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交通警察神经行为功能状态的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解交通污染对交警神经行为功能的影响,选择某市有代表性的5个交通路口交警环境监测,并对该市外勤交警进行神经行为功能测试。结果如下:噪声昼Leq日均值为786dB(A),超过国家标准12.3%,空气中Pb和CO平均浓度为3.38μg/m3、4.39mg/m3。交警自觉症状发生率明显高于对照组;排除有关影响因素后,在NCTB测试的情感特征、数字跨度等五方面,交警组较对照组有显著性差异。提示:交警的神经行为功能变化与交通污染有关。  相似文献   

水下和空中爆炸舰员冲击损伤效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代海战中,舰艇可能遭受到来自空中、水下爆炸性武器的攻击作用,不仅导致舰艇结构、设备和武器系统的破坏,而且对舰艇上人员造成严重伤亡。从冲击波物理特性、致伤机制、伤情特点、安全限值和防护措施等方面,对舰船冲击伤、水下冲击伤与气体冲击伤进行精炼的描述、对比和分析。研究结果有助于快速准确地对舰员冲击伤情进行诊断和救治,也为舰员抗冲击防护技术研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

舰员级维修保障是舰艇维修保障体系中的重要部分,为提高舰员级维修保障水平提出了利用信息管理和专家系统技术建立舰载电子装备综合维修保障系统的思路和技术方案,并结合某类设备提出了建立综合维修保障系统的框架。  相似文献   

利用单片微型计算机技术研制的一种行为功能测试仪,通过对交通警察及对照人群测试结果表明,该仪器测试的指标与世界卫生组织推荐的神经行为核心测试组合指标高度相关,可以用其测试结果及行为指数来评价人体行为功能。交通环境因素对交通警察信息感知、记忆能力有明显影响,且随着工龄增加、接触交通环境污染时间的增长,其信息感知、记忆能力影响愈大  相似文献   

针对舰艇机电设备复杂,需要监测的参数数量大,种类多等实际情况,研制了一种通用测试分析仪,该仪器采用虚拟检测技术,功能全面,携带方面,经济可靠,具有较高的推广价值和应用前景。  相似文献   

针对现有智能变电站二次系统功能测试结果仅通过观测二次设备行为得到,而未考虑设备行为背后的信息流程导致的被测功能正确性的误评估问题,该文利用分支流树建立能够反映功能与信息流关联关系的二次系统功能相关性模型,并以功能测试过程中的相关报文为触发条件,通过功能相关性模型与被测功能产生的信息对比进行被测功能正确性判断。通过自动布局算法完成测试过程中相关设备、链路、信息以及测试结果的展示。最后,通过在某220 kV智能变电站进行试验,证明该方法在测试环节中对功能正确性验证的有效性。  相似文献   

随着我国经济体制、教育体制和科技体制改革的不断深化,高校已由过去的“封闭型”转向“开放型”,由“消费型”转向“效益、管理型”,高校的经济活动日益活跃,预算外资金不断增长。资金来源与运用出现了新格局。如何管好用活预算外资金,发挥资金的使用效益,以保证教学,  相似文献   

乡村地区随着经济的发展和"村村通"工程的实施得到发展,新型包装涌入乡村,为乡村居民带来新奇感官体验的同时,也改变着乡村居民数十年来固有的生活方式。文章以乡村两个不同时期的社会形态为介入点,分析了乡村封闭型社会和开放型社会中产品包装的特征。论述了乡村封闭型社会的包装具有单一性、适用性、局限性的特点。并结合案例分析,乡村在开放型社会中的包装设计受到品牌价值、地域文化、生态环保方面的影响。最终体现了现代包装设计对乡村居民产生了品牌消费意识、地域文化资源、生态环保意识3个方面的影响。  相似文献   

分析了交叉功能小组成员的选择与培训的重要性,提出了集成与协调机制对QFD的影响模型,描述了绩优小组的特征及小组成员的选拔条件,并给出了一些选拔的方法,最后分析了QFD培训的内容。  相似文献   

