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郭文佳  王向军 《计量学报》2006,27(Z1):38-41
探讨了在野外实时图像监测中,如何能够准确地检测出突然出现在地平线附近的爆点目标这一问题.提出了一种基于帧间实时差分处理的新的系统图像处理算法.该算法采用帧间差分,对多项图像处理操作进行算法整合,在两帧图像采集期间完成处理任务.此外,算法中为排除野外环境的干扰,提出了依据时空相关性检测的帧间多级差分方法.该方法的特点是能够排除空旷无人地区各种自然因素的干扰,且处理速度快.实验表明了该方法的实时性和有效性.  相似文献   

为实现车辆行驶跑偏量的高精度实时测量,针对测量误差大、重复性低的问题,运用GPS-RTK(卫星实时差分定位)技术进行车辆行驶跑偏量测量,将移动站接收机置于待测车辆上实时接收车辆位置信息,通过坐标转换软件转化为平面坐标计算跑偏量,同时建立车辆速度波动误差修正模型,将修正后的结果与传统陀螺仪检测结果进行对比。结果表明:车速的波动是导致车辆行驶跑偏量测量误差大、重复性低的主要因素,通过车辆速度波动修正模型修正后的百米跑偏量结果误差5 cm,且离散程度明显减小,提高检测的可重复性,实现车辆行驶跑偏量的高精度实时检测。  相似文献   

根据巡航导弹实时航迹规划时效性强、弹载计算设备的运算速度和内存容量有限等特点,将巡航导弹的机动性能约束与规划空间的划分结合起来,构造了一个较小的搜索空间,然后在此缩小了的搜索空间内利用A*算法具有的启发式特点,可在有效时间内搜索到满足要求的可行航迹.最后,通过一个例子对A*算法进行了验证.  相似文献   

文章分析了一种多普勒计程仪速度参照系统的误差源,该系统由差分卫星定位仪和平台罗经所组成。载体动力与航向控制不稳定、流速不稳定、流向不稳定、差分卫星定位仪的定位误差以及平台罗经的定向误差构成了测速参照系统的误差源。文章还给出了计算机仿真分析结果,从而可以了解速度参照系统的测速误差与主要误差源之间的依存关系。  相似文献   

本文提出了线性多项式可迭代差分滤波的思想及其数学模型,采用本文给出的线性多项式差分滤波的数学模型,可以十分方便而又快捷地实现内插,平滑以及预报等估值问题,并具有突出的实时性。当机动目标的状态变化是连续或分段连续时,可利用该方法对机动目标未来连续多个时刻的状态一即所谓“状态群”做出实时估计。  相似文献   

虚拟现实是一种可视化非常强的现代交互性视觉媒体,这种新兴的媒体依赖于高质量的、具有真实感的、实时生成的影像系统。三维场景的渲染速度与成像质量的矛盾一直是虚拟现实系统的一个令人头痛的问题。本文介绍了一种基于图像实时渲染的方法,这种方法既有较佳的图像成像质量,又有相对较快的渲染速度。本文不仅介绍了这种方法的原理,还对这种方法的优缺点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

区间真值逻辑是一种模糊逻辑,其真值是由单位区间(0,1)中的数对组成,这一对数分别解释为某个问题的真度和含糊度,也可解释为对某个陈肯定度和拒绝度,Mukaidono在区间真值集上引入了两种序关系,一种是关于“真”,别一种是关于“含糊”。本文详细地讨论区间具值逻辑系统关于这两种序关系的代数结构,引入了一种新型代数系统-Interval代数,最后讨论了区间真值逻辑函数。  相似文献   

在测量系统中,采用误差修正,将大大提高测量精度。在动态实时测量系统中,误差实时修正是实现高精度动态测量的重要手段。本文提出了误差离散值修正方法,较好地解决了误差修正精度和修正速度的矛盾,并具有实时性,易于实现。通过一应用实例,证明了其较好的修正效果.  相似文献   

从规划空间的有效表达着手对无人飞行器三维航迹规划展开研究,基于地形和威胁提出的飞行器航迹规划方法将航迹规划分为学习阶段和查询阶段,环境信息和飞行器的大部分约束条件结合在路线图的构造过程中,航迹搜索在此路线图中进行并最终实现全部约束条件,试验结果显示,该方法可以实时获得实现TF/TA^2的三维航迹。  相似文献   

光电图像序列运动弱目标实时检测算法   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
针对光电探测图像序列中的运动弱小目标实时检测问题,提出了一种基于时空域融合滤波的弱目标检测算法。算法在空域上利用形态学Tophat滤波抑制背景增强目标,在时域上通过改进的帧间差分方法增强运动目标,两者融合后经自适应门限分割与航迹关联确认目标。实际录取数据分析结果表明,算法全面考虑运动弱小目标在时域与空域方面的特性,能更有效地从复杂背景中检测低信噪比运动弱小目标,减小了虚警率,抗噪声干扰能力强。  相似文献   

Basic features of differential global positioning system (DGPS), and its operational configuration on dynamically positioned (DP) mobile offshore drilling units in the North Sea are described. Generic failure modes of DGPS are discussed, and a critical DGPS failure which has the potential to cause drive-off for mobile drilling units is identified. It is the simultaneous erroneous position data from two DGPS's. Barrier method is used to analyze this critical DGPS failure. Barrier elements to prevent this failure are identified. Deficiencies of each barrier element are revealed based on the incidents and operational experiences in the North Sea. Recommendations to strengthen these barrier elements, i.e. to prevent erroneous position data from DGPS, are proposed. These recommendations contribute to the safety of DP operations of mobile offshore drilling units.  相似文献   

