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基于线性Radon变换的图像投影方法,改善汽车自动调整臂性能测试仪对分离间隙的提取精度。由于工业领域广泛使用的梯度极值法等传统特征点提取方法对含噪密集的信号非常敏感,很难准确识别在线测试曲线的拐点,降低了曲线特征点的提取精度,增加了误判率。在分离间隙在线测试仪的应用中,基于线性Radon变换法的分离间隙提取技术,能大大改善分离间隙的获取精度和准确度。实验验证,线性Radon变换法的计算误差比梯度极值法的计算误差至少降低10倍,同时,该技术理论研究成果已在杭州沃镭科技有限公司成功推广使用。  相似文献   

提出了基于重排小波Radon变换的线性调频信号的参数估计法。该方法先将小波尺度图转为时频分布图,为提高聚集性引入了时频重排,再将重排图进行Radon变换以进行参数估计。仿真结果表明,该方法有效提高了时频分布图的聚集性,节省了后续Radon变换的时间,同时也抑制了噪声干扰,辨识效果明显提高。  相似文献   

陈青  卜莹  李伟 《包装工程》2019,40(13):233-238
目的 为了提高水印算法的不可见性及抗旋转攻击的能力,提出一种基于BSVD分解和Radon变换的NSCT域鲁棒水印算法。方法 首先对水印图像进行Arnold变换,然后对载体图像进行NSCT变换,接着对低频子带进行不重叠分块,最后对各子块进行BSVD分解,选择合适的缩放因子,将水印嵌入奇异矩阵的最大奇异值中。提取水印时,先用Radon变换对含水印信息的载体图像进行校正,再提取出水印信息。结果 实验显示,文中算法具有很好的不可见性,PSNR值均在60 dB之上,并且能够抵抗常规信号的攻击,NC值均大于0.95。结论 该水印算法具有良好的不可见性和鲁棒性,抵抗旋转攻击的能力较强。  相似文献   

倾斜的证件图像不利于识别,为此提出一种基于Canny算子和Radon变换的校正方法。该方法首先使用Canny算子进行证件图像边缘检测,然后利用Radon变换计算出图像的倾斜角度,最后用双线性插值算法进行图像旋转校正。在Matlab平台对该方法进行了仿真实验。实验结果表明,该方法能够准确、高效地对证件图像进行校正。  相似文献   

1.引言 Radon变换是一种把多元函数映射为含多参数的一元函数的积分变换。它有深刻的物理背景,关于它今天已有比较系统的结果([3])。然而从理论和应用上考虑,Radon变_换尚有必要推广到其像函数可以是含参量的多元函数的情形。的确,k-平面换换是一种把维数较高的函数映射为维数较低的含参量的积分变换,而且Radon变换与k=1时的k—平面变变等价([6]);但是k≥2时k—平面变换并不能反映Radon变换的特性,因而难以说k—平面换换是Radon变换的自然推广。本文将从Radon变换的定义出发,推广它,使之能将维数较高的函  相似文献   

特征提取是低对比度掌纹识别的关键步骤.针对掌纹纹理特征明显的特点,本文提出了一种分块Radon变换的掌纹特征提取方法.该方法先对掌纹感兴趣区域进行一级小波分解去噪降维,接着对低频子图像进行分块以圈定局部主要纹理,最后把所有分块后的子图像进行70°~140°Radon变换,所获得的线积分组合在一起构成该图像的特征向量.运...  相似文献   

针对视频图像中自动提取海岸线的问题,提出了一种基于Radon变换和彩色图像梯度跟踪模型的海岸线提取算法.根据海水和陆地的彩色图像信息差异,在计算彩色梯度向量的基础上,利用Radon变换检测线状奇异性的特点,设计剖面分析方法,预测水陆交界处大致方向和动态范围,以达到缩小检测区域的目的:最后采用一种改进的最大梯度跟踪模型对海岸线进行搜索,以提取最终的海岸线精确定位参数.实验结果验证了该算法对海岸线检测的有效性和较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Radon变换在倾斜车牌图像校正中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
倾斜车牌图像的校正是车牌识别中的重要环节之一.根据Radon变换思想,对三种倾斜方式提出了相应的校正方法.用数学形态学的方法对车牌图像进行边缘检测;利用Radon变换检测车牌倾斜角度,对水平方向进行旋转无损校正,对垂直方向进行双线性插值错位偏移校正.实验结果表明该方法是快速有效的.  相似文献   

