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1.银基钎料(上接2006年第3期第63页)银共熔点和流点均为960.5℃,室温强度高,塑性和加工性能好,导热、导电性能优良,有良好的抗腐蚀性能。纯银焊料的纯度应≥99.99%。可焊镍、可伐合金等。但用纯银作钎料存在着钎焊温度高,高温强度低,对黑色金属润湿性能差等缺点,因此银基钎料是弥补纯银钎料的如上不足而研制的。由A g-Cu相图可知,铜能显著降低银的熔点,银铜合金的金相组织为固溶体和共晶体组成,所以银铜共晶型钎料在电子工业中钎焊铜及铜合金、钛及钛合金、可伐合金等得到广泛应用。最常用的银铜焊料有A gCu28和A gCu50两种。可用来…  相似文献   

卢晓  张亮  王曦  李木兰 《包装工程》2022,43(23):118-136
目的 为了适应高银钎料向低银钎料转变的发展趋势,综述近年来对低银SnAgCu钎料的最新研究,展示其在电子封装材料领域中宽广的应用前景。方法 通过分析国内外有关低银钎料的研究成果,详细介绍合金化和颗粒强化等方法对低银钎料熔化特性、润湿性、显微结构、界面组织、力学性能的影响,重点总结元素掺杂的最佳添加量以及改性机理。结论 通过添加金属元素、稀土元素、纳米颗粒,采用新型搅拌技术能有效提升钎料性能,部分改性后的低银复合钎料性能达到了高银钎料性能水平。  相似文献   

箔状非晶态镍基含磷钎焊料的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与同类粉状或膏状钎料相比,非晶态箔状镍基含磷高温钎焊料是100%密度金属钎焊料,具有优良的焊接冶金性能及钎焊工艺性能,与大多数铁基合金有满意的相容性及足够的钎焊接头抗剪切强度,是核工业堆内组件及薄壁耐热蜂窝组件的理想钎焊料。  相似文献   

研制的TLGA22钎料是一种不含银及不含镉等有毒元素的Cu-P-Si系新型钎料。钎料熔化温度为708~720℃,具有优良的钎焊工艺性能和对紫铜钎焊优良的自钎能力。而且,钎缝具有能承受强力旋压变形的特点。钎料抗拉强度达689N/mm~2,搭接接头剪切强度为215.4N/mm~2。它可代替银钎料用于钎焊铜及铜合金。本文还通过与磷含量相同的二元Cu-P合金性能的对比,探讨了该钎料中硅对钎料各方面性能的有益作用,并对其机理进行了分析。  相似文献   

与同类粉状或膏状钎料相比,非晶态箔状镍基含磷高温钎焊料是100%密度金属钎焊料,具有优良的焊接冶金性能及钎焊工艺性能,与大多数铁基合金有满意的相容性及足够的钎焊接头抗剪切强度,是核工业堆内组件及薄壁热蜂窝组件的理想钎焊料。  相似文献   

张以忱 《真空》2006,43(4):62-64
银基钎料 银共熔点和流点均为960.5℃,室温强度高,塑性和加工性能好,导热、导电性能优良,有良好的抗腐蚀性能。 纯银焊料的纯度应≥99.99%。可焊镍、可伐合金等。但用纯银作钎料存在着钎焊温度高,高温强度低,对黑色金属润湿性能差等缺点,因此银基钎料是弥补纯银钎料的如上不足而研制的。  相似文献   

用无铅焊料取代现有的含铅焊料已经成为历史发展的必然趋势.Sn-Ag-Cu系合金具有优异的可靠性和可焊性,受到了电子工业界的广泛关注.阐述了近年来该系焊料合金的微观组织和性能的一些研究成果,并对该系无铅焊料的特性进行了比较.结果表明,低银焊料的组织和性能比高银焊料好,而且成本低,为确定综合性能最佳的该系焊料合金提供依据.  相似文献   

