及稳健设计方法,建立了二次约束宽带波束形成稳健设计模型,从理论上解决了自适应阵观察方向的稳健设计问题,彻底抛弃了自适应阵需要时延补偿的环节。所建立的阵处理器能抵消40dB以上的干扰,工作带宽达到两个倍频程,在理论上为被动跟踪系统设计最佳宽带接收阵和阵处理器作了准备。  相似文献   

通过限制估计的方向向量与真实的方向向量之间的误差范数的边界,提出了一种新的稳健CAB(周期自适应波束形成)盲自适应波束形成算法。该算法克服了方向向量失配引起的自适应波束形成器的性能劣化问题。计算机仿真试验表明,较采用传统对角加载技术的R-CAB盲波束形成算法和WCPO-CAB算法而言,该算法进一步提高了稳健性和输出信干噪比。  相似文献   

徐钧  焦君圣  陈浩 《声学技术》2006,25(3):187-191
舷侧阵正常工作时,由于海洋环境比较复杂,以及每路水听器通道的传输特性不完全一致,使舷侧阵每一个水听器输出信号的相位和幅度叠加了一个随机误差。在作MVDR自适应波束形成时,该随机误差的存在将影响到基阵的阵增益,降低检测能力。仿真结果表明:幅度和相位误差的存在会降低MVDR波束形成器的阵增益,两类误差越大,阵增益就越小;输入信噪比越高,MVDR波数形成器的阵增益就越小。文中从统计学角度分析了随机相幅误差对协方差矩阵的影响,然后通过数值仿真得到阵增益的变化规律。  相似文献   

盲波束形成的目的就是在不知道阵列流形先验信息的情况下,从阵列输出数据中恢复出源信号.对于独立源信号的盲分离,Cardoso和Souloumiac提出了一种基于四阶累积量的盲波束形成方法(Joint Approximate Diagonalisation of Eigen-matrices,JADE).然而,巨大的计算量...  相似文献   

李涛  蒋小勇  周胜增 《声学技术》2019,38(5):600-603
采用一种宽带相关结合稳健自适应波束形成的检测方法,来提高弱目标在强干扰背景下的检测能力。宽带相关检测具有多目标方位分辨力高的优点,它基于常规波束形成得到,但由于其旁瓣级有限,存在强干扰时会导致其旁瓣区域的相关检测产生凹陷,因此直接影响弱目标的检测能力。通过分析常规宽带相关检测中目标旁瓣区域产生凹陷原因,利用宽带稳健自适应波束形成的干扰抑制能力,提出了一种将宽带稳健导向最小方差波(Steered Minimum Variance,STMV)与宽带相关检测结合的宽带检测新方法。该方法能有效消除相关检测中强干扰的影响,提高被动声呐的宽带检测性能。仿真和试验数据处理结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

在分析二阶锥规划(Second-Order Cone Programming,SOCP)算法的基础上,设计了声呐阵列并采用SOCP方法对其波束图进行了优化;根据SOCP的波束优化设计方法,设计了基于FPGA的16元均匀圆阵的波束形成器。目的在于提高波束优化设计的稳健性以及信号处理系统的运算实时性、运算精度等。对FPGA波束形成器的仿真性能进行了分析,主要分析了以下两个方面:首先分析了当权值位数不同时对波束形成器输出的影响,其次分析了波束优化设计方法的抗阵列流形误差的性能。仿真设计结果和实验表明本文方法的有效性。二阶锥波束优化设计的波束图有着良好的稳健性,采用12位权值的FPGA波束形成器,抗阵元位置误差性能也比较好。  相似文献   

利用自适应方法对"米"字形体积阵进行波束形成,发现在预成的多波束中奇偶号波束效果差别较大,影响了检测性能、定位精度.从预成波束方向阵等效孔径入手,解释了奇偶号波束不一致的原因,通过改变预成波束方向、构造阵等效孔径相等措施来改进体积阵波束形成.计算机仿真、水池实测验证了这种方法可以有效地提高体积阵波束形成的整体效果.  相似文献   

王逸林  赵羽  蔡平 《声学技术》2004,23(Z1):219-221
矢量传感器由声压传感器和振速传感器同心复合而成,由它而构成的矢量阵在信噪比增益上体现了更大的优越性.本文基于矢量传感器阵组合增益的理论分析,在不同方位给出了各种矢量阵组合增益的计算机仿真结果,理论分析与仿真结果吻合很好.  相似文献   