介绍了开放型CAD系统的设计思想,它的总体结构、功能以及进行CAD集成、应用集成和Windows集成的策略。可利用它进行交互设计,也可以用它提供的应用接口程序API(Application Interface)中的图形函数库、数学函数库和工具函数库等作为CAD软件的图形开发工具,开发不同的图示化应用系统。根据这一思想,一个开放型的二、三维交互式图形系统——KereCAD系统已经开发成功,并已投入实际应用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of investigations into the performance of positive-displacement refrigeration compressors for variable-speed capacity control applications. Compressors tested include an open-type reciprocating, a semi-hermetic reciprocating and an open-type rotary vane. All three compressors were tested under constant and variable head-pressure operating conditions. The results indicate that all three compressors were designed for maximum efficiency at nominal speed. At constant head-pressure only the open-type compressor exhibited an improvement in the COP at reduced speeds. With variable head-pressure-control all three compressors showed an increase in the COP with a reduction in speed. The results of an energy analysis carried out based on the experimental results and weather conditions for two locations representing temperate and warm weather conditions showed that all three compressors when operated at variable speed offer energy savings compared to their fixed-speed counterparts. The analysis has shown the open-type reciprocating compressor to be the most efficient system offering 12% savings when operating in a temperate climate and 24% savings when operating in a warm climate.  相似文献   

Two open-type gallium point cells were fabricated using ingots whose nominal purities are 7N. Measurement systems for the realization of the melting point of gallium using these cells were built. The melting point of gallium is repeatedly realized by means of the measurement systems for evaluating the repeatability. Measurements for evaluating the effect of hydrostatic pressure coming from the molten gallium existing during the melting process and the effect of gas pressure that fills the cell were also performed. Direct cell comparisons between those cells were conducted. This comparison was aimed to evaluate the consistency of each cell, especially related to the nominal purity. Direct cell comparison between the open-type and the sealed-type gallium point cell was also conducted. Chemical analysis was conducted using samples extracted from ingots used in both the newly built open-type gallium point cells, from which the effect of impurities in the ingot was evaluated.  相似文献   

为了减缓冷藏陈列柜结霜,在一台中温立式敞开式冷藏陈列柜上加装减湿预冷器,并针对加装前后冷藏陈列柜的性能进行了实验。实验结果表明:在国家标准GB/T21001.1—2007《冷藏陈列柜第2部分:分类、要求和实验条件》中设定的Climate class 3实验条件下(测试环境温度为25℃,相对湿度为60%),加装减湿预冷器使冷藏陈列柜蒸发器的进口空气温度降低2.4℃,含湿量也相应降低;此外蒸发器的结霜速度变缓,在6h的融霜周期内融霜时间减少了28%,系统负荷降低了19.2%。  相似文献   

Human factors are a dominant aspect in space missions, which may strongly influence work results and efficiency. To assess their impact on future long term space missions and to attempt a general quantification, the environmental and technical conditions to which astronauts may be confronted need to be reproduced as closely as possible. Among the stressors that occur during space missions, limited resources, limited social interactions, long term living and working in confined and isolated areas are among the most important for future planetary exploration. The European Space Agency (ESA) has a strong interest in obtaining data and insights in human aspects to prepare for future studies on the definition of future Lunar and Martian planetary habitats. In this frame, ESA’s Directorate of Human Space Flight was associated to the EuroGeoMars campaign conducted by the Crews 76 and 77 in February 2009 in The Mars Society’s ‘Mars Desert Research Station’ (MDRS) in the Desert of Utah. The EuroGeoMars Campaign lasted 5 weeks and encompassed two groups of experiments, on human crew related aspects and field experiments in geology, biology and astronomy/astrophysics. The human crew related aspects covered (1) crew time organization in a planetary habitat, (2) an evaluation of the different functions and interfaces of this habitat, (3) an evaluation of man–machine interfaces of science and technical equipment. Several forms and questionnaires were filled in by all crew members: time and location evaluation sheets and two series of questionnaires. In addition, the crew participated in another on-going food study where the type of food was imposed and crew impressions were collected via questionnaires. The paper recalls the objectives of the human crew related experiments of the EuroGeoMars project and presents the first results of these field investigations. Some recommendations and lessons learnt will be presented and used as first inputs for future planetary habitat definition studies.  相似文献   

