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关维 《上海包装》2003,(3):46-46
青青的草坪,潺潺的流水,高高的香樟,白白的雕塑。这里是美的世界,这里有美的事业。美在这里萌发,美在这里驰骋。这是上海家化技术中心的环境。在这幢豪华大厦内,有一层楼面是工业设计中心。整个大厦处处显示无限的生机,展现永远的辉煌。  相似文献   

韩红霞 《硅谷》2010,(19):190-190,160
网络技术已渗透到社会生活的每一个角落。WWW的出现产生了HTML。在WWW中发布HTML文档,大多数信息还是静态的,而且要求服务器响应用户的交互。后来出现了DHTML语言。虚拟现实是计算机模拟的三维环境,用户可以走进这个环境并操纵系统中的对象。虚拟现实最重要也是最诱人之处是其实时性和交互性,这样出现了VRML语言。电子商务在互联网的广泛应用又产生了XML。网络继续以很快的速度在发展,将来的网络会以比现在的网络文档更灵活的方式提供更多的信息。  相似文献   

北方初春的早晨。昨晚下了一场雨加雪,地面变得湿滑不堪。 在一个十字路口发生了一起车祸。一辆装着废品的三轮车为了冲过一个红灯加速行驶,与路口驶来的一辆转向的出租车发生了碰撞。由于地面湿滑,刹车不及,三轮车司机被重重地摔飞出去数米远。一动不动的趴在地上,看样子受伤非常严重。他收来的废品因为三轮车的侧倾而散落出来,铺满了半条街面。  相似文献   

尼康就泰国洪灾发布的第三次公告尼康于201年1月7日发布的官方公告(翻译)本公告向您说明尼康(泰国)公司受洪灾的最新情况。尼康(泰国)是尼康集团设在泰国中部省份大城Rojana工业园的子公司。1.受损所有建筑物的1层一直淹没在水中。自10月6日起工厂已暂停运营。没有人员伤亡的报告。尼康(泰国)所在的Rojana工业园的水位已经比测量的最高点下降了40cm。  相似文献   

正俄罗斯正在研制新一代潜艇主动隐形材料。该消息得到了圣彼得堡克雷洛夫院士中央科研所的证实。相关工作正由该科研机构负责。据俄罗斯《消息报》近日报道,潜艇隐形目前主要依靠所谓的被动反声呐涂层。涂层的主要材质是橡胶。但覆盖这种涂层的潜艇在频率低于1千赫兹的声呐面前仍然无所遁形。  相似文献   

韩雪梅 《硅谷》2010,(19):18-18,9
随着社会的进步,信息技术的发展,移动接收成为发展方向之一。比如移动电话,它现在的普及程度已经不低于固定电话。广播电视虽然有很长的历史,但移动接收的进展却不尽人意。即使是调频广播,在汽车高速行驶中的接收也往往遇到困难。所以广播电视的移动接收引起广电界的重视。  相似文献   

提到武夷岩茶,很多人会混淆它的概念。武夷岩茶不是单一的一种茶的名字,是一类茶的总称。这类茶有多少个品种,从古到今不下干种。常见的有二百多个品种。这其中,最出名是大红袍。武夷岩茶根据茶树所处的位置,分成三大类:正岩茶、半岩茶、洲茶。正岩茶指武夷岩中心地带所产的茶叶。半岩茶指武夷岩边缘地带所产的茶叶,其岩韵略逊于正岩茶。洲茶泛指崇溪、九曲溪、黄柏溪溪边靠武夷岩两岸所产的茶叶。武夷岩茶  相似文献   

李忠东 《质量探索》2008,(12):62-63
日本买个"福袋"装福气日本人是按新历过年的,新年是他们最盛大的节日。家家户户都要用松柏装饰房屋,门口挂着象征长寿的竹子和表示成功的蕨条。每年的12月29日至1月3日,定为全国休假日。12月31日是"大晦日",也就是除夕日。除夕晚上称之为"除夜",全家人围着火炉"守岁",静坐聆听"除夜之钟",祈求神灵托福,送走烦恼的旧年,迎来美好的新年,即为"初诣"。到午夜时,城乡的每座庙宇分别敲钟108下,以此来驱除邪恶。钟声停歇,意味新年的来到。人们才离座上床睡觉,希望做一个好梦。"100"与"8"这两个数字,在日本代表幸福。  相似文献   

