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液氮冷藏集装箱的发展探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何国庚 《低温工程》1996,(3):49-52,41
讨论了液氮冷源在冷藏技术中的应用优势,深入分析了液氮冷藏集装箱的发展优势,并对发展液氮冷藏集装箱存在的问题及对策进行了充分的探讨。  相似文献   

在“冷藏链”技术中,常规的冷藏运输工具是冷藏列车、冷藏汽车、冷藏船或船舶冷藏货舱。近年铁路冷藏列车、公路冷藏汽车均有较大的发展,而水上冷藏船和冷藏舱虽有一定的扩大,但发展更迅速的则是冷藏集装箱。冷藏集装箱的特殊结构和应用条件,已对冷藏列车、冷藏汽车、冷藏舱等产生了巨大的冲击,并有迫使传统的三大运输工具向冷藏集装箱运输方式集中的趋势。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国冷藏集装箱采用的箱型、制冷方式,并对我国冷藏集装箱如何管理进行了论证。对我国冷藏集装箱的发展有实际意义。  相似文献   

冷藏集装箱运输是近年来发展起来的国际贸易中的一项重要运输方式,本文讨论了实际应用中的几种冷藏集装箱的型式,对我国冷藏集装箱的发展具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

席敦发  窦维平 《制冷技术》1997,(4):37-39,46
铁路冷藏集装箱运输配套设施一直是制约铁路冷藏集装箱运输业发展的重要因素。本文概述了铁路冷藏集装箱堆场CAD辅助设计系统的实现过程。该系统对于建立和修改铁路冷藏集装箱堆场设计图纸将非常方便有效。  相似文献   

八十年代中期始,国内兴起了集装箱制造业的热潮。短短几年间,从四家集装箱制造企业发展到四十多家。总生产能力达一百万标准箱,成为世界最大集装箱生产国。1995年亚洲冷藏集装箱产量65,000TEU,占全球的85%,主要生产国为韩国,未来五年中国也将成为主要的冷藏集装箱生产地区。本刊特约制冷界专家郭予信先生撰文论述陆运冷藏集装箱国内外的发展情况,希望引起各方人士注意,供同行参改。  相似文献   

冷藏集装箱制冷机组故障诊断系统的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于冷藏集装箱机组所处的环境十分恶劣,常出现故障,为此利用VB开发基于神经网络的冷藏集装箱故障诊断系统。  相似文献   

由于冷藏集装箱能把各种货物始终保持在各自所需的低温中向世界任何地区进行大量、快速和廉价的运输,所以近几十年来已发展成国际贸易中一项新型的重要运输方式。冷藏集装箱实际上是一座专门运送易腐货物的活动冷库,它能在“冷藏链”中发展其独特的优越性,使货物迅速运到目的地。目前,世界冷藏集装箱数占总集装箱数60%,在集装箱生产量最大的日本占到9%。一、国外集装箱发展的历史经验对冷藏运输技术的研究可追溯到古罗马。当时人们用稻草作隔热材料,用雪作冷源,  相似文献   

本文就几种不同形式的冷板式集装箱用于铁路冷藏运输时的技术经济性能、运用管理、配套设施、运行的稳定性等问题进行了分析。认为我国铁路冷藏集装箱的主要发展方向是机械制冷的集装箱。  相似文献   

一、概述冷藏集装箱是一种先进的运输设备,目前世界冷藏集装箱的保有量约占总箱数的6%,据统计,1981年为18.7万TEU,1982年超过20万TEU,我国集装箱的制造和应用发展较晚。七十年代末,先后以补偿贸易和合资经营方式建立起了四个集装箱厂,主要是制造钢质普通集装箱。一九八三年,我  相似文献   

目的设计一款可折叠的冷链运输保温箱,以减少保温箱空箱运输、贮藏的空间。方法研究接缝热桥处不同路径长度对保温箱保温性能的影响,选取热桥效应最小处路径的长度结构作为可折叠保温箱连接处结构,制作可折叠保温箱,并探究可折叠保温箱与整体保温箱保温性能的差异,论证可折叠保温箱在运输流通及仓储管理方面的特点。结果接缝热桥处路径越长,热桥效应就越弱,保温效果就越好;可折叠保温箱和整体保温箱保温时间最短的点都出现在楞上侧,两者保温时间相差30 min,仅占总时长的3.8%。结论该款可折叠保温箱与整体保温箱的保温性能接近,可满足保温需求。  相似文献   

可折叠水产品运输保温包装箱结构设计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的 开发可折叠水产品运输保温包装箱。方法 借鉴纸包装结构设计中的可折叠设计思想, 以塑料中空板为箱体材料, 结合保温材料, 得到可折叠水产品运输保温包装箱结构设计方案, 将其与普通塑料泡沫箱进行物流成本对比分析, 通过抗压试验测定分析不同类型水产品运输保温包装箱的抗压强度。结果 该包装箱实现了空箱储运时可折叠, 降低了物流成本; 箱子抗压强度好, 优于市场上常用的水产品塑料泡沫箱, 同时可通过调整外箱体材料及保温材料来优化包装箱的各方面性能; 在采用该包装箱进行水产品包装时, 需在内包装中增加塑料袋来满足水产品物流运输过程中防水渗漏的要求。结论 该可折叠水产品运输保温包装箱的结构设计方案可行, 力学性能好。  相似文献   

