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给出了不同浓度的酒精水溶液中空化泡的动力学测量结果。在最优化驱动参数的情况下,随着酒精浓度的增大,空化泡的可忍受声压随之减小,进而减弱了空化泡的径向脉动;在特定驱动参数情况下,气泡的最大半径和半径压缩比随酒精浓度的变化情况都会因驱动参数点的选取而发生变化。总的来说,酒精的加入减弱了空化泡的运动,改变了空化泡的参数空间,因而改变了空化泡的动力学行为。  相似文献   

蒿超凡  赵梅  胡长青 《声学技术》2020,39(4):389-394
基于单气泡Keller-Miksis振荡方程,在考虑时延的情况下,建立了一种双气泡耦合振荡计算模型。该模型将气泡振荡的周期分成若干份,初始扰动引起第一个气泡的半径在极短时间内变化而产生振荡并辐射声压,声压在传播一定时间后作用到第二个气泡,第二个气泡同样在短时间内做耦合振荡并反馈到第一个气泡,然后重复此过程。利用数值仿真在此模型的基础上分别研究了气泡振幅、半径、间距等参数对耦合振荡的影响。结果表明:初始扰动越大、两个气泡半径越接近,气泡耦合效应越明显;初始半径和平衡半径较大的气泡对耦合振荡有显著影响,振荡的频率向低频移动;气泡间距越大,耦合效应越弱;在某个特定距离处,气泡耦合效应的阻尼会异常减小或者增大。  相似文献   

钱梦騄  程茜 《声学技术》2003,22(3):203-206,208
单泡声致发光现象中,气泡动力学特性的研究是十分重要的。文章由简单的振子模型及能量守恒定律,导出了不可压缩、弱粘滞流体中纯径向振动气泡的Rayleigh—Plesset方程,利用龙格-库塔法计算了不同驱动声压下的R(t)曲线,并对崩溃相气泡的聚能效应做了讨论。  相似文献   

单泡声致发光现象 - 气泡运动的Mie散射测量   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
钱梦騄  安兆亮  葛曹燕 《声学技术》2003,22(4):292-296,299
单泡声致发光现象时间和空间的高重复性,为实验研究气泡动力学特性提供了可能。文章利用Dave倒推算法,计算气泡Mie散射光强随散射角和气泡半径的变化,并选择了散射角80°为实验测量位置。利用R P方程理论计算的R(t)曲线与Mie散射实测结果相拟合,定量研究了气泡平衡半径、压缩比及崩溃阶段气泡的能量转换,结果表明,随激励声压的增大,气泡所吸收的声能可能绝大部分转换成激波及热能,使泡内温度上升。  相似文献   

基于均质混合流模型,引入Rayleigh-Plesset方程考虑气泡动力学作用,采用拉格朗日有限体积法,进行喷管内非稳态泡状流计算。分析临界泡状流的特性,并把流场计算结果与相关实验数据对比,吻合较好。将不同边界条件下的临界泡状流计算结果进行对比分析,得到了入口含气率、压力及初始气泡半径对临界泡状流动的影响。结果表明:临界入口速度随着入口含气率的增大而减小,而随入口压力、初始气泡半径的增大而增大。  相似文献   

通过对气泡进行动力学和热力学分析,构建了描述气泡在液氧输送管路中生长及流动冷凝全过程的理论模型。通过编程计算获得了气泡在整个生命过程中的尺寸、温度和运动轨迹的变化情况,预测了气泡的脱离直径和流动冷凝长度,并分析了注气速率和液体流速等热流参数的影响。计算结果表明,在气泡的生长过程中,气泡脱离直径随注气速率的增大而增大,随液体流速的增大而减小。在气泡的冷凝过程中,气泡的流动冷凝长度随注气速率的增大而增大,随液体流速的增大而缓慢增大并逐渐趋于稳定。  相似文献   

以空气泡为例,采用描述气泡半径运动的Rayleigh-Plesset方程,对其在高频声压辐照下的非线性振荡,散射声场和散射截面进行理论和数值研究,为获取更清晰的图像提供理论依据。结果表明:激励声压的频率在微泡的固有谐振频率附近时,可以产生强的二次谐波散射声压。同时,提高入射声强可以增大二次谐波散射截面,但不能改变基波散射截面。  相似文献   

