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本文讨论了互换性定律的族系,研究了非训练行为不准确现象,讨论了行为互换性的需求,推论了行为互换性定律的存在,建立了行为互换性的概念,创建了行为互换性定律的命题及其数学模型,详述了定律的内涵,分析了行为互换性与其他互换性的关系,讨论了行为互换性定律的对象范围、互换类型、自身特点和作用意义,对行为互换性定律进行了验证分析,讨论了行为互换性定律的应用,并给出了应用例子。  相似文献   

《互联网时代》是以全球背景下的视野,聚焦了历史、聚焦了文化、聚焦了社会功能,通过十集的影像表达,缔造了一个时代所呈现的互联网巨大变革,满足了受众,创造了经济效益,开创了中国纪录片史上的又一个里程碑,同时创造了较高的社会现实意义。完成了近乎完美的中国映像,为中国纪录片占有国际地位奠定了社会基础。  相似文献   

健康有益的社团活动不仅丰富了校园文化,培养了学生的兴趣爱好,扩大了学生的求知领域,使大学生活丰富多彩,而且对大学生的心理成长具有积极的作用。即社团活动使大学生获得了归属感,丰富了情感体验,提高了交往能力,增强了合作意识,提升了自信心,促进了大学生社会化的进程。  相似文献   

对盒体零件的冲孔工艺方案进行了分析,介绍了各种冲孔工艺方案的优缺点,从而确定了利用凸轮机构,实现了该零件的径向冲孔。介绍了该模具结构及工作过程,给出了零件的工艺计算方法,提出了模具的设计方法,为解决同类零件的冲孔提供了参考。  相似文献   

简述了模拟水波的原理,使用面向对象方法对水波3D实时模拟系统进行了结构设计,给出了设计模式的结构图,提出了一个可复用的系统框架.详细介绍了使用HLSL对Gerstner水波进行编程的方法,实现了水波实时渲染的模拟并给出了关键的程序代码.最后分析了使用Gerstner波进行水波模拟存在的不足并提出了改进建议.  相似文献   

标准化学科几何互换性定律的创建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文讨论了规律和定律的关系和特点,讨论了几何互换性的本质关系,推论了互换性定律的存在,创建了动配合互换性定律、定位配合互换性定律、紧配合互换性定律,建立了定律的命题、数学模型和关系模型,详述了每个定律的内涵,创建了支持互换性工程应用的几何互换性空间,讨论了互换性定律的应用,创建了广泛适用的互换性空间。  相似文献   

本文论述了研究标准化性质的意义,阐述了4个性质的内涵,分别研究了其理论关系和特点,提出了4个性质的证明方法,并作了相应证明,论述了4个性质的应用关系,给出了部分代表性的应用领域。  相似文献   

通过农业标准化示范区建设项目的实施,促进了农产品质量安全水平的提高,延伸了产业链条,加快了全市农业产业化、现代化的进程,提高了农民的标准化意识,改善了生态环境,促进了可持续发展,为促进农业增效、农民增收起到了巨大作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了如何使用矢量网络分析仪测量非50n的同轴传输线的特性阻抗,从理论入手,提出了测量方法,然后建立了模型并进行了仿真,最后用矢量网络分析仪进行了测量,得出了卖际测量曲线,分析了测量曲线,得出了正确的测量方法和测量结果。  相似文献   

王强 《硅谷》2014,(8):115+103-115,103
随着社会的发展,科学技术的进步,计算机技术在各个领域中得到了广泛的应用。计算机技术在会计领域中发挥了重要作用,逐步建立起了会计电算化体系,充分发挥了计算机自动、高效、准确的优势,受到了会计人员的青睐,计算技术在会计领域中的应用提高了会计核算的准确性,提高了会计人员的工作效率,保障了会计工作快速、高效、高质量的完成。文章对会计中计算机技术的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文所介绍的与1993年由ISO等7个国际组织联合发表的《测量不确定表示指南》(简称《指南》)完全一致,只是指南上的实用于物理测量的绝大多数领域,而本文介绍的仅适用于校准实验的测量。同时本文主要侧重于对输入估计值的A类测量不确定度和B类测量不确定度的评定的介绍,为输出估计值的测量不确定度评定奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Conclusions The analysis results show that in the presence of hydrogen the nonstationary nature of the thermal effects (heat changes, thermal cycles) in the presence of heterogeneities may on its own be a factor causing a high risk of hydrogen degradation and may be of the implicit type (hidden). The degree of risk depends, in particular, on the kinetics of thermal processes. These defects must be taken into account by estimating the properties of materials after the effect of hydrogen and solving the problems of ensuring safety of structures both in the design stage and controlling efficiency and in determining the optimum (permissible) operating conditions, and also in determining the residual service life. In certain cases the conditions of transition of thermal processes may be of controlling importance for the efficiency of materials in structures.Translated from Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, No. 6, pp. 7–20, November–December, 1992.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop some techniques to linearize families of smooth vector fields in a neighbourhood of a hyperbolic equilibrium point. In particular, we present the linearizing conjugacy in an explicit way and describe the smoothness of the conjugacy in terms of the eigenvalues of the vector fields.  相似文献   

