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利用氧化铝的颗粒增强作用, 采用常规烧结法制备了氧化铝改性钾长石牙科陶瓷. 通过实验确定了钾长石复合陶瓷的最佳烧结工艺, 分析了工艺条件对烧结效果、可加工性、显微硬度和抗弯强度等性能的影响. 用XRD、SEM对钾长石复合材料进行了表征. 研究表明: 添加氧化铝可以提高钾长石的烧结温度, 当Al2O3添加量为20wt%时, 其最佳烧结温度为1200℃, 相对密度达97.9%. 此外, 添加氧化铝可以显著改善钾长石陶瓷的性能, 当Al2O3添加量为5wt%时, 钾长石瓷的磨削率达到最大, 当Al2O3添加量为20wt%时, 钾长石瓷的显微硬度提高了26.9%. 并且随着氧化铝添加量的增加, 钾长石陶瓷的抗弯强度逐渐增强.  相似文献   

采用多物理场活化烧结微成形技术(Micro-FAST)制备了Y_2O_3/Cu复合材料。对复合材料的相对密度、硬度、电导率进行了测试并对其显微组织进行了观察,研究了增强相Y_2O_3的添加量对复合材料组织及性能的影响。结果表明,随着Y_2O_3含量的增加,复合材料的相对密度、硬度及电导率均表现出先增加后降低的趋势,且各性能均在添加的Y_2O_3质量分数为1.0%时达到峰值。其中,相对密度高达99.91%,显微硬度及电导率分别达到75.8 HV和50.26 MS/m,复合材料的综合性能达到最优。Y_2O_3/Cu复合材料的各项性能均明显优于纯铜烧结试样,Y_2O_3增强相的作用明显。  相似文献   

罗军明  谢娟  徐吉林  邓莉萍 《材料导报》2021,35(22):22098-22103
本实验通过超声搅拌加球磨的方式制备了镀铜石墨烯(GNPs)增强Ti6Al4V(TC4)钛基混合粉体,将粉体压制后采用微波烧结制备GNPs-Cu/Ti6Al4V复合材料.通过X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、能谱分析、显微硬度、室温压缩和摩擦磨损等测试手段,研究了石墨烯含量对钛基复合材料微观组织及力学性能的影响.研究结果表明:各石墨烯含量的钛基复合材料均出现Ti2 Cu、TiC相,当石墨烯含量为0.5%时出现GNPs相,且含量越高GNPs相的峰越高.随着石墨烯含量增加,钛基复合材料的相对密度、显微硬度、室温压缩强度和耐磨性先增加后降低,其中石墨烯含量为0.8%时复合材料的性能最好.与未加入石墨烯的Ti6Al4V基体相比,石墨烯含量为0.8%的GNPs-Cu/Ti6Al4V复合材料的显微硬度和压缩强度分别提高80.9%、69.9%.GNPs/Ti6Al4V和GNPs-Cu/Ti6Al4V复合材料的压缩强度分别比Ti6Al4V基体高33.2%和69.9%.微波烧结制备GNPs-Cu/Ti6Al4V复合材料的压缩强度分别比真空烧结和热压烧结高41.6%、22.9%.GNPs-Cu/Ti6Al4V复合材料的磨损机制为磨粒磨损与粘着磨损共存.  相似文献   

通过常压烧结法制备了气孔率为53.43%的多孔氮化硅预制体,并利用挤压铸造法制备双连续β-氮化硅增强铝基复合材料,并研究了热处理温度对复合材料显微组织和力学性能的影响。利用位错增殖强化理论和界面反应理论分析复合材料的显微组织和力学性能,结果表明,随着热处理温度的升高,铝合金基体发生位错增殖,β-氮化硅增强体和铝合金基体的界面反应程度增强,复合材料的显微硬度增高,断裂韧性降低,弯曲强度先增加后降低,复合材料断裂模式从沿晶韧性断裂转变为沿晶脆性断裂。当热处理温度为850℃,复合材料的界面层厚度约为20~50 nm,其综合力学性能达到最佳。  相似文献   

