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立体显示系统设计中人的因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
立体显示系统是基于双眼视差设计的以体视方式呈现三维信息的系统。文章从工效学的角度对立体显示系统设计中视差极限、立体视锐、图像间距、分离方向、视距、瞳距以及刺激间的知觉交互作用等影响其显示质量的因素作了简要分析。据此提出立体显示系统设计应尽力避免由双眼竞争、立体空间失真以及Pul frich现象所造成的不良影响,旨在为优化系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

阐述了基于列插合成模式的Pro/E自由立体显示插件设计中的几个核心问题,包括立体图片对的创建、以视者获得舒适立体视觉为原则设置立体参数、插件设计的开发框架以及所实现的立体显示效果。通过在Pro/E中兼容MFC对话框解决了立体图片对的合成问题。  相似文献   

X3D裸眼可视立体显示器需要同时输入8个视点的信息,用户在一定角度范围内可以看到不同视角的立体画面显示.面向裸眼立体显示终端提出了一种立体视频编码方法,在编码端完成复杂的视差估计,压缩后的视差信息通过网络传输到立体显示终端以降低系统对用户终端的要求.用户终端采用基于视差图绘制的方法快速绘制出6个中间视点,实现裸眼可视立体显示器上的多视角立体画面显示.针对视差图的处理,给出了全局平滑和非边缘区域平滑两种视差图的处理方法.实验结果表明,与不对视差图进行平滑的方法相比,对视差图进行平滑能有效提高编码的整体率失真性能.  相似文献   

本文在概述3D立体显示的传统双色眼镜方法的基础上,介绍了一种新近面世的能显示色彩的双色眼镜方法——ColorCode 3D方法。  相似文献   

分析基于柱透镜光栅的裸眼立体显示系统,并建立明确的观察区域几何模型。首先建立了柱透镜光栅式裸眼3D显示系统观察区域的几何模型,研究了柱透镜光栅板的分光作用,分析了柱透镜参数和观察距离、观察视角之间的关系;然后通过建立的几何模型,对形成的观察区域进行分析,得出了观察范围的表达式以及柱透镜参数、显示屏参数和观察范围之间的关系;最后引用质量因子概念结合主观评测方法对两台裸眼3D显示设备形成的观察区域内的图像质量进行评价。实验结果表明:根据建立的几何模型可以计算出裸眼3D显示器的最佳观察区域。本模型为自由立体显示器的最优设计和具体实现提供了参考。  相似文献   

人们为如何能获取与显示移动影像的立体特征进行了长期不懈地努力。在数字技术与网络信息技术以及虚拟现实技术的支撑下 ,人们在传统的二维平面影像显示技术基础之上开始了影像的三维显示的研究与探索。目前 ,影像三维立体的显示不但已经能够实现跨时空的传递 ,而且影像直观、立体与真实 ,更加接近了人们长久梦想的超越时空障碍、建立“准”面对面的“在场”式交流模式。因此 ,三维影像显示技术是二十一世纪的技术 ,也是人类未来交流的主流模式。  相似文献   

阐述了立体显示技术的原理;解释并分析了实现立体视的视觉因素及其相互关系,给出了其解析式。针对国内立体显示技术所用术语不统一的状况,对立体显示技术的术语进行了讨论。在分析了目前国内相关文章中使用的术语的基础上,归纳并尝试给出更为规范、准确的称谓。  相似文献   

为了获得低成本大屏幕自由立体显示器,采用了DLP投影的技术方案.通过模拟柱透镜光路,分析了立体视区特性.按照自由立体显示的结构和原理,计算出立体视区光能分布图.理论上证明了在最佳观看距离可获得没有互扰的立体影像.研究了最佳观看距离和像素匹配的设定方法,给出观看较好立体效果的范围.立体视区的研究协助了立体显示器的设计,最终获得了具有较好立体感和临场感的150英寸大屏幕立体显示器.  相似文献   

本文重点讨论了平板幕和环形幕两种多通道系统的拼接技术,给出了实现方法。选用TCP协议建立了分布式通信环境,在Master端和Slave端的通信过程中通过添加最大相关等待时间机制对多通道系统进行优化,实现了大屏幕的多通道立体显示系统,给出了一个被动式多通道立体显示系统的硬件解决方案。实验结果表明,本系统在实时性、一致性以及显示效果上都有良好的表现。  相似文献   

基于ObjectARX,在AutoCAD中开发了面向列插合成模式的自由立体显示器。叙述了软件开发结构;展示了以视者获得舒适立体深度为原则构建立体摄像机以及内部参数设定的过程;通过引进图像引擎工具IESDK 7.0,实现了立体图片对的合成,使立体图片对水平方向缩小一半并左右分列于显示窗口。  相似文献   

We propose an "accurate" phase-added stereogram, which can be defined as an improved phase-added stereogram. Generally, the macroblock size transformed by the fast Fourier transform is the same as the segmentation size of the phase-added stereogram. However, the proposed method uses a lager macroblock size than does the conventional method to reduce quantization error in discrete spatial frequencies in the spatial frequency domain. Therefore, even when the fast Fourier transform is used for calculation, the quality of the reconstructed image can be improved to be as clear as the Fresnel hologram.  相似文献   