为了有效地进行运动模糊图像的复原处理,研究了模糊图像点扩散函数(PSF)的两个关键模糊参数——模糊方向(角度)和模糊尺度的估计,重点研究了运动模糊方向的精确估计。针对模糊图像频谱中十字亮线对方向估计的干扰问题,给出了基于Radon变换的运动模糊方向估计方法的改进方法。该方法根据频谱图像中心条纹尺度信息,自适应调节形态学腐蚀算子的执行次数,有效克服十字亮线对检测精度的干扰,最后利用Radon变换得到运动模糊方向的精确估计。试验结果验证了该方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

首先对小波变换的优点做了介绍,综述了小波变换在遥测非平稳速变信号处理中的两个重要方面的应用:信号消噪和信号突变点特征提取。  相似文献   

Reflection seismology is a method of exploration of the hidden structure of the earth subsurface by processing received seismograms. For a long time, this processing utilizes the so-called slant stack transform, or line Radon transform. More recently, two generalizations of the slant stack transform have been introduced to extract new features of the seismic data and to improve their treatment. These transforms are the parabolic and hyperbolic seismic Radon transforms. The first transform maps a given function to its integrals over parabolas with a fixed axis direction, whereas the second one maps a function to its integrals over hyperbolas (more generally also over ellipses and circles) of fixed axis directions. We show how they can be converted to a line Radon transform, and thereby obtain their inversion formulas. Numerical simulations for each transform were performed and commented to illustrate the suggested algorithms.  相似文献   

Adaptive Fourier analyzers have been developed for measuring periodic signals with unknown or changing fundamental frequency. Typical applications are vibration measurements and active noise control related to rotating machinery and calibration equipment that can avoid the changes of the line frequency by adaptation. Higher frequency applications have limitations since the computational complexity of these analyzers are relatively high as the number of the harmonic components to be measured (or suppressed) is usually above 50. In this paper, based on the concept of transformed domain signal processing, a fast filter-bank structure is proposed to reduce the above computational complexity. The first step of the suggested solution is the application of the filter-bank version of the fast Fourier transform or any other fast transformations that convert input data into the transformed domain. These fast transform structures operate as single-input multiple-output filter-banks, however, they can not be adapted since their efficiency is due to their special symmetry. As a second step, the adaptation of the filter-bank is performed at the transform structure's output by adapting a simple linear combiner to the fundamental frequency of the periodic signal to be processed  相似文献   

楼文娟  林宝龙 《工程力学》2006,23(Z1):157-162
利用空间域信息进行小波变换的结构损伤位置识别方法。采用双正交小波bior6.8对结构的位移曲线进行一个尺度的小波分解,精确地识别了等截面和渐变截面悬臂梁的损伤位置,验证了空间域信息小波变换方法对结构损伤位置识别的有效性。针对土木工程结构的复杂性、输入不完备性等特点,提出了利用环境激励下的结构振动曲线进行小波变换的结构损伤位置识别方法,并将该方法应用于大型输电铁塔的损伤位置识别。结果表明,该方法能有效地识别沿高度刚度均匀分布或渐变的高耸格构式塔架的损伤位置,但对存在刚度突变的塔架,则无法有效地识别刚度突变处的损伤。  相似文献   

半功率点法估计阻尼的一种改进   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了提高半功率点法估计阻尼的精度,探讨了快速傅立叶变换(FFT)离散谱线之间函数值的意义,基于这种连续性理解,构造了半功率点估计阻尼的新算法,采用理论分析与数值仿真相结合的方法研究了半功率点法的主要误差因素和各自特性,特别是其中窗阻尼变化规律,给出了保证阻尼误差小于10%,5%和1%对窗长的要求。  相似文献   