侯森  胡长青  蒿超凡 《声学技术》2019,38(3):258-262
海洋中水合物在分解后会形成大量气泡并向外辐射噪声信号。基于水合物分解的特点,建立了适用于描述水合物分解的非理想气泡的振动模型,并通过数值方法分别对辐射噪声的频率和辐射声压做了仿真模拟。结合测量二氧化碳水解噪声的实验数据,对分解得到的不同半径气泡辐射噪声频率和声压做了统计分析。结果表明,理论模型与实验结果吻合较好,该研究对监测水合物的泄漏分解等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

1.引言 在超声驻波的作用下,在除气水中可以实现单个气泡的超声悬浮,同时气泡也将会以驱动频率做膨胀塌缩运动,塌缩的剧烈程度随着声压的增加而变剧烈,当声压大到一定值时,在气泡的塌缩过程中就会发出光脉冲,这就是单泡声致发光(SBSL).既然SBSL是由于气泡的运动所产生的,那么研究气泡具体是如何运动的就变得十分重要,这将有助于了解声致发光的发光机理和过程.当然,影响声致发光的因素有很多,如声压、含气量、环境温度和压力、以及一些液体参数等等,其中激励声压是最根本的一个相关量.本文我们研究激励声压对气泡运动的影响.  相似文献   

离心铸造液态金属充型流动过程中气泡的形核规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对离心力场作用下液态金属充型流动过程中气体的溶解度、气泡的形核条件、形核功、临界形核半径以及形核率进行了定量研究.结果表明,在离心力场作用下气体的溶解度是一个梯度量,随着离心半径和离心角速度的增大而增大;气泡的形核功和临界形核半径也随着离心半径和离心角速度的增大而增大,而气泡的形核率相应地减小;离心半径和离心角速度越大,对气体溶解度和气泡形核的影响越明显;因此,在离心力场作用下可通过提高离心旋转角速度和离心半径减少气孔缺陷.  相似文献   

In this article the analytical solution to the Rayleigh–Plesset equation for a spherically symmetric oscillating bubble is extended to apply to the much more general (non-spherically symmetric) bubble configuration. An equivalent bubble radius and an equivalent bubble wall velocity are introduced in order to do so. The influence of gravity, surface tension, nearby solid walls, vapor bubbles, bubbles filled with adiabatic or isothermal gas have been considered in the model. An interesting outcome is that the equivalent bubble wall velocity is no longer the time derivative of the equivalent bubble radius. This observation can possibly explain why in various numerical and experimental observations the oscillation time of a bubble changes when compared to that of a standalone bubble; near a solid surface it increases while it decreases when the bubble is placed near a free surface. The current developed theory can be further employed to ascertain the accuracy of a numerical scheme simulating bubble dynamics in an incompressible surrounding flow approximation. An often used numerical technique to simulate such bubble dynamics is the boundary integral method (BIM).  相似文献   

The boundary element method (BEM) is applied to solve the unsteady behavior of a bubble placed in a vortex flow field. The steady vortex field is given in terms of the viscous core radius and the circulation, both of which may vary along the vortex axis. For this study, 2DynaFS©, an axisymmetric potential flow code which has been verified successfully for diverse type of fluid dynamic problems, is extended. The modifications to accommodate the ambient vortex flow field and to model the extreme deformations of the bubble are presented. Through the numerical simulations, the time history of the bubble geometry and the corresponding pressure signal at a fixed field point are obtained. A special effort is made to continue the numerical simulation after the bubble splits into two or more sub-bubbles. Indeed, it is found that an elongated bubble sometimes splits into smaller bubbles, which then collapse with the emission of strong pressure signals. The behavior of the axial jets after the split is also studied in more detail. This work was conducted at Dynaflow, Inc. (www.dynaflow-inc.com). The work has been supported by the Office of Naval Research under the contract No. N0014–99-C-0369 monitored by Dr. Ki-Han Kim. This support is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Some of the effects that therapeutic ultrasound has in medicine and biology may be associated with steady oscillations of gas bubbles in liquid, very close to tissue surface. The bubble oscillations induce on the surface steady shear stress attributed to microstreaming. A mathematical simulation of the problem for both free and capsulated bubbles, known as contrast agents, is presented here. The simulation is based on a solution of Laplace's equation for potential flow and existing models for microstreaming. The solution for potential flow was obtained numerically using a boundary integral method. The solution provides the evolution of the bubble shape, the distribution of the velocity potential on the surface, and the shear stress along the surface. The simulation shows that significant shear stresses develop on the surface when the bubble bounces near the tissue surface. In this case, pressure amplitude of 20 kPa generates maximal steady shear stress of several kilo Pascal. Substantial shear stress on the tissue surface takes place inside a circular zone with a radius about half of the bubble radius. The predicted shear stress is greater than stress that causes hemolysis in blood and several orders of magnitude greater than the physiological stress induced on the vessel wall by the flowing blood.  相似文献   