We report the implementation of a liquid crystal-on-silicon, three-dimensional (3-D) diffractive display based on the partial pixel architecture. The display generates multiple stereoscopic images that are perceived as a static 3-D scene with one-dimensional motion parallax in a manner that is functionally equivalent to a holographic stereogram. The images are created with diffraction gratings formed in a thin liquid crystal layer by fringing electric fields from transparent indium tin oxide interdigitated electrodes. The electrodes are controlled by an external drive signal that permits the 3-D scene to be turned on and off. The display has a contrast ratio of 5.8, which is limited principally by optical scatter caused by extraneous fringing fields. These scatter sources can be readily eliminated. The display reported herein is the first step toward a real-time partial pixel architecture display in which large numbers of dynamic gratings are independently controlled by underlying silicon drive circuitry.  相似文献   

Chen ST  Chatterjee MR 《Applied optics》1998,37(32):7504-7513
A pixelated holographic stereogram is proposed and experimentally studied for the emulation of a spatially multiplexed composite three-dimensional (3-D) pixel display. With this approach, pixelated holograms are utilized to compose spatially multiplexed images. Each composite pixel in the holographic optical element array has a diffraction pattern that scatters light into predefined spatial directions. Under reconstruction, each pixel generates different intensities along a range of viewing angles. When the composite holographic pixel array is assembled, it has the capability to deliver 3-D effects. The technique, together with a novel recording scheme that is designed to synthesize a computerized 3-D display system based on this concept, is described in some detail.  相似文献   

在极射赤面投影原理基础上建立数学模型,同时编制了绘制通用极射赤面标准投影图的MATLAB程序,并介绍了如何利用该程序绘制任意类型晶体的各晶面标准投影图,再对程序绘制的几种典型晶体的标准投影图进行了验证,证明该程序在晶体学研究中有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

The presentation of three-dimensional objects with single image stereogram   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A number of techniques offer us, at last, the possibility of viewing nature - the world of three dimensions - in a more realistic way with the deployment of three-dimensional display systems. Among these various methods, we chose the one based on the single image stereogram algorithm as the target of this paper, with respect to its simplicity, but efficiency in representing the vivid depth information of the real world. The goal of the paper is the improvement of the conventional implementation with our fixed-eyes-based calculation of constraints and with a new way to detect hidden surfaces in a three-dimensional scene. Going further than that, the paper extends the algorithm to moving objects, which is a new aspect, and, therefore, it has not yet been researched well. We also discuss the depth perception obtained by the algorithm and its visibility, a key question for the usability of the images of this category.  相似文献   


A simple method is presented by which the operative slip system in a single crystal of a cubic close packed metal may be deduced by inspection from the indices of the tensile axis. The method has advantages over the commonly used graphical method, since it does not involve use of the stereogram.

MST/1990  相似文献   

This paper presents a hardware and software system for the generation of video patterns that can be used for various vision tests, particularly depth perception. Among the capabilities of the system is generation of static and dynamic random dot stereograms that can be used to test depth perception. The system generates the patterns in real time which provides the capability of moving the objects in the stereogram. This feature is very useful in testing depth perception among infants and noncommunicative people by correlating the movement of the eye with the movement of the object. The other patterns are the checkerboards, vertical and horizontal bars with a capability to sweep the size of the checkers and bars. These latter patterns are useful for testing vision acuity. The system is based on the TMS34010 graphics processor and is connected to a host computer through an RS-232C serial communication port. It has an RGB video output for connection to an RGB color video monitor to display the various video patterns. The application and system software is written in assembly language which is efficient for real-time applications  相似文献   

郭馨蔚  张少焕  覃京燕 《包装工程》2022,43(6):143-149, 156
目的 得益于显示技术和智能材料的发展,信息传播的载体越来越丰富。用户界面的形态从静止的平面转向可折叠、可变形等多样形态。用户获取信息的媒介也从二维空间转向多维空间。上述变化对设计表达和用户体验研究提出了新的问题与要求。方法 通过文献调研、案例研究、比较分析和设计实践,归纳了柔性显示技术驱动下用户界面的形态特征,分析了柔性显示界面设计中所面临的问题。结论从信息维度、界面呈现和交互行为3个方面,通过设计实例论述了设计建议与策略。从信息与物理空间的融合、生态智能反馈等角度讨论了未来柔性用户界面的应用场景和设计可能性。  相似文献   

基于霍尔三维结构的工业设计模型研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以霍尔三维结构的思想为启示,论述了在工业设计活动中引入霍尔系统工作方法论的必要性和可行性,结合工业设计学科特点,从时间维、逻辑维、知识维3个维度进行了简要分析。在此基础上,提出了工业设计系统模型的初步构建,旨在为产品设计的实施提供系统化、整体性的理论引导,对于工业设计活动具有方法论层面的指导意义。  相似文献   

组合体尺寸标注是工程制图和机械制图教学中的难点,探求有效的教学分析方法具有很重要的意义.组合体尺寸标注要求做到正确、完整、清晰,然而目前的教学方法不能使学生明确如何才能做到这些要求.文章探讨了叠加型组合体尺寸标注新的教学分析方法.通过对叠加型组合体进行分类分析,并拓展和新增组合体尺寸的定义,最终获得了叠加型组合体尺寸标注的3个原则.在使用形体分析法进行尺寸标注时,应用该文3个原则,能对基本几何体的定形、定位尺寸进行正确取舍,达到正确、完整的标注效果.  相似文献   

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