电子产品中Pb污染问题使得研究人员开始寻找Sn-Pb焊料的替代品,探索一种新型的零污染、低成本的电子封装合金。Sn-Ag-Cu合金被认为是最有发展前景的无铅焊料。但Ag属于贵金属,成本较高,故发展低Ag系无铅钎料成为了研究热点。本文介绍了低Ag系Sn-Ag-Cu焊料的发展现状,通过掺杂微量元素来改善合金的力学性能、显微组织、润湿性、可靠性、抗跌落性等。  相似文献   

本文简述了真空电子钎焊用银钎料的特点,对银钎料的研究现状和发展方向进行了阐述,明确了目前银钎料的使用现状,对银钎料的后续研究提出了看法。  相似文献   

陈该青  刘凯  徐幸  吴瑛  肖勇 《材料导报》2023,(17):191-196
In-48Sn共晶焊料具有熔点低、延展性高、润湿性好等优点,在微波、通信等功能组件的钎焊连接中具有广泛应用。然而,In-48Sn共晶焊料力学性能较差,已难满足新一代功能组件的载荷要求。采用微合金化及微纳米颗粒、纤维强化等方法可在一定程度上提高焊料的强度,但钎焊接头的强度提升效果有限。基于此,本工作采用真空浸渗工艺制备了泡沫Ni强化In-48Sn复合焊料,并采用该复合焊料对表面含Ag镀层的Al合金进行了低温钎焊连接,重点研究了泡沫Ni孔隙率和钎焊时间对接头显微结构及力学性能的影响。研究结果表明,Al合金表面形成了Ag2In金属间化合物(IMC)层,其随钎焊时间延长不断增厚,且在无Ni骨架阻挡时易向焊缝中生长形成块状结构。In-48Sn焊料与泡沫Ni骨架反应形成了(Ni, Cu)3-(In, Sn)7相,延长钎焊时间、减小泡沫Ni孔隙度均会促进该反应相的形成并加快In基焊料的消耗,最终焊缝完全由Ni骨架和IMCs组成,而钎焊接头的剪切强度也相应增加。采用50%Ni-In48Sn复合焊料钎焊120 min时接头剪切强度达到了3...  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜、XRD等分析手段对有油和无油轧制后的银基钎料进行研究.结果表明,有油轧制的钎料会在其表面残留一层含碳层,含碳层的厚度约为3~7μm;所选银钎料的主要的相组成为Cu Zn、Ag Cd、(Ag,Cu)5Zn8、Ag Cd19等,碳在钎料表面主要以游离的碳分子和Zn C8、C2Cd O4形式存在;钎料表面的含碳层在钎料熔化后将以三种不同的形式存在,部分碳分子来不及上浮到表面而被包裹在钎料内部;部分碳分子随着钎料的熔化铺展,被液态钎料推到了铺展的最前沿,在液态钎料周围形成一个包围圈;还有一部分形成含碳的复杂化合物,其存在都将明显降低钎料对钢基体的润湿性,影响后续的焊接强度等.  相似文献   

本文研究了铜对低硼、低铬镍基钎料工艺性能的影响。试验结果表明,在降低镍基钎料中硼、硅元素的同时加入适量的铜可以使钎料的熔点基本不变。由于铜的加入,增大了钎缝中固溶体比例、减少了钎缝组织中的化合物,接头的MBC值明显增大,使钎焊接头对钎焊间隙的敏感性降低。随着钎料中铜含量的增加,钎料及其钎焊接头的耐蚀性相应增强。但是,铜的加入对接头的热强性有不利的影响。  相似文献   