因为进分子筛吸附器的空气温度偏高,分子筛吸附器出口空气中二氧化碳含量超标,二氧化碳在粗氩冷凝器换热通道内积聚,造成粗氩冷凝器堵塞,制氩系统停运。介绍粗氩冷凝器堵塞时的参数变化情况和采取的加温措施。  相似文献   

We show that loads induced in turbine blades by vibration make a significant contribution to the dynamic stressed state of the teeth of compressor disks. The dynamic stresses formed in the teeth of the investigated blade wheels can be as high as 42% of the stresses induced in the blades. Together with fretting corrosion, static stresses, and other factors, this may lead to initiation and propagation of cracks in teeth and, as a final result, their fracture.  相似文献   

The D. I. Mendeleev All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology has performed an inter-laboratory comparison of two methods of determining the heat of combustion of natural gas: the direct calorimetric method; and an indirect computational method involving the use of gas chromatography to determine the composition of the gas. The comparison was done with the same level of accuracy maintained in the determination of standards. Good agreement was obtained between the results of the two methods for two samples of natural gas from pipelines. The gas was dried before measurement in each case. The difference seen in the two sets of results might be related to the concentration of water vapor in the gas, which was not checked in the investigation. Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 36–40, January, 1998.  相似文献   

This investigation was primarily aimed to examine the probable causes of damage in steam drum of heat recovery boiler in a naphtha cracking plant. Large number of cracks was detected of varying length on the inner surface of the drums. Preliminary visual examination, magnetic particle inspection, in situ metallographic examinations were carried out at the site. Detailed optical microscopic analysis along with scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) examinations on the scooped samples from different locations of the steam drum were carried out to understand the metallurgical reasons for damage. Stress analysis was carried out on the steam drum on the basis of strength for the internal pressure. Finally, it was concluded that metallurgical factors as well as operating conditions were responsible for the cause of damage in the steam drum.  相似文献   

We present two methods for the investigation of the influence of hydrogen on the propagation rate of a crack and behavior of fracture of high-strength steels. The method for investigation of the influence of electrolytic hydrogenation on a subcritical growth of a crack in high-strength steels is based on the use of simple beam specimens of a certain geometry and on the application of lateral loading in such a way that the stress intensity factor can be constant at the tip of a preliminary induced crack. The method is of great importance for the performance of comparative experiments in evaluating the influence of active media and structural anisotropy of specimens made of high-strength steels with limited sizes on their corrosion crack resistance. Typical examples of the application of the method to investigation of the role of electrolytic hydrogenation in subcritical propagation of cracks and their branching in highstrength steels are given. The method for investigation of heat release under strain and fracture of hydrogenated specimens involves the use of microcalorimetric devices, which allow one to study the influence of hydrogenation on peculiarities of the kinetics of elastic and plastic strains of high-strength steels. We illustrate the efficiency of the method proposed by plotting the “load-elongation” curves and corresponding (in time) characteristics of heat release power in the process of strain and fracture of specimens made of a high-strength steel. Karpenko Physicomechanical Institute, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, L'viv. Translated from Fizyko-Khimichna Mekhanika Materialiv, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 113–120, July–August, 1998  相似文献   

传递损失是评价消声器声学性能的一个重要指标。提出了一种方法—管道声模态法代替传统方法估算传递损失。对进出口截面积较小的消声器进行计算和检验,与传统方法比较,结果基本吻合,且过程简单,提高传递损失的计算效率。对进出口截面积较大的消声器,中高频段由于大量高次波的出现,传统方法失效;但低频段管中声波以平面波为主,其结果与传统法一致。因此可以采用管道声模态法快速估算传递损失。  相似文献   

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