在实际应用时,空化泡可能位于刚性壁附近。对刚性壁附近的空化泡脉动进行研究有利于更好地利用声空化。文章研究了刚性壁附近双气泡的动力学规律。研究结果表明,当两气泡与刚性壁距离相同时,气泡与壁之间的距离越大,刚性壁对辐射声波的反射越小,气泡脉动时能够达到的最大半径与最小半径的比值(即压缩比)也越大。若改变单个气泡与刚性壁的距离,则当两个气泡距离接近时,位置固定的气泡压缩比会减小。增大单个气泡的平衡半径,会使得两气泡脉动时的压缩比变小。此外,文章还对两气泡间距固定情况下,气泡压缩比与两气泡中心连线和壁面所成夹角之间的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

黄麟  张立  国志达  熊苏  马勇  张凯  翟晓蓉 《爆破》2012,29(1):87-90,105
不同海拔高度进行水下爆破工程时,因水体表面气压随海拔的升高而线性降低,其装药爆炸产生的气泡脉动过程及气泡大小将会发生一定的变化。通过爆炸载荷的测试以及高速摄影2种测试方法对气泡脉动进行了研究。结果表明:在海拔0~4 500 m范围内随着气压降低,气泡脉动周期按二阶多项式规律显著增大,2种方法所得数值误差小于3.8%,数据一致性较好;在海拔0~3 500 m范围内气泡最大半径随海拔升高而线性变大,而4 000 m和4 500 m有突跃变化。将研究结果与水下爆炸气泡周期理论公式进行了比较,并对理论公式在低气压这一特定条件下进行修正,得出的气泡脉动周期系数由原来的2.11修正为1.995,而气泡最大半径系数是一个与海拔有关的一次函数。  相似文献   

The problem of evolution of a single vapor bubble after an increase in the pressure of the surrounding fluid is considered. In contrast to the classical formulation of this problem, the fluid pressure is set at a finite distance from the bubble. For the case when this distance is large, an analytical solution is found, which relates the bubble compression rate with its current radius. On the basis of the solution obtained, the regimes of bubble compression and fluid pressure upon bubble compression in the collapse regime are investigated.  相似文献   

根据粘弹性材料有限变形的应变能密度函数、Maxwell模型的松弛函数及气泡的变形梯度张量,推导出蛋白质气泡有限变形的应力方程.并结合气泡的动力学方程,得到气泡在内外压力差、弹性有限变形应力及粘性耗散应力共同作用下内径的非线性振动方程.利用该方程,通过数值模拟方法,对蛋白质气泡有限变形时的振动特性进行了分析,研究了气泡内外压力差、膜的厚度、膜的粘性以及气泡大小对气泡振动特性的影响.结果表明,蛋白质气泡的振动具有非线性特性,当初始压力差不同时,气泡的振动频率、振幅、速度的变化是不同的,停止振动时的大小也不相同;增加膜的厚度和膜的粘性会抑制气泡的振动,增强气泡承受载荷的能力;对于大小不同的气泡,尺寸较小的气泡振动频率高,速度衰减慢.  相似文献   

液体中的含气量是单泡声致发光相空间的重要参数,对声致发光气泡的运动及发光有重要影响本文给出了一种使用插入式荧光光谱含氧量计测量稳态单泡声致发光的液体中气体含量参数的方法,并对这父键性参数与气泡平衡半径R0和声压Pa的关系进行了具体的研究,再次验证了扩散平衡、化学分解假设理论。  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the conditions for instability of a charged gas bubble in a dielectric liquid. It is shown that unlike a charged droplet, the criterion for instability of a bubble is determined by two dimensionless parameters: the Rayleigh parameter and the ratio of the gas pressure in the parent bubble to the Laplace pressure. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 23, 60–65 (October 12, 1997)  相似文献   

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