目的 利用粉末冶金工艺制备了Fe-Ni-Cu-Cr-Si-C(石墨)材料,并且研究烧结温度对材料显微组织、硬度、致密度、耐磨性的影响.方法 在1050,1100,1150℃烧结温度下烧结2 h后得到了3组样品,并利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪对样品进行组织结构分析.采用布氏硬度计和电子天平分别对样品进行硬度和密度测试,采用球盘磨损实验机对样品进行耐磨性分析.结果 随着烧结温度的升高,晶粒尺寸逐渐变大.当烧结温度从1050℃增大到1100℃时,奥氏体量增加,表明奥氏体的转变在进行,且硬度和致密度也逐渐增加.烧结温度从1100℃增大到1150℃时,硬度的增速放缓,且在1150℃时硬度达到最大值,烧结温度在1150℃时耐磨损性能最好.随着烧结温度的升高,摩擦因数逐渐减小,由于材料的硬度增大,基体更有能力支撑表面润滑膜,从而表现出更加优越的耐磨损性能.结论 在1050~1150℃范围内,烧结温度的提高可以改善显微组织,提高组织的硬度、致密性、耐磨性.  相似文献   

研究了在Cu-Ti3SiC2复合材料中添加2%体积含量碳纤维的致密度、电导率和硬度同烧结温度的关系.实验结果表明,加入碳纤维的Cu-Ti3SiC2复合材料较未加入碳纤维的Cu-Ti3SiC2复合材料的致密度和电导有少许下降,但布氏硬度有大幅度提高.随着烧结温度的上升,碳纤维增强Cu-TiSiC2复合材料的相对密度上升较快,在1 000℃时达到99.21%.电阻率随烧结温度的上升而下降;布氏硬度随着烧结温度的上升而提高,但增幅较缓.  相似文献   

为了解决铝基陶瓷型芯难于烧结和不易脱芯的难题, 在样品中加入了一定量的SiO2. 利用干压法制备了多孔氧化铝基陶瓷型芯样品, 研究了不同SiO2的添加量、烧结温度和保温时间对样品性能的影响. 研究结果表明: 经1500℃烧结保温2 h和1600℃烧结降温2 h的样品, 其线收缩率变化不大. 经1700℃烧结保温2 h的样品, 由于SiO2的挥发导致样品的气孔率升高, 抗弯强度明显降低. 经1500℃烧结保温2 h的样品综合性能最好, 当SiO2添加量为10wt%时, 样品的线收缩率为1.1%, 抗弯强度为63 MPa, 气孔率为35.5%, 体积密度为2.29 g/cm3; 当保温时间≥4 h时, 其线收缩率、抗弯强度、气孔率和体积密度变化不大, 有望成为高温型芯的候选材料.  相似文献   

采用粉末冶金法制备了石墨/碳纳米管(CNTs)增强铝基复合材料,研究了石墨和碳纳米管对复合材料摩擦磨损性能及硬度的影响,并利用扫描电子显微镜观察了复合材料的显微组织、磨损表面形貌。结果表明:仅添加石墨的复合材料摩擦系数明显降低,而磨损率、硬度有少量降低;但是将石墨和碳纳米管混杂加入到复合材料中后,材料的摩擦系数明显降低,磨损率急剧升高,且材料的硬度随碳纳米管含量增加而逐渐下降。仅添加石墨的复合材料磨损形式主要是磨粒磨损和犁沟磨损,而添加石墨和碳纳米管的复合材料主要是剥层磨损。  相似文献   

本文采用粉末冶金的方法制备了Ni-Al基自润滑复合材料并研究了烧结温度对复合材料的机械及摩擦性能的影响,同时讨论了复合材料在不同试验条件下的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明,烧结温度越高,复合材料的致密性和显微硬度越高,摩擦性能也越稳定。在摩擦磨损试验过程中,试验载荷和频率对复合材料的摩擦性能也有一定影响,在其它参数不变的情况下,载荷越大,自润滑材料的摩擦系数越小;频率越大,材料的摩擦系数越大。加入5wt.%鳞片状石墨后,Ni-Al复合材料的硬度明显降低,摩擦系数在室温和600℃有不同程度的降低。  相似文献   

基于高压扭转法制备SiCp/Al基复合材料(SiC体积分数为8.75%),采用排水法、金相显微镜、数字式显微硬度计,研究SiCp/Al基复合材料致密度、显微组织分布和硬度等性能。结果表明,基于高压扭转法可制备致密度高的SiCp/Al基复合材料,随着扭转半径的增加,SiC颗粒团聚现象减小,颗粒分布越均匀。材料的显微硬度呈先增加后减小的趋势。  相似文献   