侯士江  刘甲财  孙可 《包装工程》2019,40(24):174-178
目的利用层次分析和模糊综合评价法,建立产品设计中的考量因素与客观的数据模型的联系,对医院陪护病床进行综合评价,以设计出符合用户需求的优化方案。方法以医院陪护病床设计为验证案例,首先确定具有设计意义的模型因素,利用层次分析法建立指标体系层次模型,分析调研数据,获得相关设计因素的权重值,以此指导设计方案的生成。依据模糊综合评价法,对设计方案进行客观、全面、综合的评估,选择最佳方案,并做进一步优化。结论该设计方法指导的医院陪护病床方案具有较好的创新性与可行性,该方法在新产品开发设计过程中具有科学的参考价值,能提供一定的设计依据,避免了决策人员的主观性与随意性,可以提高设计质量。  相似文献   

提出了一个新的飞行机组人为差错风险评估方法F HECA,识别和分析航空公司的机组人为差错风险。该方法在对机组人为差错类型进行总结和分类的基础上,选取人为差错严重度作为评价指标,将该指标中的3个变量人为差错概率、人为差错后果严重度、人为差错影响概率与灰色综合评价法结合,定量评估机组人为差错的严重度,实现机组人为差错风险评估。通过实例分析验证此方法可用于分析机组人为差错风险,为飞行训练和飞行操作手册内容的改进提供技术支持,是民航人为因素研究中可借鉴的一种方法。  相似文献   

The International Commission on Radiological Protection has recommended that cosmic radiation exposure of crew in commercial jet aircraft be considered as occupational exposure. In Japan, the Radiation Council of the government has established a guideline that requests domestic airlines to voluntarily keep the effective dose of cosmic radiation for aircraft crew below 5 mSv y(-1). The guideline also gives some advice and policies regarding the method of cosmic radiation dosimetry, the necessity of explanation and education about this issue, a way to view and record dose data, and the necessity of medical examination for crew. The National Institute of Radiological Sciences helps the airlines to follow the guideline, particularly for the determination of aviation route doses by numerical simulation. The calculation is performed using an original, easy-to-use program package called 'JISCARD EX' coupled with a PHITS-based analytical model and a GEANT4-based particle tracing code. The new radiation weighting factors recommended in 2007 are employed for effective dose determination. The annual individual doses of aircraft crew were estimated using this program.  相似文献   


In this study, we try to solve a real planning problem faced in public bus transportation. It is a multi-objective integrated crew rostering and vehicle assignment problem. We model this problem as a multi-objective set partitioning problem. Most of the time, crew rostering problem with a single-objective function is considered, and the output may not satisfy some transport companies. To minimize the cost and maximize the fairness of the workload among the drivers, we define many criteria. Although crew rostering problem and its integrated versions appear in the literature, it is the first time these two problems are integrated. We propose a new multi-objective tabu search algorithm to obtain near Pareto-optimal solutions. The algorithm works with a set of solutions using parallel search. We test our algorithm for the case with ten objectives and define a method to choose solutions from the approximated efficient frontier to present to the user. We discuss the performance of our meta-heuristic approach.


This paper presents a potentially practical treatment of dynamic operator-system interactions. The approach employs a dynamic event tree framework to explicitly address plant dynamics, system indications, crew-plant interactions, time available, crew cognition, errors of commission (mistakes), and multiple planning and diagnosis possibilities. The approach is applied in an analysis of a hypothesize medium break loss of coolant accident for a test reactor that occurs during plant shutdown. This transient was selected on the basis of: a significant cognitive component being present, high consequences being associated with operator actions, and the importance of event timing to scenario progression. The results presented show how quantitative risk predictions are affected by the treatment of dynamics, and demonstrate how non-proceduralized recovery actions and a number of performance shaping factors (e.g., crew experience, stress, and confidence) can be explicitly treated. Insights and lessons learned regarding the performance of a dynamic assessment are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper investigates determinants of crew and passenger injuries in passenger vessel accidents. Crew and passenger injury equations are estimated for ferry, ocean cruise, and river cruise vessel accidents, utilizing detailed data of individual vessel accidents that were investigated by the U.S. Coast Guard during the time period 2001–2008. The estimation results provide empirical evidence (for the first time in the literature) that crew injuries are determinants of passenger injuries in passenger vessel accidents.  相似文献   

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