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基于Oyane韧性断裂准则的板料成形极限预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文基于Oyane韧性断裂准则,结合数值模拟方法,预测板料不同应变状态下的极限应变.准则中的材料参数通过单向拉伸和平面应变拉伸试验确定.在模拟胀形试验获得每一时间步应力、应变值的基础上,应用韧性断裂准则预测板料的成形极限.模拟结果表明用韧性断裂准则和数值模拟相结合的方法能成功获得板料的成形极限图.  相似文献   

板料成形中韧性断裂准则应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对板料成形中的成形极限应力图、最大变薄率、成形极限图以及韧性断裂准则等预测成形极限的方法,进行了综述和分析。指出利用韧性断裂准则,不但能够较好地预测塑性差的板料成形极限,而且还能考虑应变路径的变化。利用有限元方法模拟时,韧性断裂准则既可以应用到完全耦合的弹塑性损伤模型的增量方法中,也可以应用到一步有限元逆算法中。为了准确地预测成形极限,除了提高有限元模拟精度外,应找到一种本质地反映材料性能的韧性断裂准则。  相似文献   

韧性断裂准则在高强钢板料成形中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 针对板料成形中的韧性断裂准则预测成形极限的方法,进行了综述和分析,提出了利用韧性断裂准则能够较好地预测塑性差的板料成形极限,而且还能考虑应变路径的变化.将Cockroft和Latham准则应用到高强度钢板DP590的成形预测中.对高强钢DP590进行了单向拉伸试验,获得了相应的物性参数.同时对该高强钢进行了方盒件成形试验,并进行了相应的有限元模拟.通过对高强钢的极限试验,利用有限元模拟获得了该材料的Cockroft和Latham准则常数.最后利用该常数对方盒件的拉深过程进行了缺陷的预测,模拟结果和试验结果完全吻合.表明韧性断裂准则是可以应用到高强度钢板的成形中的.  相似文献   

为揭示在断裂准则中引入Lode角的必要性,在一级轻气炮上开展了刚性平头弹侵彻7075-T651铝合金靶板试验,获得了靶板的断裂行为和弹道极限;通过圆棒试样拉伸试验和平板试样剪切试验,标定了Johnson-Cook(JC)本构模型和断裂准则参数和一种Lode角相关的断裂准则;运用ABAQUS软件,分别采用Lode角相关和无关断裂准则对试验进行了三维数值模拟,并对Lode角的影响进行了分析。结果表明:在刚性平头弹撞击下,7075-T651铝合金靶板发生剪切冲塞破坏;7075-T651铝合金的断裂与Lode参数相关,剪切带中初始失效材料的应力三轴度低于0且Lode角接近0,用圆棒拉伸试验标定的JC断裂准则高估了断裂应变;采用JC断裂准则预报的断裂行为与试验有较大差别,得到的弹道极限比试验值高大约42%;采用Lode角相关断裂准则得到的弹道极限与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

目的 结合复杂加载状态试验、塑性和损伤断裂本构模型及有限元应用,实现AA5182-O铝合金在复杂加载状态下塑性变形和损伤断裂行为的精确表征。方法 通过拉伸、剪切等试验,研究5182-O在剪切、单向拉伸、平面应变拉伸等复杂应力状态下的力学性能,应用pDrucker方程来表征其复杂加载状态下的塑性变形和损伤断裂特性。采用逆向工程方法实现pDrucker屈服方程和pDrucker断裂准则的精确标定。将标定后的塑性本构模型和损伤断裂准则应用到ABAQUS/Explicit中,预测不同试件的塑性变形和损伤断裂情况。结果 通过有限元模拟与试验结果的对比,发现有限元仿真准确预测了5182-O在复杂加载状态下的力-位移曲线和损伤断裂情况。结论 有限元模拟与试验结果的对比表明,pDrucker方程可以实现5182-O铝合金在复杂加载状态下塑性成形性能的精确表征。标定的pDrucker方程可应用于5182-O冲压成形过程的有限元分析、模具设计和工艺优化中。  相似文献   

