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为快速评估复合材料结构的疲劳损伤状况,采用超声导波和时-频分析相结合的方法,对疲劳状态下的复合材料结构进行在线连续监测。对玻璃纤维增强复合材料试件进行拉伸疲劳试验,使用激光引伸计获取试件纵向刚度的变化,探究试件内部疲劳损伤的累积情况。利用小波变换对由压电传感元件激励和接收的超声导波信号在时频域进行分析,提取与疲劳损伤有关的信号特征;最后,通过多元偏值分析引入马氏平方距离,融合多个信号特征,确定复合材料试件中疲劳损伤的存在性以及表征其演变过程。实验结果表明所提出方法在复合材料结构疲劳损伤连续监测方面的有效性。  相似文献   

在超声导波多裂纹管道损伤检测中,缺陷回波信号幅值较小且波形复杂,不利于损伤的识别。基于混沌系统的初值敏感性及较强的噪声免疫特性,通过数值模拟和实验研究,验证了杜芬混沌系统的相轨迹识别多裂纹管道超声导波信号的有效性。给出了混沌系统相轨迹识别导波信号的原理,并结合超声导波检测,确定基于相轨迹识别的系统检测参数。利用ANSYS有限元软件和搭建的超声导波实验平台分别进行数值模拟和实验,获得超声导波在含有不同损伤大小的6m长的双裂纹管道中传播的数值模拟信号和实验信号,并在数值模拟信号中添加一定的高斯白噪声,用以分析噪声对混沌系统的影响。利用选取的杜芬混沌系统检测数值模拟信号与实验信号并进行对比验证,最后根据二分法确定缺陷位置。检测的相轨迹结果表明,该杜芬系统能够有效地免疫噪声并识别管道中的双裂纹小缺陷,并且提高了超声导波检测的灵敏度。  相似文献   

超声导波具有远距离传输的特性,能够快速、有效地大范围检出薄板中的损伤或缺陷。非线性超声导波相较于传统超声导波,主要研究基波与材料中微观组织演化相互作用而产生的高阶谐波,对尺寸远小于基波波长的损伤或缺陷比较敏感。其中,超声导波的二次谐波相对容易激发,已被用于定量评估早期损伤。但是,超声导波的二次谐波容易受到测量系统非线性的干扰,并且无法定位材料中的局部损伤。超声导波混频在频率、模式、传播方向的选择上具有一定的灵活性,克服了二次谐波的缺点。目前,超声导波混频在理论、模拟和实验上取得了一定的进展,已被用于表征和定位金属材料中处于早期阶段的疲劳、热老化、微裂纹、冲击损伤和局部塑性变形等。高频段超声导波混频、兰姆波相向混频和非共线混频中差频谐波或和频谐波的传播性,以及更多类型损伤的定位和表征仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

本文分析计算了双对数坐标下载荷谱线段等效载荷。等效载荷依赖于于这段载荷谱及疲劳寿命曲线的斜率。对于比疲劳寿命曲线更陡的某段载荷谱,等效载荷偏向最大的谱载荷。在这种情况下,最大应力部分对损伤产生较大的影响。误差研究表明,在损伤计算中用阶梯函数代替连续的载荷谱所产生的偏离或误差具有疲劳寿命曲线方程的指数形式。  相似文献   

为了提高长距离管道超声导波检测中弱导波信号的识别精度,提出了基于Lorenz系统Lyapunov指数的管道超声导波检测方法。基于非共振周期信号的参数激励实现Lorenz系统的混沌控制,将待测的导波信号作为参数激励的扰动项输入Lorenz检测系统中,通过对比有无导波信号输入后Lorenz系统最大Lyapunov指数的不同响应,确定适合导波信号检测的参数激励幅值;然后利用ANSYS软件和搭建的超声导波试验平台分别进行数值模拟和实验,获得超声导波在含有不同损伤个数、大小的6 m长管道中传播的数值模拟信号和试验信号,利用Lorenz检测系统识别数值模拟与实验信号;基于二分法对导波信号进行分段识别,通过定位出回波信号的时间段实现损伤定位。检测结果表明,Lorenz系统能够有效地免疫噪声并识别管道的缺陷,并且提高了管道超声导波检测的灵敏度。  相似文献   

