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节约能源和缓解高峰用电的紧张状况是制冷空调领域的专家非常关注的问题,采用蓄能系统是一种行之有效的方法.制冷潜能储存系统是以H2O/LiBr为工质的蓄能系统,通过分析其工作原理、过程、热力性并与现有其它蓄能系统进行经济性比较得知:该蓄能系统不仅能起到平衡电网峰谷负荷即移峰填谷的作用,且具有其它蓄能系统所无法比拟的优点:如蓄能密度大,当性能系数COP为4.3时,蓄能密度为400kJ/kg;可以利用各种能源如太阳能、地热能及工业废热等作为系统的驱动热源;系统简单;工作介质对环境友好,无任何污染;技术成熟;在经济性方面具有优势,投资少,在10年使用时间内的总收益是冰蓄冷空调系统的7倍.  相似文献   

李革  曲晓萍 《制冷学报》2003,24(4):59-62
根据目前我国能源和用电的现状,结合国际上对制冷与空调发展的环保和节能要求,针对我国住宅空调的现状及发展,并与目前较多采取的空调系统方式相比,提出了一种新型、节能、环保的蓄能空调系统——制冷潜能储存系统。文中介绍了其工作原理,且对系统进行了经济性分析、对其性能指标及特点进行了说明,并与目前制冷空调系统所采用的各种蓄能系统进行了比较,指出制冷潜能储存系统是一种非常有发展前景的节能型空调系统。  相似文献   

基于我国氨系统冷库的安全现状和发展趋势,从冷库设备陈旧、搬迁困难等方面分析了冷库现存的安全隐患。针对我国的冷库行业特点,提出了冷库设计应标准化和冷库系统应高度自动化;针对安全管理,建议优化监测点和监测预警技术;针对泄漏处置,建议物理和化学方法相结合的无害处理方式。为我国氨系统冷库的改造和新建提供有效的技术方案。  相似文献   

本文建立了蓄冷空调系统经济分析的计算模型,并以某办公楼为例,分别计算了水/溴化锂潜能蓄冷空调系统、冰蓄冷空调系统及常规空调系统的初投资、运行费用及经济指标.计算结果显示,在同样的工作条件、电价结构及银行贷款利率情况下,水/溴化锂潜能蓄冷空调具有一些明显的优点.例如,对该办公楼在蓄冷率均为0.7时进行经济分析计算,得到水/溴化锂潜能蓄冷空调系统初投资增加额为347万元,比冰蓄冷系统的初投资增加额少253万元;年费用节约量为50万元,比冰蓄冷系统年运行费用节约量多22万元;静态投资回收期为7年,比冰蓄冷系统静态投资回收期短13年.所以可以说,水/溴化锂潜能蓄冷空调系统具有更好的经济可行性.  相似文献   

1 引言 北京二商集团东方友谊食品配送公司是冷库行业规模较大的国有冷藏企业,以冻肉经营、冷库租赁为主营业务,年销售额在2.9亿元,拥有4.58万吨(21.5万立方米)西南郊冷库和11000平方米的肉类水产品交易市场,年交易额达到20多亿元,是北京及华北地区最大的冷冻食品集散中心,公司为冷冻食品供应商和销售商搭建了交易平台,从而使公司成为专业的冷链物流企业具备了得天独后的发展条件。  相似文献   

目前,欧美等发达国家采用氨为制冷剂的冷库(以下简称冷库)自动化控制程度很高,已经接近100%,而我国冷库的自动化控制程度却相对较低,部分的具有自动控制功能的冷库也仅处于半自动控制的运行状态。本文通过对目前国内冷库自动化控制使用现状的介绍,和对现阶段冷库自动化控制系统中容易失控的环节的分析,简要总结了冷库自动控制系统无法正常运行的主要原因。  相似文献   

火电厂烟气脱硫(FGD)是重要的洁净煤技术之一。发达国爱主要采用以石炭石为脱硫剂的钙法,投资大,成本高,石膏无利用价值,不适合我国的国情。作提出了一种以合成氨为基础的新氨法(NADS),回收烟气中的SO2,生产硫酸铵、磷酸铵或硝酸铵化肥,并联产工业浓硫酸,已在2.5万kW机组试验成功,建立了计算机模拟软件。与现有同类技术相比,NADS可节省投资70%以上,减少运行成本70%以上。中给出了一个20万kW机组和一个30万kW机组的经济分析,NADS的投资分别为6000万元和8000万元,投资回收期分别为8年和5年。该技术在我国具有十分巨大的应用前景。  相似文献   