热压烧结Si3N4陶瓷材料常应用于航天飞行器中关键耐高温零部件,但由于高硬度和低断裂韧性,其加工效率和加工表面质量难以满足制造需求。为了提高热压烧结Si3N4陶瓷旋转超声磨削加工质量,减小由于金刚石磨具磨损带来的加工误差,开展了磨具磨损行为研究。基于热压烧结Si3N4陶瓷旋转超声磨削加工实验,分析了金刚石磨具磨损形式;基于回归分析建立了金刚石磨具磨损量数学模型,揭示了加工参数及磨具参数与金刚石磨具磨损量间映射关系;并研究了磨损形式与磨具磨损量及加工表面粗糙度影响规律。结果表明:磨粒磨耗是旋转超声磨削Si3N4陶瓷用金刚石磨具最主要磨损形式,比例超过50%;主轴转速和磨粒粒度对磨具磨损量影响最为显著;且磨损量较小时,加工表面粗糙度值反而增加。以上研究可为提高旋转超声磨削Si3N4陶瓷加工精度和加工质量提供指导。  相似文献   

The structure and properties of electrodeposited nickel composites reinforced with inert particles like SiC, Si3N4 and Al2O3 were compared. A comparison was made with respect to structure, morphology, microhardness and tribological behaviour. The coatings were characterized with optical microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. The cross-sectional microscopy studies revealed that the particles were uniformly distributed in all the composites. However, a difference in the surface morphology was revealed from SEM studies. The microhardness studies revealed that Si3N4 reinforced composite showed higher hardness compared to SiC and Al2O3 composite. This was attributed to the reduced crystallite size of Ni — 12 nm compared to 16 nm (SiC) and 23 nm (Al2O3) in the composite coating. The tribological performance of these coatings studied using a Pin-on-disk wear tester, revealed that Si3N4 reinforced composite exhibited better wear resistance compared to SiC and Al2O3 composites. However, no significant variation in the coefficient of friction was observed for all the three composites.  相似文献   

Thermal stability of the TiAlN/Si3N4 nanoscale multilayered coating that was reported to show excellent hardness and toughness, has been investigated in terms of the nano-layered structure and hardness. TiAlN/Si3N4 nanoscale multilayered coatings with various thickness of Si3N4 layer were prepared by alternating deposition of TiAlN and Si3N4. In contrast to other nanoscale multilayered coating system such as AlN/CrN in which the intensity of the low angle XRD peaks decreases with increasing annealing temperature by interdiffusion between adjacent layers, the low angle XRD peak intensity of the nanoscale multilayered TiAlN/Si3N4 coatings increased after heat-treatment in an N2 atmosphere up to 800 °C. Such a thermal stability of the nano-layered structure is believed to be due to spinodal type phase separation of TiAlN and Si3N4, which increased the hardness value of the TiAlN/Si3N4 coating at high temperatures.  相似文献   

The present research work emphasizes the development of hybrid aluminum (AA6082) matrix composites (HAMCs) reinforced with different weight percentages (wt.%) of ball-milled (silicon nitride (Si3N4) + graphite (Gr)) ceramic particulates by conventional stir casting process. Si3N4 and Gr are ball milled to obtain a definite density of combined powder. The weight percentage of ball-milled ceramic powder is varied from 0 to 12 wt.% in a stage of 3%. The microstructures as well as mechanical properties of the fabricated hybrid composites are analyzed. The scanning electron micrograph reveals the uniform distribution of ball-milled (Si3N4 + Gr) ceramic particulates in the aluminum matrix. The distribution of ball-milled (Si3N4 + Gr) ceramic particulates has also been analyzed with x-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. Both the hardness and ultimate tensile strength have enhanced with a reduction in percentage elongation with increase in weight percentage of ball-milled (Si3N4 + Gr) ceramic particulates in the aluminum matrix.  相似文献   

Nanocomposite coatings of Cr-Si3N4 exhibiting low friction and high toughness were prepared on plasma nitrided AISI M2 steel substrates using an unbalanced magnetron sputtering system. The surface morphology and cross-sectional microstructure of the Cr-Si3N4 nanocomposite coatings were studied using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) techniques. Cr-Si3N4 nanocomposite coatings prepared at 48 at.% Cr exhibited a dense microstructure with nanoindentation hardness and toughness values of 18 GPa and 2.0 MPam½, respectively. Nanoscratch measurements indicated that Cr-Si3N4 nanocomposite coatings exhibited good adhesion with a maximum critical load of 150 mN. Ball-on-disc reciprocating tests at a load of 2 N showed that Cr-Si3N4 nanocomposite coatings prepared at 48 at.% Cr exhibited an average friction coefficient of 0.30. FESEM studies of the wear tracks indicated that there was no significant wear loss and the Cr-Si3N4 nanocomposite coatings exhibited only mild wear due to oxidation.  相似文献   