利用一阶弯曲共振现象,开展了复合材料悬臂梁高周弯曲疲劳试验。为了取代传统的金属疲劳理论,根据复合材料疲劳损伤渐进扩展的特点,发展了新的数值方法应用于复合材料的疲劳分析。研究局部疲劳损伤模型和周期跳跃技术,开发了复合材料悬臂梁高周弯曲疲劳的半解析法Matlab疲劳损伤分析程序;另一方面,通过开发UMAT子程序,实现了疲劳损伤模型和周期跳跃技术在商业有限元软件ABAQUS中的应用。分别使用半解析法和有限元法分析复合材料悬臂梁高周弯曲疲劳的损伤累积破坏过程,预测了其高周弯曲疲劳寿命,数值预测结果与试验结果较好吻合。  相似文献   

针对超声导波检测小缺陷时,缺陷回波能量微弱,幅值难以准确识别的问题,提出了一种基于Duffing系统混沌相变特性的检测方法,重点分析了超声导波周期数对等价驱动力幅值的影响,给出了等价驱动力改变量与导波幅值之间的量化关系。首先,通过分岔分析获得了Duffing系统的混沌阈值,详细介绍了基于混沌相变特性的幅值检测方法;然后,通过仿真研究验证了检测方法的可靠性;最后,开展了含缺陷管道的超声导波检测试验研究,利用该方法检测了缺陷回波幅值,并将检测结果与理论值进行对比。结果表明,该方法具有较强的噪声免疫性与弱信号敏感性,最小可以识别截面损失率为6.4%的小缺陷回波幅值,最大相对误差仅为-7.31%,这对于在强噪声干扰的背景下评估缺陷大小具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王杨  毛捷  李明轩 《声学技术》2007,26(5):1010-1011
1引言对固体板及其背覆薄层的物理特性检测在工业应用中具有重要意义。在各种利用低频超声对板层物性参数反演定征的方法中[1],研究较多的是利用回波/透射波幅度谱对薄层参量进行反演,通常板材的参量已知。但在实际应用中板材的厚度可能由于  相似文献   

孟亦圆  林莉  陈军  金士杰  罗忠兵 《材料工程》2022,50(10):172-178
利用超声检测技术无损评价金属材料的疲劳损伤程度,是保证高性能零部件承载性能和服役可靠性的重要手段。以工业纯铁低周疲劳损伤为研究对象,提出将临界折射纵波(critically refracted longitudinal,L_(CR))与递归定量分析相结合的无损评价方法。结果表明:拉-压加载过程中表现为循环硬化,随加载周次增加至1000周次,L_(CR)波幅值及对应归一化幅值差A_(dif)整体呈单调变化,5 MHz检测频率的灵敏度高于2.25 MHz。进一步对L_(CR)波进行递归定量分析,递归图随疲劳损伤发展变化明显,提取归一化递归度差RR_(dif)作为损伤指标,较时域、频域和时频域最大幅值等指标的灵敏度显著提升,增加幅度最大可达44%,为早期疲劳损伤的无损评价提供了新手段。  相似文献   

拉索是斜拉桥的关键承重构件,拉索的疲劳状态直接关系到斜拉桥的正常运营,交通载荷导致的索力变化是拉索疲劳损伤和寿命评估的关键因素.本文利用上海长江大桥动态称重系统采集到的车辆载荷相关数据,依据等效疲劳损伤原理,推导出代表实际运营车辆的等效载荷谱,将载荷谱加载到ANSYS模型中获得拉索应力历程,采用泄水法,建立拉索应力谱,为拉索疲劳损伤及寿命评估提供可靠的依据.  相似文献   

采用非线性Rayleigh表面波检测方法,实现了不同疲劳阶段下钢试样拉伸和腐蚀疲劳损伤的测试与评价;基于楔块\换能器激发与接收声波方式,搭建非线性Rayleigh波检测系统,测量了不同激励水平下基波幅值平方与二次谐波幅值间的线性关系以及Rayleigh表面波二次谐波的累积效应;分别在拉伸载荷和腐蚀疲劳载荷下,采集非线性时域信号并进行频谱分析,测量声学非线性系数在不同疲劳阶段下变化趋势,并分析不同疲劳载荷对钢试样声学非线性系数的影响。实验结果表明:超声非线性系数与疲劳周期数呈单调递增关系,可以用声学非线性系数来表征材料的表面疲劳损伤程度;相比较周期性拉伸疲劳损伤,腐蚀疲劳试样的声学非线性系数会增大,是由于腐蚀环境会加重实验中钢试样的疲劳损伤程度。研究成果可为疲劳损伤无损检测与评价提供一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

