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声学厅堂、剧院、音乐厅、电影院、礼堂及录音棚等厅堂建筑的听音质量是第一重要的,为达到良好的厅堂扩声音质,搞好建筑声学装修设计并严格按设计进行施工是先决条件,文中给出实施当中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

章奎生  夏源龙 《声学技术》2003,22(4):282-287
电影对白录音棚是对音质具有极高要求的电影译制技术用房。文章论述了上海电影译制厂新建电影对白录音棚的音质技术指标、混响特性控制设计、声学材料与结构的设计与配置、声场扩散与声学装修设计、噪声控制设计及音质鉴测结果等。  相似文献   

章奎生 《声学技术》2010,(4):452-452
2010年7月28日是上海现代建筑设计集团章奎生声学设计研究所成立十周年的喜庆日子,上午在集团24楼大礼堂召开了章奎生声学设计研究所成立十周年庆祝大会,下午就在集团底层大堂举行了《章奎生声学设计研究所——十年建筑声学设计工程选编》新书的首发仪式。集团党委书记董事长严鸿华亲临首发仪式,  相似文献   

2010年7月28日是上海现代建筑设计集团章李生声学设计研究所成立十周年的喜庆日子,上午在集团24楼大礼堂召开了章奎生声学设计研究所成立十周年庆祝大会,下午就在集团底层大堂举行了“章奎生声学设计研究所——十年建筑声学设计工程选编”新书的首发仪式。  相似文献   

“十五”国家科技攻关计划“纳米材料技术及应用开发”专项是以市场、应用和国家重大战略需求为导向,以面向和促进产业化为重点,针对国际纳米材料技术发展趋势,并结合我国国情,在原有产业化基础和市场急需的关键领域开展产业化技术攻关和应用产品开发。广大科研工作者经过5年艰苦的努力,突破了一系列关键技术,获得了一批重要成果,部分成果达到国际先进甚至领先水平。截至到2006年8月,共创建和形成纳米材料产业化示范基地53个、中试线48条、生产线52条;获得专利172项,其中国外发明专利7项,国内发明专利153项;制定国家标准7项;发表研究报告426篇,国内期刊论文287篇,国外期刊论文119篇;出版专著3部;获得国家级奖励3项,其中国家技术发明一等奖1项、国家科学技术进步二等奖1项,获得部级奖励8项,其中一等奖1项、二等奖2项;新增产值近7.77亿元,新增利税近1.9亿元。  相似文献   

声学是研究声渡的产生、传播、接收和效应的科学。环境声学包括建筑声学和噪声控制两个分支,主要研究建筑音质问题与噪声和振动控制问题。随着科学技术日新月异的发展,环境声学对保证人们的工作、生活环境的安静、身心的健康,发挥着越来越重要的作用。因此,运用自然辩证法的观点和科学方法论来研究环境声学的发展及其内在规律,对加速环境声学的发展十分有益。  相似文献   

上海是纸箱行业发展较快的地区之一,纸容器包装每年以20%的速度递增,2000年销售收入达到35亿元,产量近10亿平方米.随着改革开放,大批外商涌进上海市场,特别是中国加入WTO和APEC会议后上海国际大都市形象越来越深入人心,有更多的外商资产投入上海,为纸箱行业带来机遇.  相似文献   

上海振太仪表有限公司是生产电容薄膜式绝对压力变送器的专业企业 ,在全国屈指可数。它以高科技、高品质赢得客户 ,它以“诚信”提升企业形象 ,赢得市场 ,走向了辉煌的发展之路。早在上世纪八十年代初 ,电容薄膜式绝对压力变送器产品在世界上只有美国MKS公司有批量生产。因为是“禁运”商品 ,我国从美国进口非常困难 ,而且价格也非常昂贵。真空测量技术专家丁基敏看在眼里 ,急在心里 ,毅然从事该产品的研制开发工作 ,并为了适应市场化的需求 ,创建了上海振太仪表有限公司。随着国内工业技术的飞速发展 ,“真空技术”已经成为现代工业生产…  相似文献   

章奎生 《声学技术》2011,30(1):27-32
综述了国内外音乐厅设计与建设的发展历史和过程,介绍了国内外近四十个音乐厅的建设与设计概况及规模体形、主要音质指标和主观音质评价等级等.文中还着重介绍了音乐厅音质设计的三大方面和六点关键技术及我国音乐厅建声设计技术的传承与发展概况.  相似文献   