1.王宗立说:"每天早上游泳(输入正面潜意识)是他成为亿万富豪的关键"。在游泳过程中,输入正面潜意识,使其每天都保持巅峰状态。2、最重要的是要养成习惯,立即行动。感动之后是行动。一点总比没有好,晚做总比没做好。3、要养成运动的习惯,要养成早起的习惯。运动能激发无限的魅力,会使一个人感觉起来非常自信。所以我要自己保持持续的运动状态。让自己一早起来就很巅峰的状态。很多情况是越文明,生活越糜烂。而你看王永庆,台湾的经营之神,虽然年龄高达86岁,但还是每天5点半起床,跑5000公尺,多年来一直坚持。朝气——POWER。能量就是魅力,气宇非凡。早起,不要为自己找理由,什么我没休息够,我昨天好累啊,等等。  相似文献   

杨熙 《湖南包装》2011,(4):38-39
一、品牌的情感特点 香烟是消费品,体现使用价值。人们抽根香烟,不仅仅是为了满足感官这么简单。卷烟是有品牌的,品牌是可以有感情的。当消费者抽另一种牌子的烟时,他已经与所抽牌子的烟产生了情感。而且是品牌自身所具有的情感。  相似文献   

The lubrication of head / disk interlaces in magnetic hard disk drives by physically processed thin films was investigated. Sputtered gold films showed no useful endurance as a protective / lubricating film. Ion-plated carbon films and hydrogenerated carbon films (i-carbon) were effective for preventing tribological damages in magnetic recording media, while amorphous carbon films (a-carbon) were ineffective. The longest durability was found for i-carbons. Raman scattering showed that i-carbons contained much sp3 component, and microindentation test signified that i-carbon films were twice as hard as amorphous carbon films. As a protective film, i-carbon seems very promising, but hard materials should be selected as heads to avoid quick wear of the head. Sufficient performance of i-carbon films may lead to application of thin solid lubricants to hard disk drives.  相似文献   

本文研究了磁光材料保护膜AIN和AISiN薄膜材料,讨论了它们的性能与溅射工艺参数的关系,研究了AIN及AlSiN薄膜对磁光盘材料的保护作用,研究同时表明:AIN及AlSiN保护膜能对磁光材料起干涉增强磁光克尔效应作用。  相似文献   

超薄磁盘保护膜的制备技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
类金刚石薄膜和氮化硅薄膜都是性能很好的绝缘材料,可以用于对磁盘进行保护,在本文中主要讨论了它们各自的制备方法.随着巨磁阻读写磁头(giant magneto-resistive heads)技术的引入,磁盘的存储密度以每年100%的速度在增加,这就要求磁盘保护膜的厚度要尽量的小,所以对制备方法有一定的要求.对类金刚石磁盘保护膜,可以使用等离子体磁控溅射沉积、磁过滤阴极弧沉积、等离子体化学气相沉积来制备;对氮化硅磁盘保护膜,可以使用射频反应溅射沉积来制备.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of ultra‐thin amorphous carbon films used as protective coatings for magnetic storage devices were investigated by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM). Diamond‐tipped cantilevers were used in order to generate scratches with residual scratch depths of only a few Angstroms and even below. The presented method simulates mechanical strains at the head‐disk interface. A driftcompensating image subtracting technique allows the visualisation of these ultra‐shallow scratches and enables the mechanical characterisation of only few Nanometer films widely independent from the hardness of the substrate. The scratch resistance as it is defined here correlates well with the mass density and the sp3 content of the investigated films.  相似文献   

Humidity influences the tribological performance of the head-disk interface in magnetic data storage devices. In this work we compare the uptake of water of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-CHy) and carbon nitride (a-CNx) films, widely used as protective overcoats in computer disk drive systems, with two types of amorphous non-hydrogenated carbon (a-C and a-Csp2) films, and fullerene-like carbon nitride (FL-CNx) films. Carbon films were deposited on quartz crystal substrates by reactive dc magnetron sputtering in Ar/N2 discharges. After deposition, some of the films were coated with a 2-nm-thick layer of Z-tetraol, a lubricant used in hard disk devices. A quartz crystal microbalance placed in a vacuum chamber was used to measure the adsorption of water at room temperature and at pressures of water corresponding to relative humidities in the range RH = 0 to 90%. Water adsorption and desorption is fast, indicating that equilibrium with ambient humidity is reached on time scales of minutes, much faster than the time scales for fluctuations in ambient humidity. The amount of water adsorbed on the non-lubricated amorphous carbon films is significantly higher than that on the fullerene-like films. The presence of the lubricant influences water adsorption but its impact differs on different carbon films.  相似文献   