在湿球磨条件下以600 r/min高能球磨混粉,并将球磨后的粉末经过热压烧结-热挤压成型制备(Mg2B2O5w+ND)/ZK60镁基复合材料。研究了(Mg2B2O5w+ND)/ZK60镁基复合材料在不同载荷和转速下的干摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:干摩擦条件下,材料的摩擦系数随着滑动距离的增加会经历跑和阶段和稳定阶段;材料的质量磨损率随着转速的增大而降低,随着载荷的增大而增大,且基体镁合金的质量磨损率始终低于复合材料。随着摩擦载荷和转速的增加,材料的摩擦系数减小,然后逐渐趋于平稳。混杂增强的镁基复合材料相比基体合金具有更低的摩擦系数。  相似文献   

Cerium-doped Lu4Si2O7N2 green phosphors were synthesized by a high-temperature solid-state reaction method under nitrogen atmosphere. Compared with Ce-doped Y4Si2O7N2 phosphors, Ce-doped Lu4Si2O7N2 phosphors showed longer wavelengths of both excitation and emission, lower Stokes shift, and much stronger emission intensity. Based on the first-principles calculations of the two phosphors, the strong emission intensity originates from the large density of states. At last, the effects of Ce3+ concentration on photoluminescence were also examined.  相似文献   

利用阴极电弧离子镀技术在316L不锈钢基体上制备了CrN薄膜。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、纳米压痕仪对CrN薄膜的形貌、成分和力学性能进行了表征。为了研究Si_3N_4和52100钢对磨副材料对CrN薄膜和316L不锈钢干摩擦行为的影响,在2N、5N、8N三种载荷下,将CrN薄膜和316L不锈钢基体与Si_3N_4陶瓷球和52100钢球分别进行了往复式滑动干摩擦实验。采用扫描电子显微镜观察了磨痕的微观形貌,并对CrN薄膜和316L不锈钢基体的磨损机制进行了分析。结果表明:CrN薄膜表面平整,缺陷较少;CrN薄膜的纳米硬度约为28GPa,弹性模量约为350GPa;与Si_3N_4陶瓷球相比,CrN薄膜与52100钢球摩擦时摩擦因数相对较小(保持在0.7左右)且更加稳定;316L不锈钢的摩擦因数远大于CrN薄膜且波动较大;对磨球为Si_3N_4陶瓷球时,CrN薄膜的主要磨损机制为磨粒磨损,伴有少量的氧化和黏着磨损,316L不锈钢的磨损机制主要为磨粒磨损和塑性变形,伴有少量的氧化和黏着磨损;对磨球为52100钢球时,CrN薄膜的主要磨损机制为黏着磨损,伴有少量的氧化,316L不锈钢的磨损机制主要为黏着磨损,伴有少量的氧化和磨粒磨损。CrN薄膜与两种对磨球的磨损量均小于316L不锈钢基体的磨损量,说明CrN薄膜有效提高了基体的耐磨性。  相似文献   

Tribological properties of Fe3Al material under water environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tribological properties of Fe3Al material under water environment sliding against Si3N4 ceramic ball were studied using an Optimol SRV oscillating friction and wear tester in a ball-on-disc contact configuration. Effects of load and sliding speed on tribological properties of the Fe3Al material were investigated. The worn surfaces of the Fe3Al material were analyzed by a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Wear rate of the Fe3Al material was in the orders of 10−4 mm3 m−1 and increased with increasing load and increasing sliding speed. Friction coefficient of the material was in the range of 0.37–0.6, and decreased slightly with increasing load, but increased at first and then did not vary with increasing sliding speed. The wear mechanism of the material was transformed from microploughing to delaminating with increasing load and sliding speed.  相似文献   

Liu Changshi 《Vacuum》2004,75(1):51-55
The first level plasmons of Si in the pure Si state, in the SiO2 state and in the Si3N4 state (corresponding to bonding energy 116.95, 122.0 and 127.0 eV) were investigated directly with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy before and after 60Co radiation. The experimental results demonstrate that there existed two interfaces, one consisted of plasmons of Si in the Si3N4 and SiO2 states, while another was made of plasmons of Si in the pure Si state and in the SiO2 state. When the Si3N4-SiO2-Si samples were irradiated by 60Co, the interface at Si3N4/SiO2 was extended and at the same time the center of this interface moved towards the surface of Si3N4. The concentration of plasmon for silicon in the SiO2 state is decreased at the SiO2-Si interface, and the effects of radiation bias field on plasmons in the SiO2-Si interface are observable. Finally, the mechanism of experimental results is analyzed by the quantum effect of plasmon excited by the photoelectron.  相似文献   

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