杨硕  刘卫东 《湖南包装》2020,(2):102-106
所谓"国潮"是指近年来潮牌文化通过与中国文化、传统的碰撞与结合,衍生出的具有中国文化特色的时尚风潮与品牌格调。近年来,国内服装潮流品牌开始凭借"国潮"的文化风尚多次登上国际级舞台,向世界展示中国潮牌文化的魅力。文章结合李宁、太平鸟等老牌国产服装品牌通过引领"国潮"时尚强势回归的实例,从服装设计理念角度分析了近年来"国潮"的兴起与发展,并探究了下一阶段的国内服装潮流品牌发展方向与趋势。  相似文献   

M L Munjal 《Sadhana》1990,15(2):57-72
This review paper deals with advances made in the last two decades in the acoustics of flow ducts for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (hvac) systems and engine mufflers. The context, concepts, methods used and results have been highlighted. Frequency-domain one-dimensional analysis of reflective mufflers has been emphasized because of its basic importance and wide application. Finally, problems needing further research have been identified.  相似文献   

This paper describes the nucleation and propagation of recrystallization in a powder-produced nickel-base superalloy. It is shown that recrystallization is initiated by a sub-grain coalescence mechanism, on coarse γ′ precipitates associated with pre-existing grain boundaries, leading to the formation of the so-called “necklace” structure. No intragranular nucleation of recrystallization is observed, owing to the inherent stability of the recovered matrix regions. It is also shown that the networks of MC-type carbides which often delineate the prior-particle boundaries do not radically affect the recrystallization process.  相似文献   

从自由镦粗变形程度基本定义式,推导出了自由镦粗成形工艺的顶镦变形次数n和各次变形程度εhn,这两个自由镦粗变形基本工艺参数的设计计算公式,并举例说明了其应用方法。  相似文献   

Jiang Li 《Scientometrics》2014,100(2):595-601
“Delayed recognition” refers to the phenomenon where papers did not achieve recognition in terms of citations until some years after their original publication. A paper with delayed recognition was termed a “sleeping beauty”: a princess sleeps (goes unnoticed) for a long time and then, almost suddenly, is awakened (receives a lot of citations) by a prince (another article). There are a sleeping period and an awakening period in the definition of a “sleeping beauty”. Apart from and prior to the two periods, an awaking period was found in citation curves of some publications, “sleeping beauties” was hence expanded to “all-elements-sleeping-beauties”. The opposite effect of “delayed recognition” was described as “flash in the pan”: documents that were noticed immediately after publication but did not seem to have a lasting impact. In this work, we briefly discussed the citation curves of two remarkable “all-elements-sleeping-beauties”. We found they appeared “flash in the pan” first and then “delayed recognition”. We also found happy endings of sleeping beauties and princes, and hence suggest the citation curve of an “all-elements-sleeping-beauty” include an awaking period, a sleeping period, an awakening period and a happy ending.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to provide an overview of achievements and caveats related to ICT strategies for development in Tunisia. We go beyond a conventional approach of digital divide by considering exclusion from or inequalities in access to high-speed wired broadband infrastructure as a significant explanative variable in this area. Accordingly, we link the roles of ICT as enablers of new opportunities for socio-economic growth to the development of the last mile of the wired broadband infrastructure. Our analysis of the Tunisian ICT environment shows a prevalence of mobile technologies for Internet access and telephony as well as regional and social disparities in availability, access to and use of wired broadband technologies and services. Despite the real interest of Tunisian society and economy in using Internet, the range of broadband enabled-services and applications is rather limited. Additionally, the Tunisian case provides a promising perspective as there is a relatively well developed fibre backbone and potentially good opportunity for developing the last mile of wired infrastructure. We therefore suggest that it is necessary to develop a governmental policy in collaboration with the private sector to further develop the last mile section as well as to overcome weaknesses in the current regulatory frameworks.  相似文献   

This work examined the roles of “free” and “trapped” charges in single-crystal rubrene organic field-effect transistors. Using a 2-capacitor model, we determined the voltage drop across the insulator-semiconductor interface and the “free” and “trapped” hole densities. Comparable values were obtained when either the gate voltage or the dielectric constant of the insulator was varied. In our model, we assumed that the “free” holes and the “trapped” holes conducted current separately with the “trapped” holes associated with negative charge states in the insulator. Our model predicted that the turn-on voltage increased negatively when the dielectric constant of the insulator was small.  相似文献   

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