复合管状结构中超声导波的位移分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对超声纵向导波在复合管状结构中的传播特性进行了分析。然后分析了系统中的位移分布,以此确定了各模式检测管材的最佳频厚积范围和检测的最佳位置。结果表明,各模式的径向和轴向位移在管内壁上的值较大,而在管壁中间和管外壁上的值较小;当频厚积增大到一特定值后,管壁中间和管外壁上的径向和轴向位移都近似为零,此特定值随模式阶次的提高而增加。选取各模式检测的频厚积时,应尽可能的选径向位移较小而轴向位移较大的频厚积点。  相似文献   

材料性能退化总是伴随着某种形式的材料非线性力学行为,从而引起超声波传播的非线性,即高频谐波的产生。研究了利用脉冲反转技术测量金属材料超声学非线性系数的实验方法和信号处理算法,发展了一套可靠的测试实验系统,在相同条件下测量了同一试样在不同输入电压下的二次谐波和基波幅度,二次谐波幅度和基波幅度的平方近似成线性关系,表明实验系统是可靠的。利用该系统进行了一组LY12铝合金疲劳试样非线性超声检测实验。实验结果表明,超声非线性系数可以表征镁合金的疲劳早期退化,脉冲反转技术能够有效提取二次谐波时域信号,增强二次谐波的幅度,抑制主要由实验系统所产生的奇次谐波分量,为材料和结构早期力学性能退化的无损检测和评价提供一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

Variable amplitude fatigue strength and equivalent stress amplitude Generally, the assessment of the variable amplitude fatigue strength is based on stress spectrum. The application of standard stress spectra, FEM‐classes of loading or equivalent stress amplitudes results in a simplification of the assessment procedures, especially in the third case: Here, the assessment of the variable amplitude fatigue strength can be performed as an ordinary assessment of the fatigue limit. Compared to the analytical assessments, the experimental assessment based on equivalent stress amplitudes is restricted.  相似文献   

A non-destructive testing method based on polarization effects of ultrasonic transverse waves is suggested to monitor fatigue damage in polymer matrix composites. Using a transverse wave probe in reflection mode, phase and amplitude of its output signal are measured as a function of the polarization angle. From the material properties of a single ply and the proposed calculation approach, the birefringence response of carbon fibre reinforced polymers composed of many plies with different fibre orientations is predicted. The effect of ply sequence is investigated using two types of quasi-isotropic specimens with different layups. Cyclic tensile loading of composites results in fatigue damage that is characterised by matrix cracking along the fibre direction through the thickness of each ply. These myriads of transverse cracks affect the ultrasonic attenuation and degrade the homogenised stiffness of single plies. In the experiments, stepwise increase of fatigue damage is alternated with ultrasonic measurements, which show the effect of ply-dependent crack densities on the birefringence behaviour. Simulated and measured transverse wave response are matched by variation of the input parameters shear moduli and attenuations, which are therefore the final results. The obtained data from the investigated composite specimens is proposed to characterise the distinct fatigue state for each ply orientation.  相似文献   

Non-destructive methodologies for remote monitoring of fatigue induced by mechanical load in fibre reinforced plastics are presented. Hollow cylinders (glass fibre winding) were stepwise biaxially fatigued and measured in single-sided access configurations. Based on conversion of air-coupled ultrasound to guided waves, it is shown that accumulated fatigue damage is accompanied by decrease in phase velocity and increase in attenuation. The change in wave velocity caused by fatigue is shown to correlate closely with measurements of stiffness degradation of the composite. The attenuation of guided waves is affected by crack density which is visually traceable in the transparent composite. Monitoring of cyclic loading of the specimens by thermal imaging and a high-speed camera revealed that the initiation of final failure in the specimens coincides with spots of increased temperature. Air-coupled guided wave area scans allow for observing the development of these areas and other local damage in the composite.  相似文献   

