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The reaction of the ozone–oxygen mixture with aqueous suspensions of Np(IV) and Pu(IV) oxalates was studied. Both metal cations and oxalate anions are oxidized in the process. The final products are Np(VI) and Pu(VI) hydroxides. The composition of Np(VI) hydroxide was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Oxidation of Np(IV) oxalate with oxygen leads to the accumulation of Np(V) oxalate and oxalic acid in the solution. At incomplete oxidation of Np(IV) oxalate with ozone in water, Np(V) is also accumulated. Heating considerably accelerates the ozonation. The possible reaction mechanism is briefly discussed. The Np(V) and Np(VI) ions participate in the catalytic cycle of the decomposition of oxalate ions with ozone.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric study showed that ozone in concentrated carbonate solutions forms complexes with CO 3 2? ions, which inhibits the ozone decomposition. Free ozone oxidizes Np(V) at high rate. The bound ozone reacts with Np(V) at moderate rate. Np(IV) reacts with O3 slowly, with Np(VI) formed in NaHCO3 solution and only Np(V) formed in Na2CO3 solution.  相似文献   

Oxidation of Am(III) in the presence of K10P2W17O61 and K8SiW11O39 (L) at 20dGC was studied by spectrophotometry. Am(III) is oxidized with ozone to Am(IV) only in the pH range 3.5–1.0. In the case of formation of a complex with Am: L = 1: 1, the reaction is approximately first-order with respect to the metal, and its rate decreases with a decrease in pH from 3.5 to 1.0. Am(IV) in solution in the presence of ozone is slowly reduced with products of water α-ray radiolysis, predominantly with ?2?2. The rate constant of the reaction of Am(IV) with ?2?2 was estimated.  相似文献   

Oxidation of U(IV) with Np(V) in bicarbonate-carbonic acid solutions and the nature and reactivity of actinide(IV) compounds formed in these media were studied spectrophotometrically.  相似文献   


A reaction between [60]fullerene and terbium(IV) fluoride is shown to be a new example of the thermally induced disruption of the fullerene skeleton. “Hyperfluorination” occurs at the elevated temperature (350° C) thereby producing species C60 Fx (x > 60). The fluorination products were characterized by mass spectrometry and IR spectroscopy methods.  相似文献   

Decomposition of hydroxylamine in HNO3 solutions containing 350 to 920 g l?1 U(VI) was studied. In the absence of fission and corrosion products (Zr, Pd, Tc, Mo, Fe, etc.), hydroxylamine is stable for no less than 6 h at [HNO3] < 1 M and 60°C. In the presence of these products, the stability of hydroxylamine appreciably decreases. The reduction of Pu(IV) and Np(VI) with hydroxylamine in aqueous 0.33 and 0.5 M HNO3 solutions containing 850 g l?1 U(VI) and fission and corrosion products at 60°C was studied. Np(VI) is rapidly reduced to Np(V), after which Np(V) is partially reduced to Np(IV). The rate of the latter reaction in such solutions is considerably higher than the rate of the Np(V) reduction with hydroxylamine in HNO3 solutions without U(VI). At [HNO3] = 0.33 M, the use of hydroxylamine results in the conversion of Pu to Pu(III) and of Np to a Np(IV,V) mixture, whereas at [HNO3] = 0.5 M the final products are Pu(IV) and Np(V).  相似文献   

Yusov  A. B.  Fedoseev  A. M. 《Radiochemistry》2004,46(2):115-120
Reaction of Np(IV) with Si(OH)4 within the range of pH 0-2.2 was studied spectrophotometrically. Under these conditions, a complex NpOSi(OH)3 3 + is formed. This composition was derived from the dependences of the complex concentration on [H+] and [Si(OH)4]. From the experimental electronic absorption spectra, the spectrum of NpOSi(OH)3 3 + was reconstructed. In this spectrum, the narrow band of the aqua ion at 723.2 nm shifts to 729.2 nm and becomes weaker by approximately half. The equilibrium constant K 1 of the complex formation reaction and the stability constant of the complex 1 at the ionic strengths I = 0.1 and 1.0 were determined: logK 1 = 0.71±0.05 and 0.41±0.02, 1 = 10.52±0.05 and 10.22±0.02, respectively. The Np(IV) speciation in the acid solution in the presence of Si(OH)4 was calculated.  相似文献   

The reaction of water with various compositions of calcium, strontium and barium-stabilized bismuth sesquioxide has been examined. X-ray diffraction, TGA, DTA and optical studies were used. The reaction of water with these oxides occurs at room temperature and forms a new, low-temperature, single-phase material. The speed of the reaction is particle-size dependent. The water-containing phase can be decomposed back to the rhombohedral-stabilized structure at temperatures between 400 and 700°C. It appears that the reaction is an intercalation-type process with pronounced exfoliation.  相似文献   

The behavior of aqueous and acid solutions of U(IV) complexes with lacunar heteropolyanions was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering. The polytungstate forms in solutions and in crystals are generally similar. The polyanionic complexes in solutions can exhibit ordering with a period of approximately 5.6–7.8 nm. Such species are probably precursors of the crystalline form.  相似文献   

Low-temperature nonaqueous nitration of metallic uranium in the system TBP tetrachloroethylene-NO2 is studied. Dissolution of U in a dipolar aprotic solvent (TBP, DMF, acetonitrile, nitromethane, DMSO, diethylformamide) proceeds with the formation of U(VI) compounds. The activation energy of the process is estimated at 48.2 kJ mol?1, and the partial order of the reaction with respect to NO2 is 1. The effects of the TBP concentration and water addition on the nitration are examined. In the system TBP-tetrachloroethylene, the nitration rate is maximal at a water content of 1.0–2.0 vol %.  相似文献   