The insulation containment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers is a large‐sized elastic structure made of various metallic and composite materials of complex structural composition to protect the heat invasion and to sustain the hydrodynamic pressure. The goal of the present paper is to present a global–local numerical approach to effectively and accurately compute the local hydroelastic response of a local containment region of interest. The global sloshing flow and hydrodynamic pressure fields of interior LNG are computed by assuming the flexible containment as a rigid container. On the other hand, the local hydroelastic response of the insulation containment is obtained by solving only the local hydroelastic model in which the complex and flexible insulation structure is fully considered and the global analysis results are used as the initial and boundary conditions. The interior incompressible inviscid LNG flow is solved by the first‐order Euler finite volume method, whereas the structural dynamic deformation is solved by the explicit finite element method. The LNG flow and the containment deformation are coupled by the Euler–Lagrange coupling scheme. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对铁路及其多式联运液化天然气罐式集装箱,对其静态蒸发率进行了理论计算,在理论计算中引入了温度修正系数kt来考虑装载LNG介质时对液氮温区下绝热层比热流的影响,同时引入了结构修正系数ks来考虑结构和深冷下罐体收缩对支撑部位热传导的影响,采用液化天然气作为介质开展了静态蒸发率试验测试,综合测试结果对理论计算模型进行了验证,在此基础上开展了相关关键参数对LNG罐式集装箱静态蒸发率的影响分析研究。  相似文献   

H. Reiss 《低温学》2004,44(4):259-271
This paper describes numerical simulations, using thermal networks, of shield temperatures and radiative and conductive heat losses of a super-insulated cryogenic storage tank operating at 77 K. Interactions between radiation and conductive heat transfer modes in the shields are investigated, by calculation of local shield temperatures. As a new method, fluid networks are introduced for calculation of stationary residual gas pressure distribution in the evacuated multilayer super-insulation. Output from the fluid network is coupled to the iterative thermal network calculations. Parameter tests concern thickness and emissivity of shields, degree of perforation, residual gas sources like desorption from radiation shields, spacers and container walls, and permeation from the inner container to the evacuated insulation space. Variations of either a conductive (thickness of Al-film on Mylar) or a radiative parameter (thermal emissivity) exert crosswise influences on the radiative or conductive heat losses of the tank, respectively.  相似文献   

BWBZX-1保温包装箱设计与验证   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的根据某产品性能特性设计BWBZX-1保温包装箱,并进行验证。方法首先提出BWBZX-1保温包装箱的设计方案,然后通过数值模拟分析结构材料热物性参数对包装箱的温度场和传热特性的影响,用以对初设包装箱结构进行优化,最后通过环境试验进行验证。结果产品、包装箱内外壁、底板、法兰、底座材料不易变更,只宜优化上保温层、下保温层和连接件的热物性参数,使最终包装箱温度场满足了产品使用要求。结论 BWBZX-1保温包装箱温度场数值模拟结果与实验温度实测结果相符较好,经过温度场数值模拟和温度实验验证,BWBZX-1保温包装箱保温性能满足设计指标要求。  相似文献   

Critical heat transfer from an insulated or compound sphere happen in ambient air with natural convection. Thus, heat radiation in such a situation must be considered because natural convection has only a small effect. It is found that the critical heat transfer characteristics considering heat radiation are very different from those neglecting heat radiation. The conventional critical heat transfer characteristics neglecting heat radiation only depend on sphere size, external convection heat transfer coefficient, and insulation conductivity. In addition to the above parameters, the critical heat transfer characteristics considering heat radiation are also related to the surface emissivities of the sphere and the insulation, the surrounding temperature, and the internal convection heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

The amount of ice needed for the storage of fresh fish is economically important especially in warm climates. It is affected by the insulation of the fish boxes and containers and by the procedures used in the handling and transporting of iced fish. This paper describes a simple method to estimate ice consumption during fish storage. The method was tried with plastic boxes containing hake (Merluccius hubbsi) when ice losses were caused by heat transfer due only to natural convection. It can be used also to test any kind of box or container, and can give valuable indications with other heat transfer conditions.  相似文献   

介绍日本CO_2热泵热水机目前的市场情况和关键技术(保温材料、压缩机、水侧换热器)的现状及发展趋势,供研发和设计人员参考。  相似文献   

简介了40英尺LNG罐式集装箱的技术参数、流程和结构;对真空多层绝热罐式集装箱进行了漏热量计算;阐述了内、外容器支撑和框架结构的设计,在制造过程中为保证真空度和清洁度而采取的措施以及型式试验情况;分析了40英尺LNG罐式集装箱的优点。  相似文献   

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