Results are reported of recent experiments which used change in ultrasonic attenuation measurements as a continuous monitor of fatigue damage during cyclic testing of polycrystalline aluminum and steel specimens. Ultrasonic pulses were generated by an x-cut quartz transducer firmly attached to the clamped end of a specimen rod using Eastman 910 cement. The frequencies of these ultrasonic pulses were 10 MHz for polycrystalline aluminum and 5 MHz for cold rolled steel. The specimen shape, transducer size, and frequency used insured that the entire specimen was completely filled with ultrasound in a guided wave mode. The specimen was fatigued as a cantilever beam in reverse bending at 1800 cycles per minute with vertical amplitude peak-to-peak set at a fixed value in the range 7·5–15 mm. In a typical test the ultrasonic attenuation initially remained constant, increased slowly, and then increased catastropically just prior to fracture of the test specimen. All experiments performed on both aluminum and steel specimens at various vibrational amplitudes yielded similar results in that ultrasonic attenuation served as a very sensitive indicator of fatigue damage and in every case indicated that failure was eminent several hours before conventional ultrasonic testing could detect an additional echo caused by energy reflected from a crack. These results strongly suggest that ultrasonic attenuation measurements can be exploited successfully to predict earlier fatigue damage and perhaps fatigue life in practical applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fatigue model of composite is established to predict multiaxial fatigue life of composite bolted joint under constant amplitude cycle loading. Firstly, finite element model is adopted to investigate stress state of composite bolted joint under constant amplitude cycle loading. Secondly, Tsai–Hill criterion is used to calculate equivalent stress of joint. At last, modified S–N fatigue life curve fitted by unidirectional laminate S–N curve which takes ply angle and stress ratio into consideration is adopted to determine fatigue life of composite. Calculation results of equivalent stress model show excellent agreement with experiments of composite bolted joint.  相似文献   

为解决混凝土结构中分层缺陷的在线非接触检测难题,论文提出了利用空气耦合(简称:空耦)超声导波定量检测混凝土结构中分层缺陷的新方法。首先研究了空耦超声导波在混凝土结构中的传播特性,理论分析和实验表明,利用空耦超声波以入射角8.7°入射厚度为50 mm的混凝土板时,可以激发以A0模态为主的导波。然后构建了空耦超声导波扫查实验系统,在混凝土结构单侧利用一对倾斜8.7°的空耦探头激励和接收导波信号,通过分析发现A0模态对分层缺陷敏感,且其幅度与扫查路径中的分层缺陷尺寸存在单调变化关系;在此基础上,对检测区域进行扫查,利用不同位置处的导波信号幅度实现分层缺陷的二维成像。实验结果表明,该方法不仅可以避免耦合剂对检测结果的影响,同时可实现对服役状态下混凝土结构中分层位置及尺寸的定量检测。  相似文献   

The effects of cyclic loading on the mechanical performance and fatigue life of a novel carbon nanotube supercapacitor are investigated. The highly flexible supercapacitor is a monolithic, pre-fabricated, fully functional film made of a nanostructured free-standing layer in which ions are stored within two vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNs) electrodes that are monolithically interspaced by a solution of microcrystalline cellulose in a room temperature ionic liquid electrolyte. To study the cyclic mechanical response of such nanostructured multilayer composite, an original framework is adopted by combining the equivalent continuum approach of Eshelby–Mory–Tanaka and a Weibull-like approach for the evolution of debonding carbon nanotubes electrodes. One- and three-layer models of the supercapacitor are proposed. Cyclic tests are numerically carried out in strain control. A fatigue life limit is determined by considering a confidence interval for the number of cycles corresponding to the states at which the effective elastic modulus of the partially debonded nanostructured portion of the supercapacitor is reduced by a percentage between 20% and 30%. The simulated cyclic tests yield Wholer-type fatigue curves showing the fatigue life limit as the maximum number of cycles N for each strain amplitude.The sensitivity of the fatigue life with respect to meaningful parameters such as the interfacial strength between the MWCNs and cellulose is investigated. Frequency-response functions of the multilayer nanostructured composite are further computed as function of the strain amplitude during cyclic tests.  相似文献   

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