快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform,FFT)常用于信号频率估计,采用填零的方法可降低幅度谱频率搜索间隔的量化误差,但是会使频率估计的计算量成倍增加。本文提出了一种FFT幅相联合的快速高精度频率估计算法,首先利用信号采样的频谱序列和尾首样本差确定幅度谱及峰值位置,然后由频谱序列在幅度谱峰值位置和信号采样的尾首样本差来确定频率搜索间隔的量化误差校正值。因此,所提方法同时利用了幅度谱峰值的位置信息与相位信息。分析结果表明,与仅基于幅度谱搜索的FFT算法相比,所提方法的计算复杂度更低,且定位精度更高。  相似文献   

江向东 《声学技术》2018,37(3):227-231
针对目标运动等导致的辐射噪声频谱特征的时变性对目标分类稳定性的影响,提出一种基于时频图像累积变换的抗频移声谱特征提取方法,不仅能够提取淹没在强噪声中的线谱信号,还能够实时给出谱线的参数信息,同时结合听觉特征识别原理,采用抗频移的仿倍频程的三角滤波法提取目标特征。仿真和实际数据处理表明,所提出的特征有助于探测设备克服目标未知的复杂运动带来的频谱时变影响,提高了分类特征的稳定性。  相似文献   


It is shown that the symmetrically ordered moments of boson operators for a single boson mode can be reconstructed from the corresponding moments of the Radon transform of the Wigner quasiprobability for discrete sets of equidistant inequivalent angles which solve the circle division problem. This reconstruction is sometimes simpler than the corresponding reconstruction of the normally ordered moments where one first has to multiply the Radon transform with Hermite polynomials in comparison to power functions for symmetrically ordered moments and then to integrate. The connection to the reconstruction for the general class of s-ordered moments is established. The transition from discrete sets of angles to integration over angles via averaging over the discrete angles is made. The results are applied to displaced squeezed thermal states. It is shown how the ordered moments for these states can be explicitly found from the calculated Radon transform of the Wigner quasiprobability. The obtained formulae for these moments possess independent interest since they contribute to the discussion of the properties of the most general class of states with quasiprobabilities of Gaussian form with many possible special cases as, for example, squeezed coherent states and squeezed thermal states.  相似文献   

准确检测锅炉承压管线泄漏是保障锅炉安全运行的关键技术,音频分析法是检测承压管线泄漏故障的主要手段,提出一种基于联合时频分析(Joint Time-Frequency Analysis, JTFA)研究锅炉背景声和承压管线泄漏声的时频特征,判定泄漏故障的方法。设计了由前置放大、程控滤波、增益补偿处理的双通道音频信号采集电路;采用快速傅里叶变换获取信号广义谱特征,采用程控滤波对采集信号加动态频率窗,再采用短时傅里叶变换对采集信号时间加窗,多角度分析信号的时频特征,以判定承压管线运行是否存在泄漏故障。相比于传统的RC滤波加快速傅里叶变换分析方法,这种动态加双窗的时频分析法能够提高泄漏信号采集的灵敏度和泄漏故障判定的准确性。  相似文献   

The modern imaging techniques of positron emission tomography and of single photon emission computed tomography are not only two of the most important tools for studying the functional characteristics of the brain, but they now also play a vital role in several areas of clinical medicine, including neurology, oncology and cardiology. The basic mathematical problems associated with these techniques are the construction of the inverse of the Radon transform and of the inverse of the so-called attenuated Radon transform, respectively. An exact formula for the inverse Radon transform is well known, whereas that for the inverse attenuated Radon transform was obtained only recently by R. Novikov. The latter formula was constructed by using a method introduced earlier by R. Novikov and the first author in connection with a novel derivation of the inverse Radon transform. Here, we first show that the appropriate use of that earlier result yields immediately an analytic formula for the inverse attenuated Radon transform. We then present an algorithm for the numerical implementation of this analytic formula, based on approximating the given data in terms of cubic splines. Several numerical tests are presented which suggest that our algorithm is capable of producing accurate reconstruction for realistic phantoms such as the well-known Shepp-Logan phantom.  相似文献   

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