The objective of the blind beamforming is to restore the unknown source signals simply based on the observations, without a priori knowledge of the source signals and the mixing matrix. In this paper, we propose a new joint multiple matrix diagonalization (JMMD) algorithm for the robust blind beamforming. This new JMMD algorithm is based on the iterative eigen decomposition of the fourth-order cumulant matrices. Therefore, it can avoid the problems of the stability and the misadjustment, which arise from the conventional steepest-descent approaches for the constant-modulus or cumulant optimization. Our Monte Carlo simulations show that our proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the ubiquitous joint approximate diagonalization of eigen-matrices algorithm, relying on the Givens rotations for the phase-shift keying source signals in terms of signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio for a wide variety of signal-to-noise ratios  相似文献   

Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) provide Global Positioning System (GPS) time-stamped synchronized measurements of voltage and current with the phase angle of the system at certain points along with the grid system. Those synchronized data measurements are extracted in the form of amplitude and phase from various locations of the power grid to monitor and control the power system condition. A PMU device is a crucial part of the power equipment in terms of the cost and operative point of view. However, such ongoing development and improvement to PMUs’ principal work are essential to the network operators to enhance the grid quality and the operating expenses. This paper introduces a proposed method that led to low-cost and less complex techniques to optimize the performance of PMU using Second-Order Kalman Filter. It is based on the Asyncrhophasor technique resulting in a phase error minimization when receiving the signal from an access point or from the main access point. The MATLAB model has been created to implement the proposed method in the presence of Gaussian and non-Gaussian. The results have shown the proposed method which is Second-Order Kalman Filter outperforms the existing model. The results were tested using Mean Square Error (MSE). The proposed Second-Order Kalman Filter method has been replaced with a synchronization unit into the PMU structure to clarify the significance of the proposed new PMU.  相似文献   

二阶锥规划在工程、控制、金融等领域具有广泛的应用.本文研究一种求解二阶锥规划的非精确不可行内点法.该算法的基本思想是首先定义不可行中心路径及其邻域,然后通过求解一个非线性方程组得到非精确的搜索方向,再取一个合适的步长,使得新的迭代点落在不可行中心路径的邻域内.该算法不要求初始点和迭代点位于严格可行解集内.在适当的假设条件下证明了算法只需迭代O(√n ln(1ε))次就可以找到问题的ε-近似解.  相似文献   

Array gain is a common parameter used in laser phased array research. This paper will present a new parameter called the frequency modulation of laser phased array (FMLPA). The array gain model for laser phased arrays was derived using an assumption that ultrasound from each array member interferes with each other. This would be always true if laser generated ultrasound is narrow band. However, laser generation of ultrasound is broad band. Broad band ultrasound signals have short duration in the time domain. If the time delay between generated wave fronts from each array member is longer than the duration of the broad band ultrasound signal from each array member, the ultrasound signals from each array member will not interfere with each other. The time delay between generated wave fronts from each array member is 0 s at a laser phased array’s beam steering angle and increases away from the beam steering angle. Therefore, ultrasound from each array member always interfere at angles close to the beam steering angle. However, ultrasound from each array member may not interfere at angles away from the beam steering angle depending on the time delay between generated wave fronts and duration of the broad band ultrasound signal. A theoretical model of the FMLPA was developed and experimentally verified for use when ultrasound from each array member does not interfere with each other. It was experimentally verified that current array gain equations still apply when ultrasound from array members interfere with each other. The FMLPA can be used to create new techniques for measuring weld penetration depth, crack location, and dimensions of objects.  相似文献   

薛丽  张骄 《测试技术学报》2021,35(2):181-184
针对提高阵列天线波束性能问题,本文提出了基于共轭虚拟阵列的信号导向矢量扩展方法.利用共轭虚拟阵元扩展阵列,增大了阵列孔径却不改变实际阵元数,降低了副瓣电平并且不会增加天线制造成本.在虚拟阵列的基础上对信号导向矢量进行扩展,使阵列波束形成效果更加稳健.本文通过在有无干扰以及存在幅度和相位误差情况下对11个阵元阵列天线进行...  相似文献   

在传统平面网格阵列基础上提出一种改进的三层立体分层网格阵列布局方法,并比较十字阵列、平面网格阵列在不同条件下的指向性,结果显示立体网格阵列的指向性在三者中是最好的。对于脉动球声源的识别仿真研究,验证了基于三层立体网格阵列的波束成形方法的可行性,可以有效地识别和定位噪声源。  相似文献   

This paper suggests the solution of geometric programs with degrees of difficulty by means of an auxiliary problem which is the reduced equivalent of the primal problem. The auxiliary problem is derived from the primal program by direct algebraic transformation and has a highly simplified convex separable structure. Using a condensation technique introduced by Duffin, it is shown that generalized polynomial programs can be solved via a sequence of approximating problems with a similar convex separable structure.  相似文献   

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