Physalia physalis, commonly known as the Portuguese man-of-war (PMW), is a peculiar looking colony of specialized polyps. The most conspicuous members of this colony are the gas-filled sail-like float and the long tentacles, budding asymmetrically beneath the float. This study addresses the sailing of the PMW, and, in particular, the hydrodynamics of its trailing tentacles, the interaction between the tentacles and the float and the actual sailing performance. This paper attempts to provide answers for two of the many open questions concerning P. physalis: why does it need a sail? and how does it harness the sail?  相似文献   

利用散射光信息提高消光法粉尘浓度测量的精度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种消光洗的基础上结合散射光提高粉尘浓度测量精度的方法,介绍了利用计算机模拟计算的结果和初步的实验情况。结果表明应用此方法可望实现简单、快速和较准确的粉尘浓度在线实时测量。  相似文献   

Gylys VT  Rubin LF 《Applied optics》1998,37(6):1026-1031
A spontaneous Raman imaging system (SRIS) has been developed that can monitor chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) singlet oxygen generator (SOG) performance in real time. This system permits one to monitor directly the SOG performance by measuring O(2)(a(1)D) and O(2)(X(3)?) simultaneously with a single intensified CCD array at the exit of an imaging monochromator. We present the results from tests conducted on a 0.25-mol SOG using a prototype Raman system. Performance and validation of a highly sensitive SRIS that was designed and built specifically for SOG diagnostics are discussed. Detection and possible interferences of other species relevant to COIL devices such as I(2) and Cl(2) are investigated.  相似文献   

For those who look at typical approaches to sports ranking, sailing seems an almost impossible challenge, thereby making the evidence supporting Rasch measurement in this study even more intriguing. This article describes our application of MFRM and the results from our analysis of one year's data from the North American college sailing competitions. We discuss the following issues for inclusion in the development of a Rasch model useful to college sailing team ability: 1. The level of data quality (as described by Stevens, 1946) 2. The connectedness of the contests 3. Empty cells (missing data) 4. Interpreting outliers, trends, or unusual results 5. Judges' or polls' bias Our results indicate the utility and precision of MFRM as a tool generally appropriate for ordinal ranking applications and sailing ability specifically.  相似文献   

以目前国内唯一可进行发机装机状态下推力测试的试验设备为研究对象,介绍了其全机推力试车台的台架总体结构及飞机装机推力测量方式,重点对推力测量系统及其校准方法进行了详细描述,分析了全机推力测量的影响因素、测量结果修正方法及目前校准方法存在的不足,提出了装机校准、左右平台联合校准、伺服加载校准和原位校准等多种改进措施,提高了全机推力测量系统的校准准确度以及发动机装机推力的测量准确度,对于其他同类设备的校准也具有重要的参考和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

露点法和中点法确定R407C压缩机性能测试工况点之比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文介绍了采用当中点和露点确定R4 0 7C压缩机性能测试工况点的方法 ,指出它们之间具有内在联系—结果可相互换算。同时对采用不同方法测得的压缩机制冷量和EER值进行了比较 ,结果表明采用露点法测得的制冷量和消耗功率通常比中点法低大约 5 % ,而计算出的EER相差不大。  相似文献   

By using a low cost, simple, and reproducible spin-coating method, thin films of SOG (spin-on-glass)-based oxides with electrical characteristics resembling those of a dry thermal oxide have been obtained. The superior electrical characteristics of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) capacitors based on SOG-oxides come from both (1) reducing the organic content of the SOG solutions after dilution with deionized water and (2) passivation of the silicon surface by a thin chemical oxide. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis shows that the organic content in H2O-diluted SOG-oxides is reduced compared to undiluted SOG after N2 annealing. In addition, by chemically embedding HfO2 nanoparticles (np-HfO2) to these SOG-based oxides, an effective increase in the accumulation capacitance of MOS capacitors is observed and this is related to the increase in the final dielectric constant of the resulting oxide after annealing so that potential use of SOG as a glass matrix for embedding HfO2 nanoparticles and produce higher-k oxide materials is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this work, the physical, chemical and electrical properties of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) capacitors with Spin-On-Glass (SOG)-based thin films as gate dielectric have been investigated. Experiments of SOG diluted with two different solvents (2-propanol and deionized water) were done in order to reduce the viscosity of the SOG solution so that thinner films (down to ∼20 nm) could be obtained and their general characteristics compared. Thin films of SOG were deposited on silicon by the sol-gel technique and they were thermally annealed using conventional oxidation furnace and Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) systems within N2 ambient after deposition. SOG dilution using non-organic solvents like deionized water and further annealing (at relatively high temperatures ≥450 °C) are important processes intended to reduce the organic content of the films. Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy results have shown that water-diluted SOG films have a significant reduction in their organic content after increasing annealing temperature and/or dilution percentage when compared to those of undiluted SOG films. Both current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements show better electrical characteristics for SOG-films diluted in deionized water compared to those diluted in 2-propanol (which is an organic solvent). The electrical characteristics of H2O-diluted SOG thin films are very similar to those obtained from high quality thermal oxides so that their application as gate dielectrics in MOS devices is promising. Finally, it has been demonstrated that by reducing the organic content of SOG-based thin films, it is possible to obtain MOS devices with better electrical properties.  相似文献   

一种具有特殊滤波器的递推极大似然法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蓝康孟  洪文学 《计量学报》1995,16(4):290-296
本文提出一种采用特殊滤波器的递推极大似然法,该法不需单独估计滤波器的参数与阶次,而只需递推估计模型参数,其算法简单,计算量小,辨识精度高,收敛性好,并可用于在线辨识和实时数据处理。文中还通过计算机仿真与传统的参数辨识方法进行了分析比较。  相似文献   

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