通过自主设计的单向拉伸应力松弛装置研究7050铝合金时效成形过程中的应力松弛行为和回弹方程。结果表明:时效温度范围内7050铝合金的应力松弛曲线表现为典型的对数衰减曲线。该松弛过程可以分为应力快速下降,应力缓慢衰减和应力保持相对恒定3个阶段。随着温度的升高应力松弛极限逐渐降低。由于7050铝合金时效析出与应力松弛中位错蠕变的共同作用引起了松弛过程槛应力现象。通过解析7050铝合金应力松弛行为的特征和松弛曲线的泰勒方程得到该合金在时效温度范围内的应力松弛经验公式,以此获得该合金时效成形过程中的应力松弛方程,并利用该经验公式较好地预测时效成形后试样的回弹率。  相似文献   

研究空调内机塑料材料ABS-121H在跌落工况下的力学行为。通过准静态、动态拉伸力学实验和失效实验,分别建立了不同应变率下材料弹塑性模型及LS-DYNA软件的GISSMO失效模型,并通过整机零部件实验及仿真对材料弹塑性模型和失效模型准确性进行验证。结果表明:考虑应变率效应的材料弹塑性模型可以准确反映结构的加速度和刚度,GISSMO失效模型可以准确预测材料复杂应力状态下的断裂失效行为。该研究为空调跌落仿真的材料模型建立提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究高强钢板成形过程中的损伤破裂机理,更准确地预测高强钢的断裂失效行为,基于细观损伤力学的空穴理论,并在屈服函数就是塑性势函数的通用性假设基础上推导了各向同性的韧性断裂模型;同时引入Lode参数以反映不同应变状态下空穴形核、长大以及聚合的差异,提出了一种包含应力三轴度和Lode参数的新模型.在Hill正交各向异性屈服假设下,描述了平面应力状态下应力比值、r值与应力三轴度、等效塑性应变的关系.最后,针对DP590进行了参数确定和实验验证.结果表明:应力三轴度在高强钢韧性断裂中仍然起主导因素,在低应力三轴下,材料主要是剪切型破坏,空穴的长大及聚合方式主要受剪应力影响,高应力三轴下,空穴损伤主要受拉应力影响,断裂是韧窝形的;Lode参数决定了应力组成形式,也间接地反映了应变状态,它与应力三轴度共同决定了空穴损伤的发展.新的模型能较准确地预测DP590的成形极限.  相似文献   

薄壁构件旋压成形中经常出现构件破裂的现象,给生产制造带来了巨大的经济损失。主要综述了旋压成形中破裂预测的研究进展及破裂预测的损伤模型的发展概况,并结合笔者的研究经历将不同损伤模型耦合到各向异性Barlat89屈服准则中,通过半隐式图形返回算法进行数值化,来实现应力、应变和损伤值等变量的更新。然后将不同断裂模型应用于各向异性2219-O铝合金剪切旋压破裂的预测,获得了不同断裂模型预测损伤值偏离其阈值不同程度的原因。最后展望了旋压成形破裂预测中仍然存在的难题和挑战。  相似文献   

为校验Lode参数相关断裂准则的有效性,在一级轻气炮上开展了直径5.9 mm的6061-T6511H铝合金圆柱杆撞击刚性靶的Taylor试验,撞击速度范围为163.4~327.7 m/s,得到了镦粗和剪切开裂两种变形和断裂模式。为表征6061-T6511H铝合金的力学行为,开展了多应力状态、多温度下的材料性能测试,结合试验结果和有限元计算标定了修正的Johnson-Cook本构模型和修正的Johnson-Cook断裂准则及一种新近提出的Lode参数相关的断裂准则。最后,在ABAQUS/Explicit中建立了三维有限元模型,采用标定的Lode参数相关和无关的断裂准则开展了数值Taylor撞击试验。结果表明,Lode参数相关的断裂准则可对6061-T6511H铝合金Taylor杆的断裂行为给出合理预报,而Lode参数无关的断裂准则过高估计了材料的延性没能预报到相关断裂行为。  相似文献   

Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂纹脆性断裂的最小J_2准则   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
实际工程的结构中,裂纹多处于复合型状态,因此复合型裂纹断裂的理论研究有着更为重要的理论意义和实用价值。本文以Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂纹为研究对象,将偏应力张量的第二不变量2J作为判定依据,预测了裂纹起裂的角度以及开裂荷载,并与一些实验数据进行了比较,符合得也较好。计算结果进一步表明了在裂纹起裂引起的应变能转化过程中,起主要作用的是形状改变比能这一事实,由此得出了另一个结论是在裂纹尖端,平行于裂纹方向的应力级数展开式中非奇异项对裂纹的开裂角度以及开裂荷载是有影响的。  相似文献   

A fracture mechanics based analysis of interface bond failure is presented. The bond edge is regarded as an interface crack front loaded under combined mode 1, 2 and 3 loading, and results are obtained for the critical stress for initiation of bond failure and the location along the bond edge where failure is initiated. A numerical procedure is formulated to study the propagation of the interface crack following initiation. Assuming that the crack propagates at the interface, a criterion for propagation is formulated, and it is shown that the crack front shape predicted is consistent with the basic interface fracture mechanics assuming quasi-static crack propagation. Results for the bond strength are presented for different fracture criteria and different bond shapes.  相似文献   

Calibration procedures for a computational model of ductile fracture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A recent extension of the Gurson constitutive model of damage and failure of ductile structural alloys accounts for localization and crack formation under shearing as well as tension. When properly calibrated against a basic set of experiments, this model has the potential to predict the emergence and propagation of cracks over a wide range of stress states. This paper addresses procedures for calibrating the damage parameters of the extended constitutive model. The procedures are demonstrated for DH36 steel using data from three tests: (i) tension of a round bar, (ii) mode I cracking in a compact tension specimen, and (iii) shear localization and mode II cracking in a shear-off specimen. The computational model is then used to study the emergence of the cup-cone fracture mode in the neck of a round tensile bar. Ductility of a notched round bar provides additional validation.  相似文献   

On the failure of cracks under mixed-mode loads   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Fracture of plates containing a crack under mixed-mode, I and II, loading conditions is investigated. Fracture mechanisms are first examined from fracture surface morphology to correlate with the macroscopic fracture behavior. Two distinct features are observed and they are typical of shear and tensile types of failure. From this correlation, a fracture criterion based on the competition of the attainment of a tensile fracturing stress σ_C and a shear fracturing stress τ_C at a fixed distance around the crack tip is proposed. Material ductility is incorporated using τ_C_C determined from classical material failure theories. The type of fracture is predicted by comparing τ_max_max at r=r_C for a given mixed mode loading to the material ductilityτ_C/σ_C , i.e. τ_max_max)<(τ_C_C) for tensile type of fracture and (τ_max_max) r (τ_C/ σ_C) for shear type of fracture. It is found that, for typical engineering structural metals with certain ductility, (1) crack propagation initiates according to the maximum hoop stress criterion when the the mode mixity is near mode I and according to the maximum shear stress criterion when the mode mixity is near mode II, and (2) the transition of the failure from tensile to shear type can be predicted by the proposed criterion. For brittle materials the maximum hoop (opening) stress always reaches the tensile fracturing stress before the maximum shear stress reaches the shear fracturing stress of the material at a crack tip. Therefore, specimens made of brittle materials tend to fail under the maximum hoop stress criterion, as demonstrated by Erdogan and Sih (1963) and others. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although the testing method for fracture toughness KIC has been implemented for decades, the strict specimen size requirements make it difficult to get the accurate KIC for the high‐toughness materials. In this study, different specimen sizes of high‐strength steels were adopted in fracture toughness testing. Through the observations on the fracture surfaces of the KIC specimen, it is shown that the fracture energy can be divided into 2 distinct parts: (1) the energy for flat fracture and (2) the energy for shear fracture. According to the energy criterion, the KIC values can be acquired by small‐size specimens through derivation. The results reveal that the estimated toughness value is consistent with the experimental data. The new method would be widely applied to predict the fracture toughness of metallic materials with small‐size specimens.  相似文献   