钎料的性能很大程度上决定了钎焊接头的质量和钎料的应用范畴.银基钎料作为一类非常重要的硬钎焊材料,其填缝能力优异,强度与黄铜、低碳钢接近,可钎焊除铝、镁合金等轻金属之外的所有金属材料.因此,银基钎料广泛应用于航空航天、超硬工具等制造领域,并且受到国内外钎焊界学者们的高度关注.然而,银基钎料的发展及应用过程中仍存在以下问题:第一,钎料中贵金属银含量偏高(一般高于45%),导致钎料使用成本高;第二,银基钎料挤压、轧制、拉拔等加工过程中不可避免地存在夹杂物,影响钎料的使用性能和连接质量;第三,有益金属或合金调控钎料及其连接性能的机制较为复杂,尚未完全研究清楚;第四,传统制备银基钎料的方法产能低下;第五,银基钎料在制造业领域的应用研究尚未见系统报道.国内外对于银基钎料钎焊性能及工程应用方面的研究主要集中于:(1)开发多种节银降银钎料,主要是有益元素调控银基钎料连接性能方面的研究;(2)改进钎料的传统加工方法,提出新的制造方法,如粉末电磁压制成形、钎焊过程中原位合成、快速凝固、镀覆扩散组合等;(3)研究杂质元素(C、Ca、S、Al、Fe、Bi、Pb、O、N 等)的影响;(4)银基钎料形态创新研究,如三明治复合钎料(中间为铜合金、两边为银钎料)、箔带钎料、镀锡银钎料等;(5)工程应用研究,银基钎料在航空航天、汽车制造、电力能源等工业领域起着不可替代的作用,但目前国内外仍缺乏系统阐述该方面研究的报道.因此,本文对近20年国内外有关银基钎料的研究报道进行了评述,重点讨论了合金元素对银基钎料性能的影响.首先对银基钎料研究现状进行详述,总结了Cu、Zn、Sn、Ga、In、Ni、Mn、Cd、Li、Ce、La、P、Si、Pr在银基钎料中的优缺点,归纳了杂质元素C、S、O、N、Ca、Al、Fe、Pb、Bi的恶化作用.其次对银基钎料在航空航天、汽车制造、电力能源、超硬工具、家用电器、眼镜行业等制造业中的应用研究进行详细介绍.最后提出银基钎料研究和应用中的不足,为银基钎料的深入系统研究及相关技术发展提供理论指导.  相似文献   

Silver-containing dressings have been widely used for controlling wound infection. However, the relationship between different concentrations of silver in dressings and their antimicrobial activities and wound-healing efficacies remains unclear. In the present study, we (in cooperation with Bio-medical Carbon Technology) investigated various silver-containing activated carbon fibers to understand the effects of different silver concentrations on the efficacies of a silver containing dressing. Our results indicated that various silver-containing activated carbon fibers exhibited good antibacterial effects and biocompatibility in terms of cell viability and that silver concentration showed a minor influence on cell growth. The infected excision wound model indicated that compared to silver-containing activated carbon fiber and other commercial silver-containing dressings assisted wound healing by promoting granulation and collagen deposition. Meanwhile, the silver ion can only be restrained in epidermis by intact skin. During application on the wound area, a temporary increase of serum silver can be detected, but this elevated serum silver level decreased to a subtle level after the removal of silver-containing activated carbon fiber.  相似文献   

Flux‐free brazing under reactive process gas atmosphere – an alternative process for joining of aluminium materials Due to the high affinity of aluminium towards oxygen, joining of aluminium materials has ever been a challenge. In particular the efficiency of the process and the abandonment of fluxes during controlled atmosphere brazing have been within the focus of current research projects. The specific addition of reactive gases to the inert process gas atmosphere offers a suitable possibility of aluminium brazing without the use of fluxes. Under the application of hydrogen chloride the activation of the brazing and the workpiece surfaces is to be initiated, thus leading to dissolving the oxide layers. Moreover, the strongly reducing gas silane is used, which specifically removes oxygen and water residuals from the controlled atmosphere. Through a suitable controlled atmosphere brazing process the combination of both, reductive and activating additions, is to be used and tested upon their influence on the gas mixtures and materials used [1–5].  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to join reaction-bonded silicon carbide to Inconel 600 (IN600, a nickel-based superalloy) for use in high temperature applications by brazing with an Fe-20wt% alloy. This joining method resulted in the molten filler metal reacting with the IN600 to form a Ni-Fe-Si solution, which in turn formed a liquid with the free silicon phase of the RBSC. This liquid reacted vigorously with the SiC component of the RBSC to form low melting point phases in both starting materials and chromium carbides at the metal-ceramic interface. By using solution thermodynamics, it was shown that a Ni-Fe-Si liquid with equimolar nickel and iron contents and silicon content of less than 30 at% Si will decompose -SiC at the experimental brazing temperatures; it was also shown that these predictions agree with the experimentally observed microstructures and line composition profiles.  相似文献   