李韧 《冷藏技术》2006,(3):32-34
目前,在中、大型冷库系统中,采用氨作制冷剂仍占据98%以上。其主要原因.一是氨制冷剂具有其它制冷剂无法替代的优点,如:具有较好的热力性质和热物理性质,特别是目前,冷库的使用温度一般在-60℃~0℃之间的较为多数。对氨制冷剂在此范围内使用,发挥其优点及特性更加明显。目前,国际社会环保意识越来越高,对消耗破坏臭氧层物质或对环境造成热效应的R12、R13、R502等等氯氟烃类制冷剂停止使用,故此派生出许多新制冷剂虽然大部分新制冷剂可以满足要求,但由于价格及其他要求,远远不能使我国迅速利用到工程上。针对目前我们的国情及实力,大型空调及分体空调小冷库基本采用R22及410A。而大中型冷库系统均基本采用氨。除有传热效果好,流动阻力小外,更重要的是氨对臭氧层破坏(ODP值)程度和使全球变暖(CWP值)的值均为零,所以使得发展中国家及发达国家大中型制冷装置中,使用氨作制冷剂的已占80~90%。正因氨的广泛及大量使用,氨的负面问题就应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

对重庆市某科研教学楼进行冰蓄冷空调系统的设计与分析,并与该科研教学楼现在实际运行的常规空调系统进行经济性比较,分析了初投资、运行费用及投资回收期。和常规空调系统相比,冰蓄冷空调系统多投资约97万元,年运行费节省约16.1万元/a,投资回收期为6a;减少装机容量约40.86%;减少配电量约38.58%。该楼采用商业用电政策比采用居民用电政策节约更多的运行费用(居民用电与商业用电峰谷电价比均为3:1,峰谷电价差分别为0.54元/kWh,0.82元/kWh),并使投资回收期减少一年。  相似文献   

张军荣  何欣欣 《冷藏技术》2013,(1):37-38,42
氨作为一种自然制冷工质,有着众多的优点(如ODP为0、GWP为0、价格廉、能效高、传热性能好等),大型冷库基本采用以氨为制冷工质进行制冷。然而大型冷库制冷系统贮氨量很高,这给冷库安全和维护提出更高的要求。本文将结合国内外的经验探讨一下,大型冷库如何减少系统氨的充注量。  相似文献   

为实现移峰填谷,在中央空调系统改造中,设计人员越来越重视水蓄冷技术的应用。本文针对常规水蓄冷中央空调系统存在的弊端,提出直接蓄冷混合供冷的水蓄冷中央空调系统。分析结果表明,利用峰谷电价差值,合理地匹配水蓄冷系统与中央空调系统,能耗成本可节约15%~20%。但过高地要求峰谷电价比,并不能明显提高系统的经济性,反而会制约水蓄冷技术的应用。本文的分析将为水蓄冷系统的实际工程应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The use of thermal solar energy systems in combination with thermal driven sorption chillers for climatisation gains increasing influence. For solar assisted cooling a backup system is necessary for times when no solar energy is available. Absorption chillers driven by a combination of thermal collectors and conventional furnaces, which supply the driving heat in times of no insolation, suffer from an abrupt drop of the system efficiency (COP) during the operation change. This drop in COP can be avoided by installing a combined heat buffer and storage feature. Various possibilities of heat storage features are compared. An experimental setup of a high-efficient absorption chiller which facilitates the supply of a constant load of coldness at constantly high COP in spite of periodically available driving heat is presented.  相似文献   

能效标识制度作为能效标准的实施和延伸,以其投入少、见效快、对消费者影响大、节能与环保效果显著的优点,成为世界各国普遍采取的一项节能管理措施。制冷空调产品属于典型的使用量大、应用面广、节能潜力和技术提升空间大的用能产品,对其实行能效标识管理意义重大,效果显著。本文重点介绍我国5类制冷空调产品能效标识制度实施情况,并简要介绍国外部分国家能效标识实施情况,旨在借鉴成功经验,推动我国能效标识制度取得更大进展。  相似文献   

The use of cool storage with conventional air conditioning (A/C) plants has the potential for reducing peak power demand. In addition, if the operation period of the cooling plant overlaps the period of the day when the ambient temperatures are low, the overall electrical energy consumption can be reduced. This saving is substantial for an air-cooled system. An engineering analysis is presented for determining the cooling plant size, its optimum operation schedule, the reduction in energy/ power requirements and cost-benefit of using a cool storage with an A/C plant. An office building in Kuwait has been used as an example case study.  相似文献   