Water electrolysis in alkaline electrolyte is an attractive way toward clean hydrogen energy via the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), whereas the sluggish water dissociation impedes the following hydrogen evolution. Noble metal oxides possess promising capability for catalyzing water dissociation and hydrogen evolution; however, they are never utilized for the HER due to the instability under the reductive potential. Here it is shown that compressive strain can stabilize RhO2 clusters and promote their catalytic activity. To this end, a strawberry-like structure with RhO2 clusters embedded in the surface layer of Rh nanoparticles is engineered, in which the incompatibility between the oxide cluster and the metal substrate causes intensive compressive strain. As such, RhO2 clusters remain stable at a reduction potential up to −0.3 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode and present an alkaline HER activity superior to commercial Pt/C.  相似文献   

The kinetics of U(IV) oxidation with atmospheric oxygen in NaHCO3 solutions was studied by spectrophotometry. In 1 M NaHCO3 at [U(IV)]0 = 20 mM, an induction period is observed, which virtually disappears with decreasing [U(IV)]0 to 1.0 mM. The induction period is caused by the fact that initially U(IV) exists in a weakly active polymeric form. Addition of U(VI) to the initial solution accelerates the oxidation. In a 1 M NaHCO3 solution containing 0.1–1.0 mM U(IV), the U(IV) loss follows the first-order rate law with respect to U(IV) and O2. The pseudo-first-order rate constants, bimolecular rate constants, and activation energy of the U(IV) oxidation were calculated. In dilute NaHCO3 solutions (0.5–0.01 M), the hydrolysis and polymerization of U(IV) become more pronounced. The autocatalysis mechanism presumably involves formation of a complex [U(IV) · U(VI)] with which O2 reacts faster than with U(IV). Oxidation of U(IV) occurs by the two-electron charge-transfer mechanism.  相似文献   

In regeneration of Np(IV)-and Pu(IV)-containing recycled solvent by treatment with aqueous sodium carbonate contaminated with iron, some portion of Np(IV) and Pu(IV) coprecipitates with hydrolyzed iron. The degree of coprecipitation of Np and Pu depends on both the iron and sodium carbonate concentrations. The presence of n-dibutyl hydrogen phosphate in the recycled solvent before its regeneration does not noticeably affect the coprecipitation of Np and Pu. The possible mechanisms of coprecipitation of actinides with hydrolyzed iron in carbonate solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

The impregnation of o-phenylene dioxydiacetic acid (OPDA) into a polymeric matrix, Amberlite XAD-2000, is reported and was characterized by infrared spectroscopy. The amount of attached OPDA to the polymer resin was found to be 1.77mmolg(-1) resin. The resin was used for the sorption of U(VI) and Th(IV) from aqueous solution. This sorbent was capable of preconcentrating U(VI) and Th(IV) from weakly acidic or neutral solution. The retained metals were eluted sequentially using 0.25molL(-1) HCl for U(VI) and 1molL(-1) HCl for Th(IV) and determined spectrophotometrically using arsenazo-(III). The capacity of the resin for U(VI) and Th(IV) was found to be 0.121 and 0.113mmolg(-1), respectively. The impregnated resin exhibits a high chemical stability, reusability and fast equilibration. The method was used for the determination of U(VI) and Th(IV) in synthetic samples and rock samples.  相似文献   

Thermal processes involved during the decomposition course of La2(C2O4)3·10H2O–FeC2O4·2H2O (1:2 mole ratio) mixture up to 750 °C, in an atmosphere of air, were monitored by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy were used to characterize the intermediates and the final product. The results showed that a microcrystalline or possibly amorphous iron(III) oxide with a paramagnetic nature was appeared in the early stages of decomposition at 250 °C. By increasing the temperature, a well crystalline hematite with ferromagnetic properties was obtained. XRD pattern of the mixture calcined at 1100 °C shows the formation of LaFeO3 single phase in consistent with the hyperfine magnetic splitting (one sextet of lines) characteristic of LaFeO3 obtained in the Mössbauer spectra of the mixture calcined at the same temperature.  相似文献   

Oxidation of Ce(III) with ozone in concentrated hydrochloric acid was studied. Ozonation of hydrochloric acid solutions containing CeCl3 and CsCl results in precipitation of crystalline Cs2CeCl6. The precipitate is not formed when chlorine-saturated hydrochloric acid solutions containing CeCl3 and CsCl are stored in the dark. Exposure of such solution to the radiation of a mercury lamp for several minutes results in precipitation of Cs2CeCl6. The mechanism of the ozonation of HClconc containing CeCl3 is discussed with consideration of radiation-chemical data.  相似文献   

Reaction of Np(VI) compounds with Fe(II) in bicarbonate solutions was studied. Reaction of Np(V) with Fe(II) in the presence of phthalate ions was briefly considered. Iron(II) compounds reduce Np(V) compounds in solutions saturated with Ar or CO2 at any concentrations of bicarbonate ion. At [Na(K)HCO3] > 0.86 M, Np(V) is reduced during mixing the reactants and recording the spectra. The reaction of Fe(II) with Np(V) in dilute bicarbonate solutions is substantially slower, probably owing to a sharp decrease in the solubility of the Np(V) carbonate complexes. The solubility of the Np(V) compounds increases after saturation of the dilute bicarbonate solutions with CO2. However, in this case reduction remains slow. Uranium(VI) carbonate complexes are reduced with Fe(II) compounds in dilute bicarbonate solutions. The reaction products formed at elevated temperatures are UO2 and FeOOH.  相似文献   

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