Newly-developed CoFeNi(Si, B)CrTi brazing filler metal was used for joining of SiC to a wrought nickel-based superalloy (GH3044). The brazing alloy was fabricated into brazing foils by a rapid solidifying technique, and the brazing temperature was fixed at 1150 °C. The SiC/GH3044 joints using single interlayer Ni or triple interlayers of Ni/W/Ni showed very low strength, and this was because the Ni severely interfered with the normal reactions between the SiC and the brazing alloy. When using triple interlayers of Kovar/W/Ni for the SiC/GH3044 joining, the joint strength was remarkably elevated to 62.5-64.6 MPa. Kovar has a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Moreover, when Kovar was used as an interlayer neighboured to the brazed SiC, it basically ensured the normal interfacial reactions between the brazed SiC and the used brazing alloy. These two factors should account for the improvement of the joint strength.  相似文献   

高温合金构件真空钎焊通常采用Ni-Cr-Si-B系钎料 ,在钎缝中会形成连续分布的共晶组织 ,使钎缝重熔温度降低 ,耐热性变差 .为解决这一难题 ,研究了一种粉末冶金 -钎焊工艺 ,结果表明 :该工艺可以消除钎缝中低熔点共晶组织 ,并能实现钎缝固溶强化和第二相强化 ,从而提高了钎缝的耐热性 .用K40 3和GH40 3 7合金钎焊接头持久性能分别达到母材的 75 %和 95 %的水平 ,该工艺已用于涡轮导向叶片的修补 .  相似文献   

A primary challenge in brazing is the controlled formation of phases resulting from interactions of elements of the liquid filler metal with those of the base material. The morphology of the brazed joint, which is decisive for the mechanical properties of the joint, is influenced by present elements and process parameters such as brazing temperature and time. Furthermore, the wetting of the base material is a crucial factor in joining of aluminum because of the low wettability of the alumina layer by molten brazing filler metals. In order to remove the alumina and prevent reoxidation of the substrate surface, the brazing process can be conducted in vacuum or inert gas atmosphere. Again, selection of process parameters is crucial for the quality of the brazed seam. In this work, we focus on the influence of the process parameters on the wetting behavior and the formation of aluminum‐copper phases theoretically by means of thermodynamic calculations using a CALPHAD database as well as by means of in‐situ observations in the large‐chamber scanning electron microscope (LC‐SEM) and by brazing experiments. Both the critical temperatures with respect to the wetting and the reaction kinetics as well as the crucial stages of the brazing process and the resulting phases were determined.  相似文献   

Gideon Drach 《Vacuum》1974,24(2):95-99
An attempt is made to introduce to a wider circle of vacuum technicians the application of vacuum brazing as a relatively uncomplicated method of metal joining, to be used either instead of, or in addition to, the more common adopted shielded gas welding techniques. The emphasis of the paper is on the experimental workshop with its varying demand for constructional elements and its limited budget, such as exist in Universities and Research Institutes. The theory and principles of brazing are briefly explained; equipment, i.e. pumping systems and heating sources, are reviewed; Joint Design and the characteristics of some brazing alloys are discussed. Particular consideration is given to the place of vacuum brazing in the design of vacuum systems, constructed of stainless steel, but also incorporating alloys and combinations of metals, which cannot be welded. As the brazing temperature in vacuo usually varies between 800 and 1200°C it enables us to produce clean, strong capillary free joints, which can resist a wide range of temperatures and chemical environments.  相似文献   

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