Wu FH  Shieh HP  Huang DR  Milster TD 《Applied optics》2004,43(29):5498-5502
A volumetric optical disk that has multiple transparent films with optical switching layers is used as a recording medium to increase the number of recording layers. In the disk the optical switching layer is adapted to reduce decay of laser energy and increase reading and recording sensitivity. Well-defined marks of approximately 100-nm depth can be placed precisely on the transparent films by a focused laser beam. Writing and reading of a four-layer recordable disk, fabricated by molding and spin bonding, have been demonstrated experimentally. The volumetric disk can achieve a high recording capacity with conventional optical pickups.  相似文献   

Blue/DVD/CD compatible optical head   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Katayama R  Komatsu Y 《Applied optics》2008,47(22):4045-4054
Compatibility with Digital Versatile Disc and Compact Disc has been demonstrated for two options of high-density optical disk systems using a blue laser diode. Option 1 (HD DVD) employs a 0.65 numerical aperture objective lens and a 0.6 mm thick protective layer disk, while Option 2 (Blu-ray Disc) employs a 0.85 numerical aperture objective lens and a 0.1 mm thick protective layer disk. An optical head has three laser diodes whose wavelengths are 405 nm, 660 nm, and 785 nm. A spherical aberration caused by the difference in the protective layer thickness of the disk is corrected by an objective lens magnification change, while the numerical aperture of the objective lens is controlled by a wavelength-selective aperture. Experimental results have shown that Option 1 is more preferable, but Option 2 is also acceptable from the viewpoint of the compatibility.  相似文献   

Takeda Y  Umezawa T  Chiba K 《Applied optics》1999,38(35):7282-7287
An optical contour mapping with a laser-interference method was carried out to evaluate the topographical deformation of optical memory disks. The dynamics of the deformation in a manufacturing process was studied. Reflective films and a protective resin coating increased the dishing, irrespective of the original shape of a substrate. A bonding process decreased the dishing and contributed to mechanical stability that lasted for a long period in daily use. In the case of a 0.6-mm-thick substrate, as with a DVD disk, the large dishing of the single substrate was suppressed by the bonding to less than 100 mum. In addition, it was shown that distortions arising from the molding process remained in the final product and that the initial process should be carefully controlled.  相似文献   

The paper deals with analysis of morphology and electrical properties of (nano)composite films. It describes a computer simulation tool for morphological and transport analysis of the films. Two models of composite structures are prepared — a hard disk and soft disk model. Their morphology is studied by the covariance, Quadrat Counts method, and Voronoi tessellation. Some specific characteristics of the methods are introduced. The electric properties are studied by the Monte Carlo simulations via tunnel charge transport. The results for d.c. conductivity as well as in case of changing voltage are done.  相似文献   

Due to the lateral size reduction of stored bits on a hard disk, the head‐to‐media spacing has to be reduced as well as the thickness of the protecting carbon overcoats. In order to obtain a thickness in the 2 nm region a new process technology is needed. In the present paper, a high current pulsed arc (HCA) technique is presented as an innovative source for ultra thin carbon coating for future industrial disk production. The hardness and scratching resistance of these films are remarkable higher than conventional magnetron sputtered films. With the HCA‐Source we are able to produce pinhole‐free carbon films with thicknesses down to 2 nm. The deposition rate is 0.07 – 0.3 nm per pulse, therefore the coating time is below 2 sec per disk. The magnetic layer is left undamaged during the HCA deposition process. These aspects are very important for industrial disk production efficiency. Strong particle reduction due to a magnetic filter tube is confirmed by repeatable glide tests. Particles are confined in the magnetic filter tube and do not reach the substrate. In several important tests we showed that the HCA source is capable of producing carbon layers within a realistic disk production environment with a yield over 90 % which proved to be comparable to current magnetron sputtered overcoats.  相似文献   

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