A modification of the classical theory of brittle fracture of solids is offered by relating discrete nature of crack propagation to the fractal geometry of the crack. The new model incorporates all previously considered theories of fracture processes, in particular the Griffith [Griffith AA. The phenomenon of rupture and flow in solids. Philos Trans Roy Soc Lond 1921;A221:163-398] theory, its contemporary extension known as LEFM and the most recently developed Quantized Fracture Mechanics (QFM) by Pugno and Ruoff [Pugno N, Ruoff RS. Quantized fracture mechanics. Philos Mag 2004;84(27):2829-45]. Using an equivalent smooth blunt crack for a given fractal crack, we find that assuming that radius of curvature of the blunt crack is a material property, the crack roughens while propagating. In other words, fractal dimension at the crack tip is a monotonically increasing function of the nominal crack length, i.e., the presence of the Mirror-Mist-Hackle phenomenon is analytically demonstrated.  相似文献   

采用热模拟方法,模拟不同形态的针状铁素体、板条状铁素体和魏氏组织的试样,测定试样的断裂参量,发现不同形态伯铁素体具有不同的解理断裂应力σf,而且韧性高的σf也高;断口分析结果也表明,不同的铁素体具有不同的断口特征。低温下解理断裂的发生满足两个条件;切应力达到临界的切应力;正应力达到解理断裂应力。  相似文献   

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (Dupont Tradename Teflon) is a common polymer with many structural applications including sheet, gaskets, bearing pads, piston rings and diaphragms. The interest here developed because this polymer is being considered as the major component of a newly proposed `reactive' material with a possible application as a projectile to replace common inertial projectiles. Little mechanical property data is available on this material since it is commonly used only as a coating material with the dominant properties being its low friction coefficient and high application temperature. Previous work (Joyce, 2003) on commercially available sheet PTFE material has demonstrated the applicability of the normalization method of ASTM E1820 (1999), the elastic-plastic fracture toughness standard to develop fracture toughness properties of this material over a range of test temperatures and loading rates. Additional work on the aluminum filled `reactive' derivative of the basic PTFE polymer (Joyce and Joyce, 2004) has also recently been completed. In this work, standard ASTM E1820 fracture toughness specimens machined from sintered pucks of PTFE were tested at four test temperatures and at a range of test rates to determine the J Ic and J resistance curve characteristics of the PTFE material. The major results are that while crack extension is difficult at standard laboratory loading rates at ambient (21 °C) temperature or above, for temperatures slightly below ambient or for elevated loading rates, a rapid degradation of fracture resistance occurs and cracking occurs in a ductile or even nearly brittle manner.  相似文献   

The irradiation effect on the temperature dependence of the brittle fracture toughness of reactor pressure-vessel steels is simulated using the probabilistic model for the fracture-toughness prediction, which was proposed by the authors earlier. The paper analyzes the irradiation effect on the parameters controlling the plastic deformation and brittle fracture of reactor pressure-vessel steels. We consider the mechanisms of microcrack nucleation in nonirradiated, irradiated, and post-irradiation-annealed reactor pressure-vessel steels.  相似文献   

Fracture resistance of 8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anin situ technique for the assessment of fracture resistance employing double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens was developed in the present study. The side-grooved DCB specimens were loaded with pure bending moments in a specially designed and fabricated test fixture which went inside the specimen chamber of a scanning electron microscope. The study as conducted on a 8 mol% fully stabilized cubic phase yttria (Y2O3) stabilized zirconia (YSZ) ceramic. The powder processed sheets were sintered at 1600°C for 2 h in a zirconia tube furnace. The mode I applied energy release rate, GI was determined for both pure YSZ and treated YSZ. Two sets of experiments were conducted for the complete characterization of the ceramics. Three fracture toughness values were determined for the pure and treated ceramics, viz. (i) at the onset of the crack initiation,G ic, (ii) at the arrest of a subcritical crack, Gia and (iii) at the onset of the fast fracture,G if. Two analyses of the experimental data were carried out, viz. method of extrapolation and statistical analysis. In case of the pure YSZ, a transgranular mode of the stable crack growth was identified to be predominant. The porous coating treatment appeared to have positive effects as the crack initiation resistance increased due to electrode layers. The stable crack growth behaviours of the ceramics were investigated by monitoring the crack growth velocity as a function of appliedG values. The results obtained were of direct significance in designing and fabrication of SOFC stacks.  相似文献   

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