It is estimated that the world will need to double its energy supply by 2050. Nanotechnology has opened up new frontiers in materials science and engineering to meet this challenge by creating new materials, particularly carbon nanomaterials, for efficient energy conversion and storage. Comparing to conventional energy materials, carbon nanomaterials possess unique size-/surface-dependent (e.g., morphological, electrical, optical, and mechanical) properties useful for enhancing the energy-conversion and storage performances. During the past 25 years or so, therefore, considerable efforts have been made to utilize the unique properties of carbon nanomaterials, including fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphene, as energy materials, and tremendous progress has been achieved in developing high-performance energy conversion (e.g., solar cells and fuel cells) and storage (e.g., supercapacitors and batteries) devices. This article reviews progress in the research and development of carbon nanomaterials during the past twenty years or so for advanced energy conversion and storage, along with some discussions on challenges and perspectives in this exciting field.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing, also known as three-dimensional (3D) printing technology, has recently emerged as a promising fabrication technology for a variety of applications with diverse complex architectures, as it allows for simple printing of desired pattern, fast prototyping, reduced fabrication process and low cost. As an important type of 3D printing technology, direct ink writing (DIW) endows the electrochemical energy storage devices (EESDs) with excellent electrochemical performance with high areal energy density and excellent rate capability owing to enhanced ion/electron transportation and surface kinetics induced by the designed patterns and device architecture. In view of the current infancy and urgency, as well as the lack of in-depth discussion, we critically overview the DIW 3D printing technology for EESDs devices in terms of materials selectivity principle for ink formulation and rheology, technical challenges (design principles and optimization strategies) and various EESDs applications in a comprehensive yet concise fashion. In this review, firstly, we introduce the typical features of DIW 3D printing technology. Subsequently, we discuss the design and optimization strategies towards several key parameters of DIW, including printable ink formulation, printing process and post treatment, device configuration and electrode pattern, porosity and tortuosity, as well as the package. Thereafter, we summarize the advances and recent progress of various EESDs devices fabricated by DIW technology, including conventional lithium/sodium ion batteries, newly emerged lithium sulfur/selenide/oxygen batteries, lithium/sodium-metal batteries, Ni-Fe batteries, zinc-air batteries, zinc ion batteries and supercapacitors, with a detailed analysis of rational design mechanism of each EESD. At last, the remaining challenges and research orientations in this booming field are proposed to motivate the future research and development of 3D printed EESDs.  相似文献   

结合水蓄能的地源热泵系统经济性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍水蓄能与地源热泵系统的结合在某工程项目的应用设计。分析设计日逐时负荷,提出水蓄能系统的运行策略,通过对初投资及运行费用的经济性分析发现,结合水蓄能的地源热泵系统能源利用率高,运行费用低,对同类工程有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

R. Weber  V. Dorer 《Vacuum》2008,82(7):708-716
To reach high solar energy fractions for building heat supply, several seasonal thermal storage techniques have been developed and tested so far. Besides ground storage techniques, thermo-chemical techniques with high heat storage capacity and virtually no heat losses in the storage state are most promising. This paper deals with closed sorption systems and focuses on the concept with sodium hydroxide (NaOH)-water as the working pair. In an experimental prototype system setup, vapor pressure and boiling temperatures of highly concentrated sodium lye, as well as heat charge and discharge processes of the storage under low-pressure conditions were analyzed or verified. The storage capacity is limited by the temperature levels of the produced heat and by the solidification of the NaOH lye. The results for the single-stage prototype show that for charging the storage, solar heat input at 150 °C is needed, and that, compared to conventional water storage, the system-volume-related heat capacity could be increased by a factor of 6 for low-temperature space heating (40 °C) and by a factor of 3 for domestic hot water supply (65-70 °C). Future systems shall be built as a double-stage system in one integral vacuum container, containing solution tanks, heat exchangers, piping, and pumps.  相似文献   

根据太阳能混合吸收式制冷循环的特点,提出一种可用于该循环的新型高效蓄能系统。分析该系统的工作原理及特性,并与传统的蓄热方式和蓄冷方式蓄能系统进行性能比较分析,在相同蓄冷量情况下,新型蓄能系统的蓄能体积是传统系统蓄能体积的1/10以下,从而为促进蓄能装置小型化、推动小型太阳能空调的商品化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

With the emerging demand of multifunctional optoelectronic devices, the integration of electrochromism and energy storage functionalities within a single platform has become a research frontier in the electrochromic community. However, the conventional electrochromic function is inherently contradictory to the energy storage function in electrochromic devices. In this review, we firstly introduced the working principles and device configurations of the rudimentary electrochromic energy storage devices (EESDs), where the origin of the contradiction between electrochromic and energy storage functionalities is comprehensively introduced. We then reviewed the current status and applications of EESDs, where we hope to clearly reveal the developing trends of the EESDs. Finally, we proposed our perspectives on the design strategy of zinc anode-based electrochromic devices for overcoming the contradiction between electrochromism and energy storage of EESDs.  相似文献   

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